Do you know anything about the Bogdanoff bothers, Holla Forums? Quick rundown on them:
Do you know anything about the Bogdanoff bothers, Holla Forums? Quick rundown on them:
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They're really popular in France, they used to have a T.V. show.
They look like mongrelized freaks. Is it inbreeding?
Partially inbreeding (Jews and all) but they're also a part of an ancient bloodline which is genetically separate from any human race on Earth.
This is greatest proof of extraterrestrials on Earth…
But they couldn't foresee how hideous and malformed all of that plastic surgery would make them.
I think that's how Johnny Bravo looks irl.
They were jealous of the glorious Aryan physique and tried to use plastic surgery to emulate it. Just standard Jewish neuroses, really.
if they're old, evil an supremely degenerate they probably wanted to look like that
That's what 10/10 facial aesthetics look like. You may not like it, but that's peak A E S T H E T I C
Tatars look nothing like the freaks in OP.
Sure thing.
Bump for interest. Out on my phone at the moment but I'll Post some Bogdanoff info once I get in my computer back home
Some David Icke shit.
The kike part is believable. Otherwise they are just crazy inbred fucks with a plastic surgery fetish like Jackson.
But that's just because of some retarded disease, it has nothing to do with his looks. He would look alright if it wasn't for the damn degenerative bone thing.
Because suffering from a genetic defect is the same as choising to alter your appearance for the worst.
Eat shit.
Like a bee hive in here with a lone ant.
I don't see what the big deal is. They look totally normal, fellow humans.
GTFO >>>Holla Forums
It's just plastic surgery you fucking retards, don't post /x/-tier shit on here.
This if flat earth tier shit, give some sources for these outlandish claims.
Unnecessary plastic surgery needs to be banned forever.
the bogdanoff brother are not dangerous because any /x/ tier crap they are dangerous because they are pushing the transhumanism very very har and they for some reason have power and clout
If you take a really high powered telescope and zoom in gradually then you will never find a platelet crack in their faces
What is this meme
No, no, nigga, earth is flat, yes, but this entire thing is fucking bullshit.
Don't fucking lump us with these retards.
People can do what they want with their bodies, faggot. Nobody else's body belongs to you.
Degenerate libtard.
The IQ in this thread just dropped 40 points.
Looks like he just got hit in the face with a golfclub or something, all swollen up.
lots and lots of bees
Mentally ill nincompoops.
if you're gonna quote fucking neil degrassi tyrone just look at the horizon, nigga, its not a fucking curvizon, and I can see the moon sometimes during the day, if this shit was a fucking globe that wouldnt be possible.
Talking to sinead only encourages her
Haircuts are unnecessary plastic surgery, you idiot.
Come on Holla Forums, I thought you were smarter than this.
We can see that
You literally said drugs, trannies, faggots, and a host of other degeneracy are cool because they don't violate the nap. Kill yourself.
well i think it does bring up a good point on transhumanism. since that is what those two degenerate freaks are pushing for.
I don't think that word means what you think it means.
Hawking is a Hollywood pseudo-scientist. Every one of his theories came out as wrong, I don't even know why he's relevant. Most probably he's a vegetable and his body is used to market stuff to "science people". Poor guy.
Same with Sagan and his kabbalistic universe.
Ayy lmao
Your quot
At least get some good ones like baneposting, this is just sad.
He predicted Hawking radiation by combining relativity and quantum physics, and was the first person to ever do so, and said radiation's been confirmed by radio telescope observation of black holes.
That is one theory of his that came out correct, even if all the theories he came up with after his claim to fame might not have.
Hitler dubs confirm kike billionaires jealous of the aesthetics of the Aryan race.
Is this some sort of a joke?
Fucking Poe's Law.
this now a spoderman thread
This is the final redpill. There is no endgame. We are stuck in a revolving door, and only the Bogdanoffs have the way out. They have, in a way, truly reached nirvana while we are stuck in the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth.
Are these things even human?? They look like a couple of apes that were shaved, brutally beaten in the face until it looks like raw ground beef, then a plastic surgeon got some silicone and drunkenly tried to assemble a human face.
I never understood this pic, why does the ayy want the DNA? And what the hell is that triangle in front of the cultist?
Weren't there some studies wich linked high IQ with good looks?
Holy shit user it is too early for this hilarity. Also, checked.
But really, Hawkings is just one of the handful of fools that still pushes the meme that "Oh we have to look at the evidence and the truth even if it sucks and all the evidence says no God no meaning cold alien universe so what we ought to do is ensure everyone's lives are materialistically sound, let scientists run every aspect of our lives, and everything else is a human rights violation."
Anyone who pushes this meme is guaranteed a celebrity career in science.
Almost saved, then I saw the 9fag watermark. Get that cuck faggy shit off here.. god damn nigger
Fuck off Holla Forums, you are literally the worst board on Holla Forums.
Why would they do that to their faces?
There are poor decisions. Then there is this.
What in god's name convinced them to make themselves look like that?
They look like they're made out of clay or some shit.
Have you ever tried to wear a skinmask that wasn't evolved for your species?
Frog here, they just signed to be part of the worst (and most watched) shit show on TV called TPMP (Touche pas a mon poste), truly the worst hive of degeneracy. (the kike showrunner, Cyril Hanouna, yet is too dumb to understand what kind of propaganda he's pushing, and frequently mocks gay and use fags as an insult for the chroniquers)
I think they're just rich heirs that don't know what the fuck they're doing with their life and they just try to make money with the (little) relevance they still have from the show they ran in the 90's
They are just 2 freaks, and i doubt they have any real power or immense fortunes, else they wouldnt be wasting their time like that.
The AYYY wants DNA to assimilate and evolve with.
The triangle in front of the cultist is in a circle. It's the sign of squaring the circle. It's supposed to mean "doing the impossible by forcing your will on it."
Cyril is a tunisian jew so he most likely knows what he's doing.
You mean exactly how we got Trump into office?
Apparently not smart enough to know of the damaging effects of plastic surgery.
They are, they've got nigger blood in them.
True my gf is a tatar
Those creatures spoofed their way through academia, they're not clever as they claim.
There can't be a good brain behind those meat masks.
that is scarring from repeated plastic surgery
these people might be smart other ways, but they have cat-lady / tiger-man idiocy levels of plastic surgery
retarded kike meme
the kikes have been flooding cuckchan with these abominations for months
fuck off shlomo
200+ IQ yea okay
they look like puppets from UK tv show "Spitting Image"
hahaha, great thread.
alienc n juice n sheet
It should be allowed only if it's going to make you more beautiful and aesthetic IMO, sometimes there's no way to fix some uglyness.
Why is there a dancing Pinochet at the bottom.