The Best part:
Freidman. That explains everything. They're claiming Ghoul is who gave them the info:
The Best part:
Freidman. That explains everything. They're claiming Ghoul is who gave them the info:
Other urls found in this thread:
To TRS users
I want you to justify why people should ignore Mike Enoch being married to a Jew. I want to see you defend this.
Here's the thing, I'm definitely from TRS and you're all antifa and iron march and you shouldn't attack TRS with purity spiraling D&C :^)
She's a based Nationalist Jew, goy, we swear.
Kike Enoch is a Jew himself as well
Lmao, why everytime a nationalist defends jews or gays he turns out to be one or the other ?
What is a link between this penovich guy and mike enoch besides them using the same avatar?
this, among other things
How can trs defend this?
I'm honestly pretty surprised that a jew is behind TRS, because it's something that's so manifestly bad for the jews.
I suppose there's a chance that the entire dox is a trap that they laid out in the past (I've often thought that the easiest way to protect yourself online is to leave a trail that points to someone else rather than nobody), but we'll see in the future. There's audio of Enoch's wife doing anti-semitic shit on one of the shoahs, and he mentions multiple times that she's on board with what he espouses (which includes jews in ovens).
Of course, if he was just a lazy faggot…this is fucking hilarious. All those trs supporters aren't going to have anywhere to go but here and the Daily Stormer. Assuming they actually integrate, the destruction of this particular set of jewish tricks will just lead to us growing in size and influence to an incredible degree.
You've never heard of a self-hating jew before?
I have, but they tend to be open about being jewish like Brother Nathanael.
Or they're just some jew who says something like "white people don't deserve to be exterminated" or "Israel shouldn't try to ethnically cleanse all the muds" in public.
Is it? They thrive on persecution. The idea that the whole world is out to get them is a key piece of the narrative they use to maintain the influence they have–both in terms of winning favors from goyim and keeping the tribe internally cohesive.
This will really tickle your pickle. Weev is the goombah for the Daily Stormer. He is a Jewish troll posing as a white nationalist, and is compromised by LE. He started and fanned the TRS doxing shitstorm for the purpose of seizing a bigger chunk of the TRS userbase.
TRS testing their new narrative. Both are degenerate scum.
It's the internet forum version of pic related
i feel as though this is fake. it's too perfect
Wew lad. I was wary about the fighting with TRS when that shit started, but eventually I came around. Now this just takes the fucking cake. No wonder they cuck so fucking hard, the podcasters are literal kikes in dire need of a gassing.
Where is the evidence that Ghoul sold people out?
Well played trs.
Or both.
TRS is not the kind of anti-semitism that jews actually like existing. They prop up harmless and transparently offensive stuff that doesn't go into great detail about why people would actually hate jews. They scrawl swastikas on Synagogues and smear shit in jewish neighborhoods - they don't hand out copies of The Culture of Critique or the Oded Yinon plan.
As for weev, I never thought he was jewish. He claimed that he was trolling when he said he was, and "rabbi Auernheimer" gets no results on google, which is usually a pretty reliable test.
So ghoul is a piece of shit.
Sven got my respect for continuing on and getting a gun. I hope Enoch does the same.
Yes it is.
So trs?
Auernheimer seems to be one of the few German names that have not been hijacked by the kikes.
obviously a typo
Honestly I want to keep the fuck away from E-drama but holy shit TRS you fucking faggots.
I just want to laugh at the faggots.
Why so the kike can off himself?
Maybe weev sold them out from the inside. He is admittedly up in all their tech.
I know right it's almost as if a Holla Forumsack managed to infiltrate antifa and put so much info out there that anyone in antifa who objected to these methods would expose themselves as a jewish manipulator.
No no my friend the first thing they teach you in journalism and marketing class is that no press is bad press. You know that.
They do actually give people pretty decent arguments against the jews. The Culture of Critique is something they spam a lot, and that's better than The Eternal Jew when it comes to making the nature of the jewish problem clear.
He literally described trs. Read it back to yourself.
I'm absolutely not surprised that Kike Enoch turns out to be actually deep in Jewry. I called it in 2015 yet couldn't prove it. At the time it was only a fucking hunch which came out 100% true. I thought it was extremely suspicious that a man living in Jew-York, of all places, using so many kike media techniques to promote and create his "media empire for fashy goys (god I hate that retarded term)" was not somehow related to the tribe. Glad to see my jewdar is finely tuned.
I did. That's not an accurate description. To wit:
Which part of that is TRS?
I petition that Holla Forums bans the word fash / fashy now that we know it's a Jewish invention
I mean he actually admitted to being a jew a while ago too:
The jew wife also works at a place called Jimpact to spread 'diversity' around to businesses and other places. Including, but not limited to, Capital One Bank, Harvard, Comcast, Rutgers University, Aflac, Johnson & Johnson, Jack in the Box, and the fucking NSA
How does TRS defend any of this
But then I won't be able to make fun of "fashy" lolbergs.
By the time he said that, I had long stopped listening to them. I missed it until it surfaced back during the dozens of recent TRS threads.
Seriously? Quick someone say nigger again or play another shitty drop. God forbid we talk about Hitler.
Jewish subversiveness is passed matrilineally. Surnames aren't a foolproof indicator.
That kike is the bastard son of Allen Ginsberg. You can't look at him and rationally deny that he's Jewish as fuck.
Trusting him in any way is utter insanity.
Fucking disgusting. One bullet from stage left of their heads would solve two problems.
Wasn't Enoch the butt of every joke on TRS anyway?
How the fuck do you even breathe, you utter moron
Not to mention he's a fed informant.
According to communists.
Stop trying to create an artificial consensus with your fakeposting.
You are not a real person reaching a logical conclusion.
He owns TRS.
What the fuck ?
Is the second image a shop? Fucking hell.
The fag friendly status and "alt-Jews" makes complete sense now.
These entire threads are a shitty drop.
Still waiting on how
Hate namefags all you want, dox them for lulz, but don't lie about why you're doing it. That's jewish as fuck. Kike.
Filtered. Maybe one of your trs buddies will be civil.
Did that term originate on TRS? I've been around Holla Forums for years and I don't think I've ever heard that term on the chans.
Peinovic is Ustase as fuck, you retard.
Get your jewdar adjusted.
is that weev? that resemblance is uncanny.
If Enoch is in deep with the jews, I wonder how many other "white nationalist" groups are pulling the same shit?
I always knew he was part either jew or ethnic. He's got comedic timing and there hasn't been a funny WASP in 20 years.
i don't want to defend this in fact i am deeply concerned right now
Mike did say that he had South Slavic ancestry and it wasnt Serbian.
Yes it is a trs shame tactic to keep you from calling out fags or muh based nationalist jews. Or they call it punching right.
You have to be joking. TRS was like a shitty caricature of white nationalism.
Croatian, now we know.
The overhelming majority of immigrants from eastern europe have jewish ancestry.
The thing with Jews, is that even by looks alone you never know. They are so fucking subversive, I have seen ALL KINDS of JEWS!
Only way to tell a Jew, is to know his family history.
Damn he's a fucking clone of the founder of NAMBLA
It explains so much. It explains everything from the very first thread to all the arguments here. I need to trust my instincts more.
No it is not
Never forget, Holla Forums is always right even if we don't believe it ourselves
TRS fag here and I want Mike to answer for this. I will not purview their content until I see this addressed and even then I will still probably be done.
Good content is not worth the entertainment if it's all a ruse for shekels.
Have you tried not giving them shekels?
Holy shit nobody cares about your favourite e celebs.
You realise that's a TRS meme right? Go back there please
The nose is merchant meme level. They might have tried ripping off our memes but not this one. We need to spread this ugly kike far and wide.
Also edit out her audio and send it to everyone she hasn't told about her inside joke
You first kike.
He cries out.
I have never given them a shekel. Ever, and I never would.
then I fail to see a problem
None of this has hit twitter yet, except for a leftie article.
How long until TRS comes in force to tell us all that naming a "based" jew is punching to the right and "purity spiraling" :^) ? Unless they already brigaded the first thread, anyways.
This is pretty bad
If this dude is a straight kike and he is not at the least working towards a divorce with his fag loving kike wife, I will not give them an additional +1 listen count. I just want answers, mainly, and new podcasts to listen to run by non-jews.
Yeah it's nothing but libshits celebrating and retweeting the article from Medium
Wait until they find out that at least his wife is a jewess. Then they won't know what to do
Yes it's weird. I follow a lot altright ecelebs and they all seem to have agreed to not comment.
Really makes me think.
They criticize Jewish paranoia and Jewish misinformation. They don't like how Jews are trying to subvert white culture into an amorphous consumerist one. Because with globalism, corporations determine rules and customs, not the family unit. Depending on how it turns out, it can be bad.
In a way, globalism already happened with black people a long time ago. Because of how black americans lost their culture, they've adopted materialistic anti-white culture (ie. Gangsta culture) that Jews like Jerry were directly involved in. They no longer valued their family, only consumerist pleasure like drugs, prostitutes, hip-hop, etc. It's no coincidence that blacks have a high abortion rate, a high homicide rate, and no father in their families.
Wealthy jews are trying to do the same with LGBT people to target the white family unit.
so… don't listen?
what do those even mean
Their is also that shit where Ralph Report is allegedly shills for Milo Yiannopoulos thanks to a log-dump. Ralph is associated with WLAA and GNAA who are tied to weev. It all came out because a sperg kike Nick Monroe started to talk shit about Teridax (who is friends with Weev) and Ralph on (((Red Ice))). Personally I don't think I've seen any solid evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt and I am not autistic enough to dig into this gamergoy shit to have a substantive verdict but Weev is shady as fuck.
The rhetoric they are using now is that 8/pol/ is no longer sophisticated enough to understand the complexity of true nationalism ideology and that its been subverted by idiotic morons who where fooled by antifa into attacking their own team that are not worth listening to.
In that case why is she pro gay if they are the "good Jews"? It's not adding up is it?
Weev's height or lack of and nasally voice are dead giveaways too. Even that Gavin homo called him out for sounding "Jewy" which affected weevstein in a deep way.
It came from Greg of Counter-Currents, but it was popularized by Anglin.
I almost forgot about this guy.
Thread 1 archive :
We don't.
Requesting Ralph shilling for Milo log dump.
The link between Anglin and Greg to trs is that faggot Spencer. Remember when everyone joked that his mom looked Jewish?
did anyone outside of /pol ever listen to Holla Forums?
fooled by antifa, fooled by gayniggers, fooled by goons… isn't that every wednesday on a chan? It all passes anyway, why are they butthurt about it?
So how do you think this will play out? I don't have access to the forums.
Any mention will probably be banned, if their banning of comments on disqus is reflective of in-forum moderation watch.
No idea yet. But something is going to crash and burn.
I guess that she will be redpilled with the way they act towards her now. Most fags are pozzed leftists who value consumer culture over white culture. That's why the majority of fags demand media representation while beer brands, condom brands, bars, hookup (ie Grindr), and HIV awareness ads are advertised to them.
Not punching to the right means to not attack or criticize someone who's right wing that you don't totally agree with.
Purity spiraling is supposed to mean not getting unrealistically strict to the point where only 5 people can ever meet your standards, but it's mainly used to kvetch about people more hard line than the person speaking.
From what I know this is the idea that "because we're both on the right then fighting is nonproductive so don't do it, don't call me names, don't call out our shit opinions, don't call out that I'm secretly a kike."
What I understand about this is that when you value purity then people will start "spiraling" and attaining for further levels of purity which will be bad because less people will donate to you and also because extremism is bad and you need the nigs and the fags and shit. It just comes of as "muh PR" to me. For all their pretending that they're full 15/99, they're pretty moderate since they want to do the whole meetups and counter culture shit. Hope that helped.
this is the current header and has been for about a week.
Probably Enoch's marriage
NOW you wonder? Jesus Christ.
No punching to the right is a TRS term that means to stop hitting them back. It is only ever used after TRS goes after a White group.
Purity spiraling is a TRS term that means that you should stop being such a bad goy and accept 'based' niggers and jews into nationalist groups. No purity spiraling is their offense to weaken other groups, while no punching to the right is their defense
How long till he kills himself
Richard met with mike at the hailgate event and Richard made a comment about mike shaking hands with a "base nationalist jew" on one of their podcasts together.
Not if the whole thing was for show. Keep up.
I know that feel…
I am glad this trickled down to me individually.
If this turns out to be true, there's going to be hell to pay. Enoch has said he has a day job and has referenced an office from time to time. Could this perhaps be a bullshit link that is an attempt to force his hand into dropping actual dox on himself?
Enoch is an anagram for Cohen
too add to what I was saying here
they are also saying anonymity and memes are a symptom of modernity and only destructive. That a true man avoids this form of degeneracy and ascends to becoming a namefag or a leaderfag and they are shilling for their blogs.
I think this is some of it. You need to ask PressFarttoContinue I guess:
there is also this very autistic stream with John Kelly
It's also a reference to Enoch Powell
Guys does this mean sinead was right?
That is some of the Jewiest shit I've ever heard. It's starting to make sense now. Try to co-opt the nationalist movement to make sure it gets steered in the "right" direction. Fucking hell…
She wasn't wrong about the alt-right being full of homos.
She seems to be right all along
Not necessarily. Waiting for Hitler is still a stupid idea.
No Sinead, go back to your Wiccan tent somewhere in the backwoods.
Fuck of, Sinead.
Kikes play both sides.
no one in any voice channel of any of the TRS discord chats, this is definitely news that is proliferating in the community. people are still active in text chat but nothing in voice.
This will probably cripple the community, as well it should. Kike shills REEEEE
We'll know if this is legit when we see the response on their forums. I'm not on them, so I don't know. But I'm sure some anons are.
Thanks user.
Did anyone mention it?
Jesus I haven't been paying too much attention to the TRS stuff. I new they were trash but I didn't realize they were this degenerate.
I can't get into their forum to see what's happening. It appears my account was deactivated
Here's some more Jewry from the Aut Right waaay before this TRS thing blew up. The Aut Right used to shill Milo on Holla Forums until this pic showed up. Pure coincidence, I'm sure.
It's also a stupid idea because Hitler didn't actually gas anyone. It's not going to be difficult for Trump to at least match what Hitler did in reality.
you know I'm not a Pagan or a flat earthier but (((Albert Einstein's))) theory of relativity is shady as fuck and their are valid questions about heliocentrism that warrant at least a teeny-tiny amount of skepticism.
KEK just kidding fuck that WE WUZ TREE'S shit
they won't post a response on the forums, literally talking about anything related to any doxing is ban on site
Did you even post a leak? Did you black out the times because that's how they get you.
there is a discord diaspora within TRS, there are three different channels as well as one with the mods/admins, from what i hear (i am not in that one).
In ONE of the groups, the least active, someone has mentioned it and is saying that they believe Enoch to still be about White Nationalism.
I agree that he has espoused the views, but this guy wants the wool pulled over his eyes and is willing to pay shekels for it.
The reason why they don't want anyone to punch to the right is because leftism is completely wrong. Liberalism is what made niggers beat and film a disabled white kid, club-goers angry at you for calling about fire hazards, and the innumerable amount of preventable terrorist attacks in Europe. It's a dangerous ideology because it doesn't enable people to fear death, it enables people to love consumerism while fearing judgement instead.
The right does have imperfect individuals and messengers, but that's a symptom of how imperfect our current system is. Them being with surrounding Jews and leftists, they're completely aware of the damage it's done to white culture. We're more likely to gain leverage with those imperfect people than with leftists.
There is nothing about the doxxing on the forum, the only dox related material on the forum is something saying that they will be dropping antifa dox soon, so they are calling on other members to stop doxxing small time antifa people to wait for this.
Ban all discussion of it? Especially on their supposedly "vetted" forums? Fuck, it's probably legit. Damnit, I liked their podcasts, too.
a few weeks ago "Drama posting" was banned and i assume this would come under that.
The "movement" will 100% die if we get entangled with E-celeb drama. Can we just fucking ban any and all E-celeb/forum drama shit?
I really REALLY don't want to end up like GamerGate with this shit.
Did you donate?
but can you imagine if i made a thread called "Is mike enoch a jew?? " how quickly would i get banned…
I knew all this antifa shit was trs bellowing to get people to not focus on them. Just wait for the inevitable trsdf to say "why focus on fellow wn when you should be focused on antifa." And "antifa is cheering right now." I wouldn't be surprised if trs=antifa-lite
Antifa lurks here for information, so they're probably warning to their other members now.
No. Thankfully. Was stupid enough to buy a "4chan pass" about 3 months before the exodus. Won't be making that mistake again.
Too late, lol. But don't worry, the aut-right will die, not national-socialism or the white awakening. Just another jew-controlled avenue like the KKK.
If you think antifa isn't already on the TRS forum you are an idiot, I got in as a very early, fledgling WN. They helped me sculpt a lot of my views, as well as 4c and 8c pol.
Sucks to learn all of this subversion and kikery is afoot.
4chan pass ?
sup newfag. Lurk moar
Only oldfags will remember.
Its been legit for a long time. Just go in any chat room of any informal "Alt-Right" Google hangout associated with TRS who shill form Richard Spencer, Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson and start talking about the protocols of the Elders of Zion and watch how fast they shut down the stream or start sperging out in hopes to put up smoke screen or trying to change the subject.
Since when 4chan had passes ?
Gold was better.
Around the first exodus I think? Originally it allowed you to bypass captcha. Now they have a /vip/ board
Note how first scapegoat among many was Ironmarch.
You're not wrong, especially with Ghoul. Ghoul had lesbian parents and was surrounded by Antifa members. Under pressure, he probably succumbed and joined their side.
Enoch will probably do the same as well.
that's pretty kikey ngl
I can maybe understand not attacking people who are generally of the same views as you in the interest of working together, but there's a difference between attacking and having a discussion.
purity spiralling sounds like what punching to the right is tho
I still haven't heard a legit criticism of Ironmarch from the TRShill. From a cursory glance over their forum, I saw nothing objectively wrong that jumped out at me.
I was always too poor for a gold account. At least Holla Forums makes premium accounts easier. Just plug cc into the name field and exp date into the subject.
What's up with the size ?
Did you take the cheapest ?
I'm only basing my impression from what I've seen here and around and what I've got is that they both do feed into a little bit.
Yeah. Like I said, I'm a poorfag
yes it is
You know tor is a honeypot run by the Navy, right?
No purity spiraling goy !
I think this is wrong. TixGirl is the dragqueen on the left in that picture.
In the third pic in OP it says
Ginger is the fatass on the right: http:// Since the one one the left is dressed up like a woman this means the "yours truly in drag" is a man, meaning it's not Enoch's wife. Unless it's confirmed Enoch is married to a transvestite. It looks like she's a woman though.
you know I'm a C developer who's been familiar with the Tor codebase for over 4 years now and that you're a retard?
I hope this kills TRS once and for all.
Exactly user, but we still need to expose kike sleepers from disinfo outlets spreading bullshit.
I just want to stand on the sideline and keep far away from this shit.
E-drama is fucking cancer.
Stop trying to derail. That just what Jewess look like and we already have her YouTube and pics of the two.
Why does the tixgirl profile photo use the face of Ames, then?
Any tips ?
Just hide the thread if you don't want to see it. Problem solved :^)
Sam Hyde
He seems pretty cucked. I think hes a self hating jew who only has paternal heritage and is insecure about it. And he probably actually does hate muslims and niggers
Haven't you guys updated to Premium Infinity? It is much faster and the graphics is also improved.
Honestly we shouldn't trust any namefag and we should keep away from E-drama.
The only thing you should be concerned with is the fact that Holla Forums is always right and you should never doubt Holla Forumss judgement when a consensus is reached on an issue
If Sam Hyde isn't a kike, I will eat my own dog.
The tribe.
He had a nigger groomsmen.
Wait wait wait …
I've reread all of it now. This would mean Enoch is married to a transvestite, since the image says that it is him in drag. A jewish transvestite. WTF??
Kill yourself.
Perhaps include and the 911 from as well as from pic related
do i have to dl something now? hows it work?
Burgers just can't into comedy. Also he really wasn't that funny.
Why does the jew want such an ugly world? Why do they seek to shape this earth in their inner ugliness, and destroy all that is holy and good?
It could just as well be just her, as a woman, doing the drag costuming
you should get a link with a downloadlink. Have you typed in your email in the email field?
They didn't come up with the term. However they are attempting to subverted it. "No punching right" means don't attack people more radical than you are. TRS just uses it as an excuse to attack the Religious, the Traditionalist and the Fascist/NatSoc and then when people call them out for being liberal faggots then cry "don't punch right". A bunch of bitches playing the victim. I am also convinced that drama with "Hail Trump" was just manufactured to try an win sympathy with radicals and to drive away anyone interested by making Nationalism look retarded.
then stop Leaderfagging
which reminds me, we need to have a serious discussion about the eternal anglos. Brits are practicly spirtual kiks, its not right to call them White.
double dog dare you to post in that race mixer at pool party thread
t - another trsfag who doesn't wanna get banned
This is fucking disgusting. TRS is beyond a joke at this point.
Do we have confirmation that Mike Enoch is a Jew yet? I am pretty sure he is.
is there enough gas in the world for what must be done?
Also Colbert was better than (((Jon Stewart))).
Is that band name the exact same font they use for their "alt-right" logo? If so, holy deuce Holla Forums you're always right, but you were more right than I thought was technically possible.
These dudes are always ugly and/or married to an uggo.
Even Spencer, who is a 6.5/10 (could be a solid 8 if he lifted) is married to a muddy looking 4/10.
I wonder if weev knows who his real Dad is.
I don't know or care if he's Jewish. But either way he's completely untrustworthy.
no i put my expiration date in the email i thought that was the proper way
nope, my username would attract 8c attn
Lad My sides are obliterated at this point. I need a drink.
his wife is just a beard tho, he's clearly a fag
yeah guess now neither of us can do it
Because they are parasites. They need decay to live.
What? A woman dragging as a woman? How is that even drag?
Just doing the ridiculous make up and flamboyant dress.
So can we install the Tharru-Freelance-Larry triumvirate now? Or is Larry a Jew as well?
I never got the hate towards his wife, I find her kind of attractive.
Is Spencer dating Jorjani?
Found his wife's twitter.
Not much there.
Freelance is a drunk. The KK guys i will continue to listen to.
Freelance IS a drunk, which is why you need him to the be Id to Tharru's Super-Ego and Larry's Ego.
I want to like freelance's stuff, I really do, but the few bongo bongo book clubs I listened too were super degenerate. Couldn't even finish the episodes.
That's been obvious for some time. They've said in the past they wanted to be at THE CUTTING EDGE of the right, but they've always had a hostility towards skinheads and old school WNs
Also, Freelance is Ryan Landry of Social Matter. Sometimes he accidently slips into Freelance voice while doing Weimerica Weekly podcasts.
when women do drag (i.e. dressing as men) they're called drag kings
chances are she's just a degenerate jewess who engages in feminine drag just for attention. these people don't really believe in gender so it makes sense for her to act like that. also a lot of faghags love to act like gay men it's really weird.
t. had a roommate who was a straight beta who orbited a faghag in hopes of sleeping with her
jews constantly try to co opt sides that are against them, never trust a jew that hates other jews. just kill them all, before the survivors breed with whites, because money that comes with marriage attracts the weakest women. Hell even the fucking furries do the same shit.
Channel video for those who want to dig in.
If Lawrence Murray isn't a Jew, I'll chop off a finger.
Anyone associated with the New York forum is suspect.
Sam Hyde isn't a kike or funny.
It's pretty clear that "paranoid schizo" is just what kikes call people who are on to them.
Because they have no souls and the physical universe is their god?
While we are at it
Both Pavelić and Slavko Kvaternik were married to half-Jewish women.[92] Josip Frank, a noted representative of the Party of Rights of which Pavelić was a member, was a Jew who converted to Catholicism at the age of 18
(((coincidence))) ? I do not think so… Too many ustase are married to jews for coincidence.
Archive denies my requests, probably because of Tor.
Ames links to https:// [email protected]/* */
There is also which has the same eye logo as the flickr site.
Still no response from these Twitter fags? Why are none of these namefags even trying? They must know it's over.
Hahahaha! I love how this thread isn't getting stilled the fuck up because even TRS knows this can't be defended.
They'll keep chugging along.
He does look kinda Jewish, and is chubby.
Time/Episode number please. I need to here this.
I wouldn't say that they like ugliness, they just want the ability to manually shift to pleasure and disgust easily at any opportunity. It's so that they won't get alarmed or incredibly discomfortable whenever they see ugliness. It's why they also place themselves for bait harassment or why they fake hate crimes, they desire control of the output.
The one with the Lady Cop from a few months ago is the most noteworthy. Also, from the leaked AV materials, we know that Freelance's first name is Ryan.
Shilled the fuck up*
Fucking niggertech.
Because thousands of years ago when Yahweh ordered the nation of Israel to genocide the Moloch worshipping Canaanites, Israel failed to do so and cursed itself to intermingle with the Canaanites until the Canaanites subverted Israel into becoming the new Moloch worshipers. Jews are Canaanites 2.0, and the story of their fall is a lesson in the cost of not keeping your lands free of evil that is still very relevant today.
All the keks along the way over 18+ threads are now justified. Bless ye anons for sniffing out the kikes once again. Even MasonJim mentioned TRShills on his last livestream.
There are very few alcoholics Jews. It only effects those with souls.
wow nice find.
First link -
Second link -
This is the master collection get digging!
No it isn't. Peinović is 100% Serbian.
t. Croat
Antifa shot themselves in the foot. They just exposed a bunch of Marxists pretending to be fascists, vindicating the theories of actual fascists. Kek works in mysterious ways.
Wrong, it's because they've been deprived of a connection to the transcendent after
This is my patch now
Two points
TRS are spineless faggots who don't like you posting about the actual methods of extermination of mudmen on their disquis in detail(paranoid about FBI?)
Are we even sure that any of this information is accurate, and if it is how do we know Friedman is an actual kike, the name was originally for soldiers and kikes only adopted it after 1700.
That clip, lacking further context, doesn't sound like an admission of jewishness since "other jews" refers to kikes he is around while using the term "jewed". Unless you really believe in Freudian slips.
Not saying he's not a kike, but I'd need something more than that.
Just one more major CIA-kike left to expose then the anti-jew resistance can finally go productively forward for a change without any impediment.
Oh yeah, here is their wedding
https:/ /
Even if he is a goy, it shows that he traffics in Jewish circles, as would be expected, through his wife's family and clan. Also, if he has kids, they'd be Jews.
Skinheads are niggerish. Murder of muds and kikes should be covert, at least at first. Did the skinheads even kill anybody regularly? It just seemed like a shitty gang culture.
He is in an Israeli band. Is married to a faghag jewess. Mother-in-law is an administrator of some evangelical zogbot group. There is plenty of complementary evidence
How did a Jew end up being the owner of the number one anti Jew podcast network? Like was it just a lolbertarian podcast and he got caught up in the joke? Then, one day he took the joke too far and figured there's no going back.
Or was the intention to be subversive from the beginning?
Nah. That wasn't the only time. Just the time that made it permanent. The Jews were Jewing and throwing babies into Moloch centuries before that.
I'm still not too sure about Anglin either way.
This, absolutely. They're all judas goats.
t. mestizo
Are you retarded? That is the fake god that was made while Moses was on the mountain.
That site is real, and my sides are gone
Anglin is an entertainer, like Red Ice. They will say anything, do anything for clicks. Anglin's march on Whitefish will likely be what kills the 'Alt-Right' and public WN once and for all.
Fuck off shitskin.
Oh look faggotry
I wonder if seventh son bought the gun because he knew this would happen. I could see one of goys he conned going rogue. Godspeed.
Yeah on the woes discuss one of the mods stated explicitly stated that we weren't allowed to talk about the Jews when he had an open mic night a few weeks ago. Never spoke myself on it but it was interesting to see the backround chat.
This isn't the same as Bulbasaur and Sven, who were essentially caught in the crossfire. If this information is correct, Enoch has been misleading EVERYONE for a very long time.
By woes you mean millenial woes that "WN needs fags to survive" fag right?
Woes just pussied out.
He's not sincere about what he says. He just has an "extreme" persona because the press claims that he is for writing wrongthink.
Evidently it is.
He's the Nazi-Onion.
I was expecting MW, to take a stand, I mean I thought he was ready when he went to the NPI conference, what did he expect would happen?
he was a pussy to beging with
Well he is from a white(libfag) section of Jew York City and I remember him complaining about kikes several times including one stealing baseball cards or something when I bothered to listen to their podcast more than a year ago.
Well that was my other question do we know this information is accurate and his wife is a kike, is there an actual paper trail or merely photos of individuals who resemble each other like that youtube account avatar.
Before anybody calls me a shill or an apologist understand that I'm so hardline that I want all those whose families are habitually liberal murdered along with the actual kikes. Roundheads(kikes of the Anglos) in particular earn my ire. They were always heretic faggots, social signalers, jew lovers, and political agitators. Cromwell being the most prominent example. Political and religious affiliation are 93% heritable so I'd say we should kill'em all.
I'd prefer that any liberal die childless so they don't spread their worthless faggy blood about.
I wasn't even conservative in the past, I was apolitical but very right wing in my sentiment. I never had a libertarian or liberal phase, so I have no sympathy for anybody who bought into that shit.
also known as
Mike "Race-Traitor Infiltrator" Peinovich
Mike "Kosher-Lover All-Over" Peinovich
Mike "Dodge the Oven, Now we Make Lovin'" Peinovich
Mike "You've Guessed my Kikes" Peinovich
Mike "Bagel with Lox to Mitigate my Dox" Peinovich
Mike "Scat-Humor Consumer" Peinovich
Mike "Semitic Complexion Gives Me Erection" Peinovich
Mike "Cernovich" Peinovich
Mike "Gentle-Side Genocide" Peinovich
Aye that's the one.
Bloody coward he is
There's the great "based fag" caring more about PR than the truth. Surely we need more homos like him, though, or we shall surely collapse.
The same way it always goes:
It doesn't even need to be a conspiracy. Kikes gotta kike.
Tapu Keku
He left from Ireland a week ago because he was doxed by left-wing tabloids. Tabloids in the UK are not only more pozzed than Buzzfeed, they're also more invasive than the press outlets in the US. It's where my contempt for the press started.
Woes is currently living with a group of fans.
Why don't you quit the anti Anglo posting? Also I am descended from a Cavalier.
You really should be commended for making the battle lines so clear, user…
Yeah I didn't think about the difference in UK media, they are blood hounds and the gov't would be willing to press hate charges too. I guess he had no choice.
Does anyone have pre podcast screenshots of the website? He'll be covering his tracks.
Wasn't he a fag or "former" fag or something.
So is Weev a kike or not? Bobby Fischer was a kike who hated kikes. Still would need to exiled to Madagascar though.
Also there is something to be said here. Culture of Critque is excellently cited and sourced, and it really lays out how bad the kikes are in neutral academic language. I can't see any controlled opposition group endorsing it. It's about as grounded and well researched as an anti-heeb tract can be.
She used the same profile picture on faceberg as the youtube channel with the video where she says that she is a Jew.
Please lurk the fucking thread before you come barging in like this, faggot
He's talking about the Golden Calf.
I thought TRS apologized and agreed to quit shilling here. Why are we still doxing them? I supported doxing them during the war for their shilling, but the truce has been called. Unfortunately, it looks like the claims of Jews trying to divide and conquer were true all along.
We didn't dox Mike Enoch. Antifa did.
If there's any group who is genuinely deserving the oven, it's the left-wing press for sure.
Read the thread, you stupid nigger.
Yes because having standards means TRS wouldn't make the cut. Always be wary of idiots defending degenerates because they only do that to cover their own degenerate ass.
From the beginning these fuckers have a thing about larping as WHITE nationalists and as WWII Germans go watch any WWII flick most of the actors in SS uniforms are always jews.
Hi Holla Forums. I'm 1/8 Jewish, 1/8 Hispanic, and 6/8 white but didn't know it until recently. Does 1/8 of me go in the oven and 1/8 over the wall? Full blooded Jews in my university department consider me a goy… Where the fuck do I even go?
read the fucking thread, TRSodomite.
and go back to your AIDSbog
Why would the Jews want to divide us from themselves? Unlike the earlier doxes, this is actually completely legit. How can you trust a supposed WN leader whose wife and kids are fucking Jews?
I am an Anglo, I'm half Cavalier and half Prussian, not a drop of my blood got to this Continent after 1660. My family was exiled for stealing cattle to fund the royalist cause. I want to purify the anglo race(borderers are fine too) and all the white races by killing off the kikey elements so only the cruel and naturally right wing survive. Luckily that is happening on it's own. Liberals don't breed anymore.
People /baph/ doxed:
Bulby, SS
People antifa doxed:
Ghoul, Woes, Enoch
8ch had nothing to do with this. Likely Ghoul sold them out.
I feel this is just another tactic to drive the right apart. I think discovering Mike being a kike is a really good thing, but you've got to admit that TRS has done wonders for our movement. Holla Forums and antifa are laughing their asses off at this infighting.
By the sounds of it the podcast was soon after the website was made and they were already commenting on radix and the new term altright.
I actually like Jazzhands, he should be at the helm.
I am 100% white you heretic British faggots. Your nation has been owned by "spiritual" Jews longer then the creation of liberalism. A few of you are Ok, but in general not very trustworthy. A ways shilling for your "based" Jewish Nationalist friends.
Get outta here. No good jews, no good fags, you know the rule. There's no """""""right"""""" to drive apart when you hold these views.
Enoch has said he has no kids
I would like the Catholic Church circa 1400 and before just fine. My family however was Protestant traditionally, the heresy I was referring to was Cromwell letting Christ killers into the halls of power rather than throwing them into the sea with their hands and feet bound.
They don't want a trojan horse within the right. It's what fucked over Woes and Enoch in the first place.
There's already "holocaust ovens" being used by drug cartels over the planned wall.
I don't see why I should be celebrating antifa doxxing someone like this, even if they were annoying us.
This makes d&c theories more credible tbh
No, he's not serious enough. Put Tharru and Larry in charge and have Jim from the Fatherland read us bed time stories every night.
or antifa have been infiltrated by a supreme gentleman
You can go to Madagascar after mandatory sterilization. 1/8 kike is still a blood taint.
can't divide what wasn't united, namefag
I just realized that since "drama-posting" is now a ban-able offense on the TRS forums and the threads get deleted, they are very vulnerable to loosing control of their users. If we spread word of all of this to their userbase on twitter/gab/etc then their regional meetup groups are likely to split off from the kikes in charge. Hopefully the subgroups will be less kiked than the current TRS owners and actually be productive IRL.
I'm sure you are.
Nuremberg laws say that you're okay.
Cut off both your feet and you should be okay.
Proof just surfaced that TRS is owned and operated by a kike.
Pretty effective D&C, retard.
Pffft, I doubt it. If they couldn't see what massive cancer TRS was by even allowing The Oven to exist, regardless of all the shilling, they're of no use to us. Let them fall into the honeypots.
Nope. We're harder than Hitler. No mercy for any with kike or nonwhite blood.
Yeah no they didn't.
No, being a spic excludes you immediatly.
Nuremberg concerns only Kike misschlings.
And stop reponsing to b8, fucking retard
Wouldn't be bad for the non-pozzed fags from TRS to do their own thing
We can still use TRS to promote our views. It's not that hard to figure this out.
Fine, but when commies and fags steamroll Holla Forums it's not going to be a pretty sight.
This. There's one thing Holla Forums and TRS have in common and that's part of the "ebil right". We should dox antifa. Remember when all the fags got uppity when we tried to do that?
I guess we're doomed to atomisation then.
What a faggot. Also if he is going to the USA where hate is 100% legal then why does he fucking care anymore?
Never mind guys, I commented before reading the thread. I see that Enoch and his ugly wife are actually Jews. TRS IS RUN BY JEWS.
My sides are in orbit now.
Guess you're doomed to be a niggerfaggot.
Sorry, I'm just clearly seeing this for the first time and the implications are maddening.
No, we need to start local groups now. TRS did a good job in kindling the nationalism that was emerging, but now it's up to us to move into the real world.
We are the Hitlers that these faggots are waiting for you moron of course we're going to be going our own ways you dolt.
Oy vey!
we have better ways of screening for evil jew blood today.
Huh? Fischer only got into holocaust revisionism because he was terrified of what will happen once whites find out. The actions he took were an attempt to safeguard his people.
Who the fuck are you then? Why don't you get out there and reveal your identity and become the "next Hitler" rather than posting anonymously on an image board.
Show, don't tell.
Weev is probably a kike. But he is definitely a federal asset. Never trust anybody who has been in federal custody and released.
We'll out last your kosher movement and honestly I hate traitors more than good goy commies.
How would you know if he had, or that he has not?
It's a thick and dry book. They can endorse it because they know most people won't bother to sit down and actually read it.
How were the other doxes not legit?
It is a mystery, I can't think of any reasons at all. Remember to donate and don't punch right, goy.
If he's posting on an anonymous image board, then I think that's a pretty good indication that he hasn't.
I did notice that the posters on there disquis are way more right wing than the guys who run it. And someone made a similar claim about their forums to me a while back.
I don't think Enoch is a blood jew. But if his wife is a kike why does he stay married to her? He supposedly read culture of critque, he knows what she is.
HP Lovecraft married a kike passing for anglo. He said she was "wonderfully integrated" in that she adopted the english/german christian culture of the US outwardly. Then she took him to Jew York City were he was put in contact with other kikes and will the squalor of non-white immigration.
He separated from her immediately and returned to Providence.
They weren't political. Bulbasaur got doxed because /baphomet/ was upset, Sven got doxed because he was stupid.
Gas 1/8th of yourself immediately.
So are you, you hypocrite.
they were unneccessary and unwarranted. At worst, Bulby was christcukishly ok with miscegenation and Sven was ONCE in a band with a nig. Both were still white men marching on their way toward the far right.
Enoch appears to be fully Jewish.
I never claimed I wasn't. But guy just claimed "we are the next Hitlers they're looking for."
Well, we all saw those doxes coming when bulbasuar decided he was going to be very cute and egg on baphomet. Just more proof of that absolute cancer ego e-fagging give you.
Every other article McDonald writes is shilling for Jews. I had to unfollow him because he keeps retweeting Katie Hopkins cancer.
That's not proven, but marrying a Jew and not disclosing that to everyone else is WORSE in my eyes, as it shows he is willing to completely lie about his positions. A Jew being a scheming bastard I can expect, a white man selling us out gets no sympathy.
They all equate to the same thing. Low test betas who would be eaten alive in a war scenario.
Look at how much Mike Enoch resembles our old friend.
Fine, Holla Forums will be taken over by commies and the right will dissolve. It's been nice working with ya anti-semites. Our plan is done :^)
t. friendly merchant
Yeah, MacDonald is a "neutral academic" type.
You lost. You have no power here. Be gone.
He made several personal statements about jews being lazy scum who can't produce material goods.
I'm sure it will. Torfags always say the stupidest crap.
Surprised it took this long tbh. I figured out who he was on FB years ago.
It didn't seem like he was too concerned about trying to hide who he was either.
nice trips. I really like bulbasaur too, it's a shame he was so prideful in that.
ghoul is only 19, he could grow well.
How subversive was Enoch in this? Who in their inner circle knew of her kikery? That nose would be hard for me to question, but living in New York it might be a more nuanced thing?
Kikeflare shoahs my archive requests and I naturally can't post screenshots.
CYOA incarnate. But he has been seen talking with white nationalists and supporting them.
I'm not surprised anymore.
You trying to imply he isn't fine with it anymore? Because a lot of TRS shills said that but he was still fine with it four months ago, he also has nigger friends.
Lead singer is a racemixer too.
Yeah, same old bullshit.
Ahh that is the other name I forgot. Yet again another baby faced beta.
Ancestors were blond hair blue eyed Romans's m8 and dirty subhuman Irish Potato-Niggers (pic related) :^)
So let me see if I can get this summary of the alt-right straight:
Am I missing anything? Doesn't this make Anglin extremely suspicious since he was part of this Enoch-Spencer-Anglin triumverate?
Can't say I blame him. He puts his name on what he says, but I'm user.
yeah, their unmasking was quite funny for all the good commentary they have previously brought to the table.
Bulbasaur thought that non-whites could be Christian.
He's all over fucking place. A mess.
Not a big fan of organized religion but
I don't like niggers, but "I don't like niggers, therefore they aren't christian" isn't a very good argument.
Christian != Suitable to live in a white nation.
I wish I had access to the TRS forums so I could witness the meltdown when they find out their glorious leader and his wife are juden.
TRS is literally zionist garbage and always has been. All their earliest articles mentioning the situation in Palestine were 100% unadulterated pro-israhell hasbara. At first I thought "meh typical cucks" but as it turns out, it was the kikes all along.
Even now some zionist shill "Lawrence Murray" @AtlanticCent is peddling the usual zionist bullshit all over TRS, e.g "we need to be more like our good ally Israel" etc. Hope he gets doxed next.
Your attempt to gaslight the alt-right has failed, Mike. You'll have no hope on the day of the rope.
Romans have been extinct for over a thousand years.
Why else would we be wasting our time bashing out impurites like Enoch and co if there wasn't a higher goal to all of this effort?
Larry isn't a Zionist, he's a fat little manlet. He writes some good stuff, but he's an intellectual, not a leader.
Also can't forget Millenial Woes literally doxing himself and TRS pushing for everyone to throw hundreds/thousands of dollars in shekels at his patreon.
I'm also incredibly suspicious of Lawrence Murray, I've read a lot of his articles and he seems to especially downplay the idea of revolutionary action and talks about how we can work with Jews if they just stay in Israel
The whole thing reeks to high heaven
Yeah it compliments them very well. I have come to despise because they had no problem shitting on us and pushing this hurrr durrr you guise are antifa.
There is no way he collected that much.
Checked. His writings are great intros to the JQ. He isn't a full blown Jew hater so it makes it easier for normies to digest.
Second this.
Please stop.
I can't take it anymore Holla Forums. I can't just shitpost anonymously anymore as our race is being wiped out. This thread just gave me a huge fucking blackpill. Its nothing to be celebrated, all it shows is that kikes and antifa control us, they probably even control Holla Forums
At first halfcuck pass was a joke to trick newfags
Then Moot it seriously as he noticed that there were shekels to be had.
Holla Forums pls. How did Hitler come to power again? Parliamentarism.
I think Mike isn't brave enough to end it with his kike wife.
Why was all over my feed shilling for reactionaryjew and Israel then?
Dude, you TRSodomites worshipped e-celebs and are now surprised to discover they had an angle, therefore 8ch is controlled? Go back to your namefag forum.
Nigger, just concentrate on forming up a death squad. Podcasts aren't going to save the white race.
No, nigger. He got to power by executional powers and his paramilitary. Not by parliament.
I'll bet shekels that Peinovich likes getting pegged by his wife.
you're retarded. This isn't 1930s Germany. If you're not a shill, actually think about the situation and realize how retarded you're being.
Get a grip champ. They have no power here. We are their worst nightmare.
they will defend this
That is exactly what trs thought.
Apparently there has been nothing, "dramaposting" gets you banned now. It's a shame because I'm eager to see them try to defend this without the use of muh purity spiral.
Even Ann Coulter called for death squads.
I won't. Not all of us are as bad as you might think.
Yeah but trs is a bunch of kikes. Your arguments are falling apart….
Thought what? They were the communists worst nightmare?
Oh, shut the fuck up. He's not leaving his wife. She was in on the joke and he's most likely a jew himself. Read the thread.
requesting "mike on the beach" direct link for research purposes.
Give me a break. Holla Forums is effective in pushing the zeitgeist in our direction. TRS has never done shit.
Why did you have to ruin this? I really felt like there were people out there that cared. Why Holla Forums?
I know she's a kike but I haven't seen anything about him being a Jew. No need to get so aggressive. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.
I won't defend his wife, but I will give him a chance.
Like clockwork
Not even close to what I was getting at.
Actually my argument is that niggers, saracens, street shitters, ect can't be Christian or any other religion. Religion is by its nature a spiritual philosophy and includes other philosophies. When you look at Islam I question whether it is a religion. It contains no philosophy or esoteric qualities, the Quran is extremely materialistic oddly enough for something that claims to be religious text.
Mudmen can't be religious as we understand the term, they can only ungabunga around a fire aping the ways of their betters. They can acquire no understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of the faith and because they are so mentally inferior I'd say they can't "believe" in anything. They just do as they are told.
Perhaps japs or some of the chink races could but their version of any religion would be highly ceremonial or bureaucratic respectively since that is their inherent nature. Shintoism is ritualistic and mostly about communal standing. Chinese traditions are pseudo-montheistic and highly legalistic. Even we whites who have a much wider range of possible experience than most races can see things only as we are constructed to see them. We view the world through the lens of our own innate and immutable qualities.
Point is that anybody can claim to be anything including "christian" but if they don't follow the prescriptive and descriptive tenants of that philosophy then they are not what they claim to be. A faggot proclaim himself Christian until he is blue in the face, he's still just a faggot I'd love to see burn on a pyre so we could cleanse the world of his filth.
Holla Forums does good work on the information side but its real life effect is practically nonexistent. Eventually, real life actions will have to be taken, otherwise this place is all talk.
The sense of infallibility is the same. Do you know who really owns this place, really? Do you know who the "big donor" during the trump election was. It was probably Kushner.
No, all it shows is that the enemy is naturally trying to subvert us.
Our shield is eternal vigilance and never compromising. Anyone who says anything other than that every kike and queer must go is under the influence of the enemy. When something's gotten rotten we regroup elsewhere and continue forward.
then leave that bath house and become a Holla Forumsack user
Nice try kike.
Kek. Tier zero shilling, mate.
Welcome to misanthropy.
The benefit of the fucking doubt? Look at the fucking thread. Cross dressing Jew looking pro degenerate faggot enabling kike marrying lier. Is there any value trs wouldn't sell out?
you don't enjoy their fashy humor? :^)
Calm down faggot. The TRS and aut-right leadership/e-celebs are kiked. The tens of thousands of people listening to podcasts, reading articles, shitposting on twitter and faceberg are still almost entirely white men who want to fight for their survival.
Now they wont be lead astray by subversive jews. Now they can fight the real enemy.
… nigga
….phrasing is suspect.
E-celebs are trash…its not a black pill to realize that.
TRS never even had an ideology or purpose it was an amorphous blob of personalities that said edgy things… nothing of value is lost with their passing.
Authoritarian Dictatorships came to power more or less because democracies FAILED and they are still failing.
Complains about "purity spiraling"= jewish subversion.
I hate that term so freaking much they subverted a strong symbolic word Fascism for something that make me think of weak nu-male larpers..
I well aware that a bunch of half-greeks born from mudmen raping the local women dabbled in philosophy before they got purged. Pure arabs are niggers who can ride horses.
I haven't seen that. However, he already has many stupid fucking positions, such as supporting Balkanization and the Amerikaner bullshit, which I view was poison to American identity.
I've been on Holla Forums for a couple years now. Great for news and memes, but weak on networking and IRL gathering.
I'm not going to condone it or say it's good. We should at least give him a chance to explain himself and perhaps correct his degenerate situation. If not, we move on. Simple as that.
Many of us have had degenerate past lives. Most of us weren't born redpilled.
I never had a problem with Kevin McDonald aside form fedora tipping shill who would push him as a "more sophisticated" alternative to reading something like E Michael Jones. But I didn't hold that agents him. Or anything related to the religious Babylonian origins of Jewry. However the company he keeps really makes me wonder what his agenda was.
TRS has taken credit for everything we have done. The whole stick in the beginning was they seemed like they were one of us. But then they had to push their luck and poke the bear.
You can take action in real life with in your own communities without being a egotistical celebrity drawing attention to yourself. Start a Social Club based on something substantive and vet who joins, even if its only a "bolling club". If you can't first unite family and your neighborhood you will have a hard time uniting a nation. Fuck this "pan european" bullshit Cuck Spencer was pushing. Its about Your People and Your Culture uniting. This is natural, you just need to wake up your brothers or go out and find them. Rome wasn't built in a day.
You know that McVeigh was a sandnigger sympathizer right?
Don't forget bulb did a podcast with CF.
I agree. I'm setting up a pool party at my place. Which of you polsters want to come and join and we can talk about how we would attack the googles and skypes, fellow white man.
That is up to now isn't it. Anonymity is key here and it will continue without compromise. You must focus on being productive and being able to influence in your own life.
I promise goy that was a month long time ago.
I agree. We need to be more inclusive to new followers. Holla Forums has always been a cultural libertarian board.
He wasn't wrong. Hitler 2.0 will rise from Holla Forums. And Hitler user may not even know who he is yet, but we're paving the way for his entrance into the mainstream when he awakens.
Those are some Hitler trips that cannot afford to be unchecked.
Trips of truth.
PRAISE KEK dubs confirm Hitler 2.0
a namefag forum and a traditional organization with leaders and structure and revenue and that encouraged in-person interaction is easy to control, especially if you have it set up yourself
TRS is good controlled opposition and it even made some money for the jews that controlled it
anonymous anime shitposters on chans however are a different matter and they still haven't figured out what to do
Heil Hitler
We won't spread fascism or NatSoc sitting on image boards. We have to eventually get out into real life.
I don't want libertarianism. I want to be able to meet other goyim to get ready for a race war.
inb4 FBI
To be fair, TDS hasn't been anti-Semitic and race realist for all too long.
I'm the user with
in all the Jesse Dunstan threads. I wake up today to this shiny present. Where are all the TRShills?
I'll bet, Anglin won't show up. He's hiding out in Manilla atm.
I suspect they're fucking pissed.
I suppose so. But they won't get that listening to Common Filth calling them faggots who need Jesus. Who was a larger voice for this than TRS? Random twitter users?
This sense of infallibity is your greatest weakness. They have figured out what to do, at least on a board of this size. They subvert the mods, and the mods control context, not content. Slowly but surely you can craft a board that discusses what you want and ban those who are in the way.
CF is a muslim spic. He's as bad as the kikes who run TRS.
You seem to have neglected other points I've made. You must be the master of your destiny and do your own productivity irl. Influence and mould those around you. Here we congregate and exchange but irl is where you must use what you have learned here.
Oh I think pegging is mere foreplay for this young lady.
Here's a selection of her instagram pictures.
It's worth checking out, she likes a photo and there's loads of links to friends and associates obviously.
Of course they're pissed. But it seemed like the feud was over. What rekindled it to get the Enoch dox? Or was this just a continuation for their prolonged shilling?
I noticed that there was still some shilling of "based nationalists Jews" last night.
Now is this a meme, or has somebody actually dug up proofs? I have heard this meme, but I have not seen the proofs. I'm inclined to question it because I know TRS axed him for "purity spiraling."
But the ideas still flow freely. Connections are made. Kikes are exposed. And every day more and more of us are influencing our local political and social circles in ways the kikes can never predict or prevent.
Trips confirm Hitler 2.0. Praise Kek!
Good point but it's hard to find people who care about these issues.
I think NA is a good example of how to run things IRL.
Why does she wear the mask?
weev runs the whole trs operation, looks like weev is the final boss and seems that weev really is the love child of allen ginsberg
Severely underrated post.
My instinct doesn't tell me that CF is a muslim spic but evidence would obviously change my mind. I don't think you could kick out a mudshit or spic from TRS for purity spiral when kicking them out is a form of purity spiraling too.
Not as fat as I'd pictured tbqhwy
If the pictures posted of CF are real, he's definitely not white. I have no idea if they're really him or not though.
So far the only unpozzed thing has been the paranormies. I fucking love that show, they betterr not be involved in this.
CF got all butthurt that some were putting race on a pedestal, though frankly I doubt they were excusing libtard whites, and started talking about how degenerate whites must because because there were so many faggots. Statistically 0.6% of whites ever engage in homosexual activity according to the 2010 US Survey down from 1.4 in the 1990 survey. I suspect this is because a predisposition toward faggotry is slightly heritable and is being selected against because faggots are not longer compelled to breed in a closeted marriage.
I heard that CF got more assmangled after he was kicked and thinks that white nationalists excuse degenerate whites.
The guy is one of those faggot evangelical types who wants to shame people but doesn't want to do the dirty work of starving and bombing 4 billion shitskins into oblivion. So a pussy.
What pictures? I have seen one picture of him, and it looked hwhyte to me
You would be surprised about who is open to influence. I have turned some of the most degenerate beings into staunch believers of National Socialism you must never doubt the act of persistence. You also must be clever in your attempts of spreading radical ideals. NA videos are actually good for usage because they hit so many points in rational ways. We are not NSM88 we are the future that will not be stopped.
Your post will go unnoticed or hated since Holla Forums is "purity" central. Not because Holla Forumsacks are actually pure themselves however.
You see, on an anonymous imageboard anyone can be a tall beautiful redpilled aryan natsoc from birth. I bet however if everyone was revealed here there would be a lot of embarrassing human beings even in this thread who have zero right to even be browsing Holla Forums let alone shitting on others. That being said, enoch still needs to step down and I aint defending him.
Quit being jewish. You must hold people to a standard if they fail it then you exclude them. There is no such thing as a "spiral of purity" (there are degenerate ones however) and if there were they would beautiful.
are only a thin except in your mind.
I wasn't born into thinking the way I am now it has been brought forth through trials and tribulations and my own digging but you seem to be implying the majority of us are antifa tier scum bags which would be a grave mistake.
Leftists are ALWAYS one of three cathegories:
1- Insane narcisists
2- Criminals
3- Psycopaths
They are all natural born sophists, traumatized by their own weakness and lack of -self-respect. I've given up on them. Ironicaly, the only lefties i seem to be able to have some sort of common ground is commies because they at least arent dishonest about the need to kill undesirables.
That is creepy as fuck.
They were floating around here..more than 6 months ago, less than a year. I don't know. I honestly don't give a fuck about CF one way or another.
CF was pissed off at TRS. He was calling them out for being Sodomites and making fun of the idea that a Pure white nation that keeps behaving like Kikes will be doomed. It was literally shit posting to fuck with TRS cucks who he thought where White nationalist. He is cool with Iron March and even made peace with Musonius Rufus from Rebel Yell where he talks about this sodomite issue more in-depth. But TRS pulled the podcast off the website.
Dunno why does she take pictures of kids with their legs splayed like the siren holding a sign saying sing out? Why did she alter the one of the boy so you could only see his face with what could be now be a noose? Whose kids are they and do their parents know about these instagram pictures?
Someone should ask her on the next podcast or talkshow or whatever it is they do.
Da fuck is CF?
Still no altright reaction in the broader community…
The only jews I see are you and TRS. Being hypocritical to your faggy "rules" and using them to attack others when you fail at them yourself shows how pathetic """purity spiraling""" is. Saying you need to hold people to standard and then get butthurt when I hold TRS to their own fucking standards shows just how much a kike you are.
Rufus seems like a good lad. Also the war room seem to be the only other ones who are not beta tier sodomites.
Common Filth. Lurkmoar.
Repeating digits always confirms.
Well its like a deep underwater explosion seems calm atm but its gonna be huge. Also there is supposed to be a daily shoah today, we'll see what happens…
That was yesterday.
CF basically spends his days talking about how much he hates white people. It's not that I'm in favour of degeneracy but it gets extremely sad when that's literally all you do every day all day. He's also way too Christian for my taste, and I remember some rumours that he's a spic, so yeah. I agree with most of what he rails against but his methods are retarded.
There was a Daily Shoah yesterday and the next one is Tuesday. The only talk related to the dox last week was Sven's new shotgun and the Aussies on the Convict Report named 8/pol/ and bitched about the doxing.
Honestly, probably nothing. TRSodomites were fine with shilling their own "allies," they've been fine with Millenial Woes being a fag, they've been fine with the degeneracy that pours from their "oven forum." Their user base weren't awake from any of those events, so they're a lost cause.
TRS is den of jews & faggot trash
What I'm saying there is no such thing as "purity spiraling" that concept is jewish subversion signed to attack standards.
Does anybody know TRS's official logo? A bunch of stuff comes up when I search and I want the one they actually use.
Then I can put
on it
I'm curious what happens w/ the AV dudes, as I understand they're basically just a proxy of TRS
that is if they haven't all had their info already sold out by Ghoul
They drop their show in Tuesdays and Fridays.
They won't address this either. They will ignore it and if anyone brings up Mike being married to a Jew on their forums, they'll be banned for "D&C/purity spiraling/drama posting".
Come to think of it isn't it kind of weird the AV leaders been doxed? Did Ghoul only sell out info on TRS?
What I'm saying is that having their own bullshit buzzwords backfire onto themselves is hilarious.
I believe it was in the part were they talk about millennial wews
Not true, the jew thing is a step too far I can speak for a ton of trs people on this one. Jew hate is almost as pervasive as it is on Holla Forums
I am starting to think he must have which is so despicable and cowardly I have no words.
i think there might be another explanation
I think what he meant is that the left/kikes have been the ones who make niggers think they can't get away with this behaviour.
I mean it's clear he sold info on TRS, I just find it very odd that none of the AV dudes got sold out and doxed…kinda smells like a honey pot tbh
Honestly the mods should just delete these threads, TRS may be filled with slightly race redpilled libertarian faggots but this is blatant D&C at this point.
Although to be fair fuck Mike Enoch he's a jew cuck faggot and I hate him.
Then we can expect Mike Peinovich gone from TRS, if hat you say is true.
Is it clear? Or are you just going on a doc with a single sentence? What exactly did Ghoul do? Asking seriously here.
manly tears got no reason
little short bus got no reason to live
teeny tiny twerp, writes in shorthand
shorter than smurf, a midget minivan
he's a little boy with little minded thoughts
he puts a bunch of dicks up inside of his butt
always tweeting all them itty bitty lies
sucking all them dicks of big black sweaty guys
oh I don't want no short midget.
he takes bubble baths in a bidet
he's too small to call a bigot he's wee
needs a booster seat to see feet
and bakes magic cookies in a tree
oompa loompa boy, very jew faced
he'd deep throat a goy until he's blue faced
i'm not saying that he'd put a single drop to waste
he'd suck your balls for the taste -oh!
hr curls up like a little baby shrimp and prays
for the man mayonnaise
he's a tiny man, a bouncin baby
who loves to work the shaft, swallow the gravy
he's not so tall at all and mainly miniscule
he crawls down to the mall to try on baby shoes
them squeaky shoes going beep, beep, beep
crawls inside a matchbox when he needs sleep
he's got them grubby little claws much to small to grasp scones
no wonder this manlett is forever alone
Well, I don't want no short midget
round me
that's why i check the ground when i pee
cause I might just drown him in a puddle of my stanky piss
Referring to the picture being posted saying "thanks ghoul for the tip" or something.
Don't you think the platform is compromised? Everyone else at the top must have known so it's unfeasible to think that the people complicit in hiding this would be trustworthy as well.
Here you go, user
yeah dude there's no indication that the claim was true at all
Good, if all goes well I might buy myself a beer for "predicting" the collapse of TRS in 2017.
They'll try to keep it going as much as possible to bring in as many $$$ as possible. Can't wait for them to bring in openly gay & nigger pod-casters
Stockholm syndrome at its finest.
Proves democracies are shit and people need a leader…. their loyalty is wasted.
So they called us 8ch cucks. Interesting.
They name Holla Forums at 1:46:26 fyi
To be fair, they have done quite a lot in promoting pro-white sentiment, and probably radicalized a large number of white people. Anons saying podcasts won't save the white race aren't wrong, but if you want ordinary whites to start getting angry and seeing some common identity, you're going to need a media presence of some kind to combat the absolute fucking deluge of consumerist/leftist propaganda that pounds them, day in and day out. You have to give them an alternative, not everyone comes to the redpill on their own. I did, I expect a lot of people on Holla Forums did, but we aren't typical.
This isn't to say that TRS is 100% good and should be trusted. You'll notice that most of the user base seems much more rightwing than the creators, which isn't a good sign.
Sounds like punching right to me. They're not very consistent, are they? Though that's pretty much the norm for kikes.
I just found this exchange going through the twitter for Nebraska Antifa (the chapter that doxed Ghoul)
Any AV members in this thread?
Did the Florida dude get doxed?
Why hasn't it been posted?
He sold out too didn't he?
There are two ways
Most likely, bad end
This will seem to work at first but d'nations will begin to dry up because no WN will listen or fund a jew podcats. They may attempt to backtrack back towards the alt-lite and that will kill it for real
Not likely, good end
why does trs insist on spamming this board with their gay shit
Obviously you haven't heard Bulbasaur.
Anglin has been on several times.
the only thing you pissbabies accomplish is autistic reeeing and shitposting on your animu board. but keep eating each other, it's very amusing.
Exactly. They are far beyond being a joke at this point. They call us antifa. Sad.
It is a good sign in the sense that the movement is real and self-sustaining, even in spite of kike honeypots like TRS.
Pretty sure Holla Forums just brought down your favorite podcasts and faggot den. So there's that.
well said.
I have access to the forum should I get myself banned?
Wait until tuesday. If Enoch doesn't bring it up during the show then you can join me and other in spamming the board with the dox info.
What is this mean? The kikes offering to fake her background now?
With him outing himself, I doubt he sold out TRS. Although he did delete his youtube afterwards. If he did sell them out, he's probably the biggest faggot there. And it's looking like that's saying a lot. I guess we'll see.
Give us log-in information. I want to see what TRS is saying about all of these leaks and their leader being revealed as a kike.
The "philosophy" of Christianity is mostly derived from Greek/Roman intellectuals, and the simplistic sandpeople fables of the Torah 2.0 are simply used to justify intellectual exploration (they had to, otherwise they'd be heretics). I have nothing against christians, but christianity is a foreign semitic faith lacking (in it's purest form, dissociated from european pagan philosophy) all of the qualities you just ascribed to it. It's subversive universalism that seeks to enslave all the human race to it's filthy desert volcano god.
It is silence
username: rspencer
password: ilovecock
the rebel yell podcast is only one of real value on that site
very interesting interviews usually
Wew. I will never not be impressed by pol's investigative skills.
My guess is that they will not address it, and yes that sounds like a plan
Well, I meant not a good sign of the credibility of the owners. But yeah, it is encouraging that the redpilled (once redpilled) no longer really need people to hold their hands.
What are they even hoping to do? Everything's been archived, we have his wife openly admitting to being Jewish (on top of the fag/drag theatre shit)
my favourite podcasters aren't afraid a bunch of manchildren are going to post their dox because they didn't fellate hitler enough ;^)
also lmao these people openly talking about trying to come up with a cover for this on twitter, how fucking retarded do they get?
Yeah, that's not what happened here.
This is too good.
the "her" he's talking about is marina abramovich, the spirit cooking lady. niccolo salo is of some kind of balkan ethnicity and is expert on these things, said serb abramovich wasn't a jew, neither is peinovich. read the thread https:// twitter .com/jebhead2016/status/820257408794574848
I'm pretty sure bragging about antifa bringing down TRS isn't something Holla Forums should do.
If the Ghoul sold out, you guys didn't do anything, antifa did everything.
I'll join in.
so low agency you couldn't even go and find the original tweets…
Why wait though?
/baph/ got Van Bryant and Dunstan. I'm not bragging. But they did start all of this thinking there would be no consequences.
In the end, it seems we should have just backed Evalion.
She didn't have any important faults.
The supposed porn vid was proved to be some cam whore by a perverted cam whore enthusiast, but I didn't save the proof because I didn't think the accusation would continue
fair enough
Really though, the owner of TRS has just been confirmed as a member of the Tribe, how has this not blown up on alt-right twitter/forums yet?
Evalion? Kek. Her scripts were written by ~Suspook. Those opinions weren't even her own.
Well to be fair it'd be hard for them to fellate Hitler when they've got Dickies phalanx in their mouths.
Evalion > Chimpire > TRS mods
Theyre all up in this poz fest.
Well for one it would be better tactics to blitzkrieg their forum, and I want to wait to see if they say anything about it on Tuesdays show.
because if you talk about it you get banned in the forums. I don't like to discuss doxing shit on twitter for obvious reasons
Only Natt can save us now.
Because the entire alt-right is full of Juden. They always lead the opposition to themselves.
keep up the good work tho, next stop is DS
Why did he stop writing them?
V/niggers just got ruined by Chimpire a few days ago. Again.
Chimpire got possession of v/niggers and did what they do. Turned it into a fucking SJW shitfest.
As a hwite man I have an inborn sense of honor and fairness, I will give enoch one chance to make the right decision.
mfw Gavin was right
All the major TRS accounts are quiet on this, including AV
Starting to make me think they're probably all in on it
Because she quit talking to her groomer, Mike Constantine, which is how she was connected to Chimpire.
Natt was right all along. They all shit on Natt while he only spoke the truth.
WTF is chimpire?
It got removed, is there an archive?
The whole thread is full of cringy Jews. The kike has a pic of a TV neo Nazi.
That's a pretty good answer.
reddit's coontown sub mods, now they're TRS mods
two of the coontown mods were literal subversive kikes, one of them was named Josh Goldberg if you remember him
Chimpire is the collective of those who used to hang around r/coontown. I don't have the time or inclination to write about all the Jewish drama that went on during its days.
Now it's an IRC for idiots that raid threads like this one. They ruin everything they touch. Highly suspected of being goons.
Disgusting display only expected by the yiddish scum.
@jebhead2016 is a larping autist
seems to copy/paste other's opinions. casey wannabe
Sorry, but who is AV?
To no surprise that Lothar sodomite is implicated with connections to both coontown and TRS.
How about lurking instead of posting.
American Vanguard. Ghoul was the #2 guy. A division of TRS.
Check >>>/trs/, there's a thread about them
of course they knew mike was a jew. they'd all met at meetups and probably used to have regular discussions online and shit comes up.
I'm sure they rationalized it somehow.
Yes, Josh was gook poster (among other personas) here and I think BO of /islamicstate/ where he was posting pressure cooker bomb making instructions.
I wonder if his instructions helped the Boston bomber retards.
There is no implying. He was indeed a mod at coontown and is or was the global mod for TRSfaggums.
Nice dubs.
American Vanguard were the ones that instigated this WHOLE ordeal initially.
He's still a mod
Well the paranormies did call out kikeovich as a subversive jew in their last show.
As much as jews despise white people, many of them truly desire to be white, and will convince themselves of that fact. They lie to themselves as much as to the goyim.
How I do I know any of this is accurate? This all just seems made up to me
is every trs podcast like a bad ripoff of Holla Forums's memes?
Well many of the younger posters are straight from Holla Forums themselves.
but there's no actual proof any of this is real
I was pretty close with the Chimpire crew about 2 years ago. I'd like to know how he became global mod at TRS. He wasn't anything great. His opinions were very Vanilla and I can't recall any great threads he started. I actually produced more content than almost all but one of the mods who still regurgitates his stuff on a wordpress blog. Mostly of a "scientific" nature, as if throwing up recycled Jared Taylor material is groundbreaking,
What happened with the AV Florida acct?
TRS is to Holla Forums what 9gag was to Holla Forums years ago.
There's no proof any of this is real, these are screencaps from which all information is extrapolated. If you saw these screencaps out of context you would not draw these conclusions. Someone else is drawing a conclusion and providing these caps as proof. I don't see how they reached their conclusions
Yes it is a definite connection I did not mean that it was only implied.
Shit is kicking off on the TRS forum
Well he's not entirely wrong, there are in fact lots of anti-semitic jews, even on Holla Forums we have the occasional crossposter from one of the israeli boards. But this has more to do with them hating israel due to being liberals than to do with legit anti-semitism.
We know that Enoch's wife is a jew. That counts for something. I mean, it's possible he's dissatisfied with his marriage and became redpilled after he married her but still….
fuck off mike
Interesting… does anyone find it fishy that Anglin from DailyStormer isn't covering this expose of Enoch and his cabal.
I mean, if Anglin was really on Holla Forums's side, he'd be doing what he could to cover this, don't you think?
Trust your instincts.
Took you long enough
FTN is the only show worth a damn
Ah, that explains
Account seems to be gone, couldn't find those tweets but here's what I found in the mentions for it same time stamp, seems like he got piss drunk and tweeted all that faggy shit
I thought maybe the account was deleted out of embarrassment but it looks like it wasn't deleted until much later based on the first pic I posted
Anglin is on the side that is buttering his bread. All of these faggots are. TRS gives him exposure. We do not. Of course he's on their side.
Halfchan here.
Congrats for outing these deep cover mossad agents. You have done a service.
Wait until you goys find out about the reactionary tree. He's deep in this jew influence shit yet continues to get away with it.
Also, Ricky Vaughn is half Puerto Rican.
FinMin TS is Jewish and a manlet.
"Oy vey what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to Tel Aviv"
Keep us informed. Unless they shoah'd you already.
These guys are slow. I hope he got banned for that. Kek.
Here's a better one user.
If you know all this why wouldn't you have the evidence capped and posted in this thread right here right now?
I give that guy less than 3 minutes before the alt-kike banhammer deletes his account.
Anglin bangs flips so no, I'm not surprised.
The Florida retard quit
The thread is still up right now. The first reply to the thread was the forum admin so it would be down already if he was going to squash this.
It could be he is waiting for the drama to settle and the truth to come out (he has more to lose if he posts false accusations against someone viewed as a WN).
Or it could be that he justs wants to avoid the inevitable drama this will create, but he doesn't strike me as one who avoids drama.
It's already locked
If you're not just fucking around then you should be aware that Holla Forums was targeted by TRSEF after they went to 4chan so the chance that they're still on Holla Forums there is pretty high if they haven't been booted off there by the users. You'd know more than me about what goes on over there.
I mean to crystallize and from all the new information.
Why'd he quit? Did that antifa nebraska account actually have his dox?
Wew boy do I feel bad for anyone who got involved with those guys, if it's not a genuine honey pot I'll be amazed, pic related
of course anglin is covering for his fellow goons, they are one in the same
Dude, don't be a coward, man. Dude, come to the pool party, it's fine. :)))
Before you go back, take that screencap with you, they started shilling us in may of 2016 right after they deemed you to not be the cutting edge of edginess and now they're going back to you. Remember they'll blame everyone but themselves for their constant shilling, yesterday it was a goon/CIA plot to make them look bad.
Here are the last posts added to that thread. Nothing interesting though
I like their podcasts, but with that said. If they want any credibility, just do a fucking DNA test and post on the forums, its not very expensive and there are some non-pozzed labs out there, not hard to find. If they keep deflecting its proof they are subversives, simple as that.
I don't know about the second pic, but the first is a very poor shoop.
TRS promotes Anglin. Anglin is all about the cash so he will do whatever TRS tells him.
anglin looks like a nigger in that very poor shoop
That cute Jewess vice reporter that got ridiculed on TDS told them to do a DNA test and they immediately declined and said "That's not the point." Now it all seems so suspect.
that's true, anglin probably doesn't get anymore daddybuks so needs donations to survive in manila
I'm not damage control, I want actual proof that the people in the pictures are who you say they are.
I don't trust this information, but I've been on Holla Forums long enough to consider everything I see.
Disappointing to see that thread deleted. An open discussion about this is the only thing that isnt dishonest and shitty.
I don't remember anymore, but it's not because of a direct dox.
AV is run by actual teenagers. And they are part of TRS since they had been laughed out of Iron March for being faggots. That is why they had an axe to grind, and were conspiring to dox Natt and other prominent figures as some sort of retaliation. Which started all this shit when Ghoul (who was an AV headman) got doxed, because of his retardation, and AV claimed that IM gave all the info to antifa and said so to Sven, who believed it at face value and started sperging on twitter about it.
Then they got caught shilling here again, and blamed IM for being exposed again. The rest is this shitshow.
So glad they got undoubtedly exposed for the kikefaggots they are, tbh
I was first against the doxing of TRS but you can't make this shit up. Jesus Kike.
The proof is an archive of the TRS website with Mike's email buried in the HTML. That plus everything else matches up perfectly.
I fucking knew it. Can half/pol/ fuck off our case now? The only d+c operatives here are trs.
TRS is a virtualization of hey rabbi whatcha doin?
Daily Stormer should just go full on 10bux. Those spergs on their forums would probably pay to read headlines and comment about them. Anglin should consider 10bux. If I were Jewy, that's what I would do.
Don't fall for the fake dyed hair, obscuring glasses that cover her face and lots of makeup. There's an older pic of her that is disgusting.
Just look at mike's wife.
Is that real? Is he really the manlet of all manlets?
I've seen it, but she did clean up and anglicize herself nicely for that CNN appearance. I wish my dick had a brain.
It just seems very circumstantial. I'll wait before jumping on the bandwagon. I still don't believe all the shit people say about Anglin, Duke, or Weev, so this might just be another thing I disagree with literally everyone on.
Fagate : The TRS Fagaloo.
I never tought this would end like this, (((they're))) everywhere. Thanks for the echo meme however, this is good.
What's not to believe about Weev?
Fan the fire!
They didn't start the ((())) meme, you mongoloid faggot. Holla Forums did.
it is real, anglin had the video removed via dmca from jewtube and anywhere else it was posted
based still has the copy
Bestonian, is that you?
Fetale Alkoholsyndrom
No, I'm pretty sure TRS originated the echoes.
That's a subversive jew. Fuck, Holla Forums says that about everyone that we know the real name of.
Hmm… Maybe it's how he suspiciously got off with a very light sentence. You know, like how informants get a slap on the wrist for informing?
Dude just quit than? idk seems pretty susp that he quit just a little while after the antifa nebraska account tweeted that they had his name
I've listened to that vocaroo, to be fair the other people in it told the guy who mentioned doxing that one dude (I don't think it was Natt but I don't remember who it was) no
I remember the shitflinging on twitter about it but now I found this on the AV twitter acct
I can't tell if this is a honeypot or just an incredibly confused and incompetent organization
If they're all actually teenagers like you said I guess it's probably the latter, but their connection to TRS should make them incredibly suspect now
who's bestonian?
Does anyone want to explain it to this faggot?
there's nothing suspicious about that :^)
No idea who these people are fam
It's the FBI thing that makes Weev suspicious, not just his jewry. He's even admitted his jewry so that's not a question anymore.
I know, I was asking him what about Weev's suspicious background isn't worth raising an eyebrow.
they did. It originated with the actual echo they would do in their podcasts whenever a jewish name came up
(((mike enoch)))
Nigger, no. Echoes originated on Holla Forums and they stole it.
that he is
It was originally a Morraiku thing, I think.
For changing some URLs and saving the contents?
He really shouldn't have been convicted in the first place, but they wanted him punished for that as well as his opinions and previous actions as well.
Not saying he isn't some crazy jewish troll like Goldberg who just revels in chaos though. I just haven't seen any proof to suggest it.
K. And TRS aren't subversive kikes.
stop lying you cocksucker
They never shut up about it. If it wasn't for the low IQ Twitter Jews it would have never taken off.
Tripfag/drawfag from 4chon/new/, made a lot of Anglin OC when he was exposed as a sex tourist there. Used to post it here a lot too but haven't seen him in a while.
Winners write history.
That shitlord is next
Learn to argue properly using evidence and logic.
reactionary tree or hateful heretic has an asian wife, not sure which one exactly.
It's the latter, they aren't honeypot, they are young and retarded
You really think (((Aurenheimer))) isn't a Jew informant?
How would super hacker weev not know?
You let your goon slip out there.
He self doxed months ago anyway.
Do you know any non-pozzed labs out there? there might have been a kike or mischling on my mum's side five generations back, I have to make sure and how bad this theoretical merchants genes might have spread
Wow, this brings a whole new irony to their constant repeated use of drops on their podcast, like "I'm Jewish", "I am a Jew?" "I'M A KIKE", and so on. But this maked it even more likely to be true under this new light. It's exactly the kind of "out in the open, yet hidden" mentality one can expect from Jews.
Dumb goy, Gavin was likely in on it.
Frank (((Cohn))) was a CIA operative who had been put under federal protection and latter lived as a Pilot by the name Frank Joseph. He is the same guy they based the Illinois Nazi from the Movie the Blues Brothers on.
Wew, trip dubs. Kek has spared me.
I haven't seen him around either, he was like a one man troll army and proud to call him a kamrade. He never went by any of the monkiers Bestonian so unless Bestonian made Anglin OC as well.
Natt called it months ago. He said TRS wouldn't make it through 2017, and here we are 14 days in
I'd say you're pretty safe even if 5 generations ago there was an Ashkenazi in a woodpile. Now if it's your grandparents or parents, you might have something to worry about.
2017 is already shaping up to be a great year, jew nutzis getting BTFO.
Oy Vey
/baph/ vs weev when?
I wonder if trs will turn out to full of pedos like his group. He worked directly with the adl. No one other than the media believed that.
I wouldn't doubt it the least bit when you consider that their buddy Andre Anglin and his father are a buncha creeps as well.
We already had /baph/ vs Weev. The DDonging was technically that. /baph/ fucked him for 56 hours roughly.
Enoch's wifes instagram.
Hateful heretic has a mexican mestizo wife
So what exactly is the situation?
Enoch became Jew aware after he already had a family with one?
The whole thing is a honeypot?
Just an opportunistic shekel making stunt?
I could understand wanting to hold off until it's been verified but I mean…it's pretty much 100% confirmed.
If they all try to bury this and pretend it's fake that's a massive red flag that they've all been aware of it the whole time.
Only good podcast left is FTN.
Please don't get doxed boys.
Phew. I bear no Jewish characteristics whatsoever, though my direct line through my father, grandfather, great-grandfather, etc., hail from Ireland, so I'll still get bully for being a potatonigger
That's probably what they'll do just like what Alex Jones did when it came out he worked for Stratfor, called all his accusers mentally ill.
You shouldn't trust anyone that's tied to TRS if they don't comment on this, if they try to bury it or gas light people into thinking its fake it means the whole thing is likely a stunt operation.
It's a goynet
Implying the people on the same network don't know and have meet ups.
Fucking race traitors belong with the left. I bet he harps on how about how conservative and based she is.
I looked into it. First two are well known and I follow the tree.
3rd person I never heard of and google is no help.
so does that confirm?
MP not Jew but alcoholic wife is caretaker please looking for any informations of Maax Aker/Maax Acker. Presenting past on ajax chat being run by SAPO Umea Sweden exposed admin driving him to insane (financed physikal operations) to a point of torching his flat. MA alleged to amass wealth from patents involved with oil/mineral/robotik directional drilling and some connection to BHP Billiton & Xstrata today Glencore is of past indications.
The whole potatonigger thing was a shitty meme made by jews as DnC so they could cozy up to the WASPs who were in power so they could support them. Anyone who uses it seriously is a kike, either literally or in spirit.
oops *supplant them
TRS confirmed compromised by juden.
Unleash the irrelebot
Is this her?
would you, Holla Forums?
Oh the irony that Mike Peinovich would call anyone a cuck.
Hi Joe Blowmann.
the only way i see mike peinovich surviving this is if he reveals he's divorced/separated from his wife, then metaphorically gets on his knees and begs for forgiveness
do you even think?
how do we know mike himself isnt a jew? peinovich sounds pretty jewy to me…
I don't think so. They will just try to ignore and suppress.
No that person is an associate I think.
Appears on ames insta.
jewy like the surname Cernovich? :^)
they can't ignore it, the name mike peinovich is connected to all kinds of von mises/ancap stuff, and mike enoch has talked on the shoah about how into that stuff he used to be
Informations please.
Aryo Rezaie förnekade brott,och hävdade bland annat att han var sjuk på grund av problem med strålning ilägenheten och att han råkat somna med encigarett i handen.
Who was trying to kid?
they did seem to shy away from Pizza Gate and John Podesda.
Weev is sketchy and I don't trust him but that tattoo is rather convincing. People say he is a CIA stool pigeon which might be true because he could have turned state's evidence in jail to get a reduced sentence. However I have yet to see any solid evidence to lead me to believe he is really a understandably a kike. I'd keep my eye on him but he is not actively promoting subversive rhetoric that I'm aware off so I guess I never really worried about it aside from joking he looks like Allen Ginsberg.
what is your thoughts on the infernal AQ my brother?
KEK Anglin was on David Dukes podcast talking about these picture recently. He was using the "don't purity spiral" rhetoric and claiming they where old photos from way back before he was with Stormfront which might be true but I still don't trust namefags.
Yes, Yes this is known and Trumps is not literally Hitler and is in bed with kikes too. Its sad
-vich is not a Jew name.
neither of them are jewish.
Hmm…wonder why? So they wouldn't get implicated in the investigation?
Time to put an end to these goons once and for all.
That's because being a leftist "revolutionary" carries virtually no risk in this zeitgeist.
You won't lose your job for being a Marxist, but you will for being a "racist".
It helps having the same views as Soros, international finance, military industrial complex, etc. isn't it?
David Duke loves Apedre. Sad!