Are you ready for the biggest redpill Holla Forums...

Are you ready for the biggest redpill Holla Forums? We all know (((science))) has been dominated by jews ( But have you ever thought maybe science itself is jewish?
-(((St. Paul))) a known jew.
I think it's high time that we accept that causal logic and (((modern science))) are corrupted through and through by the international jew.

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Holla Forums

are you implying that science isn't thoroughly compromised? fucking kike shill


but that's national science. that's entirely different and actually founded on explicitly nationalist principles. Evola was a national scientist as well ( Pic related

Ok, get off the internet and go live in a cave then

Please. There are too many Jews in science, but they don't dominate shit. Going by the Wikipedia lists for Mathematicians, Jews are behind most people, although they do beat Muslims and, of course, niggers. Jews do get many Nobel prizes, but being a Jew is pretty much a requirement for it.
Go ahead and prove logic is "corrupted". Even if a Jew had came up with it (they didn't), it works.

Truth is truth suck my dick kikeposter. Just because jews dominate something doesn't mean we should dismiss the whole thing, just the jewish part of it.

once again fuck off kike shill

how? using (((logic)))? I already proved it using national science.

pic related

Comments like this make me feel like I'm in an abusive relationship with Holla Forums. Thank god nobody has mentioned Atlantis yet.

The internal alchemy; wrest this soul from the clutches of darkness unbecoming and reunite with home and my waifu.

checked :D

Morton's Fork, the post.

False equivalence

The problem here isn't that "Jewish science" is incorrect, it's that it impedes us from discovering other sciences that would be more advanced than the current ones we have today.

I'm not sure if I explained myself clearly, so I'm going to give an example:

Albert Einstein, mostly credited for the Theory of Relativity, has dominated the physics camp of science for almost 70 years. Almost no dissent is allowed and you have to (((assume))) his theory is correct. Right now we have some other theories appearing but they're rapidly (((disproved))) or (((ignored))). See the Dutch Physicist, I think his name was Erik.

On the other hand, some parts of Einstein's theory were created by three white guys (can't remember their names though), and they're never credited for their contribution.

sounds jewish. anyway if you avoid causal logic, you don't run into this problem

right like national science. that's more advanced

We can talk about Atlantis if you want user-kun.

Holy shit could you have been more obvious?


Yeah, this happens often, even by accident. The guy who gets there first becomes a hero and the other guys end up as a footnote at best. Plenty of Math was discovered by more than one person, independently and only one gets immortalized.
Can't say that was the case with Einstein or not. It is a bit suspicious though.

Medium effort shill.

At least you tried (maybe?)

Oy Vey the evil Nazis can explain their beliefs through reasoning and knowledge
I know, I'll convince then that science is Jewish
*Rubs Hands*


effort is jewish

trying to explain your views using a jewish medium. that might be why so many national socialists seem to have trouble with doing this. Jews made it difficult on purpose.

No, not really, it's easy to explain shit like how the races are different and why different groups act differently using science

Hell yeah Sinead, the earth is flat

This is a bad thread and you should feel bad OP.

Nope. OP's on the right track. Not sure if Jews are to blame but who knows. The close-mindedness when discussing science is laughable! Leftist uni got you fooled!


If I had a time machine I'd go back and convince Hitler to capture "Jewish" science. Jews may be evil but that doesn't mean they are stupid and harmless. Hitler deprived himself of the ability to get the atom bomb and beat Russia by holding Jewish scientists captive. Hitler did NOTHING wrong ideologically, but he did many things wrong tactically.

Read dis and report back

Of course modern science is. This is nothing new you're saying. Modern science exists to strengthen the (((globalist))) narrative about equality, climate, health and so on. It also exists to create the most dystopian technology available so their grip on power is harder to lose. Eventually it will be impossible for them to be taken down save for an EMP.

Science is also the fastest growing religion. Many people base their knowledge and understanding of the world on scientists and studies. Most of which they never read or even know of. They place their faith in facts which they can't actually prove.

>words have meaning
I have a resident leftist that I agitate every now and then, this is his favorite emergency release valve
He just says it whenever it's becoming apparent that he's wrong

That's part of it. Unfortunately science has become an industry. Independent science, that outside of industry or academia, has died. In order to.revitalize science the individual will need to take an active interest.

Judaism in science, in the widest interpretation of it, is the endeavour to remove all Transcendentalism. The Aryan feels that the effort to grasp everything, and to refer
everything to some system of deductions, really robs things of their true meaning; for
him, what cannot be discovered is what gives the world its significance. The Jew has no fear of these hidden and secret elements, for he has no consciousness of their presence. He tries to take a view of the world as flat and commonplace as possible, and to refuse to see all the secret and spiritual meanings of things. His view is nonphilosophical rather than anti-philosophical.

It is due to a real disposition that the Jews should be so prominent in the study of chemistry; they cling naturally to matter, and expect to find the solution to everything in its properties.

- Otto Weininger - Sex and Character (the most Holla Forums-book ever written)

Fuck off kike. Science always was and always will be European. Other races can only imitate, including Jews. Every Jew of any value to science was a 80%+ European mixbreed.


talk about throwing the baby out with the bathwater..

This is retarded marxist bullshit. OP should change jews to white people & fuck off to south africa with this nigger logic.

The principles behind science are fine. The problem is, with everything in our modern world, it has been bombarded by subversive Marxist elements for decades. Also the wrong people are being put into these science positions. If you want science to move forward you need someone who is innately skilled, and has the knowledge required to progress. Our societies do not promote the innately gifted upwards, we promote the innately mediocre upward.