Talk radio hosts and bloggers may be included in White House press briefings, physically moving to larger room
Rumored people on the Inauguration Day guest list include:
Talk radio hosts and bloggers may be included in White House press briefings, physically moving to larger room
Rumored people on the Inauguration Day guest list include:
Th-that's not appropriate!
this isn't funny anymore
What has he ever done to warrant all this attention. I just see him as a faggot trying to infiltrate
Um, stood up in the face of progressive fascism to fight for free speech and free expression. If you would sacrifice all that because he likes a dick in his ass, you're less intelligent than the sputum they clean up afterward.
Shit list, Mr. President. He supported you way before Jonestien hopped onto your coattails.
Plz be satire.
Interesting, I heard earlier on the news they were moving to a bigger room. He is going to totally destroy the mainstream press. I'm guessing Banon had something to do with this. They are going to include a shit ton more indipendent journalists and treat them with more respect than (((CNN)))(((MSNBC)))(((ABC)))(((AP))) etc. etc. He will continue to shit all over the mainstream sources in the middle of the conferences and skip them to allow others a chance in the spotlight.
Nothing, most faggots are attention whores. He is one of the biggest whores of them all including sucking young buck nigger dick on the regular.
TRS posting is still shit posting user.
When are we going to see Milo on Fox? Just let him be a super star already.
I wish Ghost would stop with the basic-bitch cuckservative shit. It's fine if he doesn't want to go all the way yet but he actually attacks those who are more right than he is so that's no good.
He has potential though, I'd work on him.
Mark Dice pls that would be great
I cry everytime fascism is used as a adjective for any form of authoritarianism.
Milo is a shit kisser anyway.
I missed out on everything
poverty is a disease
I hate your blow horn voice Mark. Calm the fuck down and stop interrupting the videos you are trying to share. If I want some plebs comments after I will listen, just be good at it. Conservation is the key to great personality
I wasn't claiming they were mere authoritarians. They clearly seek to eliminate anyone not "of them" through violence, support socialist control of private industry, and feel that they are inherently superior to all others. Progressive fascism fits well.
Sage, fuckhead.
God dammit, this is just going to give these faggots a bigger head than they already have. Mother fuckers already see themselves as pariahs.
any jew who thinking circumcision is okay gets the rope you jew
He works for Breitbart, so why are you surprised. Bannon works for Trump after all.
Quads of truth are correct, but have faith in Adolf Ghostler. During his Radio Graffiti segments, when most listeners are given a handful of seconds to shout something out, Ghost has given users playing Moonman well over a minute of airtime.
Can we get Sam Hyde in the new Press pool?
Maybe Molymeme?
Probably does it to avoid copyright detection.
holy fuck yes, we need to meme him a part of this
CNN and everyone else had to show up hours early to get a front row seat. Breitbart had one reserved for them.
I am sure we will see Jones and Savage there to a few times. Trump appreciates loyalty.
just shut up you faggot.
Is there some way to get this faggot deported? All political media personalities from the UK should be barred from entry into America tbqh.
Life is suffering.
Times of Holla Forums when?
e-celebs, not even once.
>Sage as a downvote and didn't even do it…
into the bin you go.
i only like this because it makes MSM kikes butt-hurt af
filtered for eastkike cuckposting.
nigger, he's a fucking opportunistic e-celeb ridding the coat-tails of current political strifes. They're all for themselves and that's it.
Isn't that like four dollars?
So, then, Gentlemen.
How do we stop Milo?
He's making feminisists and SJW's cry.
I can forgive his faggotry for that alone.
Underrated post. Larp niggers are just too lazy to attack anyone except people actually on their side.
By continuing to MAGA. Milo's degeneracy won't be tolerated forever as the U.S.A. becomes more and more red. He'll cave in to his dick sucking ways after that and make himself an open enemy of the U.S.A.