IDEs - the final smackdown
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I use PHPstorm at work, and Emacs in private.
PHPstorm actually properly understands the code I'm working with. I can click methods and jump straight to their definition, even if there are a hundred classes with methods with the same signature, as long as the type is properly hinted. I've tried that in Emacs, with dumb-jump and GNU global, but they don't have that level of understanding - they use heuristics, and give me a list of similar definitions instead of singling out the ones that are really possible, and that's much more annoying. There's a lot like that, because it performs real semantic analysis. It makes PHP significantly less painful. I'm not proud of it, but I kind of like it some of the time.
Emacs could do that in theory, of course, and I know there's an unfinished package to implement support for some sort of IDE protocol. But it can't do it in practice, because nobody implemented it.
I use other their IDEs for Python, Kotlin, Java, fortunately for these cases it's even free.
It's really cool when you don't have to do the most mundane things.
I occasionally use Sublime Text however, because it can do a couple of things related to pure text editing better. In particular it has the most sane multi-cursor/multi-select capabilities.
I guess that all of that is hard to see until you master these tools. So you will just have to believe me.
I use multiple cursors in Emacs. It's very nice, it replaces the simplest two thirds of my macro use.
Jetbrains macros exist, but are uncomfortably limited. They're still better than nothing.
I bailed when I found that there's no fucking way to support OS-level keyboard layout switching, making it a complete outsider compared to just about any other application in existence.
It seems Emacs wants you to either go full Emacs (use it like an OS; everything you use is inside Emacs) or give it up.
What do you mean?
The reason is probably a design mistake from thirty years ago. At least half of Emacs's bullshit is.
I tried about a year ago, so I don't remember exactly.
IIRC, Emacs implements its own layout switching and if you want to use more than 1 input language, you need:
1) add new layouts inside Emacs
2) use an Emacs-specific hotkey to switch layouts inside Emacs (it sucks donkey balls when you need to use 2 different ways to do conceptually the same thing, especially when one of them works only in Emacs and the other fucks it up as described below)
3.1) keep OS-level keyboard layout at English, otherwise all Emacs hotkeys won't work (because they work with characters and not keys) or alternatively:
3.2) for each different OS-level keyboard layout you use, duplicate Emacs hotkeys with corresponding characters from these layouts (this is completely fucked up if there are many of them)
What are some things you do a lot in an editor/IDE?
What are the things you expect it to do?
Autocompletion, snippets, linting, debugger integration and definition lookup.
I would love to work in simple text editor only, but JetBrains IDEs are so helpful. I mostly work in Java and Android and IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio are fantastic and getting smarter every version. For example when I update I get new hinting for improvement in code, like performance, unnecessary logic... Showing parameter names when I call a function so I can easily put correct arguments without looking at method definition. Auto-completion so great it even suggest correct methods 90% of the time. For example: double lat = object.getLatitude();
Because Java is Java, I need to do refactoring all the time and hands down IntelliJ IDEA is the best at refactoring. It saved me about hundreds of hours over the years.
Never used Visual Studio.
Shit languages like c# or java depend on an IDE because of their inherent shit design
I write everything in mg. Even non-programming stuff. Unicode and word processors are some of the worst inventions of all time and whoever invented them should be crucified. IDE's aren't all that bad though. They just feel a bit clunky for small projects.
I used to believe exactly that, until I actually thought about it and tried to code in a couple of other languages.
whats your point?
your thought about shit design is shit
not an argument, provide proof as to why ides are useful outside of shit languages
Give examples.
Why should anyone argue with idiots?
You have to go back.
start with a definition of a shit language.
otherwise it's trivial to dismiss any example as "this language is shit as well lol nigger".
There's the door
NEETs use vim/emacs/someothermemeeditor
People that get paid use IDEs
This is fact
Ur a nigger
oh really?
maybe it's because you can't into proper design ahead of time?
or do you think that the design stage is auto-magically solved in some other language?
not that I like Java (I don't) but this part reads like bullshit.
I am not saying it is the language design, but the culture.
Yeah, that's is also true, but can you really blame me with all those software architectures (MVC, MVVM, MVP...) and different design patterns that you must adjust to your teams workflow. People just keep making shit up. This is great satire of Java programming: github.com
Holy hell! That's quite hilarious.
People need a tool that gets the job done. Often times an IDE is that tool because the IDE is there and can be used right now, whereas if you want to use your favourite text editor someone needs to write the plugin first.
so: what exactly stops you from coding in Java (or any other language) while dismissing all the "culture"?
Because you are working in a team with other people for you job that brings food on your table. You need to play ball, can't be too autistic.
well, sucks to be you…
but that's not because of Java.
Using Kdevelop 4 for embedded C dev. Works surprisingly well with C for a C++ focused IDE.
That picture reminds me of the retards who say "POSIX" is just open, close, read, and write.
kdevelop is awesome.
Eclipse offers the ability to click "clean project" multiple times per day
For Java, I use Eclipse IDE because it's free and works great. I've been using it for over 10 years and I've no desire to move to some expensive subscription model (fuck you, IDEA!!). If I'm creating a thick client Desktop application in Java, I'll use Netbeans since they have a nice Swing builder.
When writing C#, I use Visual Studio, of course. This is a decent IDE and has improved a lot over the years, despite the hate it gets. I can just never remember the damn hotkeys.
For JavaScript/Node projects, I use Sublime Text 3. It's a medium-weight editor with a lot of nice packages available and excellent general editing features, and very customizeable. Lots of user-created packages, too.
For AutoHotkey, I use Scite4AutoHotkey (of course). It's very similar to Notepad++, which is my general purpose text editor on Windows. I really wish AHK 2.0 would come out of alpha (it's been 6+ years, fuckers).
When I'm SSH'd into a Linux server, or using Windows Subsystem for Linux, I use neovim with heavy customizations.
IDEA is free you dinghole
you have a sense of humor OP
Plz kill me lol
how is that a plus....?
So you use all the worst languages available and then say IDEs are nice?
do you just mousescroll all day to look at code or what?
Are you too stupid to resize things/close them?
Why are you shilling so hard?
If it's not C, it gets the pee! Haha, oh Holla Forums
>If it's not C, it gets the pee! Haha, oh Holla Forums
IDEA is free as in free software. The community version is licensed under the apache v2 license.
Why would I use a feature-gimped IDE when Eclipse gives me everything for free?
My text editor of choice is is atom. Are there any packages for c and/or c++ that autocomplete what's actually in my structs rather than what I've typed before?
this 's is redundant
I wouldn't call it feature gimped. There's only 2 things I can think of that you get that aren't some enterprise memes. The first is node.js support. Personally, I find emacs more comfortable for node.js. The other thing is some weird sql feature. I haven't used it in a couple years but it let's you have error highlighting on your sql statements. Like it will lookup the database's description and make sure your query is okay. It also let's you autocomplete database fields in your querries IIRC. My workflow for creating queries, and the fact my team doesn't randomly mess around with the database means that the feature is pretty much useless to me other than being nifty.
If you have access to a student email you can get the proprietary version for $0 as long as it is for non-commercial purposes.
Thanks for your in-depth response. I'm looking at the features [age and it seems that the majority of features are only available in the "Ultimate" edition. The thing is, I tried IntelliJ years ago, and the prices have continually increased and even became a subscription model. The biggest investment in an IDE is the intellectual one; I'm afraid of becoming dependent on their tools only to have them continue to increase the prices and be stuck on their teaser features.
Wow, I haven't noticed how much the prices have increased.
Albeit having used the student version for a couple of years, I don't really rely on that many pro features. There's still some really nice features in the community edition such as their git integration (including git merge). Another essential feature that I constantly use is the ability for it to decompile on the fly classes that I'm depending on. It's very handy when you just need to check something and it's in a separate project / in a proprietary one.
One thing you do have to get used to which is different than eclipse or netbeans is that you only have 1 project open at a time. If you really need two at a time, you make both of them modules inside of a project.
I personally don't have a unbiased opinion on eclipse as I've only run it on an old computer. Considering how bloated IDEs tend to be in general, it was rather slow and sluggish. I'm sure using it on a computer that can handle it would be a different experience. The version I used is also very old by now, so I'm sure it's changed at least a little bit.
they are enough for any reasonable work. (I never needed "ultimate" features through all my career)
if you actually need them for some twisted reason, then you'll likely have the option to make your employer pay for it, or (better) find a better job.
nope, you can have as many as you want, but they will go in different windows.
I checked it about 1 year ago and it was downloading the fucking executable packages via plain http, and unsigned. 'nuff said.
I've never seen that behavior and it doesn't do that now. Maybe you got it through an unofficial distribution channel.
it was 100% official and latest version at the time of testing.
I am talking about packages for eclipse itself (what are they called, plugins?)
Yes, that is correct. I was talking in the change of workflow that exists between IntelliJ and Eclipse/NetBeans in relation to project(s) structure.
Best IDE coming through.
In that case, unsigned .jar files are preferred; they load a lot faster, and are more flexible for upgrade purposes. The fact that they're being distributed strictly through Eclipse's plugin manager is no more or less a guarantee on the validity of the .jar than signing it, so you're literally gaining nothing by using signed .jars.
so you imply that if a MitM adds some malware to these jars, it's okay?
No I'm saying SSL would be sufficient.
I was shilling for Eclipse earlier, but decided to try IDEA Intellij for a new web automation project. Wow, it's really damn nice. It's a better quality IDE in every way, much faster, and a better UI. Thanks very much to anons in this thread for helping me see the light.
…and Eclipse doesn't do SSL. whoops
Thank you for speaking my mind against the retard. polite sage
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