Anarchists, given the choice in a revolutionary situation, would you prefer to side with tankies or an-caps? They're both close to anarchism but one-step removed. Which is the preferable option?
Anarchists, given the choice in a revolutionary situation, would you prefer to side with tankies or an-caps...
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Exploitation or exploitation? I'd said with marxists if anyone, not fucking MLs though.
I'd personally side with an-caps because at least that leads to accelerationism, when tankies would get in charge they'd just kill everyone
and you just gave one reason why we're right to do so
with the exception that despite the massive ego anarchists have, they're not "everyone" but an insignificant fringe section of faggots that need to be put in front of a wall
they're both as far away as one could be from proletarian anarchism.
But this question is idiotic because it implies that in the coming revolution tankies and ancaps will be so relevant that anarchists have to choose a side. What a load of bull.
I just wouldn't participate in either tbh. When it's trump v hillary I'll vote green, when it's tankie v ancap I'll support neither.
tankies are exactly as bad as the bourg says they are.
childish as fuck
An-caps tbh. I don't think tankies can get past the state or capitalism and anarchists will probably be among the first victims once they're in power. At least an-caps will allow unions and it will probably be easier to rebel against them.
Realistically it would be an-caps revolting and socialists have to pick a side.
I don't have a problem with all marxists. I have a problem with Unruhe-tier commies.
Not helping your case, user.
Ancaps arnt bad when fighting against the state and tankies are backstabby and purge/genocidal in the revolution. But living in ancapistan is pure hell and living in the soviet union aint bad. (after the purges)
But i choose ancaps cause when we have anarchy they will be unable to realize their fascist pipedream or capitalism. (wich needs a state to exist)
Fucking this, i prever ancaps over tankies as ancaps are naive enought to let us be exist. Tankies are smart enought to purge us as we will resist the state.
Tankies are red fascists tbh fam.
good joke
I feel ya, but the problem is ancaps will build a pseudo-state and just call it "anarchy." "Private police" aren't gonna be any better than state police.
How many an-cap/ right-libertarian militias are there in the U.S.? 200 -300 maybe.
How many militias of any kind of socialist are there? Zero maybe. A few?
The people at c4ss disagree. At least Kevin Carson seems to think that private companies will have a hard time funding the police to protect private property as effectively as they currently are able to.
Tankies tbh.
Every single 'anarcho'' crapitalist I've saw seems to be just a fascist in disguise pretending to be a kewl doode loving of liberty. At least tankies are honest and I believe they wouldn't screw the workers as much as ancraps with their Mad Max idealized world.
Are you sure you aren't all just trots in disguise?
In the US specifically. I realize the Zapatistas and Rojava of course as well as a few groups in Greece.
You are verry uneducated, they wont make a state they will make it a fixed libertarian constitution! Gosh! Do you even Rothbard?
I love that one of the orginal thinkers of an-cap shit completly destroyed the whole ancap idealogy, they are a joke.
The whole standoff at that ranch was nice and all but the majority wont do that mutch like actually topple the state. They prever to only protect their property instead of openly attacking the state. (or the crony capitalist institution like they say)
Thats true but good luck with fascism when you abolish the state with them.
They are honest that they want to purge our ass, and its reasonable. They want a state and we dont want a state, even if we both kill capitalism in the revolution we will kill eachother afterwards and the tankies will win as they will use extermination and force conscripts to fight while taking their family's hostage.
Oh boy. I don't think an-caps care at all for unions, but at least they won't declare all unions illegal, except for the state sanctioned one. We can still participate in direct action without immediately being gulag'd as well.
mooore, moooooooore
just so you know, when i see an anarchist trying to get anywhere close to us i'll spit in their face and kick them in the balls rather than just telling them to fuck off
you are the lowest of scum and not welcome, kill yourself
i'm genuinly against death penalty
you can murder a family, rape the kids, set the family pet on fire just to fuck with them even more, i'd still be against death penalty
but anarchists are just such insufferable fucking retards
they need euthanasia for their own sake
actually, scratch that
just kill their family, rape them and set their pet on fire instead and have them enjoy the memories for the rest of their life in gulag
Cant go around that logic.
Holodomor when?
This guy's bourgeois?
Just so you know, I move in the shadows, nobody knows I'm an anarchist and when you realize who I am it'll be too late for you already.
get a shower
read the fucking thread and the retarded shit you guys are posting, it's just the tip of your faggotry and yet reason enough
siding with fascists like you did in spain, spreading bourgeoise lies
i wish stalin did with you what you faggots are accusing him off, the soviet union would've been a better place and could be still around
It's not my fault I'm afraid of showers.
The communist party? Yeah that was a huge mistake of allying with those red fascist.
The communist party voluntary reformed and abolished its own system without the intake of the workers. Marxist Leninism has destroyed itself by allowing the state to abolish itself for capitalism to take over. Its kidna ironic isnt it that the communist party was the biggest enemy of your idealogy in the first place. :^)
You sure it isnt a gaschamber le non deathpanetly red fascist man.
Two birds in one stone.
Ancap for the sheer meme potential
No wonder why anarchists are called liberals, anyone who said unirocanlly that they would side with ancaps deserves gulag.
we're against both. Historically we've tried to side with the tankies when the shit hits the fan, but that's never worked out too well for us has it?
famrade pls you know damn well they won't
They would, but the PR department would balance things out.
Side with ancaps because ancapitalism would collapse immediately allowing anarchist takeover.
Stupid little Tankies.
The Soviet Union was a failure economically, and military wise.
It wouldn't have survived no matter if Stalin lived for 20 more years. Your LARPING fantasies will remain childish fantasies.
Most Tankies I've seen look like unwashed, poor, socially retarded, incoherent rejects.
I don't see why any sane normal person would want to join your death cult.
At least anarchists have lots of people who hate the state and corporations to work with.
Provided they don't act like autistic, edgelord Tankies denying the holodomor, Stalins purges and apologizing for those atrocities.
The Kulacks should have been saved by the American military, and Stalin and Tankie scum should have been forced into a gulag and shot.
good thread
can't even tell if false flagging comrade just having a giggle or seriously retarded
love it either way
I'd side with neither and butcher everyone.
But tankies if I HAD to choose
Do you honestly think the Soviet Union can be resurrected?
I think that's an extremely stupid belief.
Tankies at least in theory want to make sure Capitalism can no longer exist after revolution
Ancaps are just Fascists in denial
I hate this kind of hypothetical. You guys know that non-Stalinist Marxists outnumber the stalinists by a wide margin, right?
you fags need to learn some military-political theory.
Haha, Nice try red fascist! Go purge your comrades in your party or something.
Just say you would side with the capitalist in the memory of kekalonia so you can fill your edge quota for today.
The memes are strong!
I wouldn't support the ancaps, but I would totally take Ancapistan over the United Soviet States of Tankies.
The reason being is that ancapistan as a concept is already inherently doomed to fail even if the people who advocated it weren't idiots. You just can't have private property without the threat of a state. It will naturally turn into libertarian or anarchist market socialism within a few weeks.
Tankies on the other hand know that a vanguard party in control of a state is a great way to crush opposition and would quickly turn us into either 1984 or Brave New World.
Just look at all those successful Anarchist revolutions! Ancaps have a few rich people on their side, otoh.
anti-state capitalists tend to be incredibly stupid.
i don't wanna purge you guys what happened happened a long time ago
the left is dead and will continue to remain dead unless we unite
right on, my dude, I live there and it's pretty great. Planning to take a vacation to East Berlin this fall. Shame about the wall though, so uninviting. I wish someone would just tear it down.
not so much a question of "could" as "should," really
In the event of a revolution, we're on our own side as we've always been. This is not a matter of choice. If the tankies don't purge us, /LoveLife&Ancappies/ will.
Y'all tanktards sound a lot like ancaps with all this "le united front" and "compromise with us" bs. Compromise gets us nowhere. "let's worry about the state after the revolution" is just as bollocks as "let's worry about capitalism after the revolution." One party clearly stands to benefit from this "compromise," one clearly stands to lose. When you don't worry about changing the status quo, you accept it.
Compromising with statists leads to nothing but state control and dead anarchists.
how cancerous are these ancaps?
Don't turn city into a fucking Detroit (Black Guards).
Don't start working as a warlord for hire (Makhno).
Don't try to blackmail city with famine (Kronstadt).
How hard could it be?