The youth organization of the AfD, the "Junge Alternative" just posted this Pepe.
Their comments are also full of memes.
If we ignore the fact that they're greentexting on Facebook and their comments being a bit cringy in general, this is still pretty nice
Other urls found in this thread:
Seems like just a bit of shitposting, but I'm interested. Bumping for Kek.
Sure thing Kid, just like Renegade, TRS, Evalion, Black Pigeon, blah blah.
Your tactics are weak, worn out and transparent, go back to infiltrating Christian and flat earth groups, they are less able to identify you because they are not Jew wise.
I like the blue Pepe.
Except all those groups you listed were nobody faggots and AfD actually might get a seat of power. GTFO TRSodomite
This. If they were really so red pilled, then they'd debunk the holoholo on their fb page.
Fucking retards
Now they can be connected with an 'american white supremacist symbol'
You're not from here. Go back to where you came from
I hope you're baiting
You know if they do that in Germany it gives the American occupational government an excuse to throw them all in prison, right?
isn't afd just another civic nationalist cuckservative party?
At least none of you screamed shill. This board is getting better.
interesting color scheme, given the un-blued hand
Oh they just fucked up.
They wrote in the comments that they didn't even notice it.
What the fuck are you talking about, TRS?
Yeah, it took you two posts to accuse me with something for low level bantz. That is indeed a sign of progress.
der alternative Pepe
Why do people from TRS keep posting this fucking faggot from 4cuck? He never posted proof. Just TRS being TRS I guess.
How about you just cut out step one and save us all a lot of time, faggot?
Why the hell has an American website been mentioned THREE times in a thread about a German Political party? It's almost like people are trying to derail.
Because a faggot from TRS, , equated his little aids bog and le queen of POL with AfD which actually does good things instead of shekel sniffing opportunism. TRShills are still here so we are still fighting them. But you already know that ;^)
The whole "stop 'pretending' to be a fucking retard" thing goes for you too pal.
No, you're literally derailing the thread into unverifiable nonsense because you don't want us to discuss the actual topic at hand.
It's not surprising that our influence takes one generation longer in Europe.
Since our system is different than the American model.
There you can have a fresh face every election.
Here you have to go trough channels and back channels to get in political power.
Maybe his face is just painted blue.
Like war paint.
We should form a political party.
Good stuff
No way. No fucking way.
Reminder that AfD is one of the many (((alt-right))) groups directly financed by Israel. They're not one of us.
That said, we should redpill their base on the JQ and co-opt the group.
I never saw the afd israeli connection, link?
Great news.
But if Holla Forums owns the youth Holla Forums owns the future.
Honestly this is something we should be working on. Come on Holla Forums, switch your major to education. You might even be able to redpill some Aryan qt3.14 education majors while you're at it.
You faggot should light up yourself, tbh.
We had a thread about it last week, though I can't find it on google damnit.
It seems there's an internal division on the subject of the Jews, we could exploit that to remove the kosher elements from the party.
I seem to remember Ms. Petry being a bad goyim
They forgot to make his hand blue.
Maybe it's a glove for protection from sandniggers?
The gaschamber just got 10 feet wider.
b-but poison dart frogs doesn't need protection he's already poisonous
meant for
Sandniggers are way more poisonous though. Also, Pepe might've wanted to greet God-Emperor Trump without killing him.
LOL Merkel will probably have them arrested for Nazi frogging.
This time You jewed Too fast kike
Spread it.
The margority of these are badmouthed only for shills to prevent Holla Forums to spit into the real world using Holla Forums userbase.
In the same way we used the retardation of the SJWs to wreck their narrative.
Nothing new here.
It's by no means uncommon for basic bitch rightist parties in Europe to have Holla Forums-tier youth wings.
t. knower
i thought they stopped paying you when hillary lost
No he's just trying to piss off Jim, our the masonic owner.
Godspeed Germany. Even in America with Trump we don't have anything resembling a nationalist youth organization. Anything explicitly "pro-white" is still considered taboo but we're making progress.
Post all your rare Pepe's and redpill memes while you can though because you can bet Pepe will be the next "hate symbol" to be outlawed. Merkel doesn't have time to police refugees committing mass rape and murder with all this hate speech on the Internet.
>tfw my waifu also loves to give me コーヒー
We all need to "wake up" (and wake others up) it seems. Last night I had a weird dream where some fat white woman was backing up and crashing into a wall and a pole in a decent car (probably a Mustang). She completely demolished the damn thing and when she noticed us she said with a bit of a snicker and a touch of pride "I'm drunk as a hog." Basically the western world in the hands of people who don't know what the fuck they are doing because they aren't sober.
Is the man with the sleeping cap a popular representation of Germany? I remember another exploitable with Putsch-Chan and an elderly version of him.
Yep, is like the redcapped women representing france, comes from the fact that germany used to be slow as fuck to adopt change in the 19th century in comparison to their french neighboors.
A 200 Years old slowpoke meme.
Yes, it's the "deutscher Michel"
To be fair, "used to be slow as fuck to adopt change" is just another way of saying "they resisted degeneration and subversion for much longer". Which is much closer to the truth.
Why the fuck is this so accurate and why the fuck don't we use him more.
Also at this point most European countries are either exactly like him or a different version of him that is too afraid of making a scene to speak up about what's happening.