Google helps Pentagon analyze military drone footage—employees “outraged”
“There’s a general concern in the tech community of somehow the military-industrial complex using their stuff to kill people incorrectly”
- Eric Schmidt
Am I supposed to be mad because it's (((le ebil Jew parentheses Google SJW boogeyman))), or is this good because it's helping bomb le ebil terrorists that hate 'Murrica? 🤔
I'm so confused. I'll better wait until my alt-media overlords tell me what to think of this.
Haha. Soymilk latte sipping fags not realizing that their "dream job" is coding for the military industrial complex.
At the very least, it's absolute proof that Google works with the government, and it will use citizens for military purposes.
If the Pentagon told the Googlers that they were helping to track down CIS-hetero white males for potential racism offenses I'm sure those trannies and poos would have worked twice as hard on this project.
Leftist: Sure, no problem!
Leftist: That's going too far!
Fucking retards.
Filling a captcha now makes you into a combatant and thus a valid target.
Apparently only tech support shitskins make threads around here.
You might believe Google is a US company. This is false. They are a multinational corporation, and as such, have a duty to help their respective government in which they operate. Google has done nothing any other multinational corporation wouldn't do.
Google is actually controlled by the CIA, user.
So is your ISP but I don't hear you bitching about that.
You didn't ask. Regardless, Google is run by the CIA.
Just like Intel who told everyone else but the US government that their shit was broken. They work for whoever pays them the most.
I find it amusing that Google employees have had no problem with being part of the military industrial complex until now. They did a great job with the "don't be evil" shit if even their own employees are unaware. I'm slowly beginning to realize why all the major players in this industry have those gigantic manchild playgrounds, and it's not to make their work environment seem less stodgy.
The OP image is also extremely misleading, which is worse than just being lazy.
Intel seems more of an NSA gig to me. If Intel was CIA they'd be jumping on this censorship bandwagon.
So what you're saying is this was a reverse double Jew meant to make the American people think Intel works for China when they told them first, but in reality they work for the NSA and knew all along? That is an interesting theory Holla Forums.
Should have read Assange's book.
Why does communism correlate with Autism? 🤔
I think the point is that Google is increasingly replacing Microsoft as the US military contracted tech partner.
i think the alphabet thing might not be a coincidence
there is some kind of code of honor in high masonry to give people open hints as to what they’re doing, and google follows that idea with their open-source things with botnet on top.
goolgers - are we da bad guiz now
Love the pilpul, how many directions can you gesture in simultaneously?
Israel v. Palestine is probably the hardest choice a white man makes in his life. One one side you have jews, on the other you have muslims.
So, the captcha memes were actually real? Not really surprised honestly. Anytime CIA can trick other into doing their work, they take that opportunity by the horns.
Irradiate it back into a desert
Will the jew make me rich and comfortable if I choose Israel? No? Palestine it is.
All they announced is that the DoD uses Tensorflow and that Google is providing tech support. Plugging an existing labelled dataset into an existing image recognition model and training long enough to get reliable results could be done in a weekend.
I'd pick an honorable muslim over a slimy jew any day, they've solved the gender problem via forced clothing, they don't keep disgusting pets, and despite the problems I have with them the don't vampirically suck the finances out of the host country. They'll just try and sell you some oil for a good price. Polite sage for off-topic reply.