Waifu thread Extra toastyPrevious: I'm not pasting previous...

Waifu thread Extra toastyPrevious: I'm not pasting previous.Rules:>Claim your Waifu/Husbando>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed>No stealing (unless you roll trips)>Only one claim per person>Keep RP/ERP in private.>Discussion is welcomed>Insults must be original>No oversexualized content>If you're posting images you're not lurking>Stop reading these>3D is almost always trash>Joining means a reserved place in hell>Most importantly, have fun!

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Attached: Неко-Арк.png (404x359, 173.43K)

Eternal faggot balding.

Attached: 2a404af361a1d3739c0b4fd644af9985.jpg (768x768, 120.22K)

>>879364697Finally his face will look like a white slice of bread.

Attached: FD5uSAmUYAYCIJE.jpg (2048x1152, 417.13K)

>>879364772Soaked in milk.

Attached: 0b4a623838b155197e30ea5730337650.jpg (940x1185, 441.54K)

>Glitch City best Bartender claimed>>879363505More or less yes. And usually yes they go by fast, thankfully.

Attached: Bikini_Beach_Jules.jpg (2480x3508, 1.03M)

Heyhey Fred o/

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Jules will become a blonde bimbo in 2023

Attached: Altair.Re_Creators.full.2090387.jpg (800x1200, 722.76K)

Attached: Ghost.jpg (321x489, 57.34K)

>>879364819Man, the splitter is looking so nice, so professional. Better than factory. And it's done with car parts lol. I need a smoke, and some heavy thunderstorms now to cool off.

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