What client should i use now?
It's dead jim
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Literally who?
this is rtorrent you disgusting windows user
Poo in the loo rakshasa.
Just use telnet.
You didn't explain how it's dead, what bug are you encounter that kills it? Regardless of what it is, use their issue tracker, Holla Forums is not your personal rtorrent tech support, faggot.
is rtorrent feature complete? no
does rtorrent have bugs? yes
does rtorrent have well organized source? no
does the rtorrent dev give a shit? no
Use utorrent.com
the fuck is wrong with you, mate?
This is a cis-free board
This. I'm still using rtorrent because it just werks. I'll change to transmission someday; maybe with 2.94 since a big update to the DHT code was pushed after the 2.93 release.
It IS abandonware but you're retarded. Last commit on the feature-bind branch is the 30/01/2018.
what does feature-bind mean?
It's for ipv6 support, I think.
Or maybe it's to bind to an inet.
Tell me what's wrong with it. Does it need to be upgraded or are you just inventing problems that don't exist?
I use rtorrent and I had no idea what this was. Next time put at least a minute worth of effort into your threads. This isn't cuckchan.
1) It crashes daily on musl (Alpine) for me
2) It has a known bug where it uses a lot more I/O than needed
3) Some important PR (like FUCKING TORRENT SEARCH) will never be merged
And by search, I just mean filtering the current view with a word. i.e. "/mytorrent"
well, you have no one to blame but yourself