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Unofficial 9
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Thread 13.1
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Thread 16
Bulba dox 1
Bulba dox 2
Bulba dox 3
Seventh son dox 1
Seventh Son dox 2
Seventh son dox 3
Seventh son dox 4
Seventh son dox 5
TRS dox general
TRS dox general, Ghoul edition
TRS capitulation thread
After dox thread
TRS blames Holla Forums for initial Ghoul dox
BPS cucks for Israel thread
Mike dox 1
Mike dox 2
Mike dox 3
Mike dox 4
Mike dox 5
Mike dox 6
TRS defending jew mike 1
TRS defending jew mike 2
TRS Mike Enoch dox Thread #8
Other urls found in this thread:
Now we're back on track
I'm going to post my OC one last time. I'm mad no one even replied to it the last time. Do you guys not recognize that it's Sonny's drawing from I, Robot rejiggered for this current situation. I think I'm just on a different woke level than you guys right now
Chimpire Colony /r/AltRight breaking into civic nationalist slapfighting over this.
I don't know who's jewing who anymore.
It really pisses me off that I have to grit my teeth and admit that fucking Thernovich of all people was right.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day, I suppose.
Ok so Anglin has given trs and jesse seventhson the rub and even volunteered to be a temprary co host. Count down to the bolshevik sappers and the useful idiots disowning daily stormer 3-2-1
sam hyde still likes mike
What grounds do companies like Pronoun have to fire Mike? I am not defending his lying but is there a wrongful termination lawsuit possible here? People losing their jobs because they exercise their 1st amendment right needs to stop.
Already happening.
And here's Andrew Anglin, saying of Mike exactly what he would have us say about him after three hundred Russian whores are dug up from his flower bed:
There's really that many threads. Wew.
I still say the sheer number of posts in that span of time is, in and of itself, suspicious. Somebody is playing "let's you and him fight" though rather ironically the whole thing did turn out to be kiked. Maybe Antifa played itself eh heh.
SS got doxed but he was a white guy (with wife and kids) so no one cared. Enoch being a jew lover did matter though. Anglin is a funny mongol and has been doing better things than TRS ever had. Just my .02, I don't care as I won't be listening anyway.
oh hey what if I told you that one group in particular, that rhymes with "gee are ess", was setting up a legal defense fund with really good lawyers just for shit like this? What if I told you that the guy behind that got doxed and is out of the job and the thing might well fall apart before it can be set up to protect the next doxing victim? What if I told you that Holla Forums had ten billion threads attacking that guy?
Let's go with that.
It depends if he is a contracted employee or merely an employee at will. The contract would have some protections against termination, but if he is at will his employer can fire him for any reason, evdn in bad faith.
Of course this fucking faggot sees nothing wrong with it
It was a pretty milquetoast article. Doesn't even go into detail about how she isn't just a jewess but she's a shit-tier cultural marxist kike who pushes for degenerate shit in her free time. And that's half the issue.
It'd at least be understandable if he married a jewess that was apolitical and he eventually redpilled her into being self-hating or something. But no, she's basically a walking caricature of merchant.png
I mean, it's better than having Angling go around defending him. But we all know damn well that if this were literally anyone other than Enoch, we'd be throwing him to the wolves. Fuck this "special exceptions for e-celebs" bullshit.
What I don't understand about all this is how absolutely braindead people can be to, after thousands of years of human history, still not understand how movements with egos at the top of the pile can topple under it's own weight and incompetence.
We need something like TRS literally why? Youtube vids and memes like TDS could exists in some form or another produced by user (and in fact there is a shitton of user content out there with barely any views thats hilarious and informative)
Why, when humanity has finally been given the gift of free anonymous speech, do shitters want to fuck it up with namefagging, bandwagoning, and idolization? All that shit is simply an unnecessary liability that does nothing but incentivize corruption and infiltration and give a nebulous force of positive change powered by memetics a physical form to destroy or subvert.
The fact that a subset of whites, who managed to get wise on the JQ and should have learned to only trust your own judgement manage to be such useful idiots is pretty fucking blackpilling. I'm starting to lose faith in the future of whites if they can't get their shit together and stop acting like sub-IQ sheep even in the "best" circles.
been meaning to ask this did anyone else watch cernokike's periscope this morning? curious about his reaction but his comment about buzzfeed caught my attention.
no but look who retweeted it
I like Enoch, as he has made some very good points and knows his shit. But goddamn. Is he actually a cuck? Is there any proof that those kids are his wife's and not his? Maybe their nieces/nephews? I mean marrying a jew drag-king… But being cucked on top of that? AND staying with her?
TRS is white!
oh why im not surprised , oh right im not a TRSodomite
tbqh my only issue with Sven at the moment is that he's so easily manipulated and continues to enjoy having the very people that manipulate him around.
What was the extent of his rightness, however. He talked about a prominent alt-righter being married to a jew, and then talked about some of them being FBI agents.
Who's jewing who here?
I's a part of our psychological evolution. Remember we're a very "strong man" centric people, it's one of the appeals of fascism and monarchism. For 50,000 years we were, with few interruptions, ruled by a chieftan, high priest, local noble, or king. That has an effect on us, we instinctually want to orbit those who project what we percieve as social power.
TRS wanted to go out and do real things to advance the movement. Same reason NPI is held in DC. I think a completely user TRS would've been better, but the anonymous hoster of a thing like that would still be a doxing target. That's my biggest fear with setting up such a site, something I could easily do otherwise.
TRS was a honeypot and both this mike character and the jew wife are both in on it
i'm laughing at all you faggots who actually gave money to these people. cant't even imagine what sort of jew revenge list you're on.
Technically Sam Hyde is a normal (d-list) celebrity, given that he had a TV show.
shame "it was a ruse" didn't save his job then.
Not all of TRS is bad, just TDS and the forums, the other podcasts are pretty good like Fatherland and the War Room.
This is what an organized antifa assassination plot looks like
Don't forget Natt
He specifically said an overweight anonymous leader of the alt-right is married to a jew.
If he just said "an alt-right guy was married to a jew" then that could be chalked up as coincidence and just getting lucky with an accusation. But from what he said, it's clear that he was aware of Enoch's identity. I don't know how he knows, and I don't know if he was involved in the doxing effort
What bullshit are you selling me nigger, i already the knives arrayed against anglin for merely giving a vote of confidencs to trs. You crab mentality kikes fucks are not going to be hapy until we are al relegated to anonposting, impotently raging against our fucking genocide.
natt's not with trs anymore
Peer to peer systems are going to have to be used after the TRS fiasco. Who knows what kind of information exists on the TRS servers? Bitcoin, nntpchan, etc are our future.
i wonder if his jew wife is going to leave him lel. this is all too funny, but i guess when you are a manchild you can larp your way from edgy libertarianism to white nationalism whilst being married to a jewess and not notice the obvious conflicts that this causes.
all you had to do was post NATT DID NOTHING WRONG
nah (((user))) was talking about "doing anglin next" two threads ago, before he said anything.
I don't care for Hyde in the sense that he's not trying to be the face of implicit whiteness like the Dickster.
Possibly because they've seen the kikiness firsthand and are driven to white nationalism as a result. As they say, diversity is the greatest redpill. Or they're jew-white mischlings in search of an identity to ground themselves in. Or they're straight up subversive kikes. All three are possibilities.
It's a witch hunt
IRL lodges would be good too. An user mentioned them in a previous thread, we need to start doing things other than making memes.
I think the downfall of TRS started with the purging of Natt and then NRO.
because the FBI has never infiltrated IRL groups :^)
there is literally nothing wrong with Mike Enoch, bodiless voice on a radio programme on the internet.
why did natt leave?
Well, if its anything like Holla Forums they'd come around after enough exposure.
radio free skyrim fell apart cus drama
Natt was never purged. Radio Free Skyrim fell apart well before Ironmarch v. TRS shit happened. And that was forum garbage executed by Sven. Mike ignored all that.
Yeah the TRS users have been shafted on this one. Deceived by a duplicitous and cowardly leadership. If they're actually redpilled, then hopefully this debacle won't make them lose faith and stop attempting to organize.
I care only because maybe Mike can file a lawsuit against the company for firing him over this. The slim chance of removing a weapon out of the hands of the SJW is worth considering.
Peer to peer systems need to be setup first.
He blew the lid off of dicky spencers phalanx scheme and got some massive lashback. Also he's anti-fag
It takes twoish years of lurking to build a Holla Forumsack. That's plenty of time for the FBI, IRL, to ruin your and your family's lives.
iirc in june of 2016 they were more or less talking shit about TRS, except for the american sounding norwegian guy, and then seventhson deleted their podcast.
also might have been because they called richard spencer a homosexual conman
its almost like you goys dont know that marrying a literal marxist jewess is the last implicit stand of white identity or something
its the same everywhere.
Ironmarch too, great users but the admins fucking suck. This is why Holla Forums is important, no names, no internet points and therefore everything we post is out of genuine interest instead of just farming for a reputation on a fucking forum,.
Pete and Natt got into a really petty argument and then Pete left so Natt felt bad and tried to get him back but he wouldnt so they gave up and stopped the podcast.
Off by one, but that just means you're not satan.
Well I do like The Daily Shoah podcast, I am just shocked about mike enochs cuck situation. I think TRS still provides good information and what has happened here is that some insider real hardcore nazi didnt like mike's situation or some shill actually found out, either way.. I think its time to purify TRS and truly make it 1488
I dont know whom to believe now, there are so many shills in these threads. In heart I will always like TRS
Not trying to sound like a cunt when I ask; Isn't that beta behavior? Like the bottom 80% of men are lead by someone they see as their superior? Shouldn't that kind of behavior be discouraged among high-agency whites when it can so easily be exploited?
At the very least people should have some fucking standards and know when mutiny is the only viable course. Having blind faith and trust in someone who can destroy what you stand for is something that women instinctual almost never do and yet they get called traitors for looking out for themselves opposed to men who are lauded for dying over a cause that may not even be "right".
From what I gather form the flikr album it was a very resent marriage.
See, my point exactly, according to this user, we cannot organize in any real sense. Nope just keep rageposting on Holla Forums, one day ZOG will see the errors of its ways and admit Holla Forums was right again.
they shut it down themselves because of internal drama. Islam-advocate Mountain Monkey didn't like Natt or something. TRS couldn't have possibly shut them down–they could have gone right to and kept posting.
Great point
This will all pass. TRS might regroup…they might not…something better will come along…or not…
Holla Forums is forever
muh milk
Its not JUST that he was married to a Jew but that he used his influence to shill for disinformation and shit all over everything he touched. If those faggot-loving, Kike-loving pussies knew what was best for themselves they wouldn't have started shit with Iron march, Holla Forums and the Christians in defense of the Richard "romans where pederast" Spencer and Grinder Greg. If they just laid low and stopped "punching right" nobody would have gave a shit about Kike Enoch. These niggers where constantly stirring up drama, then crying about all the drama that they started. They where center of the "D&C" shit storm, this is why Holla Forums say fuck namefags and fuck e-drama. But those niggers made there business our business by trying to leaderfag and shill here. But no they had to pretend to be big guys and try to boss people around, and act like pretentious sophist in ivory towers. Bottom like they stepped on too many toes and deserved to be executed in the public square. They should thank the lord that their fate is this merciful as to be merely a dox's dropping. another lesson in the cost of chaos magic.
Never forget:
The coke snorting race mixer?
RFS may have fallen apart, but Natt was STILL purged from TRS for calling out the TRS higherups for their namefag circlejerk bullshit
And then NRO, who literally dindu nuffin wrong, got shoah'd for good because Sven screeched autistically for talking to Natt.
Myself and many others lost a huge amount of respect for the higherups when that happened. The fact that Mike was porking a jewess wife and the rest of the team knew about it and covered for him is just more of this same bullshit that they did covering for Grindr Greg and others. They care more about their little social club and drinking buddies than they do about actual ideological integrity
I've been reading our own press lately, and I've got to say, it makes me giggle that every news article that writes about us or gods forbid cuckchan describes us as either "infamous" or "notorious." Our reputation truly precedes us.
Keep gobbling on those marbles, Schlomo Spherestein.
I would like to point out how HARD these poor faggots got destroyed after they tried fucking with Holla Forums.
Remember CTR? Remember Holla Forums (LOL)? Remember Rick Wilson?
daily reminder
the problem with Natt though is that he himself is a really petty guy, he picked a fight with Pete, he was on a millenial woes stream with 3 other Danes and he argued with them over Jutland being the best part of Denmark, then he started talking shit about woes because of his past. He's a hilarious guy and has high energy but he cant help picking fights with people
no, after the great ironmarch purge, NRO put up a "fuck you we're going home" podcast on TRS.
It was actually a lot of fun. But Sven didn't even know anything was up until commenters drew his attention to it. They weren't purged; they flounced off on their own.
daily reminder that all such posts were obvious bait, probably by a third party.
There's comfort in that; the redpilling will continue in the year of the Firecock
Imagine being that retarded.
This is copy pasta from someone with (45) posts from the last thread.
Note he posts Natalia shopped into a blacked image, the same image template that was used for different famous white people and spammed all over the board a few days ago.
Stay alert Holla Forums, our enemies are trying to use this e-celeb drama to subvert us and use us as a weapon.
Oh these (((_ovich))) boys.
Natt did nothing wrong. MW is a depressive homosexual.
TRS users will decentralize. The podcasts worth a damn will either go to their own sites, or form mergers, in a sense. Content may still be published to the TRS radio page, but its origins will be from somewhere else. Think about which podcasts have never shilled for shekels, only caring about great content.
Holla Forums is a refuge of sorts. anonymity allows the truth to bubble to the surface in an atmosphere of suffocating namefaggotry. Holla Forums is only as good as its base is able to stick to the ideal of truth.
I'm kinda wondering how long Rick Wilson is going to go on breathing. He played a pretty critical role in the CIA's recent pratfall, and nobody, 'specially not the CIA, likes to be the laughingstock of the schoolyard playground.
Yeah, there were third party shills all over the place.
No, the Mannchild is just THAT autistic.
this podcast:
despite the name it was the last NRO podcast uploaded to TRS
I dont care about woes im saying he picks fights with people at random for no reason.
Archive of last thread that was mistitled as number 6
Audiobooks. Start with Plato.
… listening to it again…
oh right that was Fash Course of History.
Fuck I don't know what happened to NRO then. That's right, that was the one with all the larping.
The shitposter is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a shill, troll, C&D saboteur, purity spiraler , it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a shitposter, and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out."
If he's a homosexual then he deserves to be shat on. Period
time to grow up and start reading.
Not the same style, much better.
for this jew to find out about enoch, their social circles must overlap, and we know what that means
Try ASMR videos.
They are very relaxing and won't get you worked up as much.
This means fewer stress hormones and a healthier life.
Wilson is a bald irrelevant cuck, the CIA loses literally nothing suiciding this freak
Mein Kampf, ford edition, audible. very good. The female inserts fade off as you get into it. has podcast links as well
the internet hate machine lives on
I gotta say guys, I'm feeling /smug/ as fuck
All the TRS shills and apologists shitting on Holla Forums for calling out their faggotry and now and all the "don't punch right" & "purity spiraling" shit. And now Holla Forums, once again, has been proven right. The fucking leader of TRS is married to a Jew. They got so fucking arrogant in their place as the golden goys of the "Alt-Right" and that they could shit all over Holla Forums and others without consequence because they were too important to "the movement" and the entire time they were being led around by a kike-loving piece of shit. They were vetted in order to be allowed into the TRS forum and the one doing the vetting shares a tax return with a Yid.
Just thinking about all the TRSodomites and their allies on DailyStormer and Twitter calling us (Holla Forums Holla Forums) a bunch of hyper-paranoid autists and the whole fucking time Enoch is married to a Jew makes me feel like I'm high on smug
Sam Hyde is degenerate pot smoking Nihilist with a sketch show on Comedy Central of course he sucks jew cock and is not a true brother. that said his right wing shit is still funny
what the fuck are you talking about nigger?
Cant you read? Im talking about Pete and the 3 other Danes he picked a fight with on woes stream, he is just a petty shit stirrer by nature.
You can't really do pushups while reading. Wait…
Natt shot a refugee and put everyone involved in the podcast at risk, then made several podcasts of his drunken ramblings before his co-hosts kicked him off.
Wew. Kek confirms he's going to trip and fall onto a couple bullets soon.
That describes accurately the whole white nationalist movement.
It's petty, dumb and a drain on our collective energy. But the drama is unavoidable, apparently. Egos smdh
One great Dane said it the best: "Around whites, internet fights".
you're saying that TRS is bad because their forum is bad. I'm saying that the people we're talking about ignored the forum and that it was cancer, not the main product.
Fucking this.
Educate yourself and quit bitching and asking to be spoonfed.
here is a 6 hour audiobook that will help put shit into perspective. You wanna know why Holla Forums is always right? It's because we read. Not because we are paranoid. We recognize the signs and call it like we see it. It's why Holla Forums is always right.
yes. natt is just a weirdo :/
Nice sage trs faggot
Has CF or anyone from Iron March said anything yet?
this post was the extent of your contribution :^)
It's one thing to shoot a refugee, it's another to brag about it on an easily traceable podcast and put all your compatriots at risk.
You have to realize that the alpha male is so respected because he is so rare, he is the leader of the pack for a reason. The more alphas exist, the higher competition and with that the lower social trust. An alpha left unchallenged will let his flock become weak and content because there are no theats to him. The beta and alpha always exist and are crucial to the unit's success, managing them both for the health of eachother is the key. What you suggest is the libertarian ideal, but a hundred chiefs and no indians do not make a strong tribe.
This is how I know you're not from here.
Holla Forums is not a movement. It is a propaganda complex and open-access intelligence agency. Nothing more. The people we redpill through our propaganda are our movement and our IRL effect.
Say what you want but the 'alt right' didn't come about because Jared Taylor put his case the right way. Le Happy Merchant has redpilled more people than every e-celeb put together.
what? I never said that, most of their user base are just misinformed. Its the people running TRS with ties to kikes and sodomites and the namefag/egofags who think they are "the intellectual vanguard of right wing ideology" who are cancer. If you where just some fool who fell for the TRS bait then you are innocent.
And why the fuck aren't you supporting him?
fucking saved
That's right, the only way to not get hurt is never play the game. Stay on Holla Forums where white identity and nationalism a hobby with no real consequences.
Because he was either lying about it or became an informant to escape prosecution. After that, all of his activities have been focused on attacking other right wingers.
Dick Spencer is apparently running some type of pyramid scheme with TRS involved.
wtf I hate defending my nation now
Yeah it was called Phalanx.
Natt did nothing wrong, he was booted for pointing out that Richard Spencer's Phalanx was a pyramid scheme
Fixed that for you.
TRS-kun have we not destroyed your life yet enough for you to be posting here without lurking for 2 years first? What does it take? Do we have to kill your pets and mail them back to you piece by piece?
No really? Say it ain't so!
join the phalanx brothers only $10000 to save the white race
No, the dox shows he has a great big fat body and a big hook nose on his shoulder. It's one thing for him to get doxed and find out he's some average joe; but to find out he's some doughy crypto married to a fag hag kike really drains the mystique out of the podcast. At least when they weren't doxed, you could project an ideal image onto them and work off that. Now though, try to imagine the image of Mike, and then realizing that everything he says flies in the face of who he actually is. It's pretty hard to not feel cheated, unless you're a fucking idiot willing to compromise for muh based mischlings
CF tweeted "dios mio, la gringos está loca"
No comment from IM yet. It takes a while for the message to reach Slavros on the taiga though
Damnit, 8Pol! You ruin everything! Why did you force Mike to marry a Liberal Jew? This is all your fault. Why did you take notice of something scandalous after it was out in the open? You're supposed to ignore everything that makes us look bad. This is all your fault.
when did he say that in any podcast?
who's we nigger
On RFS nigger, either the second or third last one before it ended.
I always pictured them both as fat fucks and I can look past that, but the jew, degenerate wife part of its too much.
IM members are being smug, like Holla Forums, about being proven right.
Slavros has basically zero to do with this, but he has just released this excellent piece that is pretty relevant
It's not easy to get redpilled on the red pill
What ever you fucking crab, you dont win a war from the air, eventually you have to put boots on the ground. The people who do suggest taking things IRL and building networks you just naysay and act like a pessimistic faggot, such inertia is why we are on a runaway train to white genocide.
He is particularly repulsive. All the other (((Alt right figures))) were atleast passable looks wise but he looks like Mr Plinkett from RedLetterMedia
did he make joke about killing reffos or say that he did it?
i listened to every rfs episode and dont remember him admitting to any crime
daily reminder:
"Don't punch Right Goy's"
Reminder that American Vanguard's faggoty fingerprints are all over this drama too. They tried to deflect attention from TRS and throw IronMarch under the bus (behind their backs of course)
What's the deal with IronMarch anyway? I don't know anything about them except they pissed off faggy elements on the right
He shot one with an airsoft gun, and then got questioned by the police. All of this is in the damn podcast.
doesn't want to get gossipy gossipy.
Gets gossipy gossipy.
offtopic but for anyone who wants the Hotline Miami one
I'm sorry your cult lied to you, lad.
Just go to one more pool party and you'll save the white race, I promise. It's okay.
Here, maybe this qt will make you feel a little better.
It was an air pistol, nothing major. People just like to exaggerate and cause drama.
Noose is a mess of a site, but I like the stuff they put out.
Too bad it's so inactive.
They are the big bad boogeyman of both TRS and AV.
AV had a particular axe to grind with IM, because they were laughed out of IM for being faggots.
I agree
Mike who?
Whatever, these threads are starting to get so autistic and repetitive i think Holla Forums is becoming more gay than TRS.
Welp there you go folks. Gay and stupid.
I bet at this point i'd learn more up to date news watching one podcast from
fucking TRS rather than read the endless faggy dox threads shitting up this board.
Notice how when good, solid, basic questions are asked they get no answer? I've been in the last 5 of these threads trying to get some basic fucking information as to why we're siding with the Antifa dox and targeting TRS instead of attacking the literal child raping faggots running this country. Who in the fuck cares that they shilled on Holla Forums? everyone does, and we shill them back. Who the fuck cares that he is arguing for some "based Jews" when we live in a world where questioning the Holohoax lands you in prison in most countries? Jesus Holla Forums, get some fucking perspective.
So, any more saltmining from the forums? The last thread was like 10 pages in. Did TRS shoah the discussion?
You are not getting any answers, because this shit has been answered a thousand times, read threads 3-5
Mysterium Fasces is top tier.
good catch
Because your arguments are the same TRS Expeditionary Force arguments that have been raped about 20 times 10 threads ago.
Ask shit questions, get shit answers in return.
There might be more later, I would imagine
MPC is going full white knight for Kike Enoch unfortunately.
They're ignoring all of his bullshit and pretending he's the poor innocent victim of evil anime nazis.
Cernovitch is a fucking faggot.
While it's good, I hate how much he cucks for orthodoxy. Has he converted or something?
btw, why did Sven defoo Florian anyway?
christ do i hate cernovich. I noticed him when he attached himself to GG and kept sperging I'M A LAWFAG I'M A LAWFAG, I'LL HELP YOU OUT and proceeded to fucking self-promote. He always struck me as an opportunist, right off the bat.
GG was my gateway to redpills, and apparently Thernovich walked through that same gate into the alt-kike. I never liked the guy and was suspicious of him, but it all clicked the very first time I saw him go on Molymeme's show. The false bravado, the posturing, the nasally lisp, it all made me immediately shut off the video. This was before I could actually ID jews, I didn't have a fully functioning J-Dar yet, but for some reason the instant I saw how he acted and spoke I immediately hated him. Something just twisted inside me and made me think "this guy needs to fuck right off."
MPC also believes that monarchy is just a few months away
Yes, Florian converted some time ago
Because no one knows for sure yet. We know that Mike (claims) to not have any children, and has never gone on the fatherland for this reason as well. And then he gets doxxed, and we see instagram photos of his wife with kids.
So either
1) they're his kids and he lied about being childless, presumably as OPSEC, even though all his other OPSEC was shit tier
2) he's literally a cuck to his jewy hyphenated-last-name wife's sons
3) His wife has tons of pictures of herself with kids that are not her own
from the /baph/ threads, was posted in older threads I'm sure.
I don't know much about Iron March tbh.
i can't stand these trad faggots, I like the internet and heating, I don't want to work in a field.
On that note, let me assure you that the vast majority of the TRS forum community doesn't cuck for Mike "Rassenschande" Enoch on that question.
Just checked the forum when I heard the news, here's some quotes from the rank and file:
Point is, there's no need to fight each other on this issue. TRS has taken some damage, but the message is still the same.
Anyway, that's just my 2 cents.
Sieg und Heil!
Look I love the fact that TRS is IRL networking; keep it up. That can continue without your corrupt leadership. Yeah, some of the basement-dwellers on Holla Forums sincerely think that hiding in a room and shitposting all day will magically bring about a white ethnostate of some kind; ignore them.
Because of condemning faggotry in Nationalist Review Online
Thats because from what we've dug up (((TRSEF))) is actually run by a group of kikes that's been together since before the alt-kike has been a thing
this is breddy weak b8 famalam
I know you're either new or only have like a dozen brain cells knocking together but the existence of the catalog completely circumvents your complaint. You don't care though you want to bitch and do le ebin trols.
fucking TRS
i say this with no sarcasm, please do that and don't come back here. TRS sounds like exactly your kind of place.
nth for based jews
Got a link? Haven't seen that yet….
I am the same way, I had a radar for Jew-like behavior and appearance before I could put my finger on it. The problem was initially I was too young to present (((arguments))) that win out against their persuasive wordplay and thinking style. Its still almost impossible to win an argument against a kike or someone using kike-tactics. They have that shit almost down to an art.
Also a high-pitched or nasally voice is an instant red-flag for me. 90% of the time its a Jew and the times it isn't its a faggot numale.
yeah keep doing that
I guess now we know why he wouldn't let sven sleep on his couch.
i think PMAN is only sympathetic because he was dox'd a while ago and people made fun of his wife or something.
Doesn't sound kosher
What a faggot. Orthodoxy is just as un-European as Islam.
Sola fide, sola scriptura, sola gratia. That's all you need, fuck your incense and golden halls.
Shit answers? I've had no answers other than "Eliminate muh traitors first". If my question is so simple, surely you, being so knowledgeable and wise on the subject, could humor my poor self and answer them.
To reiterate: Why are we targeting TRS instead of actual opposition?
I'm aware of this, and appreciate the first decent answer I've seen, but I still don't understand why the enemy is anything more than Enoch. TRS certainly has it's faggorty, but it also has decent content like FTN or The Fatherland. Holla Forums has it's good areas, and also a loli and furry board.
I really am trying, but all of this still seems like pedantic e-celeb drama. It's like that user in an earlier thread said: if anons aren't nourished with constant happenings they get distracted and destructive.
Well if the forums are completely compromised in some way, then they can use the IRL contacts they've already got to continue meeting and networking.
It's impossible to actually win a debate against a jew, because they'll constantly switch tactics and change topics and go on tangents and never concede any points, even when faced with air-tight arguments. You can NEVER convince a jew. The best you can do is show how dishonest the jew's arguments are in the hopes of convincing any 3rd parties watching you and the jew debate.
I like Orthodoxy.
The normal position of prayer is to stand up. Sit down at church? What are you, feeble?
Luther's mother was a kike, you know
Because of the mannchild. I don't think there were every really "TRShills", just a single autist with a vendetta.
Either way, Holla Forums was right again.
It's not anti-european, it's the most persecuted church of all time and the least wealthy one, from the schism of 1054 to bolshevism.
xtianity is retarded because it's position on jews is that they are a religion, not a race.
I agree with you. I like a lot of the podcasters content. But the issue is larger than just Enoch himself. The rest of the inner circle were complicit in this. They KNEW about his jew wife. They knew and they lied and covered for him. This demonstrates a lack of conviction not just from Enoch, but also from the rest of the TRS crew.
And I'm still waiting to hear a follow-up statement from Enoch. There's a lot of shit regarding him and his wife that doesn't add up if everything is taken at face value. He's not telling us the whole truth here.
Enoch was at center of Heilgate and their defense of him revolves around blaming Nazi LARPers.
Live by the Nazi larp, die by the Nazi larp.
you deserve your fate.
They won't answer your questions because there is no truth to be found in threads like these.
Only smoke and mirrors.
I used to use pol for an accurate news source of important info and analysis of that info.
with the inauguration coming up and all its good to have a reliable source.
But now Holla Forums doesn't focus on current events. Instead Holla Forums only focuses on eceleb shitposting now.
I guess I'll just have to resort to zero hedge other reliable sources that i know of until this sham blows over.
Niggers aren't allowed on Holla Forums
post screencaps
several others including a TRS global mod was caught shilling for jewish nationalism. That is how this started up again. Read the first few archived threads in OP
PMAN and his sycophants think explicit white nationalism is icky so they really want to get the Nazis to peel off and go back to the fringe. Only implicit esoteric nationalism for vaguely defined groups and tolerance for racemixing are guaranteed to repel controlled opposition and win elections, somehow.
i'm out guys. time to marry a jew
Very principled. That doesn't change that fact that it's empty rituals with no spiritual weight.
Lol what a fag
the only time to ever actually argue with a jew is when you have an audience. Only then is it a good idea to do so, because most level headed neutral people will see what the jew is doing and understand how intellectually dishonest and slippery he is. It's easy to call all normalfags stupid, but the thing is that people in general are actually smarter on average than you think they are. You won't convince the kike and he won't "lose" the argument, but anyone who isn't massively biased or stupid will see exactly what he is doing and take your side at worst. At best, they get redpilled, but most people won't see the connection between such an "argument" and semitism, not without someone mentioning it to them first.
Those who would subvert National Socialism are our opposition.
Yeah, and Orthodoxy was really a great bulwark against the red menace. If only we had a nation full of white orthodox Christians I am sure we would never be subverted by Jews again.
Christcucks need to admit that Christianity is a meme, and was only great because its white adherents made it great. Its failing because its ideology is implicitly shitskin friendly because the human soul is sacrosanct and ethereal knowing no race or gender.
and at the same time they banned "race mixers" from TRS.
but it's ok when they do it.
it's not very hard to figure out. they're a gatekeeping goon squad run by alphabets. why is this hard for you people to understand?
TRShill here. This just fucking sucks. Mike was the intellectual center of TDS but couldn't keep his fat dick out of a kikess and FTN shut down because they're afraid of getting doxed.
Not only does this remove 2 podcasts that probably redpilled tens of thousands of people on jews and race but it is also gonna hurt every other show on the network.
All TRS' flaws aside this really helped nobody but the leftoids. I think I'll take a break from politics for a week until all this has settled.
At that point there were more TRS users posting here, but before that I think it was just the Mannchild.
Can somebody with a twitter tweet at him btw?
christians have no problem with jews who convert, this is why christianity is shit
Hahaha wonderful, I love it when I'm right. You are a fucking newfag. I bet you're amazed when people with all zeroes in their IDs show up, too.
You should probably stop posting tbqh fam, smh
all comes down to Joshua Goldberg and chimpire really.
Here's an archive of the old coontown mods: **pay special attention to "European88"
Now here's an interview in which Eugenenix excuses away his friends behavior
Keep in mind that is (((JG))) plan had been carried out, it would have killed white americans. Additionally, Eugenenix is also a jew himself
Here's an intervwiew of him on one of (((trs))) podcasts
All seems like a pretty big cohencidence if you ask me
Sola scriptura is why Protestants don't make art, just like kikes and Muslims. Letting normalfags learn to read was a mistake.
Hell doesn't differentiate :^)
that's not how it works around here you egoist. If you want answers you don't get spoonfeed. You naturally have the due diligence to look for them yourself. That is a quality inherent to all truth seekers who have taken the red pill. You need to lurk more faggot because Kike Enoch has been shitting all over anons and WN for almost a year now and even if his wife wasn't a kike he still deserves the oven. The answers to why Kike Enoch is a peace of shit deserving of a lynching regardless of where the information came from is all around you. Just open your eyes and shut your arrogant mouth.
1000x this
Leave anytime
Bullshit, Luthor himself called out kikes in his book "The jews and their lies"
I'm just a theist but Orthodoxy has some rocking tunes.
Frankly I don't think there were either. These raids that constantly get referenced must have been fucking tiny in scope, at least compared to the goddamn deluge of leftist shilling we got during the dox threads. The pattern was usually pretty simple; one shill would make a "reasonable" sounding argument in favor of backing off TRS for a bit, but would continuously and intentionally misspell Holla Forums(pol) or dox(doxx). Then other shills would immediately attack and post the "autistic screeching" meme about 5 times in under a minute. There were other posts that were obvious bait, saying stuff like "mike is goona fuck y'all up for this!", and others rambling about the greatness of Kek and how utterly superior 8/pol/ is, in order to egostroke anons into agreement.
The whole point was to discredit anyone actually trying to make a substantive argument in any direction, and exhaust normal anons into not participating at all. It was goddamn effective, and I've only ever seen such a storm of shitposting during the exodus days on 4/pol/.
Why are we okay with Antifa using Holla Forums as a launching board to dox WNs? WTF happened to this place? Are the mods in on it?
Funny thread on Daily Stormer about Enoch.
bbs. 77423
It really seems like there are only a few TRS holdouts there, and of course the masses that are waiting for their manlet in chief Anglin to give his non-opinion that they can parrot
barring some ethiopians and coptic egyptians there aren't many shitskins involving with orthodoxy syrians are fighting with based Assad, anyway this not the time and place to discuss this issue, I respect you as my brother even when not belonging to the same faith.
Has anyone been able to confirm that his wife has a son that isn't his?
Not even just Jews, all souls are equal before Jesus Christ and redemption is all that matters. Heaven isn't segregated and the concept of original sin is akin to giving genetics and IQ a free-pass because "we are all sinners, fellow goy"
I don't go in for kike tactics of attempting to dissolve Christian values and push (((atheism))) because I know what their game is, but its not at all because Christians aren't cucks it just is one of the last threads of traditional values holding them together.
Why aren't you posting on end then?
Wew lads. I knew Jewgene was up to no good.
that's a pretty faggy gif u got there Shlomo.
To bad you know nothing about me but I already know your a nu-male just by your gif.
I bet you even watch TRS.
Can you guys recommend me any other podcasts? Looking for European-based or oriented ones.
Eh, 8/pol/ has fite CTR and Tavistock and goons and doesn't afraid of anything I think it will b ok he is a brety cool guy
I don't trust any kike, and Luther certainly wasn't one. "selt-hating" kikes will hang along with every other degenerate, including morrikike
because we constantly warn about the virtues of anonymity and the destructive presence of "e-celebs". this is what happens.
now leave you fucking newfag or lurk for 2 more years.
Listen to audiobooks rather than having shit spoonfed to you by fake internet friends.
gee I wonder what this fuck might be hiding
Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but see
Or TRSodomites are just that fucking stupid like you're being now with thinking i can't see through your bullshit.
Is the war concluded or are we going to continue laying waste to the aut-kike? Let this be a lesson for all those that go after "1488ers", "purity spiralers" and "stormfags". It's not we that get in line with you. You will fear us and you will get out of the way.
Pretty much this. TDS and FTN going down is pretty much north and south tower of the whole TRS network. Most of the other podcasts don't even crack 5k listens stacked against the ~100k listens that the main shows got, mostly because they're either esoteric or just plain mediocre. Without those, the whole thing withers on the vine, and everyone around them knows it.
Sam has always been a part of this larping good squad. Don't trust him.
well, I am trying to destroy xtianity because it's bad for whites, we can either be white men or xtians, either the white race is worth preserving, or we are all one in jesus, pick one.
kys newfaggot
Maybe you should have listened to Holla Forums kike
The 100K number was bullshit. I checked FtN on soundcloud before it got pulled, and it was getting
I did my duty and reported every user ITT. Including myself.
What is my bullshit? What is the wool I'm trying to pull over your eyes, dumbass? I'm pointing out the fact that Holla Forums got swarmed by leftist agitators on the dox threads, doing far more shilling than trs ever did on here. Or are you just uncomfortable with acknowledging that 8/pol/ is not always 100% correct, and can be duped into exercising bad judgement?
Sam did say that his DNA test had some merchant on it. I like him for comedic reasons, but as far as him being "one of us" is concerned, I doubt it.
Holla Forums is always right
t. guy who dropped bulbasaurs dox
Okay, that was before my time at TRS, I've only dropped the redpill pretty recently.
All I can tell is, to the best of my knowledge, there's nothing sinister going on with the TRSEF right now. Actually, they don't seem to be doing all that much in general…
Sam is a perennial fence-sitter. He's still licking his wounds from losing a TV show because he too got too hubristic and pissed off the wrong people. He only goes as far right as his audience will let him, because he's afraid of losing it all.
Hey shit-for-brains, I said they intentionally MISspelled the word dox. Are you illiterate?
so mikes wife is not a degenerate kike then?
Those blogposting screenshots don't really count as an answer you know.
You do know where we are right?
I honestly don't understand how some here seem to know every single right wing e-celeb, all their podcasts and YT channels and websites…
I'm guessing some anons have a lot more free time than I do.
get fucked kike
Dubs checked and wasted.
possibly. we know the mod team is at least partially compromised, mainly therealmoonman and ImKampfy. Kampfy is maddowfag, who was outed one time by dismissing dozens of reports from a maddow thread, and maddow posts never get removed by moderation. Jim refuses to remove him even though he got the boot from /newsplus/ for being a faggot. The mods are subverted and if there was some kind of way to forcefully change the moderation, I would try.
First off, who's "we"? Secondly, from my understanding, some anons told TRS to shut the fuck up and go away or they would get doxxed, and they didn't listen. Now, it's possible said anons were Holla Forumsacks but I seriously doubt it. It has all the smell of a false flag, some antifa or inside jew attempted to bomb TRS while wearing Holla Forums uniforms in order to try and destabilize the nationalism going on.
oh you like my gif? Thanks, I plucked it right from this board like three years ago when it was ripe. Maybe if you just threw around "CTR" and didn't type like a retard you'd fit in a little better, it's pretty fucking obvious you're not from here. I mean, you can't even type out the name of this board correctly. You're a massive faggot, you never used to come here, and you're saging something that's going to get bumped regardless.
I would tell you to gas yourself but you'd be too retarded to do it :^)
Hahaha looks like I wont be seeing you in the meadhalls, you colossal fucking faggot.
Piss off.
what a very Jewish think to say Goldberg.
That on the other hand is very superstitious
that is just nonsense speculation that you are using to justify your rhetoric. Holla Forums is not the Alt-kike and Holla Forums is not your personal army. If you thinking we on aggregate are just dumb rednecks who fall for bait helps you suck Spencer's dick at night then be my guest go suck his cock. But fuck off from these boards because you are clearly not from around here.
Regardless, the point still stands. Most people who went to the TRS radio site were going there for either one or the other. Taking them both out of the picture is a massive blow to not just themselves, but everyone involved.
Cool story bro. Fuck Enoch, I'm not defending him and I understand the allegations against him. What I want to know is why TRS is the main enemy all of a sudden. It seems absurd that we are running with the Antifa narrative and attacking a community that has, if nothing else, been trying to do some good for the ideology. They certainly aren't perfect, but they make for useful idiots at the very least.
That is the question that no one seems to have a reasonable answer to, other than the oft repeated "Kill all traitors" sentiment.
we know who runs polchan/ you kikes kek
just fucking leave
Well thats because they aren't anons and are TRS goons. You can tell by the way they don't fit in.
Mike Enoch had to have known this was going to happen, yet he let it play out like this.
Don't blame Holla Forums, don't blame Cernokike, don't blame antifa, blame him.
here is your answer newfag
didn't mean to sage
That tired old line, that bullshit. You think i haven't seen screencaps from the forums of retards doing just what you accuse "leftist agitators" of doing on here? No one was duped, Holla Forums has been vindicated with the news of your kike loving leader, TRSodomite.
i enjoy MPC but i think their angle is that they want to larp as old timey WASPs (back when antisemitism was respectable!). of course nobody at MPC is actually a wasp, so it's quite fresh when they accuse 1488ers of larping
spell it right here or leave kike
Might wanna consider to be the intellectual center yourself like every individual on Holla Forums instead of worshipping an eceleb as a borg worships their borg queen.
We are the house of truth. praise Kek, Sieg Hiel!
How can people not see that Spencer was pushed as the leader of the "Alt-Right" in order to control it?
Most of the comments on his tweet are positive and talking about how stupid "purity tests" are and how race-mixing is no big deal. Except for the few obvious Holla Forumsacks of course.
How can we curb this faggotry when there are people still willing to support Enoch even though he is married to a Jew?
Oh no, she's a degenerate kike alright, and Enoch shouldn't ever be trusted again. That part Holla Forums got 95% right. What's missing in the other 5% is overlooking the thousands of TRS users who've been screwed over by their leadership, most of them solid, honest whites who need a way to connect with other whites and possibly form IRL contacts. If Holla Forums is deceived through our own arrogance into shitting on them and casting them aside, then it proves leftists can easily control this place.
I forgot which autist was this. Many TSR users, e celebs hell even some mods are autistic.
Ghoul, Lothar, some other fag or what?
I assume kampfy is a troll but he's been so dedicated to this board spending upwards of 10 hours a day modding it.
if he's a troll his motivation is something like this.
all of this doesn't matter really in this case because the real problem is TRS being so fragile.
Because internet tough guys that like to destroy things thought it would be fun, and chans are fantastically easy to gaslight.
If you followed the dox threads you may have noticed a distinct posting/rhetorical style. Burn it into your perception, because the assholes in question always use it.
Well, considering who his wife's boss is, I can guarantee you that at the very least, Mike is being actively cucked. This drove him to severe alcoholism, which lost him his job, and the last bit of self-esteem he had left was TRS.
I doubt his wife will keep taking care of him, and he will probably an hero.
Scroll down to her entry. She literally brags about being JIMPACTed.
and thats what they get for sucking his cock and continuing to come over here to post about TRS when we told them to fuck off about a billion times. And in the end you wonder why we never liked TRS
Why is it important to know who is telling you the cool story bro?
It isn't.
Watch CNN.
What are you sliding Chaim?
What are you sliding Chaim?
What are you sliding Chaim?
What are you sliding Chaim?
What are you sliding Chaim?
What are you sliding Chaim?
What are you sliding Chaim?
nah, we'll blame everyone and then burn your shitty fucking website to the ground. ok faggot?
kek (((trsef))) confirmed. You mean the forum that hates on Trump? fack off
They deserve it for being retarded enough to shell out shekels to (((TRS))) after we warned them
JIMPACTed is the new Blacked.
Forgot to sage my last post, use sage also, don't bump this slide thread.
8 TRS e-drama posts for 1''' fag. Mods are cucksockers for allowing these slide thread e-celeb.
it'll take care of itself, these people aren't leadership material so they're naturally imploding.
These people aren't Trumps, they're even more autistic versions of Jeb!. They think they understand Trumpism but they don't understand it at all and fail hard.
again, who is "we"? Secondly what is the antifa narrative? All I've seen Holla Forums saying is that Mike needs to go, which he has, and that TRS cannot fucking compromise on the no jews/nogs/gays/etc. shit. If TRS attempts to allow exceptions of these INTO the movement, then they BECOME the enemy. I'm not sure what your question is. This entire debacle is an explosion over the fact that Enoch is a massive hypocrite and what he did and who he and his wife are are unacceptable and damaged…well, something. TRS for certain.
I have no idea what you're on about. What false narrative? Everything I said is information I understand to be current. If something about that is false don't be a faggot and explain what, I made a large post covering several things.
What in God's name are you babbling about? I never claimed Holla Forums was alt-right, never endorsed spencer, I'm certainly not leaving just because some shithead like you tries to discredit what I'm saying, and if you really don't think that the anons with 60+ posts in the dox threads, all repeating the same 3-4 memes ad nauseum weren't leftists exploiting the situation, then you might as well lobotomize yourself.
Luther was a Jew, and is responsible for quite a lot of European deaths.
His mother was a (((Lindemann))). Like the infamous (((Lindemann Plan))) to terror bomb German cities in WWII
the answer is and always was:
you should know by now and if you don't know by now then you need to stop circle jerking in you google hangout pretending to be smart because you read Julius Evola and listen to Vaporwave. Spend more time actually reading Holla Forums and understanding board culture.
Indeed. People are acting like Mike being a fucking shabbos goy is somehow OUR FAULT.
lmao fack off morrikike
I think we can all agree that Holla Forums owes Sinead an apology.
I hope she's wrong about Trump.
Yep, confirmed illiterate.
Is anyone really shocked at this sort of behavior though? They'll prop up anyone that can help give them a few more clicks on their site, or in the case of TRS, a few more shekels in their pocket. They won't disavow until they're absolutely certain there is nothing further to be gained from their association. It doesn't matter to Spencer at this point because he still thinks he can skim off some followers from the TRS network to follow him in whatever scheme he devises next. Just wait.
We don't owe her shit kek
The race mixer?
Why are there so many threads about TRS, doxing TRS people and doxing TRS's doxers? This is so absurd and annoying. Wasted energy it all, in my opinion. Could be doxing MSM jews, finding ways to debunk the holohoax to the public, million things beside this crap but instead everyone is attacking everyone. Sad.
nod yum agumand xDD
zero self awareness
No he wasn't jej
Those people already have all their info in the public eye.
If you want to do it make a thread and start some drama about it.
We need some oven, gas chamber, and oven memes with that kikess.
Somebody make it happen.
Holla Forums was sick of your shit, Holla Forums fucked with you
the end
So what's the point of the continuation of these threads? Our part in this started with TRS invading and ended with SS being doxed. As far as I'm concerned, the conflict with TRS is done unless they try to attack Holla Forums again. This is between antifa and TRS now. Furthermore, we should continue the doxing threads we had on antifa if anything, never got much traction because I guess it's not fun or drama filled enough.
no we can't and we won't. especially the majority of us who have never listened to her speak or paid attention to anything she ever said, which would make such a suggestion utterly nonsensical.
really peculiar that several one-off posts like yours just started showing up saying the same thing starting maybe 5 dozen or so posts ago.
Like this one.
Are we fucking being raided by TRS again?
Reminder there is a reason why its a rule that "red-pill me on x" questions is to be ironed.
nigger Trump was not the savior. But he better build that damn wall.
I don't owe her shit. Never trust Namefags. Think for yourself.
fuck the trump stuff, what if she's right about flat earth?
A complete retard that believes in flat earth was actually able to spot TRS for being a jewish honeypot and justification for adl idf splc bullshit. Wow just wow.
She was right about TRS. Also, being in a picture with a black person doesn't make one a coal burner.
Stop crying cause you got JIMPACTED
>Mike's not married to a kike, guys. You've all been G-G-GASLIT!
>Sven's not married to a questionably ethnic woman, guys. You've all been G-G-GASLIT!
>Ghoul didn't drop dox on his entire podcast after being a fucking idiot showing his face online and getting doxed. You've all been G-G-GASLIT!
What is this referring to?
I've seen the screencaps too dipshit, you act like they're some smoking gun when it actually just a few morons debating whether or not to shill Holla Forums. If they ever did, it was barely noticeable. It never impeded anything, it never made a discernible impact. Everyone shills on Holla Forums, all the time, because it's a fucking imageboard. But now TRS deserves to go under entirely because their membership was deceived and a few of them posted on Holla Forums? Fuck off.
Renegade was always into the crazier conspiracies, which explains the flat-Earth bullshit, but a lot of their analysis is decent I disagree about Trump.
I'm just waiting to uncover more info on Kike Enoch, because the narrative so far doesn't make sense. His excuse is that they married when he was bluepilled. Okay, so why didn't he at least make her stop the subversive pro-tranny marxist bullshit afterwards? Why is it that she's, for some unfathomable reason, totally okay with him doing a podcast where he constantly shittalks kikes and talks about tossing them in ovens? None of it makes sense unless he's a fucking plant.
where were you when mike got JIMPACTed
oh god, that is brutal
no she wasn't lel, she even hired (((evelion))) which kikes from (((trs))) were pushing
It all makes sense now. kek
I'm sure you would shlomo.
1. See the entertaining thing is I know exactly who you are right now, but you don't know who I am at all. I can see it's driving (((you))) insane, much to my enjoyment.
2. and you're saging something that's going to get bumped regardless.
Oh, what's the matter? would you like me to switch to Tor instead?
I only bump things i think are worth discussing, and the crap on this thread has already been discussed to death.
Actually, TRS was anti-Evalion and affiliated with "Mikey".
Case study #1, non-sequitur ID accusation. Stock move.
Don't believe that bullshit, he's a kike himself
I guess it requires a hyper-paranoid conspiracy seeing mind to catch these things sometimes.
Evalion was pushed by some other group, TRS trashed her hard.
Case study #2, series of non-sequitur implications. Also stock.
nud em argumend XDD
Hey faggot, I'm not a member of trs so I can't speak for them. What I can do is discourage other anons from pursuing action against a community that's done them basically no harm, and instead direct energy towards more positive outlets. Shit on Enoch and his jewess wife all you want, but at least acknowledge that TRS can and will do good for whites in the future if proper leadership in installed.
When you see these people for who they are, it's total cognitive dissonance, they live opposite lives from what they portray, because they're cowards and too afraid to shake up their personal life.
Who doxed Mike Enoch? Goons? Holla Forums? Antifa?
they havent even mentioned FE since the stupid debate that went nowhere.
kek that's bullshit
that's some good work, OP
Case study #3, "look, mom, I can has meme!". Ususally a bottom-of-the-deck move.
Those are all the same thing
Talk shit get hit, no exceptions
Antifa, they apparently didn't realize his wife as a kike, which makes the whole thing even better.
Check those webms Mikey released, you can see a TRS skype group on the side. TRS is also who released his call w/ Sinead after she made that anti-Molyjew song.
The internet tough guy has spoken.
top kek
No wonder he has such a good grasp on the kike psychology.
t. kike
How hard is it to understand? They are all jewish. It helps them get gibmedats and re-enforces the oh look how badly we are victimized narrative, all the while printing money, starting wars stealing natural resources, and generally jewing the rest of the planet whilst laughing maniacally at how clever they are and how dumb we are.
Same as it ever was.
t. Mike Enoch
antifa it seems.
they found his email address using his real name in the TRS html or something.
Who knows what the details of his personal life are, probably pretty sordid. He could be a plant, he could be one of these mischling jews who really believes he's white (when it suits him).
Or - get this - don't have a fucking commie jew for a wife. For fucks sake, would it KILL us to have some """leaders""" who aren't a bunch of degenerate faggots and/or racemixers?
any leader needs to be public.
the problem with TRS is that their anonymity made them fragile.
Dude, I'm a lurker for the most part. I'm just so tired of all this TRS drama I had to finally speak up. There are 5 TRS drama in the catalog, it's like this bullshit has consumed the whole board and like says, we could be all doxing antifa but we are not doing it and everyone who says they are tired of these TRS generals is shut down or called a shill or whatever. I'm just fed up with this drama. It seemed to start one day and then it exploded all over the place, TRS bullshit nonstop all day erry day. So tired of it.
For anyone defending Emily Youcis see this
Something is up with her and I predict a future blow-up in the media and Holla Forums being blamed by the media.
You're not helping your position by writing like a nigger, user.
I was referring to the way they spell Holla Forums or dox, you fucking idiot. The same thing you used to point out as an indicator of "leftist agitators", it's rare to see one of those fucks on there get it right, so you're not convincing of a god damn thing, you're downright obtuse.
You're a TRSodomite yourself so why the fuck would you be honest about shit?
They just need to fuck off (including you) i don't give a shit what happens to you, keep on having your gay orgies (pool parties) just stay the fuck away, not that you're going to listen but that doesn't really matter, what matters is so long as you TRS scumbags stick around and show your faggotry you will continue to be called out and keep getting banned and rightfully so for being TRS shills
No, you, faggot. Die
Jews like TRS go too far with the hate and make us look unreasonable.
We just want to secure the future of the white race;
Oh yeah for sure keep posting on Holla Forums the weight of the shitposts will eventually break ZOG, we might be octgenarians and our children be the victims of nigger crimes.
t. chimpire
it's a fringe ideology of autistics and other losers, you get what you pay for.
If he's sincere, he's too much of a coward to change his personal life. His wife probably make good money and he's already had kids with her. And TRS is his outlet to escape from his miserable life.
If not, it was all a honeypot and she's in on it and helps make the whole thing bigger.
But god dman staying anonymous and posting online will eventually be a winning tactic
t. nigger
see, I can do it to.
This TRS shit is a big deal because we are pulling back the curtain on who among us is actually for the cause and who is trying to undermine us.
I don't think we're in flavortown anymore.
You flaming homo don't know shit about how imageboards work. Holla Forums does have a huge NS component but you have to remember that Holla Forums is on an imageboard. Some of us come from the "glory" days of Holla Forums and talking shit and damage controlling like you cocksuckers did and are still doing always brought incrementally worse consequences. Some most known lolcows became the way they are partially because of it, some got off the internet altogether and others, who were mentally too weak, are now 6 feet under. Talk shit, get hit.
Some of you are saying trs goes too far in its rhetoric, while others say they dont go far enough.
which is it?
Jesus fucking christ.
Hey TRS idiots, maybe it's a good idea this whole thing came to a screeching halt before they did even further damage to their rep by associating with a fucked up degenerate like this, no?
That bitch is clearly fucked in the head. It's going to be another Evalion/Sinead.
It's fucking disgraceful how all these namefags lose their shit and start whiteknighting as soon as some dumb cumdumpster starting trawling for attention
Alt-kike in a nutshell. Hell, TRS have a fucking hapa on one of their podcasts.
Thermobitch was only right because HE'S A FUCKING JEW AS WELL and him and Enoch sit on super-secret boards together.
Dude, Mike needs to reign his wife in and tell her how it is, be a man for once in his life and take control of that feral bitch. Ffs
isn't she that white girl that fucks dogs for Lloyd Kikeman's Troma films?
So is Natt the last uncorrupted voice from TRS now?
and that's why you can never tell who is jewing whom.
no please, don't stop
TRS are apparently planning to take this out on Cernokike, even though he did them a favor if he's really the source of the dox.
And we need five+ threads polluting the catalog all about the same shit? Seriously? Doxing the doxer of the doxing doxer all dox erry dox? Guess I'll just leave the board for a couple of days and hope this thing's all over by the time I come back.
Am I the only one that see these threads as transparent D&C? We know that (((some people))) actively try to slide the board, and gather intel from what is put up here. No more brother wars, do not punch right, sage D&C threads.
I don't know about that but I recall she was featured at a Troma event irl, let me find it. If this is true
Does anyone have the pics of Enoch at the latest NPI conference??
this can't be real, wtf
Exactly when have I shilled for TRS? You mean if I don't act like a mouth-breathing retard and unilaterally declare all of them kikes, I'm a TRS shill? Is that what passes for logic in your demented mind?
And do you sincerely think that it was trs racking up 60 or more posts in the dox threads, and posting in styles completely foreign to 8/pol/, not including the intentional misspellings? It wasn't, it was a back-and-forth shill game, possibly by lefty/pol/ but it seemed to sophisticated for them.
That's an interesting point. How did he know?
Do you really believe somebody that cucked is capable of reigning anyone in? She probably walks him around on a leash, doubt he'll do anything.
the 9001+ threads are just here to milk the kikes from chimpire obviously
meant for
Youcis isn't even an odd example. Look at the other degenerates they house. Mike is a shabbos goy, Ghoul goes to faggy drug-fueled underground music shows and raves, they're good buddies with Spencer, Grindr Greg, and Millennial Woes (among others) who are literally all homosexuals.
There's a reason any inkling of questioning their behavior or the people they hang out with immediately gets shot-down with a sea of fanboys yelling MUH PURITY SPIRALING
I don't know about you but I'm no brother of kikes
I actually defended TRS on grounds of pragmatism earlier - Holla Forums-lite deserves to exist, whether as a stepping stone to us or as a way for people who have issues preventing them from going all the wall to actually contribute to our goals of rescuing white people.
But you don't get to marry a fucking jew and still lead the movement. If Penoch had disclosed this before, there wouldn't be as much anger - but he didn't, and now that he's been doxxed he has to deal with it. TRS had a big audience and I hope that some people from their community come forward and keep it going - but I'm fucking sick and tired of seeing every single movement trying to save our people being infested with jews.
and then there was Ben
This isn't going to end well for TRS.
t. morrikike
TRSodomites aren't welcome here. Either leave or get gassed.
He's been redpilled on the JQ for at least a few years now, and he's done NOTHING to stop his jewess cunt wife from spewing marxist garbage to subvert the goyim. Why would he start now?
Ironic considering it was (((JG))) was the one shitting up his artwork to begin with
Kek, you try to argue like a kike, but you don't have the brainpower for it. HIlarious.
wow it's almost like vain e-celebs cast their fate
who could have predicted???
Instead of BLACKED it's JIMPACTED jej
You can't be both redpilled and a kike. It was obviously all a shekel scam
What pisses you off more? That Cernovich was right or that Shillnead was right?
I'm torn, fam. On one hand, they're both subversive. On the other hand, one of them claims to hate Jews, but is certifiably insane. I just can't choose.
at least save yourself some dignity, this is embarrassing.
A while ago I was telling TRSodomites that TRS and the Aut-Right wouldn't make it past the inauguration. looks like my prediction was right.
I don't see those tweets on his TL.
You see her GG Allin tribute video?
t. chimpire shill with a schnozz the
size of everest
You predicted the JIMPACTing
her channel, lots more there
I won't have this garbage on my hd but if anyone is so inclined I would save them and make OC. She isn't done with what she has planned, of that I'm certain.
Because now the procedure's been set that this is what you do. You can dox people and draw these kinds of lines in the sand. Hopefully some stability emerges before the left once again catches up.
How did he know Enoch was married to a Jew? OF COURSE! I told you. I listen to TDS. Enoch said so on the episode where they cover that thermobitch vid. Enoch said he sits on boards with thermobitch and knows him personally
I'm probably going to feel embarrassed for trsodomites if of all people Cernokike puts the final nail in their coffin. Lol.
also this one
Thernovich. Sinead is a fucking psycho who isn't even relevant. But Cernovich has influence on the alt-lite redditcucks and can use this as vindication to say that anyone who names the jew is actually controlled opposition.
Kike Enoch basically just poisoned the well for the rest of us.
Fuck off shill
They say he deleted them.
Which is why we need to go on the offensive and point out how soft on the kikes he was,
Is Thernovich always dipping? He looks and talks like he always has a dip in.
Emily Youcis just seems like another failed aspiring artist/rocker that decided to jump on the aut right bandwagon.
How do we retake from this?
So did I
Ashes and Echoes
This is surprising, but honestly self-hating Talmudicists are not all that rare…
It's cum, lad.
We don't care, if he fucked over (((trs))) he has my thanks
TRS status = JIMPACTed
This. They were not Holla Forums. Nobody else is.
They aren't self-hating, they were taking the piss out of us stupid goyim.
I think it's just a lisp
I don't know. I think we just ride it out and wait for it to blow over. The thing about Holla Forums is its a decentralized hivemind that works its magic by riding synchronicity. What is meant to happen will happen.
And here I thought we were this close to finally seeing the last of thermobitch
Putting him in an oven would actually be disrepectful to the oven
All kikes must hang, no exceptions. Besides, all the smart one will hide/assimulated Think of it as culling the weak
Never discount failed artists going full right wing , user.
Yes, us. People who want to name the jew.
No Excuses, Just Performance
nah, they're all shit and who ever shills for them is a kike
What if there's much more to Kike Enoch and all we are seeing is what he couldn't delete in time for the dox? Are we to believe that Kike Enoch didn't at least try to eliminate some of the incriminating shit that we would have found if he were doxed first and suddenly? What if we are only seeing a small portion of the extent of his degeneracy because he had fair warning after the other doxed?
Hitler was an architect.
not that ironic it thanks to the power of meme magic and three-fold law of return
I just realized it now.
TRS was meant as a sacrifice so that we all may now he the power of JIMPACT to use for our benefit
I want to stay on this ride
What are you trying to say
because the mods here are more interested in D/C than forming a cohesive movement.
I just signed up for JIMPACT text updates and I'm not sorry
TRS was a honeypot from the beginning. Too many namefags. Holla Forums has had it right from the beginning. No names, no leaders, just the truth.
If anything, the mods here b&ing trshills have earned my trust. If you realpy felt this way you'd just fuck off to your fake exodus site and leave us be kike
Fuck off with this shit. TRS was meant as a negative mark on our movement.
Can someone compile a summary of the important events? I haven't had time to read through all the threads.
(Checkied. Full House.)
Remember to JIMPACT Ames' career!
Then what could you have possibly done to prevent this from happening?
Listen to me when I told you things would go this way? You'd never do that. Fate won't allow it.
Ashes and Echoes
She looks like a rat
But Hitler didn't jump on some bs movement lead by faggots and other degenerates, Hitler was actually a patriot/veteran and got into politics. Emily Youcis and these others are degenerate gutter trash the type Dr. William Pierce warned us about.
Also: Be on the watch for /76sp/. The All 8's GET is coming soon.
That made me real comfy for some reason. Mostly because it was a well spoken black man shitting on the nigger mindset.
In what universe would Mike stay married to this coalburning kike?
They sound silly and a waste of anyone's time.
Sure, we can give you a run down of 30 threads, m8.
And Wyatt is Shinji baka
jews don't into white pagan magic, don't accept logos and don't know goes around comes around three fold.
If GET we will destroy the Jews.
brace for jimpact
He was talking more about skin-head criminal types who are basically albino niggers.
If it was a honeypot the forums would have been open.
Mike "third base with the chosen race" Enoch
You should read up on what Hitler said about pagans.
Friendly reminder that Hitler would've gassed the alt right.
He's got a major slope head going on though.
best new meme 2017
Kek. Saved.
What's everyone going to say when the dust settles? The arguments aren't changing and it's clear that many of these people cannot be reasoned with, but even 4pol has turned on them or is indifferent otherwise.
Hitler was not a failed artist, the art world was full of disgusting degenerate producing pornography. People like Emily Youcis was the decline of society. Actually read Mein Kampf you fucking pleb.
That's a bit jimplicit you shitlord, going too far now.
But user, the forums WERE open for the longest time.
And having the forums open and then switched to closed is the perfect ploy. Open to get a bunch of dumb sheep to enter, and then close it off to make them feel like they're in a secret safe space where they don't need to worry about getting doxxed, where they're comfortable and more receptive to divulging identifying information.
Fucking saved
That's one of the more implicit things I've sen in a while
Hitler was good, but he lacked depth in his art. Wasn't good enough to get into such a prestigious college. Before you say that college graduated people who did retarded shit, you're right. But for Hitler to get there with that art style he would've had to be really, really good at it or do it in a new an interesting way. He just wasn't that good.
I was there just as they made the forums invite only, and my constant blackpilling was one of the reasons they did it. That and the slap fight with IronLARP.
But I was right the entire time.
Ashes and Echoes
I watched the first 30 seconds of that and I'm convinced beyond all doubt she was molested as a child. There's no other explanation for how she could dream up something so foul.
Say what you will about TDS, but FTN was pretty good.
One of her fanboys here. Get it together user or kys.
That (((trs))) was controller opposition and anyone associated with the upper echelons deserves the gas
When the site first started out they basically were open. It wasn't until they started getting big they locked them down. Why would they do that? Let's say you're running a sting operation. Who do you want to nab? The tourist kid looking for a dime bag or the mexican cartel lord running 1000 kilos of coke a week? They made the forums harder to get into in order to more easily sort the wheat from the chaff. Then they bust one guy and get him to roll on everybody else. Honestly, this feels like something law enforcement would have pulled.
They knew about this shit, they're juat as much kikes along with the rest of them
Anyone who knew about Enoch deserves gas.
idk I couldn't stand listening because of that one cohost
Someone post that cap
She's probably just a kike
If you're already amazing, you wouldn't need to attend art college in the first place.
Failed as in not making it in the art world, yeah, Emily would of been considered a successful artist back then for her degenerate artwork.
fuck kike enochs lies, but if he was really a subvert, why did he constantly name the jew? i learned a yuge amount of jewish history from him (now i understand why he knew all of this) but all in the context of evil kikery. i didnt hear him make any 'based israelis' arguments and always heard him scudding kikes. i dont know if i buy the controlled op argument. if it was controlled op, it was probably the worst controlled op ive ever seen
Jazzhands may have some deep secret he wants to hide.
kek, keep undermining your own argument by shitting on Hitler kike
It's kind of funny. They think shutting down their show is going to stop them from getting doxed, if ANTIFA is telling the truth and Ghoul spilled?
Jazz and Halberstram work for the Republican Party's supposrting apparatus. They don't know it yet, but FTN became their career the second Ghoul showed his face.
It probably has more to do with cognitive dissonance on his part.
Halberstram got me using the best nigger slur again, Jiggaboo.
Guess so. I still think they're still the real deal, especially Lauritz, He actually probably didn't know.
don't forget Bulbasaur literally was a +$10 SA goon whose best friends where jews and niggers.
That includes any and all of their podcasters
i always thought he looked kinda jewy, but I still think you're wrong
jews rape children with shocking regularity
t. got kiddydiddled and almost every jew I meet sets off the pedo alarm bells
Nah, probably just a kike
Now, have a blacked logo in the bottom corner that says "Jimpacted"
Yeah, like his real life identity. You don't need to be a fucking kike-lover to not want to get doxxed. Even without that controversy, people who get doxed still lose their jobs.
10/10 thread delivers the lols
hey trsodomites, how does it feel getting your shit pushed in this much?
Jesus would have kicked their ass….
The worst thing about them is fooling a bunch of well meaning idiots and forcing them to empty their pockets to support jews and faggots…..funding their own destruction.
I'm sure TRS did not turn over people's private information to the FBI seeing how they are the paramount of right wing virtue & only have a few "based jews" in charge.
There is no excuse for jews in a right wing group of less for nationalist organizations … you want jews look at any western government all of those are covered in jews look at what they've wrought.
After all the attacks supposedly by Bui there was massive trs shilling when the board returned. Every damn thread
Over and over again. TRS was wide open and constantly shilling here. Has Bui ever been id'd as even being real?
anti-pizza gate is ani-semitism goy! :^)
I forgot where I heard it but I heard that Jazzy's name is Ezekiel
Now he's actually a confirmed kike kek
W u t
I'm arguing that he was a good artist who should've been admitted to the school. Re-read what I replied to – the idea that you need to be amazing in all ways to get into an art school defeats the purpose of the school existing.
Maybe English isn't your first language so comprehension is difficult.
it's just a coincidence that a slice of pizza looks like a kike's nose :^)
I'm having real trouble picturing his voice on a nigger tbh
I could picture him being a Moishe but not a Markus
this. somebody get all those clips of her in the background of TDS broadcasts while Mike is screaming "nigger kike" and all that, and get her fired!
Because then retards would donate to "save their race". Kinda puts a whole new perspective on the emphasis of calling each other "goys"
Who would win in a debate, Mike or Jim?
ultimately why he failed
It's a pervasive meme, now I'm saying it. Fugg.
Audio of his kike wife starts at 1hr52,min
WTF is wrong with Pinochet? Other than him being a spic?
He was a kike puppet, and the meme was at least popularized by jew-fucker Enoch.
Fucking TRS.
I know Jazzhands being a nigger is a silly idea, but I'm going to cap this and if he actually turns out 1/2 nigger or more, I expect full credit to be filed in the "Holla Forums is always right" folder.
smdh tbh fam. Pinochet was of pure european ancestry. Not a mestizo.
Nah, at this point it's safe to assume that any and all shilling for other sites are just chimpire kikes shilling against our based mods
uh… the fact that he sold out his country to globalist kikes? even the lolbergtardians over at TRS will tell you that and admit the Pinochet thing is just a joke
He was kike controlled in any case, so even worse
Holla Forums mods are niggerfaggots
best post ever
He's a kike along with the rest of chimpire
t. goon
I thought the economy got a hell of a lot better when he took over?
Then leave our site, unless of course you're just being disengenuous
Wait… Jazzhands is tied to the Chimpire? I know more than I should about them.
morrakiu?! sauce??? i thought he was just 1% nigger
so not honeypot but shekel farm? hmm. maybe. aglin manages to run his site with no funding, but its nowhere near as big. still unsure
Wait, which podcast features a hapa?
All of (((trs))) is tied to chimpire and daily stormer
I am a catholic with respect for my celtic heritage but I was a practitioner of wiccan magic before becoming a traditionalist. All I am saying is what you put out into the universe manages to boomerang back to you unless what you create is inline with the natrual order and gods law.
Do you have a link to that leaked private chat?
I'm going to request a history on the chimpire goons
Seems like they're the eternal enemy of Holla Forums
I know that Lothar is Chimpire, I know Evalion is and some others.
I also have some pics of some of the others.
wew, i'm getting too old for this – enjoy the rest of your day shilling, faggots
Everything and everybody from TRS is suspect. discovering that jews are influencing a group is like realizing that someone put poison into the soup….the entire thing is spoiled.
If i had to guess I would say the rest of the TRS people are probably fags, informants,jews and or mulattos.
I would love to see what an audit andan investigation of TRS turns up.
It did the communist that was in before him ruined the currency. Pinochet made the economy better ( at least on paper can't speak to jew control idk about it).Chile went to hell after he stepped down basically power was handed back over to communists… by design perhaps?
need someone to make a webm echo of (((TRS))).
And chimpire pushed evalion. I have a screencap somewhere of a chat where they're planning shit related to her. Can't find it, anyone have it?
This does not speak well of marriage lads.
I guess that makes sense as a tactic but i don't know who would be pulling the con. after all the TRS heads got doxxed not a bunch of their forum members.
t. retarded lolbergtardian kike-lover
yeah, when you suck kike dick they give you money. Duh. So what? in reality it was either the (((US))) or the Soviets, so what can ya do
iirc basically shes set up to fall and look ridiculous so that chimpire can seek glory from her failing
Go to her encyclopedia dramatica page. There is two archives of their chat logs, ~Suspook talking about writing her scripts and other drama.
yup, the connection is Joshua Goldberg, a kike terrorist who tried to kill white americans
they're actually just a bunch of kikes who like to LARP as wn, this includes weev, nothing hard to understand
Someone post the picture of the black guy's hand I need it
His wife wasn't in the dark, she did a Christmas song and has been heard during podcasts. It was all an act.
That too
Does anyone else wish that all namefags were dead and it was just anons actually making OC and fucking with people on twitter.
I swear to god none of these E-celebs actually fucking do anything. They're all goddamn worthless.
Which can only mean she was in on the kike scam as well
I don't have the template, but you mean this?
I gave you the benefit of the doubt user XXXDD!
Fuck you for taking my perfectly structured joke seriously.
I kek'd
Sounds a lot like jews. :^)
Wow I thought they were joking about the hapa thing.
it never ends man
Is their entire shtick just fucking larping? What are they even doing…?
What was their end game?
So can we just stop entertaining all talk of
At this point, we know it was all a shekel scam or worse.
Any way to make a no-namefag podcast of Holla Forumsacks talking about news and happenings? Where all members are totally anonymous?
nvm kyle linked to that on his twatter. kyle you flat earth douche, put the damn link in the thread or fuck off
How apropos.
Jesus christ. Just the title is exorcism-tier.
And I thought my fetishes were fucked up.
Don't be naive the whore was in on it. jews do this time and again and people make excuses for jews!?!
TRS was an act for these people to subvert the right and make $$$$. To TRS apologists
You were scammed & used by jews!
she looks huwhite to me
There was some podcast by Natt that explained what was going on with that drama.
IIRC it was less compromising (but cringier) that suspected, but it was also revealed that she and Mikey are high school dropouts kek.
Kinda obvious after it turns out when you're vetted you have to go through a background check and turn over your ssns
hmm…trsodomites are awfully quiet, it must be pretty embarrassing for them, at this point they're nothing more than lolcows
Think about how you'd set it up. Not only do you have to someone get in contact with them, it would be faggy e-celeb wannabes anyway. Or just four FBI agents trying to out-FBI each other.
still don't understand how naming the jew and talking about ovening kikes constantly is a form of subversion
Well it's hard to fucking tell, TRS faggots have been saying the same thing in earnest.
How can the Enoch defenders explain this?
If his jew wife was LARPing as le alt-right fag-hating Nazi on the podcast, why should we think he was any different?
The idea has been thrown around for a while we just need an user to take a step and set it up. Just allow Anons to call in with automatic voice modification and prevent the same IP's from calling in again for an arbitrary period. Let's say 2 weeks. It would be a complete shitshow but it would be consistently hilarious and unpredictable.
Anons really need to step up and take our anonymous method of doing things to other mediums and provide viable alternatives to namefaggotry. We can only really get rid of them if we provide a superior alternative.
I'm not implying it wasn't a honeypot. But the best case scenario is that I think was just for money. Worst case scenario is that it was a shekel farm and honeypot planning on goading others to talk about illegal activity eventually and farm more shekels by being an informant.
what are you doing right now?
You are defending fag enablers and jews……. right subverted.
That voice sounds EXACTLY like what I would expect. This was planned. This was intentional. TRS was compromised from day 1. Anyone defending Enoch after this deserves to get gassed.
You know I felt a tinge of remorse for Enoch, but I don't anymore
this, only a kike would claim that that's white
Possibly connected to B'nai B'rth which has a long history of subversion and kikery. His wife being in on it and president of a local chapter points to this.
the main guys wife was the president of her b'rnai b'rith chapter.
haha nice wishful thinking. how much did you donate faggot? You dun goofed.
this is the thing that mindfucked me, after hearing this, and seeing her IRL political stances and muh lgbt diversity refugee niggers….
i was mocking jared taylor, i don't think she's white.
So basically like one of those google hangouts where anyone can hop out and shoot the shit.
I think it could work. Only point of contention would be that there NEEDS to be some form of moderator, or else any retard or antifa leftypol faggot could get on and spend the entire time literally autistically screaming just to (((shut it down))) for an entire episode, effectively.
read the rest I was being sarcastic.
To expand on this idea anything that we make needs to be as chaotic as possible. We need to go into it knowing that things will go horribly and hilariously wrong.
We compensate for that by having no ego or personal attachments. Just pure unpredictable chaos.
Talkshoe can be done to do this and it produces content to itunes as well. I did it with a friend of mine back when it was all about Holla Forums.
Better version.
Sure would be a shame if somebody sent it to the kike whore's employer.
fuck and she even sounds jewy. I couldn't make it through that
Jews are gene stealers. They racemix just enough to take on characteristics of the host nation but not enough to eliminate their genetic uniqueness. I think it's something of a defense mechanism. Even Hitler discussed this in Mein Kampf when discussing the Jews from his childhood vs the Vienna Jews.
Do you know what you've been banned for? I've been pretty critical of Kike Enoch over there and I just get downvoted, but not banned.
She does mention merchants. But I don't understand how she would do this. Does she not believe any of this? if so, why would she do it?
is it just me or does she sound like barbara lerner spectre? lesson learned to trust gut instincts even on voices.
Good find.
Man. The sense of betrayal I feel is sickening.
I wish I was still able to trust people, Holla Forums. Even after so many times going through this cycle it still hurts.
You autists are the only genuine, honest people I've ever found.
This, no point in trying to regulate it at first there is
I have to confess even though he is a cuck
I actually don't mind jared taylor that much
If only these kikes had not stepped on toes
Holla Forumsocks would never have exposed their big nose
true, but no one would have known they were either if they werent doxed. was it set up to fail and gaslight us?
irregardless it's a message to the TRS idiots who didn't listen to Holla Forums
ecelebs = cancer
Never Forget
I've never posted a single thing over there yet my account I had set up for lurking was mysteriously banned too. Of course, I haven't used it for a year so who knows.
The real question is, if she would say things she didn't believe on the podcast, why should we believe her husband believed what he said?
For the shekels m8
Yeah, they regularly prune lurker accounts as an anti-JIDF measure. allegedly.
no idea why, probably thought is was a spy because i never posted anything just observed discussions
just in passing though. I think jews do shit like this because they get off on it.
yeah this. if she's in on it then there is no trust for peinovich.
Jews don't care about putting on the goy mask
It only helps them in the end. If they find a way to make more anti-semites out there in the world, it's just more of an opportunity to play victim
There's a reason why the 'whatcha doin rabbi" meme exists
The forums went private and those that didn't "get vetted" or something were autobahned, I imagine.
there was a mass banning of almost everyone about 6 months ago, you were probably caught up in that. you had to email and prove yourself somehow to get back in
The shitty truth is that time consuming activities are abandoned if there's not a return of the investment. When I finished uni some of my friends started their own company and some of the employees accepted they wouldn't be receiving a salary until things took off because they were friends (less was demanded of them and they weren't technically part of the staff). It kinda worked until the people that weren't being paid had something else to do, like talking to their girlfriends. The first weeks it's fun, but after 3 months would you want to put time into it for 60 views?
Fair enough.
Test 1 2
I've been Jewed
It just dawned on me that if the whole thing was indeed a honeypot or similar, tinfoil or not, perhaps the guy was trying to save me from myself by excluding me
I honestly can't reconcile all of this shit. I honestly thought it was just a straightforward honeypot full of idiots for a while, but there are so many contradictions.
We also need to be aware that it will mostly be autism, shitposting, and trolling with the occasional perfect storm that produces insightful and intelligence conversation(just like imageboards). Of course that intelligent discussion will be heads and heels above anything TRS has ever produced. You just have to go with the chaos.
We're a chaos cult and we know from experience that any structured user projects ALWAYS fall apart and go to shit. We absolutely can expand into other mediums but only if we retain or core character of constant chaos. In the past we've always gone about doing things outside imageboards by the way things were done in the past. We don't and can't operate by the same rules that normalfags use.
Exactly. Not only him, but everyone else who knew. Seventh Son, and all of the other high ups had to have known. The level of acceptance for this at the TRS forum is astounding. I could show you all of the dozens of threads supporting this. It's all a big honeypot.
E-celebs should never be able to hurt you user. You have to look at them as headcases who are in it for internet notoriety.
TRS confirmed pedophiles
Not to be a shill for them, but…
there's really no evidence that it's in fact his wife's voice, or that she even knows about the podcast.
Mike has a black half brother. (/matt.peinovich.9)
oh fuck i forgot about this. holy shit. jesus, TRS really was just a honeypot, eh? anyone post this on the TRS forums yet? I'd like to see what they have to say
You're forgetting that Holla Forums called them out for all their jewry
Holla Forums always knew they were jews, remember Holla Forums is always right
well in that case that's just as damning because it shows that they'd be intentionally protecting the jewess
we need inside info from the secret forums
espionage anons, get in here
Can confirm
The only one you can truly trust is all of us.
It's not necessarily the e-celebs themselves, lad, more the realization attached to that clip. It's the fact that every time there's an agreeable non-user face it turns out as another one of these episodes.
Makes you feel real alone in the world.
Fuck off morrikike, we know you're a kike too
or they needed a way to figure out who really wanted/needed to be in that forum because it was already a shit show and the trs mega threads began appearing here
my god
Mike's picture is there with his wife too
Those are all good points, but the beauty of it would be that since random anons come on every week, you dont have to worry about them burning out. It's not the same as requiring the same group to go on each and every week. It'd merely be, oh, these couple dudes are free this time, come aboard.
What do you want to see?
Post them nigger.
i foolishly let emotional investment cloud my judgement because i liked the podcasts. i should never have distrusted Holla Forums
The degeneracy gets even deeper. Enoch has a half black brother.
There is literally nothing wrong with miscegenation.
Assuming the shekels they were claiming were the full extent that's not a decent income, it would barely cover server costs if they had to go with non-standard providers.
wait, I thought I was morrakiu, you crabass faggot.
Hypocrite or infiltrator.
Honestly I hope that some enterprising user finds his SA account.
He always sounded like a fatass. I always knew it was fishy when he made fun of fat people.
Assuming the position for
Is this a meme or is it real? I listened to some shows but never went to the forums. I don't really understand how anyone could fall for that.
What do you want to see? A 404 page not found image? It's dead, jim.
That's kind of depressing, honestly.
It was the deep tones of his voice, how it reverberated.
His face when he'd realized his wife had gotten a
but you're not alone and you have to remember that. The jew is only successful bc he always jumps ahead into the limelight to push other voices out. The real lie here is that Enoch is special – that TRS wouldn't have been what it was without him – that if TRS hadn't existed there wouldn't have been another podcast just as good.
Have you ever gone back and listened to the early TDS? It fucking sucks. There are other podcasts out there, but these fuckers stole the limelight from them, thus not allowing them the chance to develop and succeed. Does that make sense?
Wait, his brother is a faggot too?
I knew Mike was fat from his voice, but goddamn that nigger is ugly. His jewess has some big tits, but she's pretty fugly too.
Is Seventh son really married to that ugly girl with tattoos?
This kills the kike enoch
WTF is the microwave? You have to explain this shit to us on Holla Forums who aren't TRSodomites.
Check all the favorite quotations, like etc
The microwave was the place for aspiring TRSodomites to get "vetted" before becoming a member, thus having access to the entire forum
reminds me of how he laughed at richard "implicit" spencer's insulting a fat kid at that A&M speech
what's up with his eyes
We're going to need a new thread soon.
Whoever makes it, include in the OP , it's the most damning piece of evidence against Enoch.
Every "white nationalist" community seems to be in a civil war right now. There are flamewars going on everywhere right now. We're the only ones not having an internal war right now. Even cuckchan has gone ballistic.
We're all National Socialists here so we have cohesion that the other communities don't have. This is why National Socialism is so important and the only answer.
You would have to make sure there is absolutely no incentive for people to shill excessively and camp out the chat. Part of the glory of chan culture is that every post is a sandcastle swept away by an ocean of piss. This concept would be crucial to a call-show to give absolutely no benefit to repeated attempts at subversion.
Honestly I have know idea how the fuck you could do it in a show format, other than having it stream 24/7 and have dedicated autists picked over the conversations and uploading funny edit and memes to youtube to get people interested in tuning in.
As far as moderation, it could be done only against strict rule violations laid out in advance. Perhaps some rotating system of X anons speaking at any given time, and the oldest cycles out as the newest comes in to speak up on the current topic. That way there is some manner of "culture" that at least nudges people into the direction of insightful conversation, especially if they know they are on a timer and wont be able to call back in for a while.
user you're a God
isn't it illegal to save pics from FB?
makes me wish I had a faceberg account
KEK no
a jew wife and a nigger faggot brother. it's happening
top fucking kek. a marxist jew wife, mischling kids, and a mulatto half-brother
This keeps getting better and better.
its from jewish mixed blood. look at cernovich's weird eyes. they always look pinched and almost mongoloid
Who was that jew from the 1970s'-80's that ran a "white supremacist" group turned out was not only jewish but a pedophile? They used him as a way to push their holocaust propaganda.
… I expect TRS was mainly a shekel farming organization perhaps they had bigger plans to use TRS to bring in hate speech laws…..
All that's missing is someone from TRS to have a boyfriend and a meth/heroine problem….typical controlled op stuff leaders are compromised to close off any chance that they might go rogue.
Kidding aside, if he wasn't running a honeypot then the levels cognitive dissonance he was achieving with TRS and TDS are astounding.
His brother's other kikebook
Mike pls.
This is just getting fucking sad.
That explanation goes out the window with the fact his own kike wife was involved in the podcasts more than once
Shekel farm is just step one. You can always upgrade it or double it as a honeypot later on, move up to disinfo. It's all flexible and modular.
and don't forget that his wife got JIMPACTED
Frank Collin
New thread is up
There's a reason the media chose to promote the alt-right. You found it.
its all over the internet, ive never seen infighting this bad among white nationalism
maybe it's a slav thing?
to be fair my sister is full on marxist coloured hair bf pegging crazy and yet here I am. Granted, lot's of white women have fallen for jewish tricks, plus I didn't choose my sister, and he's actually a kike so it's not really comparable
I bet Matt Peino is Jazzhands.
see it's not infighting if one side is jews and the other side is white nationalists. then it's just a slaughter :^)
I really hate the term "National Socialism." Not the philosophy, just the term. With the context of the word Socialism in English, it implies the idea of ending private business and competition. Which is obviously not the case.
Lazy nigger didn't link it
The socialism in National Socialism isn't the same thing as Marxian socialism.
National socialism/Any form of fascism that fits you is the cure to infighting.
Because it's finally coming out that all your idols are controlled opposision, including weev duke anglin etc
I wrote about this in the other thread: basically the were lolbergtardians who got turned off by trannies and feminists and "dude weed lmao" taking over the libertarian party so they attempted to go somewhere where that could never, ever happen again: White Nationalism. They started LARPing as Nazis on a podcast for lulz that they never thought would go anywhere. They never expected to be popular; they never expected Trump. A lot of what they say is true, but only to the extent that its self-interested. They have money, but not enough to keep moving to richer suburbs to flee the "diversity" and that's pissing them off. They figure they can use WN to fight off the niggers and spics, and of course they're Americans so, you know, fuck China and all that, too.
They're basically whiney middle-class civic nationalists. The only difference between them and Milo is that they use the term "pro-white" instead of "pro-west" – there is no functional difference.
o fugg, you better fucking keep us updated in the next thread, fam.
Matt Peino is Enoch's mulatto half brother. Peino = Peinovich