Where does the raw Hatred towards Nazis come from?

I know all the normalfags fall for the holocaust bullshit, but other than that I can't really remember being told anything about them in school or in any of the media

Normalfags become practically psychopathic when it comes to WWII Germany, wanting them to be slaughtered, tortured to death, saying we should have exterminated them, look at the comments in the more fucked up scenes of Inglorious Basterds

How do they turn normalfags who normally have mental breakdowns at a lack of diversity, into blood thirsty homicidal animals when exposed to Nazism?
Is usually the gist of it

How do you go from
Is it because its combined with the "they wanted to conquer the world" narrative? I think its probably the above two combined with Nazis generally being portrayed as the polar opposite and antithetical to everything in the modern 1st world democratic/capitalistic countries (which they were)

I've seen normalfags non ironically say they wished this happened

Other urls found in this thread:


Hollywood. Which is run by Jews. Jews did it.


baseless fear. they saw someone else being better at something so they projected their self-destructive tendencies and chimped out.

I know that but I mean like how did they get them to feel that way?

It doesn't seem like normalfags have been given enough info to hate that much

Because once you learn more about them outside of the Holohoax, then you begin to question why they are so vilified in the first place. Why do you think all history classes jump from 1933 to 1939 when covering the NSDAP?

They're more than happy to take orders from the loudest voice. Combine it with years of mental conditioning

Conditioning, newfag.
Brainwashing from their parents
A decade of brainwashing in their school
Even more brainwashing if they go to college
Brainwashing from the television
Brainwashing from their fellow humans
And lets not forget that its within the current culture and social norm to hate nazis passionately.
The lemmings simply follow the herd.

You are partly right. Ask a normalfag to name one policy of Nazi Germany that isn't about race. They wont be able too. That ignorance is partly how they got people to be afraid of the ebil natzis!


a lifetime of "omg ur such a nazi, ur litreally hitler" and no one questioning the actual political ideology and person

the first time i started thinking about hitler in a new light was when i was saying to someone "you can't judge someone you've never met" and they said "well, what about hitler?"

This is my green I made in response

Guess what comes next

Comes from here


Hitler is the Satan of the modern world, someone that everyone views as unquestionably evil.

several generations exposed to the MSM version of the ultimate villan
the NSDAP was vilified because of their economic policies not the war crimes. Many other leaders / countries / wars have resulted in much, much more horrible atrocities but are either not remembered or not as hated because the MSM has repeatedly hammered the message in ALL it's many outlets

Get out.

I will continue to post here and post there and spread red pills and there is nothing you can do to stop me

They believe that they would have either been killed or enslaved by the "ebul nahtzees." The jewish narrative is that the germans weren't really for nazism, except for most of them, who are evil bigot racists who hate everyone, especially you, but they hate the jews the most. So most germans are painted as bad, nahtzees as the ebullest, and that's the propaganda at work.

I unironically wish every jew on the planet was dead, because I know their nature. The jew simply puts that nature onto the "nahtzee" instead, and normies "rightfully" hate the "nahtzee." It's very much classic jewish projection.

also /thread

Honestly, what did you expect? We left for a reason.

just look at Isreal today… how they wage war and treat the untermensch

first post every time

hang on I get that the death toll of 6 million would have been impossible even assuming maximum furnace/chamber output but why the hell would the place have a brothel and green house. weren't the camp just to hold them until they could get them out of the country?

cuckoldchan is the new reddit. I see greentexts posted everywhere now even places as intellectually devoid as imgur and tumblr

vid fucking related. How have these guys not been shutdown


because the nazis were just that based
they were so good they even helped the inmates out on a man to man level and made sure they got pussy

Oldfag here every war movie I ever saw growing up continually reinforced the notion, to the point where I finally realized how I came to subconsciously equate hearing the German language and immediately thinking the language of pure evil.
The media is the jews most powerful weapon
until the current year which is slowly eroding it to the point of it being useless to them and possibly a golem around their collective necks

It has nothing to do with 'info'. The average normie does not operate based on information. They are emotionally manipulated by decades of hollywood movies. Their understanding of history is mostly from television and action movies.

This makes me sad. Fuck moot.

Decades of kike brainwashing.

That webm made me lol. Well memed sir, well memed.

Really? We spent an entire semester of middle school talking about how le ebil nahtzees were monsters and had to write papers and, I shit you not, give presentations on why people who saved Jews were heroes. It was so blatant that it actually made me start questioning the narrative, a bit, asking my teacher why we never talked about the blacks or gypsies that were supposedly killed, but always the Jews, even though supposedly more of them died than Jews. That same year, we had to read The Diary of Anne Frank, where our teacher tried to discredit "conspiracy theories" by "evil racist holocaust deniers", but all it did was make me question the validity of The Diary of Anne Frank, because her explanations were either nonexistent or just plain stupid. We were made to read Night by Elie Wiesel my freshmen year of high school, in which our teacher did nothing but sing praises for Jews and talk about how Elie Wiesel was a hero granted, she said that about every author we read for doing fuck all and not dying in a labor camp. Conditioning like that, especially early in a person's life, can be traumatizing, when they're still young enough to be easily traumatized. This causes major emotions of fear and sadness to be associated with Germans, ebul nahtzees, whites, white pride, nationalism, and race realism.

That sort of shit, combined with holohoax movies, like Swindler's List and The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, that use low-tier heartstring tugging to associate negative emotions with Germans and positive emotions with Jews.

We're talking lifetimes of conditioning here. That's why normalfags recoil so much.

It's the photographs of concentration camp prisoners with typhus (dead and alive). Couple that with stories of torture that are associated with Nazis, and that's what everyone believes happened. And everyone also believes that's the only thing Nazis wanted to do.

It's simple… (((They))) control the media, the education system, the entertainment industry and everything in between. (((They))) have also gone out of their way to demonize anything remotely right of centrist, the mere concept of race relations as well as the science of eugenics, all well preaching how "Communism" is a great idea. Naturally!

I remember in my history class last semester at college, just me double checking with the professor that Britain and France declared war on Germany and not the other way around got a weird look from him and some of the people in the class room, no one really said anything and as soon as he confirmed yes (but because my violations of the treaty of versailles of course =) ) everyone seemed to forget about it

It was like I had set off a yellow caution light or something, even something as simple as just asking who DOW'd who was like I was poking my head where it didn't belong or something
Granted I've been redpilled for years now and I just wanted to get him to say it but still, I was surprised by how people reacted

find me one american made movie from 1940s to the 2000s that has a NAZI as the protagonist who isn't evil.

And that's just how (((they))) want it.

Heil'd. When I mentioned how it was strange that nobody ever talks about non-Jews supposedly killed in the holohoax during my middle school presentation, the teacher got a deer-in-the-headlights look. Looking back, I think she may have been a Jew, but I can't recall her facial features well enough to say, nor her name. My high school freshmen english teacher wasn't a Jew, she was just naive and stupid. Hell, someone got her to sign a petition to ban water calling it dihydrogen monoxide that same year.

A few months ago I was playing cards with some aquantences, and WW2 came up in conversation. I mentioned how the revolution in Germany after WW1 resulted in the ethnic cleansing of millions of ethnic Germans by a socialist group lead entirely by Jews. One of the girls there said "But then that would mean Hitler was justified in the holocaust". To which I, habitually, responded with "Well, that implies the holocaust happened." One of the guys got shaken by that. He got angry and said "Of course the holocaust happened. A holocaust denier is one of the worst things you can be!" I asked "Why is questioning the validity of a supposed historical event worse than, say, actually committing murder, or raping a child?" His programming further kicked in and he blathered on about "But muh 6 gorrilian", until I had enough fun and told him it was his turn.

I have no idea.

Ive read all of Holla Forums's arguments about the holocaust being a fraud. The false account of lying jews. The bullshit tales of skin lamps and human soap and belzecs electrocution chamber, etc. it is excellent at showing that there are liars in this world.

However, you Holla Forumslacks fail to disprove the existence of the holocaust. The photographic evidence, the eyewitnesses of jews and non-jews (soldiers, nazis, local people) etc. you also ignore the disproving of your conspiracy theory favorites.

Frauds like David Irving, Victor Thorn, and even Joseph Goebbels himself.

So while i appreciate that you all help point out frauds such as the false holocaust writers who write BS for monetary gain, you lose any credibility when you blind yourself to the frauds amongst you and believe blatantly false propositions.

Propaganda is a hell of a drug op


Fuck that annoys me. I hope user gets raped, some way some how.

We have those though. They tend to debunk the narrative.

The camps were primarily for war industry. Normal citizens and volunteers as well as jews getting ready for deportation and inmates worked there. The secondary purpose was to teach the jewish emigrants how to maintain a civilization wherever they were going, hence the husbandry and farming workshops. Only near the end were they used for housing refugees and war prisoners.

Can't prove a negative. Jewish sophistry/10.

Ever hear of the term "fnord"? It's used to describe a word or idea that causes a reflexive response of fear and disgust. People have been trained throughout their entire public education to view Nazis as the ultimate antithesis of everything that the modern world stands for. They are the boogeyman used to justify everything for which there can be no justification. If people were to treat Nazism as just another meme, the whole apparatus built around their demonetization would fall apart.



Yes, i conceded that there are sickos out there lying. However some liars doesn't mean all of them are.

Actually you can prove there is NO credible evidence to support the existence of the holocaust. You Holla Forumslacks fail to do that, instead resting your laurels on proving a few scammers are discredited and ignoring the rest of the evidence because it doesn't fit your delusion


Of course the word Jew is in the URL so the facts contained are tainted in your deluded eyes.

It should be archived. Better yet, quote the relevant passages.


Too much to quote, it so effectively shatters your delusional arguments and brick by brick tears it down. Too bad you untermensch are too intellectually vacuous to read


its not that they are turned into bloodthirsty monsters, its that their true nature is revealed when there is no social push back. you see the same thing with pedos, no one will defend a pedo so people dont have to pretend not to be animals hungry for blood

Fuck 4chan but your post reminded me of the short autobiographical novel A Woman In Berlin written about her rapes and survival when the Russians invaded Berlin

Good job

Scofield and Darby probably play a bigger role in Nazi hate then anyone. It's less to do with nazi's and more to do with "muh chosen". Up until Scofield and Darby, antisemitism was the norm in the US.

But once ((they)) figured out how to manipulate Christians it became "wrong" to hate "jews". Now Christians ignore the Bible(Literally calls jews synagogue of satan) in favor of their pet political view because that is where the money and power is in the Christian realm.

A combination of jealousy and the inability of some people to admit they were wrong.

I'm so disappointed

Nazi Sozis
it is our term, not theirs

That's simply leftist thinking in action.
They are the most violent, base and vile.
Truly the greatest achievement of the jews.

What? It's national socialist.
Nazi is ((( their ))) invention.

Ich bin ein Nazi Sozi. Die Deutungshoheit des Begriffs liegt bei mir.

what nigger? show me one photo of a dead jew from a gas chamber


Plus, it's like saying "ATM Machine".
You're being retarded.
Nazi Sozi means National Socialist Socialist.

Aka, you are suffering from severe mental deficiencies and should euthanize yourself posthaste.

are you one of those role playing burgers who have no fucking clue?

You forgot the part where the UK tries to force Germany into war, but typical of cuckchan to make such oversights.

Are you one of those kikes trying to redefine language?
yes, you are

The enemy to capitalism is not communism. The enemy to communism is not capitalism. There is no capitalism. There is no communism. There is only international socialism or national socialism.

National socialism means the productive efforts of a people belong to those people.

International socialism means the productive effort of all people should be allocated to a central distribution mechanism for appropriate allocation. (This mechanism manifests as currency exchange and international trade)

National socialists disrupt the efficacy of this arrangement, thus, they are the perpetual enemy and are routinely demonized.

This is easily understood when you realize Capitalism and Communism are essentially the same exact thing.

but that's what you're doing you fucking schizophrenic

The only difference between the two is that capitalism relies on centrally allocating resources based on subjective time value and communism relies on centrally allocating resources based on objective time value.

Communism assumes humans have an objective value and deeply rely on price controls. Capitalists assume humans are infinitely replaceable and deeply rely on incentives.

The psychological difference is important. One assumes SHOULD. The other assumes IS.


Keep telling yourself that while all the dictionaries in the world go against your word.
Also, filtered.



Merkste was, du Judensau?


The ally's are still at war with the 3rd riech. War officially never ended.

Capitalism: everything is owned by individuals
Socialism: some portion of things are "owned" by the State
Communism: the State "owns" everything

But your black radical womyn liberal economics professor disagrees, right?

Who owns the state in Communism? Who are the individuals in Capitalism? (and who owns the individuals of the state moreover)

I rest my case. In both situations, banks own everything.


Maybe you are capable of understanding this then.

You'll notice I put quotation marks around own in two of the definitions.
The State does not exist. It is a fiction, a group delusion. Just like god does not exist, but get enough people together who believe it does, then they will undertake certain actions which give the illusion of some sort of deity.

So you are correct in saying that the individuals in government positions "own" certain things, but the truth of the matter is, that when there is a State, ownership does not truly exist, because the individual's permit table actions are restricted through initiation of force.

As an analogy: mechanically speaking, love making and rape are functionally identical. If a State were to legislate about how often people should have sex with what level of attractive partners (redistributing vagina, if you will), most sex would be rape.
There would still be instances of lovemaking, but these would be illicit and outside the law.

Ownership is binary. Either there is no initiation of force 0, or there is some (socialism 0

Hello Stirner


The difference between capitalism and socialism is the initiation of force present in the former and absent in the latter.

Every geographic region with a government is socialist.


You're talking about something completely different than what we initially were talking about.

man how new are you
there is plenty of evidence and threads pop up all the time about it
if the OPs you started asking this question didnt fly along the gist of "lol dumb nazis you are so dumb haha and prob gay" then youd get all the information you need
instead you get banned for being a retard

Bring it ohh sage of historical wisdom.
Present it to the heathen horde known as Holla Forums so that we may be as illuminated as you.
PS don't bother with a picture of a couple hundred bodies like pic related we need a pile commiserate with 6 million ashes like pic related

winner can make up whatever shit they want. people also think it was okay to nuke japan twice.

Try to read Das Kapital instead of regurgitating garbage you have heard about communism. Then you might get an understanding directly from the source material. In short: Communism is the worker's democratic ownership of the means of production (factories and farms). So that they can get the full value of their labour. Where these products of their labour are redistributed all according to the need of the people living under communism. There is no money under communism.

As for why people hate nazis enough to justify murdering or locking them up. I think there are many motives depending on who of the involved parties you ask. The rich Jews have always been manipulators. They started the narrative of the holocaust during the war. After the war, they kept using the excuse to further their goals. Exposing the truth would lead to weakening their position, and them having to explain why it came to this. So that is a no-go in their view.
The Jews who were stationed in the working camps gave mixed testimonies. You have those who rolled with the narrative to gain from it, the ones who actually gave an honest testimony (no gas chambers, but the supply shortages, allied bombings and nazis not willing to let them go under these conditions, which led to their deaths. The number of deaths is probably well under 1 million), and lastly, the ones who actually believed it happened but never were exposed to it themselves (I was a survivor, but the other 6 million were gassed for sure). The honest one might resent them for letting the innocent jews get involved in the war, instead of only going for the Jews leading resistance groups. The brain-dead last example is normie tier who just blindly follows whatever the leading ideology tells him to.

As for the allied countries. They probably felt the pressure from the rich Jews. Why not make a lie which would justify invading a nation on bogus terms? The only reason they invaded Germany, was to get rid of a nation which seemed angry after what happened during and after WWI. A nation which showed that it was ready to take back, what had been stolen from it. With both Britain and France on the decline, they had to act fast, before Germany could their army even bigger. The tension between Poland and Germany was a bogus excuse, just like how the holocaust was a bogus excuse after the fact.

Normies are normies, they don't create their own values, they can't think for themselves. They just swallowed whatever allied and Jewish propaganda told them. I personally don't think that locking up innocent jews in working camps is justified. But I can understand why the Germans did it. But as long as normies believe in garbage such as the Russian boogeyman and Trump being the ultimate evil, they won't ever be able to look past the lies. They won't ever understand their own hypocritical viewpoint.

FYI Nazi is a short term for Nazionalsozialistisch. It's by no means of communist term.

Simply because it is allowed and encouraged by the mainstream narrative.
No matter what crimes nazis get accused of in MSM or any minority here on Holla Forums, for that matter, you will always have someone calling to do the same or worse to them.
Because it is obviously fine and "just defending" if we do it to them, and woe to the rulers of any society that fail to provide the masses with a convenient them. Said rulers would just have volunteered to be the new them.

Shit is basic human nature, and on the plus side 90% of the leftards howling for ebil gnazi blood now will just as quickly torch any nigger or mudslime once the pendulum swings back far enough.

it always baffles me how people think nuking 2 medium sized cities off the face of the earth is A-ok

How you can be Jew-wise and still be this retarded is a mystery to me.

I don't care about communism's shortcomings. I am well aware that 90% of the world consists of greedy retards, who rather kill others for small profit, instead of achieving greatness as a unified world. I am also aware that people aren't equal. Blacks are still living the stone age. Arabs are assblasted and stuck have stuck their head in the sand, which is their religion. And the west is filled with brainwashed idiots. Communism might never work because of this. I don't that as a reason to sacrifice my ideals. If you rather want to create a nation of braindead human machines who only follow the orders written in their DNA, then you aren't much better than the Jews, who did the same in Isreal. And look at how they are doing. Rich Jews order the poor Jews to fight for Isreal. Setting not only their humanity aside, but also their individuality.

Liberals are normies without free thought, blacks and arabs need to calm down, finally, NatSocs and Jews need some introspect as to why they believe in the thing they do. Maybe it is time to stop hating everyone because of their limitations and their heritage. If not, keep doing what you do, if you think that living like your enemy is what is best.

I don't mind it so much in terms of there being a problem with utterly killing our enemies including their women and children, my problem stems from us fighting on the wrong side of that war. If we went to war with CHYNA next week, I would have no problem with us killing every single chink in a nuclear firestorm, 2 billion of the fuckers going up in ash. The difference is I wouldn't coach it in something like
I would be open and honest and say we slaughtered them because they fucking dared to defy us, despite only being chink subhumans. In Japan's case, we never should have been at war with them in the first place, same with Germany.

Communism is a fairy-tale told to the poor to convince them to put a Jew in charge of everything.

Except for when it's done in Asia. In that case the overlord belongs to your ethnicity (if you're lucky)

When you start a war you accept the possibility of being roasted by an enemy who turns out to be mightier

Jewish propaganda. Nazism is shown as the pinnacle of evil in most Zionist Jewish occupied countries.

Funny how Stalin killed the Jews in the upper echelon of the Soviet communist party. Exactly because the Jews cared too much about their own ethnicity. Mao and Castro weren't Jews either, so maybe you want to rethink what you believe to be written in the communist manifesto.
I understand that your knowledge if communism is very limited, and probably only acquired from watching videos on youtube. Jews were a large part of the Bolsheviks because of antisemitism. Communism promised equality for all, which included the Jews. To no one's surprise some of them abused their power later on, which led to Stalin killing them in the end.

Bombardments, declaring war upon neutral nations, invading nations without any notice and killing thousands of citizens for no apparant reason.

Spoken like a Sovereign Citizen. Don't forget to upload the video when the cops pwn you.

This is the least intelligent sentence that I read here this year and it's only January. Here is a history lesson for you, you deluded western pinko. During the Communist regime in Eastern Europe being unemployed was against the law. The state used force to make people work. This is because wages were so low that workers weren't motivated enough to work. Therefore the cops threw anyone in jail for "unlawful slacking" to keep the boat afloat.

wtf I hate America now

Communism is a scourge; kill yourself.

The nazis pillaged a lot of European countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Czech etc. often with violent bombardments. Once they destroyed a major city they would move in, hang a lot of people to make a display and dispatch gestappo's to keep an eye on the population. If the gestappo didn't like you, the gestappo would beat you up.

There was a 100% watch on you all the time for potential ideas that weren't inline with the nazi party. There was no room for critical thought. Meanwhile the population in the countries that they destroyed suffered hunger and extreme poverty. The only thing the nazis bought to Europe was rampant destruction and senseless killings that lead nowhere except to a very high death toll for all parties involved.

The hatred towards the nazis and Germans is fully justified. The fact that people on here only think about jews instead of the population who lived in conquered countries shows that the majority here is from the US. Because if you had parents or grandparents to tell you how live was like, they would all respond that it was terrible. Poverty and hunger was the standard for all of Europe.

Funny thing is, if the nazis did win, something like 8ch wouldn't even exist. It wouldn't be in line with the state. Stuff like boards and forums would be regulated by a governing body to make sure you are in line with party protocols.

Only murican patriotards and commie chinks think it was good or necessary.

this, communism is literally controlled opposition for national socialism, they're both even fairly similar

Kike indoctrination.

And to elaborate slightly on the watch: you certainly weren't watched all day by some people but there were guidelines for behaviour. It was highly encouraged to report the ones not in line with party ideals to the gestappo. Young kids were also encouraged and indoctrinated to do so through the Hitler Jugend.

stop spreading bullshit. They would watch out for bad people and punish them, They wouldn't kill you for questioning them, like the commies, but questioning them would be dumb cuz they're in the right

explain how that is, but the same hatred isn't deserved towards communists

It's funny how I can make your statement more true with a few little changes.
German -> Soviet

Regarding the hunger and povery, the main difference between the Nazis and the Soviets is that poverty under the nazis was during wartime, while millions of Soviet citizens starved to death years before the war broke out.

KEK. Ask anyone who lived in Eastern Europe during WWII. They'll say the Germans were gentlemen compared to the Soviets unless they are jewish, since that ethnicity didn't suffer under communist rule.

Whether you want to eat up the allied propaganda about world-conquering nazis or not talk about projection. Europe wouldn't be much better without the multiculti bullshit and the rape gangs roaming western cities. Your women get raped? Hey, at least you beat le ebil natzies!

capitalism = individuals own some things including themselves, (((they))) own everything else and actively try to own everything.
communism = (((they))) own everything

Not if you're banned
reported :^)

wew lad
only the communist manifesto is enough. Das kapital is a giant analysis of labor and factories in the 19th century.

Something to do with invading other countries instead of staying in Germany. Probably.

my great grand parents and grandparents didn't have that bad belgium After the war the reprisal against collaborators was much worse. The hunger and poverty you think of is something like oorlogswinter. It's not the germans fault.
Communists were arrested, as were jews. Government officials who didn't do as asked were fired, nothing more.


thats why op

It's ironic because their fondest memories are when the americans came and handed out candy and chocolate to the kids. Then you have the Nazi dick riders on here completely shitting all over their own countries war hero's by siding with enemy. It's some pseudo sjw bullshit. Life's funny like that though.


The simple fact that the modern German language is 100% anti-Semitic since Dr. Martin Luther's translation of the Bible. He learned Hebrew because he suspected the kikes were lying. He was correct.

The last book he wrote: "On the Jews and Their Lies".

It's pack mentality virtue signalling.
Nazi bad, gays good.

They would just as soon say Nazis good, kill gays if their social circle and particular media of choice said it. They will convert to Muslim and tell their wife to dress appropriately if that's the way the wind blows. Like most people really.

You have to be a contradictory, devil advocating free thinking lunatic to go against popular opinion.

Before the internet as a young man I was told:
Hitler wanted a master race who all had blonde hair and blue eyes and everyone else had to die, the jews and gypsies were just the start of it.
Eva Braun shat on Hitlers chest as part of their sexual gratification.
If Hitler had won the war we would all be speaking German now, and it's a horrible sounding soulless language, and we would have lost our diversity of nations.
We won because our hand grenades were better, planes were better, men were braver and smarter.

It sounded like santa claus and jesus then, and not much has changed.

Fucking retard, communism is based around two classes. The bourgouisie(slavemasters) and proletariat(slaves). Anyone who believes themselves or a group of people are superior to others immediately becomes commietrash. You don't have to be a kike to succumb to this ideology.

Fail. I believe I'm better than a lot of people because of the merits I've been awarded. Specifically people not awarded the same merits.

(Heil Hitler)
Can't let these dubs be unchecked.

History is written by the winners.

The jew cries out about genocide as he racially exterminates you. Every single fucking lie they tell about NS Germany is just them projecting their depravity onto their enemies. Blinding hatred of everyone else? check. Genocidal plan to wipe out their enemies? check. Desire to conquer and enslave the entire world? check. Massive propaganda machine used to keep the populace dumb and docile except for hate? check. Endless war time and peacetime atrocities just for the hell of it? check. Inhumanly evil science experiments on civillians and kids? trans check.

The good thing is that when we eventually rewrite the history books, we'll only have to wordswap every instance of 'nazi' with 'kike', and every instance of 'jew' with 'German'.

A lot of people say it was ok because pearl harbor
and this isn't even counting that it was actually a preventative strike to stop the USN from attacking the Japanese as they expanded into southeast asia- pacific to get the resources they needed because the US cut them off

You sound a lot like the Allies from the war


I was literally told the same except for the shitting part

Can anybody give the the rundown on this? My religious background is having been lutheran and having skimmed the KJV bible. What's the deal with all the scofield stuff?

Making them watch JoJo is a good start if you wanna warm someone up to the idea that Nazis were sorta bretty cool guys. Specifically the second part. It's basically about a /fit/ British guy that teams up with an Italian and a band of Nazis to save the world from an ancient trio of evil bodybuilders with the power of sunshine and superior German engineering.

Broke religious preacher gets approached by friendly merchants to get his career back on track. They helpfully fund a new bible version with lots of footnotes for lay folk. Footnotes say all real Christians are Zionists because reasons. Also Jews dindu nuffin.

Paradise is poison, Peace brings only atrophy, and fairytale idealism brings only decay. I fight because I love my own, I fight because I choose to win, and most of all, I love the struggle itself. The dance with death, that to anyone who has put life on the line for something greater than themselves is intoxicating.

Do not worry, I understand you. I even can see the world you long for, and the whispers of paradise you hear when you read Marx's word. I have even come to love you. However, I will not allow my empathy and understanding paralyze me from action. I know you and I love you, and when the day comes for us to dance with death, you will die because I can crush thoroughly, everything you are. Your mind, your body, your hopes, your loves, and your spirit. Nothing will be sacrosanct in our dance.

Goodnight user, for I have already mourned what must be.

not sure if troll or just retarded

Can I borrow this thread to ask WHAT THE FUCK IS NATIONAL SOCIALISM?
It's never explained anywhere. Anywhere I go look, it's some drivel about natural order and whatnot.

It's an economic system, and a governmental system. But what actually happens in national socialism? Do I have property? Do I have a job? Can I choose a job? Can I start a business? What makes up the government? Who gets to be in government? What is the government responsible for?

I can answer those questions easily with a simple google of democracy or of capitalism, but searching about national socialism only yields people hating on it without explaining it beyond crap about antisemitism.

Probably the invading all of their neighbors, including people the US was friendly with. And the eugenicist nature of the government (even though the US was just as bad in theory, but we don't need the goys to know that), which is retrospectively viewed negatively by the majority of the US. Also probably the authoritarian nature of the government.

For what it's worth: I agree with you that we'd be better off if companies were run like republics and rent-seeking were eliminated. I also do not think that Communism in this sense leads to degeneracy and laziness (that'd be social democracy)… but that argument is purely academic, as real-life Communists are anti-White.

Most actively loathe the White race and even Holla Forums wants to deny Whites the right to their own, homogeneous communities, as that'd be "idpol". I'm willing to go along with any economic arrangement, as long as I can live in a country free of blacks, Muslims, mestizos, and Jews. The commies, despite whatever merits their economic views may have, do not want to grant me that, so fuck 'em.

National Socialism functions, at a labor and consumer level, as a capitalist economy. You go to work and get a salary. You pay taxes. You buy and sell things.

On the producer/owner side, things are more strongly directed by a central government. The ultimate goal is the maintenance of the state, and all other ideologies are really secondary to that end. If things are functioning well for the state as they are, the government doesn't need to dictate who does what and who charges what. In this case, it basically acts as a mediator in cases of kikery. In socieites prone to severe kikery, it will control the banks and major industrys entirely.

tl;dr statecuckery in times of kikery for the sake of 14

and what determines who's in charge? How do you make it into government?


Usually it's a democratically elected dictator who serves an indefinite (see: lifetime) amount of time in power. At least, that's how it was in Germany. It's usually a mixture of democracy and nepotism.

You can read the party programme of the NSDAP online:

Key points:

Of course, National Socialism suffers from the same problem that Communism does, namely that it's programme was never faithfully implemented. Hitler didn't nationalize the industries and collaborated with the industrialists.

As for what the "essence" of National Socialism is: it is basically an inversion of Fascism. Mussolini understood Fascism (worldfuturefund.org/wffmaster/Reading/Germany/mussolini.htm) to be the total subordination of everything to the State: the citizen existed to further the State; the company existed to serve the State; the Church existed to undergird the State. However, this also meant that anybody could become a citizen, provided that he was willing to subordinate himself to the State, hence, some Ethiopian could immigrate to Italy and become a model Italian, provided he was willing to serve. For Hitler, this was unacceptable and he saw this as the inversion of the natural order: not the State gives rise to the people, but the people give rise to the State. Hence (and at least in theory), the National Socialist State, while powerful and equipped with the power to liquidate or oppress any citizen, existed to serve the German people who had created it. The State only maintained legitimacy as long as it was able to effectively protect and nourish the people.

The National Socialists had an essentially Hobbesian view (the State as a protector of the people), wich a strong racialist element (the people can only consist of members of one's own race).

So it's a capitalist system. But the state can nationalize anything at any time, or regulate as heavily as needed. The state is an autocratic power, headed by a single person who was elected in a plebiscite.

What about local governance? How do lower officials enter power?

What does this mean?


That this is how it worked under the Soviets and their satellite states after WWII. The difference was that the Soviets didn't give two wet shits about the welfare of their citizens, whereas the Germans had KdF, public works, environmental protection, public health campaigns, vacation, etc.

Hitler rose to power on an ad-hoc basis and his rule was legitimized under the "Führerprinzip", coined by Hermann Graf Keyserling, who stated that power should be given to the gifted.

There was talk of turning Germany into a confederacy after the war and have local representatives form a sort of senate, but that obviously never came to pass, nor was this part of the ideology ever fleshed out. I suppose many just thought that someone qualified would always present himself, though the regime was notorious for its politicking and infighting.

You were free to join the party and rise through the ranks. This is how it works in any modern country, really. The only difference with democratic ones is that there are multiple parties.

I can't read minds, but I guess it meant the nationalization of heavy industry. The NSDAP wanted all vital assets (heavy industry, land) under its control, ideally to employ them to the benefit of the people.

No fatcat bonuses for shareholders and CEOs, basically.

So, there's no great philosophical solution here to the problems of state power or anything, national socialism is ultimately a benevolent dictatorship.

Yes, government is an exceedingly dangerous thing, but the idea here is that government do what a government ought to do, and leave the rest to capitalism.
When there are good people in charge, things will go well.
And there would be good people in charge if not for the Jews.

White peoples have the capacity to make this work, at least for a short time.

The fact that our great grandfather's generations went to war with them and won. Not so much the movies about how evil Nazis were but movies about how brave and courageous the greatest generation of Americans was. They were a great generation, just tricked. I think even the hardest-line natsoc here would still have a tough time telling a group of old WWII vets how great Hitler was.

As a fan of spice and wolf whenever I read holocaust I can't help but think of a wolf girl asking about the cost of something.


In the vast majority of cases, when grandfathers go to war and defeat the enemy, the enemy is not considered true condensed evil afterwards.

Ah, yes, the horrid bombing of the netherlands.
Those evil Germans stopped at nothing to get those bikes.

Why are the American settlers hated?
Why are the European explorers hated?
Why are monocultural White societies hated?

Because the Jew wants them to be hated.

Normies are against the death penalty, but for applying it to Nazis (they think the Nuremberg verdicts were okay). This is because killing Jews is a capital crime, killing goys a property crime. Cf. slave laws and regulations.

Because they are Marroon colonies. Societies of runaway slaves.


They've been brainwashed into thinking the Jews have never, ever done any wrong.The majority of them have had the fact that Jews have been kicked out of everywhere they've ever lived for a good reason erased from their brain. When they see the holocaust, they see the mass killing of an innocent people who didn't do any wrong at all. The common line of thought is that they were used as a scapegoat for germany's problems (what?). Hating Jews was REALLY common before the second world ware. They've been propagandized into thinking that they are just like us and they were mass slaughtered for no good reason.

I know. It makes no sense at all.

They played up the 'cold inhuman robotic' nature of the Nazi regime for the Western masses. That's the part that's hated.

Apologies if off-topic; seemed like the best place for it. What do I even say to this?

Here you go fellow friend and neighbor



Godwin is essentially correct. Hitler said as much (he spoke about the world of difference between marxist socialism and national socialism).
Even if he hadn't said as much, politics from 70+ years ago usually don't mean anything to us today.

friendly reminder that the New York Times was pushing the 6 million jews are in trouble in Russia bullshit until the Communist revolution, then projected it on to Germany after.

Yea ok and maybe they would respect the average German or Italian that they fought against. It doesn't mean that they wouldn't chase you out of the room with their scowls if you tried praising Hitler or the things the Germans were actually fighting for. They didn't personally go up against Hitler.

Why England why?! The Europeans could rule the fucking universe by now!

The real reason they hate the Nazis is because they hate the possibility of improving human beings. It's eugenics that they fear. Maybe it's for religious reasons for some, fear of "playing God," and for atheistic progressives they fear inequality, the idea that some are better than others and that the distance separating the beings in that hierarchy can be lengthened. At heart, some people just don't want to win, they don't want to be forced to look in the mirror and realize that they should be made better than they are. The upward path to the stars frightens mediocrities.

I honestly don't remember how much we focused on WWII
I remember clearly we never read the Diary of Anne Frank, at least not in history class. Maybe it was one of those options for a paper assignment in Portuguese class, but I'm not sure

their failure



You can't expect non stoic hedons who only respond to emotional reasoning to control themselves, much less understand anything about any kind of big picture. They live for pleasure, we live for power. It's why they are on cuckchan.

Social structure. Signaling is how normalfags feed.

It comes from the parents of the Boomers fighting the Nazis, the Boomers themselves being raised by people that fought Nazis (in addition to the hippy movement bullshit), and their kids being raised on refined Jewish propaganda, plus seeing them as bad guys in film and games.

In my experience, current 25-somethings and below don't have the same level of hatred. Nazis are still the "bad guys", but there's not as much venom there, if in fact general apathy. At least to the point of being willing to listen to some soft Nazi redpills

Far from it actually. Hitler is the Satan of the modern world only in the West and some former soviet countries. Everywhere else, people are either neutral or positive about him.

it seems good to me it has emotional appeal to normies it should be spread

Raw hatred for the Nazis comes from the lying media.


And I am willing to bet money you don't live in a commune.


This is the one thing i cant seem to wrap my head around, cause the entire story hinges on the fact that someone else started the aggression, in this case, Poland. Can i get sources to read up on?


As a Holla Forumsack, i hate nazis for all that shit done to my nation
some examples:
For nazis, Poles, Russians and other slavs were subhumans too, just like jews people tend to forget that


have you guys ever considered wanting everyone on the planet to die might make you a few enemies?

Come back and post results


I'd wager that the approximate number of poles that perished due to purposeful german activity during the occupation is around 80 thousand to 100 thousand.

old fag here. They'd tell us shit like if Hitler won right now we'd all be speaking G-E-R-M-A-N, like that was some evil punishment

I'd rather be speaking German than some cheap reap off of Spanish

Mike King at tomatobubble.com

On what grounds do you base that number?

Valkyrie :^)

80 years of indoctrination will do that for you. Most people have been trained since childhood to associate Nazis and Nazi imagery with the ultimate evil, though movies like Star Wars and Indianna Jones.

My family comes from France and BeNeLux.
Both my grandfathers were arrested and sent into camps in Germany, the first one was made prisonner in the aftermath of the siege of Lille (where his brother died to cover Dunkirk retreat), the other was an academic in Luxembourg who got arrested in 42.
Both their fathers were sent into labor camps in Germany and died there (one was a veteran from Verdun) and one of them saw his home destroyed in 44 and germans stole his dog.

So Hatred for nazis is more a thing transmitted by generation than propaganda, at least for places that endured occupation (particularly Poland for example who people were basically treated like animals).

Of course I don't have the visceral hatred they had (that wouldn't make sense to hate germans of my generations who have no part in it) but still think Germany got it relatively easy for what they did to Europe in WW1 and WW2 not because of the bodycount (because war makes deaths, always has been) but in terms geopolitical consequence (I think the british knowing their history will agree with me on this).
German and Nazi failed expansionnism has been the most cataclysmic event for Europe since the fall of the Western Roman Empire, reducing us to be demoralized and broken american's bitches, I won't even speak about the stain on the banner of ethnonationalism it is, the biggest resistance factor from normies to the concept is basically the nazi card.

I still read Mein Kampf to understand and happen to agree with certain things but there is a gap making that I will ever reconcile me with Hitler and the nazis as a nationalist.

Burger here. You are not so much
America's bitches as you are Jew's bitches. It was a long road for me to the red pill. My grandfather was also involved in that conflict and he fought for the wrong side, as I now believe he knew all along. He was born of German emigrants to the U.S. and fought for the U.S., being duped just as so many U.S. Military men are today fighting for Jewish interests. He died an alcoholic's death when I was 3 years old, so I never really knew him (and God, there are so many questions I would ask him now if I could), but my mother frequently related to me one story that he would tell when he was sloppy drunk, about how, as a scout, he came across a German soldier, and regarding each other down the barrel of a rifle, my grandfather fired first. And as he bled out, the German soldier showed my grandfather pictures of his family. It was kill or be killed. And for my part, I would rather my grandfather died, even though it meant me and my son never existed, if it would mean that the Reich prevailed and we had none of the complete nonsense we have today. You see, my grandfather had no love for Jews. This was also made known to me by my mother. And I could never reconcile the two things: my grandfather killed one of his own. If not to "liberate the Jews" as I was taught in school, then for what? Way led unto way in answering this question for myself, and here I am.

The greater point that I intend to make here is that, although we all have suffered in one way or another (you and I are brethren in that we were deprived of our forebears) from the events of WWII, there was a quantifiably right side and wrong side to the conflict. I have expressed regret regarding my family's contribution in said conflict. I respectfully ask that you consider your own family's role in the same, though I do not diminish in any way your love for them or your feeling of loss.

victors define history