Would you take a hit?

Would you take a hit?

Attached: 23784723 (6).jpg (982x1146, 214.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>>879366445I would kill you and bury you on the spot tranny

>>879366581>trannyNice buzzword, incel. Also you wouldn't do shit.

Attached: 23784723 (13).jpg (996x1452, 500.43K)


>>879366651Go back to reddick, incel.

Attached: 542432 (1).jpg (425x397, 31.85K)

>>879366782join the 41% tranny freak

>>879366827>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 542432 (9).png (760x708, 210.88K)

>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 11245 - amerimutt bloodshot_eyes crying glasses hanging mcdonalds purple_hair suicide tongue tranny variant gapejak_front.png (796x745, 36.98K)

>>879366945>>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 1653972573391.png (721x720, 18.44K)

>>>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 11292 - 3dgifmaker animated gif glasses merge rope soyjak stubble tongue tranny variant gapejak_front variant guinness_world_record_soyjak3.gif (500x500, 1015.22K)

>>879367019>>>>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 1653692657505.jpg (945x932, 57.26K)

>>>>>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 10788 - arm bloodshot_eyes buff clothes crying fat glasses glove hair hairy hand hanging lgbt lipstick noose open_mouth pink_hair rope soyjak stubble suicide tongue tranny tshirt variant gapejak_front yellow_teeth.png (950x1019, 508.19K)

>>879367093>>>>>>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: g2wwsef.png (581x766, 19.35K)

>>>>>>>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 8963 - bernd_schmidt bloodshot_eyes clothes crying dead flag glasses hair hanging irl lipstick open_mouth purple_hair rope soyjak stubble suicide tongue tranny variant gapejak_front yellow_teeth.png (400x496, 776.88K)

>>879367186>>>>>>>>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 542432 (6).jpg (220x229, 11.55K)

>>>>>>>>>>join the 41% tranny freak

Attached: 3688 - blood bloodshot_eyes clothes crying flag full_body glasses hair hand hanging leg mustache neovagina open_mouth purple_hair rope soyjak stubble suicide template tongue tranny transparent variant gapejak_front yellow_teeth.png (2012x2908, 710.32K)

>>879366445Kill yourself, incel

>>879367425>kys incel>>879367346Stay malding, newfren.

Attached: 542432 (3).png (113x200, 2.84K)

>Stay malding, newfren.

Attached: 8426 - animated bloodshot_eyes colorful distorted gif glasses hair hanging mustache soyjak stubble suicide tranny variant gapejak.gif (442x414, 1.37M)

>>879367621So much cope its unreal.

Attached: 456467 (5).png (526x658, 665.13K)

>So much cope its unreal.

Attached: 9935 - bloodshot_eyes crying flag glasses hanging mustache open_mouth purple_hair soyjak stubble tongue tranny transparent variant guinness_world_record_soyjak3.png (532x567, 184.77K)

>>879367704HAH! Incel is still in this thread arguing. I truly live in his head rent free.

Attached: 456467 (1).jpg (473x540, 14.31K)

>HAH! Incel is still in this thread arguing. I truly live in his head rent free.

Attached: 7846 - 4soyjaks bloodshot_eyes crying flag glasses hair hanging mustache open_mouth purple_hair rope soyjak stubble suicide tcp technology text tranny variant gapejak_front.png (1588x1138, 284.4K)

>>879367808>heh, If I quote him enough times maybe I will win the argument

Attached: 542432 (10).jpg (235x257, 11.39K)

>>heh, If I quote him enough times maybe I will win the argument

Attached: 540 - bloodshot_eyes bowtie cigarette clothes crying glasses hair hand hanging holding_object mustache open_mouth purple_hair rope smoking soyjak stubble suicide tongue tranny tuxedo variant gapejak_front yellow_teeth.png (658x818, 396.89K)

>>879367901Typical incel response, how painfully predictable. When was the last time you showered, lard ass?

Attached: max_thread.jpg (600x623, 91.98K)

>Typical incel response, how painfully predictable. When was the last time you showered, lard ass?

Attached: 2560 - bloodshot_eyes clothes crying flag glasses hair hanging makeup mustache open_mouth rope soyjak stubble subvariant chudjak_front suicide thick_eyebrows tranny transparent variant chudjak.png (768x719, 284.08K)

>>879368001Does mommy wipe your ass?

Attached: 456467 (8).jpg (750x930, 153.82K)

>Does mommy wipe your ass?

Attached: 3368 - bloodshot_eyes clothes copium crying flag glasses hair hanging mask mustache open_mouth purple_hair rope soyjak stubble suicide text tranny variant gapejak_front.png (1152x719, 582.31K)

>>879368105Why not join him, incel?

Attached: 23784723 (11).jpg (681x1024, 149.71K)

>Why not join him, incel?

Attached: 4706 - arm bbc beer clothes flag full_body hair hand leg mustache open_mouth pink_hair queen_of_spades soyjak stretched_mouth tranny variant stella_artsois.jpg (646x948, 152.67K)

>>879368301Imagine having such a pathetic life that you have an entire 60gb folder of trans memes to cope with the fact that they live in your head rent free. How infinitely sad.

Attached: 23784723 (3).jpg (1296x1204, 260K)

>Imagine having such a pathetic life that you have an entire 60gb folder of trans memes to cope with the fact that they live in your head rent free. How infinitely sad.

Attached: 6120 - angry animated bloodshot_eyes clothes crying dance full_body gif glasses hair monkey_dance open_mouth penis pink_hair soyjak text tranny variant chudjak.gif (800x800, 255.49K)

>>879368439Keep coping. Also, maybe drink a nice big cup of seethe.

Attached: 23784723 (8).jpg (680x509, 97.61K)

>Keep coping. Also, maybe drink a nice big cup of seethe.

Attached: 5914 - animated bloodshot_eyes clothes crying flag gif glasses hair hanging moving mustache open_mouth purple_hair redraw rope soyjak spinning stubble suicide tongue tranny transparent variant gapejak_front yellow_teeth.gif (255x255, 228.19K)

I can smell this thread

>>879368497Still at it, incel? Don't you have to clean your room or mommy will spank you?

Attached: 456467 (7).jpg (236x416, 16.09K)

>>879368605it smells of rotting dead tranny

Attached: 7583 - animated bed blood bloodshot_eyes crying flag full_body glasses hanging mustache neovagina oe_cake open_mouth purple_hair rope soyjak stubble suicide tongue tranny variant gapejak_front webm.webm (688x694, 1.7M)

>Still at it, incel? Don't you have to clean your room or mommy will spank you?

Attached: 8488 - animated bloodshot_eyes clicking computer computer_mouse crying desktop flag gif glasses hanging mustache open_mouth purple_hair rope soyjak stubble suicide tongue tranny variant gapejak_front yellow_teeth.gif (255x230, 57.49K)

>>879368681Don't make me expose my dark side...

Attached: 456467 (7).png (530x844, 776.77K)

>Don't make me expose my dark side...

Attached: 7286-A~1.jpg (1024x1024, 149.17K)

>>879368790I'm warning you...

Attached: 456467 (10).jpg (640x639, 98.09K)

>I'm warning you...

Attached: 6495 - blue_hair closed_mouth gun hair holding_object makeup mirror mustache pink_hair rope smile soyjak stubble suicide tranny variant chudjak.jpg (1245x1245, 226.84K)

>>879368901You fucked up.4:31 youtube.com/watch?v=vmr50g7AoEA

Attached: 456467 (2).png (885x1000, 627.97K)

>You fucked up.>4:31 youtube.com/watch?v=vmr50g7AoEA

Attached: 6574 - arm bloodshot_eyes clothes crying flag glasses hair looking_up mustache open_mouth purple_hair rope soyjak suicide tongue tranny tshirt variant ignatius yellow_teeth.jpg (656x693, 210.42K)

>>879368975My post: 16:07:44Your pathetic reply: 16:08:10You actually took only 26 seconds to reply. You are literally camping in this thread just to respond with your pathetic "memes". I truly do live in your head without rent.

Attached: 456467 (19).jpg (500x667, 31.86K)

>My post: 16:07:44>Your pathetic reply: 16:08:10>You actually took only 26 seconds to reply. You are literally camping in this thread just to respond with your pathetic "memes". I truly do live in your head without rent.

Attached: 1654199464634.webm (854x480, 886.01K)

10 years ago I tought 4chan couldn't get worse I was wrong


Attached: 1645710360477.webm (608x1080, 1.85M)

>>879369114Seethe harder.

Attached: 456467 (3).jpg (640x794, 128.61K)

>Seethe harder.

Attached: 5754 - clothes ear glasses hair makeup soyjak subvariant chudjak_front text tranny variant chudjak white_skin.png (1050x1205, 585.7K)

>>879369240I'm sorry, allow me to apologize. I feel bad for bullying you because you're clearly projecting because of your small dick.

Attached: 456467 (10).png (711x808, 1.13M)

>I'm sorry, allow me to apologize. I feel bad for bullying you because you're clearly projecting because of your small dick.

Attached: 5240 - 2soyjaks blood bloodshot_eyes closed_mouth clothes distorted flag glasses gun hair murder mustache open_mouth purple_hair smile soyjak stubble tongue tranny variant gapejak_front.png (722x689, 543.14K)

It's amazing how fiercely these two 4chan users are fighting with each other. Fascinating.

>>879369447You mad bro? I think you are. You're still arguing with me in this thread.

Attached: 456467 (1).png (711x642, 319.8K)

>>879366445You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>You mad bro? I think you are. You're still arguing with me in this thread.


Attached: 456467 (24).jpg (1014x1016, 84.27K)

trannies are disgusting

Attached: 8870024549ca8c0b081b0dc9cbde4e40efe84ad2.jpg (528x661, 76.26K)

i'd punch her nose in if she tried to hit me

>>879369957> i'd punch her nose in if she tried to hit me

Attached: 542432 (13).png (434x327, 36.66K)