It's Fucking Happening! ZOG Medicine is Useless & Won't Save The Mundanes Now!

Yesterday morning, I published a story about the silent spread of resistance against the antibiotic of last resort, colistin—a major step toward the emergence of a superbug resistant to all antibiotics. While reporting this story, I interviewed Alex Kallen, an epidemiologist at the CDC, and I asked if anyone had found such a superbug yet. “Funny you should ask,” he said.

Funny—by which we all mean scary—because yesterday afternoon, the CDC also released a report about a Nevada woman who died after an infection resistant to 26 antibiotics, which is to say all available antibiotics in the U.S. The woman, who was in her 70s, had been previously hospitalized in India after fracturing her leg, eventually which led to an infection in her hip. There was nothing to treat her infection—not colistin, not other last-line antibiotics. Scientists later tested the bacteria that killed her, and found it was somewhat susceptible to fosfomycin, but that antibiotic is not approved in the U.S. to treat her type of infection.

The woman was isolated so that her superbug would not infect other patients in the hospital. And subsequent samples from other patients near her in the hospital have not turned it up. If this superbug is somehow gone from the hospital and gone from the U.S., that would be great news. But even if so, other pan-resistant superbugs are likely to emerge.

Here’s why: The most worrisome kind of colistin resistance is caused by a single gene called mcr-1. The bacteria that killed this woman did not have mcr-1; it’s still unclear how they became resistant. Other cases of colistin resistance have emerged before though. What makes mcr-1 special is that sits on a loop of free-floating DNA called a plasmid, which bacteria of different species can pass back and forth. And there are many plasmids out there with genes that confer resistance to this or that class of antibiotics.

Where might bacteria go to hang out and swap plasmids? Well your gut is a big bag of bacteria. One day, you might pick up some bacteria with a plasmid carrying resistance to colistin. Years later, you might pick up some bacteria with a plasmid carrying resistance to carbapenems. And so. They start swapping plasmids. All this time you are healthy, and these bacteria just lurk in your gut, not causing much trouble. Then you get sick, your immune system is down, and you take antibiotics for an infection. The antibiotics kill everything but the resistant bacteria, which have by now collected all the resistance genes and no competition. That’s how you get a pan-resistant infection.

The danger isn’t just that a single pan-resistant bacteria emerges and terrorizes the world. It’s that pan-resistant bacteria can keep emerging independently. The nightmare might go away, only to come back somewhere else.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Duke_of_Edinburgh

But but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but but WE'RE ALL EQUAL


Spoiler: The most powerful anti-biotic in the world is fermented tobacco. Grown in a pure organic fashion, fermented until black with whiskey or honey water. Then it is dried and made into a tea.

In south America it's called Mapacho.

This anti-biotic is so powerful it will ignore the healthy bacteria in your system. You can snort it, drink it, apply it topically etc…

By the way she was a Pajeet, and probably broke her leg while shitting in a designated shitting street, no wonder they have superbacterias there.
Sage, call me when this "supebug" starts killing young people instead of elder Pajeets.

This pleases Nurgle.

welp we're boned

start licking the floor now to strengthen your immune system

That isn't how antibiotics work faggot

Too late for that time to stockpile rations and build NBC shelters

Wow who's this qt?

Only just the queen


Good thing we brought her to the United States where she can spread her 3rd world diseases

We have super bacteria because of third world shit holes like india, they prescribe antibiotics for everything including viral infections. Not only that, they use regular antibiotics normally only used to threat humans in animal feed.

The bacteria become resistant through over exposure and therefore evolve resistances. It is even more dangerous because different kinds of bacteria can exchange genetic material including the genes that help with resistance.

Pajeet doctors know this but don't care, all they care about is their wallets.


that's the girl that hung herself recently


USA is barely different.




Gah. I meant for you, you anal parasite.

I think it's Sam Hyde's niece.

shit, sam was the family member who tried to rape Katelyn Nichole Davis!

Dubs confirm street shitter doctor is to blame.

yes and I also know a good recipe to make some cool crystals, and glow sticks.

tobacco tea is an assassination tool. follow this user's advice and you will die of severe nicotine poisoning, imagine smoking 500 unfiltered camels instantly

India is a hot plate of disease.

Unfortunately, her isolation room was half-assedly cleaned afterward by a minimum-wage flip who used the same sterile wipe for the doorknob as she did for the floor, so now the fucking bacteria are all over.

t. Former healthcare worker who has seen this.


wasn't there a resident evil game in india?

Oregano oil works wonders as well on gut bacteria. Just dilute it first.

I've been very curious recently if there is any research going on about the potential for outbreak of a new plague in India. It's overpopulated; they use the most antibiotics of any country; and they're swamped in tight slum spaces together living in their own feces. It's got to be a race between the antibodies and the bacteria evolving to outmatch them. My bet is on the bacteria winning out.

Any biologists in here know more about this? I've been real curious lately about the potential for mass plagues to aid the world in the overpopulation of the lower races.

Yes. Turns out they weren't zombies, just a bunch of smelly Dalits.

I feel sick.

This is why we need to kill all shitskins on the planet. They ruin our medicine and breed diseases that then cause plagues among us.

Wait til the media starts pouring kvetchup sauce all over Trump for his…

Failed medical system

Calling this shit for 2017, europistan, big pharma, who and CDC gonna try destabilise the Trump presidency with muh pandemic



I can see it now

This shit is what makes me seriously think about bugging out innawoods.

Lurk moar noob,_Duke_of_Edinburgh

Herbalfag from the heroin/akuamma hread here.
Usnea lichens are a viable antibiotic that can be used in emergency situations. Read up on it, it grows everywhere white men live just bout, nd isn't hadd to identify if you read up. It may save your life, it's worked for me and my family before in a pinch.
Also, for viruses, the Black European Elderberry contains a substance that is a more powerful antiviral than Tamiflu, and it tastes amazing inmy opinion. Get some in reserves.

so well that industrial chicken farmers are switching because it's cheaper and they don't have to stop using it 2 weeks before slaughter like they do with antibiotics to flush them out of the chickens systems before market.

I'll boost this. Oregano and Thyme have always been classics in teas and brews for treating a number of bacterial and fungal diseases, and work well.

By that logic, spaghettiniggers should be immune to a majority of diseases.

what logic?

This is why I firmly reject most modern medicine unless it is absolutely necessary. Things in nature are mostly the greatest medicine for the ordinary diseases/ailments. Look at stuff like Garlic or hot peppers like Habaneros, their antibiotic properties are ridiculous and people won't even consider it medicine since they have been conditioned that unless it is in a pill form it cannot help them. It truly is a shame.

Nex time you have a stuffy nose, try drinking some black pepper. Clears it up wonderfully.

Reddit please go


The bacteria didn't have the gene, lad, not the lady. mcr-1 is a bacterial gene.


this is just the beginning of the new plague. theres literally nothing we can do to stop it. the walking dead is real.

As long as it gets rid of the jews im fine with it.

Biologist here. What we could see happen with India is an outbreak of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis. It's already a problem there, and strains scientists call "extensively drug resistant" tuberculosis have been found in Africa. If anything leads to a mass plague in India, the most likely candidate would be XDR-TB.

Another candidate is smallpox. Seeing as it's been eradicated, the vaccine is no longer manufactured in large enough quantities to effectively immunize people, especially not people in third world countries. The death toll in a bioterror release of smallpox virus would be incredible, and first world countries who have the ability to rapidly vaccinate people would be mostly spared. Viral hemorrhagic fevers such as Ebola also have pandemic potential in much the same way.

I'm sure there's a solution if you do your own research and don't trust mainstream medicine. Just like there is for cancer. If you eat strong cbd marijuana it fights cancer. Also other psychedelics also fights cancer.

I'm sure there's some plant somewhere or some insect you put on your skin that vacuum sucks all the bad shit out, whooooooop.


Ya got me.


Yeah that mumbo jumbo worked great for Steve Jobs. See how he's in the ground and everything. Remember medicine is the work of da juice!

We're gonna need more walls

I feel a slight twinge of schadenfreude that the poos' own incompetence is going to get them killed, but it's also annoying because there's yet another thing they've ruined for us.

That said, eugenics is the correct way to protect ourselves from disease, breeding a codependence on drugs/medical tech damages us in the long run.

id love to see some evidence to back that claim up. source or gtfo.

we already are dependant. ever taken amoxacillin in your life? your already damaged. bacteria evolves faster than our science does so far. for every person saved by antibiotics in the past century, there will be a person that dies because of them in the next one.

You triple nigger. Thats not an antibiotic thats an antiparasitic.

They make a medicine with elderberry called sambucol, you can just make a tincture yourself with elderberries and everclear style 150+ proof grain alchol. Elderberry grows easily pretty much everywhere in the US and Europe, great home remedy good on you for knowing about it user.

Hundreds of kids in California have been paralyzed this year from a form of fucking POLIO because that's what spics are enriching us with.

Oh yeah, all the drug resistant bugs come from India and the assholes of men in San Francisco. NO LOL. Look on the CDC for 'heatmaps' of outbreaks. A cluster of TRS fanboy rectums in Northern CA coincides with blah blah. Every fucking time.

Thank god for goverment regulation!

Keep popping antibiotics pills for any minor invection and flu and giving it to meat.

Thanks, scientist. So it sounds like nature will find a way to create equilibrium. What we have to worry about is kikes and liberals begging white countries to save those poor people. Hopefully, the instinct of avoiding the sick and diseased will be strong enough for the populace to raise up arms to keep them out.

I like this idea.

I treated a potentially dangerous staph infection by topically applying garlic to it. Infection was gone within 12 hours and the wound began to heal. Alopathic medicine is an absolute disaster for anything except major bodily trauma.

I don't know anything about steve jobs fight with cancer so im afraid i cant comment.

all i said was that mainstream science sucks and i think if you disagree you have your head up your ass. you can often search pubmed yourself to see what medicine exists that just hasnt entered mainstream practice because of money reasons.


A trap

And again.

A confirmed coalburner.

Ok, im not a phd student or anything, but an absolutely resistant bug is not entirely likely, and if it did emerge, it would be horribly inefficient in comparison to normal varieties. This is due to the nature by which a bacteria becomes resistant to a antibiotic in general. Usually, they release a counteragent into their environment that warps, connects or otherwise renders the antibiotic null.

So an infectious agent that is releasing 30 odd auxiliary proteins just in casies would have a hard time managing resources. Eventually, a bug could be fine tuned to produce the proteins reactionarily, or to work around the antibiotic effects in another manner, but bacterial instability and simplicity might be enough that if we have enough options, it might be that a mega cocktail is always partially effective. Barring that, infections only kill people who don't treat wounds correctly or have weakened immune systems, as long as there isn't a black plague about, we have more than enough time to make nanobots or some shit.

This literally isn't a threat to humanity, and its worst case scenario is avoided by common sense and our modern understanding of hygiene anyways. It might have an effect on the cattle industry, but barring that infectious bacteria are piss weak at plagues without massive spreading of lice or fleas.

It doesn't have to be completely resistant to everything though, it just has to cause enough difficulty in treatment that it can't be reliably stopped if an outbreak started. As another user mentioned, fucking polio is spreading in America now, but that's easy to treat in small cases with a good hospital, but in a shitskin infested shithole it's a different story.


does anyone have the webm version of Doom Paul in the OP?

We're reaching newfag levels that should't even be possible

Nice double dubs.

I know antibiotic resistance is supposed to be a really bad thing, but that mention about things like polio becoming a problem in third world countries again gets me a little bit excited. Can you imagine what will happened to coddled continents like Africa and India when antibiotics stop working? When the people who literally live in their own shit, eat garbage from the bush, and can't keep their hands out of their genitals, who's population keeps explosion, all of the sudden are no longer to treat ANY infectious bacterial diseases?

That population boom we've seen will practically completely disappear overnight, and there's nothing anyone will be able to do about it. That and tightly packed areas even in the first world, like say, major liberal cities will be a lot a lot more dangerous to inhabit; habits in the city like sexual deviancy will die off fast when bacterial infections can no longer be treated, and the close proximity to everyone will make infection spread SO much easier. That's not even counting street shitting pajeets and diseased nogs that live in these cities; could you imagine what'll happen to San Francisco?

So, I mean. Antibiotic resistance will be a bad thing, sure; but the way I see it it will be a THOUSAND times worse for our enemies. People have lived without antibiotics before, we just need to be cleaner for the short period of time between the end of current antimicrobial, and the discovery of new ones; our enemies seem to be wholly incapable of being clean or hygienic.

Wrong one

Requesting ebola-chan get.

By we, I hope you mean nonwhites. But that problem I think will solve itself if you catch my drift.

I'm saying shitskins and non whites will die due to their own hubris.

That's the ticket, and I love it.

Who got

Superbacteria is a very bad thing, but this is cuckchan tier clickbait. She was 70 years old, and older people are more or less inclined to suffer badly from afterdiseases of regular viruses and infections as it stands.


Better get your colloidal silver in order, it's the only thing that will still work. Wouldn't be surprised if it's what all of these zog doctors secretly use themselves.

I'm pretty sure Usnea is known to cause liver failure.

GRIDS started off in the leather fetish community because of fisting. Infected blood from the ripped rectum getting under the faggot's fingernails.


And if you'd have used even a modicum of your time to properly read and research your shit, you'd know that there were actually two antibiotics that could've been used, which were succesfully in lab conditions at fighting the shit she had, yet couldn't be applied since they didn't pass human testing as of yet.
The whole thing is more about the time it takes to get mediciing through testing which can cost lives, then some omnious superacteria that is unkilable especially if it was killed already by afromentioned antibiotics
Fucking cuckchanners trying to fearmonger.

In the same boat. I've rejected medicine since I was about 10. I can recall one time I've taken antibiotics in that time, and that was purely because I had a bad sinus infection and needed to get over it fast for midterms in college.

The rest? Nope. Just grit my damn teeth and ride it out. I havent had any real illness or infection in about 2 years now, and even then it was only one infection that was just incredibly painful because it was in my lower sinuses and pushed against my teeth from the inside with the swelling, felt like someone was shoving an icepick into my teeth from the inside if I sat down.

Aside from that, I havent had any real health concerns since.. 2012 I think? And its not like I live in a bubble. I work with teenagers in rehab who go to alternative schools during the day, and so many kids there and at our faciilities have poor hygiene. Other coworkers get sick with stomach viruses, the flu, streph, infections, etc… and I just sorta ride through it all.

Apparently the lack of coddling my immune system or over reacting to even slight pain or suffering with high doses of antibiotics, has taught my immune system to be a ruthless killing machine with a response time that would make even the fastest of US special forces envious.

Feels damn good to know that I've trained myself to endure those things with ease, and my body to respond quickly and efficiently to invading organisms. Let the poo-in-the-loos all get sick with superbugs, then quarantine their entire shithole of a nation and let them die then purge the remains with fire and acid until nothing is left. Then let them serve as an example to the rest of the world what will become of those who endanger the rest of the world with poor hygiene and overuse of drugs

How did you do this exactly??

I ask because for some reason I started getting staph infections 4 years ago and I seem to get 1 or 2 a year and the doctors say I'm just going to keep getting them.

They literally give me no reason they just say I'll probably keep getting them and one could kill me.

Pretty convenient for the Jews.

suspected to damage in high doses, like EVERYTHING.

Can personally confirm that training your immune system works wonders.

bix nood fosfomycin muhfugga

It's virtually impossible to die from oral nicotine consumption.
Tobacco tea is a real thing.
Despite having made its way into medical, technical and safety documents and despite being taught in (((universities))) the 60mg figure is a complete fabrication which became accepted as "scientific fact" through sheer force of repetition.
Traced back it turns out that the source was a friend of a scientist who wrote him a letter with an estimate of lethal dose, based on unpleasant effects he experienced after drinking a substance which (based on the very tiny dose he took) almost certainly wasn't nicotine.
So, all along "ignorant laymen" with ACTUAL EXPERIENCE of nicotine were right and "scientific fact" was wrong.

Even if you manage to ingest a lethal dose, (which may be as large as several grams), you will vomit it out before it is absorbed.

Vapers, snusers and dippers have known this for years, dippers and snusers especially, regularly exceed "lethal dose" with no I'll effects.

Everything has its limit, but that limit isn't 60mg, it is higher than that of caffeine… Is coffee a "deadly poison" too?

I fucking hate how mud-lovers are going to be the reason we all die from a super plague one day.
Fuck me.

She's a coalburning Jewess you fucking degenerates.

The eternal female is born a degenerate whore, however Boxxy's coalburning isn't confirmed.

Staph is exceedingly common, some people are succeptible to it, others aren't. Most people just have it, but don't react. They're sort of 'carriers'. All MRSA infections are a form of staph infection but not all staph is MRSA. If you're reacting to one of the strains you'll just have it for the rest of your life, but my sister in law eventually had hers stop showing symptoms.

If you don't want to go to the doctor, make some garlic poultices. It won't heal it better than antibiotics would, but it might help. Get some basic medical gauze, some raw garlic and some flour. Shell, mince and crush the garlic retaining as much moisture as you can, then add flour half a teaspoon at a time until you've made a loose paste. Spread that paste onto a portion of the cloth that will be touching your wound then tie it loosely in place or tape it, but you want some air flow. This will not smell good if that is a consideration. Replace the poultice every 6 hours, wash the wound with glycerine bar soap and water between each reapplication.

finally you plebs are catching up, I've been extremely allergic to every single prescription antibiotic since birth for some reason.

Can we please meme an all-around plague-chan for worldwide disasters?

Same for me, user. I've used antibiotics once in the past 10 years. I've even traveled in poo-in-the-loo land you mention extensively and been terribly sick from "Delhi belly" the first couple of times I went there, and only used oregano oil to fight off the stomach bugs, which worked amazingly well. I never get sick now crosses fingers.

Where did this meme even come from?

From /fringe/, I believe.

All the jokes we make about them being disgusting subhumans aren't really jokes, they're based on pretty solid facts. africans, indians, arabs, and most asians are completely fucking disgusting with their hygiene and can only exist with the populations they have because of our technology propping them up. It would be incredibly easy for an infection to spiral out of control even if they could treat it simply because their hospitals are garbage and their population is too large. The latest Ebola outbreak was only stopped by a co-ordinatd effort by all of the most medically advanced countries on earth, we just have to stop that.

I can see it now

TBH it can only be a good thing. The most decent whites left will congregate in rural areas and likely be protected for the most part if they're sustainable enough, and would shoot on sight outsiders.

What concerns me is not whether the person next to the pajeet is now covered in superbug (since hospitals are really careful about monitoring shit like that), but if they incinerated everything she used. Bedpans, loos, drink bottles. Everything.

Here's how it works:

Someone with cancer starts buying into bullshit and somehow gets better. He then praises bullshit. Someone with cancer starts buying into bullshit and dies. He's now dead and can't exactly leave a negative review for whatever snake oil he's been taking. So even if 95% people who try homeopathy die anyway, and the remaining percentage is no higher than baseline survival rates, it still creates an impression that those treatments are effective.

Literally survivor bias.

The only effective cure for all diseases is to interface with your subconscious and get answers there. Then it will tell you exactly whaat you need to do.

Biofilms are immune to all bacteriacidal substances. Doctors barely know anything about them but they frequently cause chronic infections. Antibiotics cause biofilm formation.

Yup, or even suck on copper wire. No bacteria can survive copper or silver. There's a reason doorknobs used to be brass and silverware was silver.

I just minced up garlic super tiny and packed it all around the infection against the skin with some atheltic tape and gauze. You could use a bandaid if it's just a small infected area. Be careful to take it off before it starts burning too bad. You can get a pretty bad chemical burn from garlic (I did), but it will still kill the staph. Also Grapeseed fruit extract has been proven to have effects on staph and it's not that expensive to just get a bottle and take a bunch of it for like a week.

last time I heard something like that I saw some crazy old guy whos skin turned blue over time from silver buildup. He seems fit as a fiddle though. Maybe the smurfs were onto something?

Friendly reminder we also still have Ebola Reston waiting to explode and of course an exciting brand new strain of Ebola lurking in the shitholes of Africa, waiting to burn its path through humanity.

They managed to find the Marburg reservoir but the Ebola reservoirs are still undiscovered. A cure for Ebola still hasn't been developed, so when Ebola strikes again (which it will) it'll still be mayhem. Not to mention whatever new strain that comes crawling out of the teeming African jungle will probably be untreatable by whatever cure they have by then (in the same way you can't cure Ebola with Marburg treatment).

Is that Papa Smurf?

So should we worry about the bleached barrier?

You faggots need to read up on your mushrooms. colloidal silver is only useful for contact.

Pharmaceuticals are probably going to try and destroy mushroom medicine.

this tinfoil shit has been forced since the 80s, disease can't evolve from nothing. but the true fact is anti-biotics can reduce our bodies natural resistance to germs and disease.

The only known 'fatal' disease to evolve along humans for 5000 years is hepatitis.

Some old poo in loo who'd die from anything inside her body is irrelevant.

I'd love to see all of Holla Forums to start taking colloidal silver and become blue. then you'll be a race of blue people who who can't stop shitposting.

Superbugs only exist in closed enviroments conductive to their survival like hospitals. All these immunities to antibiotics compromise the bacterium in some way (growth rate, metabolics) so that outside of the antibiotics-chocked clinics normals bacteria have a massive reproduction advantage. Natural selection works against superbugs here.

Also note the woman was in India and they Pajeet doctors throw around everything nilly willy.

I am sorry for bursting your bubble.They can revert back to normal if they stop eating the silver. If they want to stay blue then they need to find someone with genetic mutation that make the skin blue without any defect.

I am sorry for bursting your bubble.They can revert back to normal if they stop eating the silver. If they want to stay blue then they need to find someone with genetic mutation that make the skin blue without any defect.

let me post

From the depths of the memory hole, I give you this: -
They're already targeting alternative medicine doctors en masse. Over 60+ dead since 2015. The minority of the kills were not suspicious. Read that again if you didn't understand, only a few were not suspicious. Some were wiped out with their family and co-workers.

A lot of people don't understand that alternative medicine gets a bad reputation because the pharmaceutical industry works together with the media to keep natural medicine, that traces its roots back to folk healers and natural remedies, down and bearing the image of hippie quackery. Nevermind the fact that the shit you find the drug store usually relies on a plant as its main ingredient but I digress. It doesn't help that leftists poison the well on the image of alternative medicine because they're anti-corporatist so they only like alternative medicine by default (not to say that corporatism is good either).

The bottom line is that they're literally killing off people who do actual healing, people that don't charge obscene amounts of money and require your insurance. They sell what amounts to nutritional advice and tell you what foods you need to eat to help yourselves. These people barely make any money but believe in the well-defined but broad scope of natural medicine. When they can't help you they do in fact refer you to medical doctors because they're not scam artists that want you to stay sick and die like what (((South Park))) has you believe.

But so help us that the goyim can do so much to keep away from (((pharma))) and eat plants or get more vitamins that they have to die because that interferes with (((drug sales.)))

someone with a tolerance already of course can exceed a typical dose considered lethal. You aren't getting a mere 60mg by putting it in tea, you're looking at at least several hundred mg and a lot of that if not all of it will absorb before any puking takes place. It's playing with fire but feel free to experiment yourself and report back. I'm a chainsmoker myself and you'd never catch me fucking with this.

I grew up in a dumpster. I can roll in aids infested needles and make it out fine.

You faggots better pucker your butts if CRISPR doesn't become a commonplace treatment soon.

None of our politics matter if we're all fucking corpses.

Similar boat. I don't even take Tylenol or DayQuil or the like. Come to think of it I haven't needed it in a long while. Usually just drink a lot of orange juice


Why the hell do they need to approve a medicine to use it when the other option is death.

Or the news reports are bullshit and CRISPR is gonna kill us all (or all of our humanity)

See this can go both ways and don't try to tell me you believe the MSM

its not a meme. it doesn't even exist. pay no attention. turn your televisions back on

CRISPR-EATING with the right funding can literally be self genetic modification for lower costs than 2016 3D printing
With far better results.

Actually that man has been blue for years after taking colloidal silver.

Big (((pharma)))'s business isn't to make CURES, it's to make CUSTOMERS


Overrated shitpile that polnons will spill spaghetti for just so she'll acknowledge that you said something to her.

Foreveralone betas worship this shitbag, she's nothing but an attention whore playing it up where it works best.

Same, user. I worked in a nursing home for several months, and it's disgusting to see some of the "standard" cleaning practices.