so basically:
>anarkiddies are stupid for wanting to dissolve the state instantly after revolution instead of implementing a DOTP and allowing for the withering away of the state by gradual abolition of bourgeoisie politics, and for not wanting to arm the proletariat
how did anarcucks recover?
So basically:
But it didn't. Now you have Putin
How can I become a mod? This shitposting is ridiculous. Someone needs to stop all these tankie vs anarkiddy falseflagging threads.
Most arms were confiscated to be used on the front by the red army.
Gradual indeed.
This, how can Leninist even recover?
yeah, you won't get any modding powers mr. reddit
and how would the anarchist regime attempt to repel the Nazi's? Last time I checked it didn't work out so well in Spain.
You can't. BO will kick you the moment you actually moderate the board and ban shitposters.
Fuck off Holla Forums
this is some next level delusion
you are a falseflagging Holla Forumslyp, fuck off.
how do i into dialectics
and you're a butthurt redditor who wants a safe space.
By recieving a fuckload of logistical support of the United States. :^)
Nice for confirming that you are a Holla Forumslyp, how about you go back to r/the_donald?
The anarkiddie and tankie shitposting is shitting up the board, its not constructive and is anything but a falseflag.
They were also supplying the Nazi's too. I don't see how this has any affect on the main discussion of the thread.
tell you what jimbo, I'm gonna stay here and you can lick the cheese off my dick for your service, how does that sound?
Gee, I wonder.
more like dictatorship, of those claiming to be acting for the proletariat
the only thing leninism withers away is my dick
that sounds pretty bad fam, do you have dick rot or something?
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