>mfw this is a real article
>mfw this is a real article
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This is Greg Johnson's fault.
Faggots bring more diseases to the table than the usual ones.
Okay I chuckled
And people claim the anime masterbators hurt PR
Fuck off you faggot weeaboo sub-human mongrel nigger.
Vice is the site who has multiple articles trying to make it seem like being a cuck is a normal thing, right?
He published a fucking bronie on Counter Currents. That's more unforgivable than fucking faggotry.
viceshill pls go. no one like you or your shitty media outlet.
wrong neighborhood motherfucker
Didn't he take that faggot as a date to the London Forum?
(nice numbers)
Is this normalfag for "ponyfag"? Also, arch- Oh, (good dubs and good id too) already did this.
It can't be stopped
Fuck it, I'm just going to go jerk off to a cam girl. Faggot weeaboos…
We aren't altright, we are anons and we have no public image worth protecting. This is the source of our power and influence.
Also: Check'em.
Do you not like qt 2d girls?
At least you got timedubs.
"Make it jewier!"
"I swear to g-d Hershel if that isn't jewier in 2 minutes I'm going to transfer you to the Gaza unit! Is that clear!?"
I was checking PR anons dubs you dumb weeb.
Anime is degenerate. You weirdos think you're cool, but all anybody sees when they look at you is this.
When you read the article, it's clear it's a subset of ponyfag.
The article is really nothing special. It's pretty much "Alt-Right Racism! With Furries". There are some snippets of conversations as well. There is no evidence that any conversation took place.
This was my favorite part:
Trash floating out to sea.
Anime is redpilled brah
play nice
Hitler liked anime.
Anti-weeb is code for anti-white.
Thanks for posting that, user
Reminder that anti-anime posters do not have souls and are not human beings. Filter all anti-anime D&C.
Anime is ok. Weeaboos are cancer just like otaku. Now stop derailing the thread.
That bronie is him.
Cuckchan needs to leave.
Wouldn't be surprised, at least half of the authors on Counter Currents are.
Reminder that hating anime is something alt-kike TRS cucks do.
Hating cucks is also something TRS would do, wtf I'm prepping the bull now.