Future of a traitor nation (Ukraine)

Ukraine days are numbered?

Ukrainian efforts to sabotage Trump backfire
politico. com/story/2017/01/ukraine-sabotage-trump-backfire-233446
observer. com/2017/01/ukraine-hillary-clinton-donald-trump-election/

I guess this is an old news for you guys, but i wonder what would you do with this traitor nation?

Ukraine has many clay which originaly didn't belong to them! And here i didn't speak about the russians. Poland and Hungary is the two nation which has a pretty big minority there. They clays were stolen after the first world war by the (((france peace treaties))).

Should them to be punished? How you would do? Or would you let them go? What's your predicts?

Split it up between Russia, Poland & Hungary. The crippled eu is about to fall apart anyway, if they try to even move they'll break their ankle.


I would welcome this. Ukraine a shit anyway.

Are you an idiot or just a dumb Jew?

Ukranians are ebil nadzis :DDDDDDD
they musd be liberaded :DDDDDDDDDDDD









I'd pay top dollar for that jacket with slave owner on it.

This isn't your psyops board, Ivan. Go shill somewhere else.

time to balkanize hoholistan between romania, hungary, poland and russia

THB that would actually be good for Ukraine…

Such a waste of Ukrainian nationalists. I don't trust Putin like this board does, Trump neither. They are stepping stones to a real nationalist future for both nations.

Both are too close to (((them)))

Ukraine is an ideal Jew war, nationalists on both sides killing each other…. take no pleasure in seeing it.

I think its pretty obvious how the lines would be drawn. Ukraine would lose access to the sea. It would be toast.

I would close the border from all sides, stop all food, gas supplies from entering the country, shoot anybody crossing the border, wait until most of them kill each other, enslave the rest, split between surrounding countries or create a buffer zone.

The "nationalists" in ukraine are neo-nazi retards probably with fewer than a couple people in their midst who actually understand national socialism, or the history involved. The other side are anti-fascists who have been thoroughly indoctrinated to accuse the other side of being Nazis.

Lose lose.

ITT triggered faggots who wish their country was as white as Ukraine.

Fuck off Jew.



They arent nationalists either anyways, after thinking about it… whole thing is a sham. They want "nationalism" so they can leave Ukraine and bring it under the European union.. its a jewish front, Nationalists wouldnt be pushing for freedom to work in Poland.

That's a pretty cool argument there. Guess any country with some minority percentage should be divided up. I wonder how many countries Russia would divide into?

What most people don't understand is that Russia and Ukraine are working together to kill all pro-active patriots.

After the conflict ends, both will be revolution-proof.

Maidan was legit and it had nothing to do with right-wing parties. But it was co-opted by the US and aggravated by Russia.


RIDF please go

The first picture is not quite correct.
Tyahnybok's maternal gradmother's family name was Frotman.
So they all are kikes.

I'd rather support the neo Nazis then the Putinists tbh

We should reannex Poland into Germany (and retake Konigsberg of course) and deport the Poles & Russians to Ukraine tbh, use it as a dumping ground for Europe's undesirables.

All those maps are part of a vast propaganda.

All Ukrainians are ethnics Russians, the differences between Ukrainians, Belorussians and Muscovite are political in nature, all belong to the same Russian people.

What's the story with that second last picture?

how's it going, rabbi?

I think Holla Forumsacks are free to choice their own side in this conflict. Personally I prefer Russia and Novorossiya even though the latter is Leninist-Oriented and the former is an imperialistic country.

Ukraine is an (((occupied))) country anyway, the only thing I like is that there are heavily nationalistic groups that fight for their race such as Svoboda and the Right Sector, not to mention the Azov Batallion which is completely based except for the fact that sadly it's financed by a Jew.

The thing is, personally, I don't think Ukraine should be a country, I'm an ethnonationalist, not a nationalist. And for me, Ukraine and Russia are both East Slavs nations with language being the only difference. Russia is a mixed-race country though.

But anyway, I stand with Russia just because I generally like Putin despite his flaws and because I think East Slavs should be a united people and Ukraine shouldn't exist.

Wrong, russians come from Ukraine(Kiev region).
Maybe Ukraine should annex Russia?

split it along its ethnic/geographic boundaries

does anyone have the webm of the Ukrainian deep throating a banana and covering himself in [spoiler]milk??[/spoiler]

That was a buthurt russian though.