Are you guys going to watch this Netflixkino?

Starring Jaden Smith as transgender heroine Annie May

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Anikino, pure anikino


Is this shit real?

yes it is

This is the absolute state of /a/. /jp/ tried to warn you but your tranny tyrant silenced us.

That art quality is terrible. It also looks like its running at 8 frames per second. I thought Netflix was supposed to actually invest money into their projects? Seems like they haven't bothered since 2014

why the fuck would I watch an American anime? The only appeal of anime is it's not westernized, this is just watching faggy pedo cartoons with no story-telling value.

This is the ultimate weaboo filter. Only resemblance to good anime is random neo-nipponese words "New Yokio" and the standard shitty cgi-animation from modern animes. It appeals to the most base reasons for watching anime without having any decent story and the humor will probably be equally unfunny.

So cuckime is real now?


stopped watching right there

This looks like trash


I think we need at least 2 more threads about this show.

They'll claim that it's not "true anime" cause it's made by gaijins.

It's being made with Production IG and Studio DEEN.


What classical song is that in the background?



You god damn fool. Anime is only produced in 2s or 3s, and 80% is in 3s.

Then a lot of 80s and 90s American cartoons are anime if that's the criteria.

jesus fucking christ why

Animu is so uncucked that western SJW were forced to do their own cus they couldn't force nips to inject Kool-Aid into their biggest cash cow
What you see is the result
Not like you could expect anything better after seen what their homebrew vidya looks like

On par with modern anime really


Almost every anime is left-wing and has some kind of degeneracy in it.

Opinion forever dismissed.

Is it Jap shit or Korean animated American shit trying to be Jap?
Also the shit looks like it was animated in flash

Korean animated shit with western fags and kikes trying to make jap shit.

It's animated by the japs

All anime looks like that.

cuckime was memed into reality.

It was always reality sadly.

For years I pondered the Cuckime Question: Why is there such a surplus of anime wherein the protagonist is bombarded with 10/10 girls who want his dick, but ultimately ends with no romantic resolution, or worse…?
I knew this drek was created to cater to the tastes of the lowest tier of Japanese society: Otaku. Like Miyazaki (PBUH), I knew they were a vital piece to the puzzle. So why would otaku want unsatisfying conclusions to their anime, if they were self-inserting as the MC? It then dawned on me: they weren't self-inserting as the MC, but instead saw themselves as a third-party, not as the MC as some would believe nor as the female love interest as others.
Why, and how, could this be? We must keep in mind that the Otaku is first and foremost, a cuck. And cuckolds derive pleasure from watching others participate, but never themselves. The Otaku is unique in that he nevertheless cannot stand to see his beloved waifus pair up with the MC. Out of this cuckime is born, and, the cuckime addict, always seeking a new fix in the form of the animated equivalent of orgasm-denial and femdom porn.

West corrupts everything.


Not surprising. Cuckime enthusiasts are not well known for their attention spans

Is this show suitable to be watched by my wife's sons?

Yes, this is totally the west's fault. Anime before was always so pure and based, am I right?

Don't forget pedophilia

I could bother replying to you, but I'd rather make a new thread tbh. Maybe I should make a new anikino thread evetrytime someone says cuckime, just for the sake of it. What do you thinki?



You missed a letter.
