Top U.S. economists grapple with public disdain for free trade, globalization initiatives

Top U.S. economists grapple with public disdain for free trade, globalization initiatives

Economic conference in Chicago takes on exasperated tone after backlash against free trade and globalization


Other urls found in this thread: tariffs subsidies


Maybe you should not called "free trade" agreements that have nothing to do with free trade but are subsidy schemes?

"Free trade" and "globalization" just stands for the looting and dispossession of the Western (white) lower and middle class by the global elite.

Smithians need to be lined up against the wall.

What the free traders forgot about and the elites won't tell you is that "free trade" runs on a faulty textbook assumption on competitive and absolute advantages in production between countries and that everyone benefits from trading what they can't produce for or produce inefficiently. This theory had its place in 18th century when it arose and manufacturing was only beginning, but even then trade tarrifs still existed and became even more neccesary as time went on.

Nowadays though dirt farmers in other countries can't be competed against on price of their labour. This is an absolute advantage that we cannot overcome with higher tech or better practices (which we used to) because our costs of production will still be higher, while corporations negate any competetive advantages on our side through techonolgy transfers by setting up the factories over there.

Despite the fact that their production ends up being shit and that their products are comptetively worse in every aspect except for price, which drives profits and beats any other consideration.

"Free trade" is needed to obliterate trade tarrifs and secure the price differences which would otherwise not exist, with protection of domestic industries and anti-dumping taxes and tarrifs on imported goods. Currency differences are one of the last barriers in trade, which is why there is such a push to maintain dollar's superiority and a push for more glabal currencies like euro and lack of borders, that serve to favour the economies that control the money production and thus the trade. In theory, all highly developed economies should benefit as they cannot compete against each other in the "race to the bottom" if they are involved in a single market, some advantages remain stacked (see Germany and the rest of the EU)

Free trade assumes lack of real-time knowledge of all conditions on all sides and that the advantages are not easily removed or otherwise negated, which is not true anymore, and at present the conditions forced the free trade to become a mantra for all global rulers, with little understanding (or no desire ot understand) the absolute lack of benefit for the common man, woh might have access to cheap goods from overseas but no means ot buy them, while the dirt farmer can't buy anything anyway as his income is not high enough to allow for imports of any goods and his wages are below any kind of standard to take advantage of the manufacturing being done in his country.

While capitalism revolves around investment managment and capital flows, it does not inherently talk or produces any benefits for any country involved in the chain, save for the owner of the capital. With continously greater cosmopolitanism of the big corporations involved in the free trade, we can talk of borderline parasitism that is being promoted at the expense of every economy involved in the process as the money itself does not rest in any one location but becomes a virtual wind, blowing between various accounts on the globe and its owners are a narrow group of (((people))) with no inherent loyalties ot any one place

People are waking up to it and are sick of having their jobs outsourced to no greater benefit - production costs go down, trade deficit goes up but the price of everything stays the same (or goes up) as inflation is being pupmped up by the growing demands of "free trade".

(((Free))) trade was never free or without a price.

It's camuflaged communism - distribution of wealth, not on class levels, but racial.

Rule to live by: 100% of people who want to "earn back your trust" must never be trusted under any circumstances.

Also, there is no such thing as a "Nobel laureate in Economics." The prize given to economists was invented by great big heebie kikes at the Royal Bank of Sweden to legitimize (((Milton Friedman)))'s fucking bullshit and make it sound harder than it really is to fuck up a nation's economy.

That prize is given in Stockholm, not Oslo, where the real Nobel Prizes are handed out. It has a different, much larger, cash payout because the Jews spared no expense for once in building their propaganda tool. Different committee, different rules, different field. The real Nobel Committee can't stop them. Fucking kikes.

(((University of Chicago))) is another real winner. The place where Donald Rumsfeld got religion and (((Ayn Rand))) is required reading. Nothing spells professional integrity like dinner with Art Laffer, boy I tell you what.

Fucking shitheads. I pray Trump gases them all, after annihilating their house of cards.

Well stated.

The claims in the Wealth of Nations directly contradict everything Adam Smith wrote in his other works. It was quite obviously a commissioned work.

to any lolbergs lurking, wanting free trade in our economy as it is, is putting the cart before the horse and therefore moronic.

call them Jews, infotard.

Wanting free trade at all is idiotic. Mercantilism has always been the road to prosperity; free trade is what you use to lose that prosperity.

These (((economists))) overlook the successes of Hitler's Germany.
They look at faulty measures like unemployment rate, which is far worse than the 5% they tout. They think that opening up to the third world will help us here in America.
I believe Trump will show these kikes how it is done. I think the biggest thing though is to destroy the Fed and have the Treasury print debt free money. That will really get the ball rolling

Why does anybody do business in that shithole?

It's one of the largest cities here in Burgerland, but more importantly it's located pretty close to the center of the continental U.S. which means travel time is similar for both east-coast and west-coast.

No, they don't. They think it will help them.

This user is 100% correct. Dependance on import is the root of half (if not more) of today's problems if a nation is to have sovereignity, it must not be dependent upon another country. Imports should only concern goods that cannot be made on their country's soil (for example, bananas in norway)

And when I say "pretty close to the center" I must stress I mean that relative to our other large cities.

The local government should also make known local alternatives that may come close enough to the imported item to satisfy most needs.

Are they seriously trying to make me feel sorry for fucking Wall Street leeches? Fuck off. You kikes deserve no sympathy.


There are actually bananas that cn b grown in the northlands.

This is beautiful.

Daily reminder that economics is an ideology not a science.

I took a global economics course in college, and the gist I got from my professor and the authors of the books we read is that economists understand economics slightly more than the uneducated, but not enough to do anything more than play with fire.

Except that's wrong you retard.

That's true, but also irrelevant.

Every other type of social and corporate science accepts uncertainty (people don't know better) and controversy (people disagree with you by principle) and builds the best system they can around those limitations. These kikes on the other hand demands you follow them or else.

economics is as much a science as sociology is

Blood and country first. Profits for your company comes later.

Always thought it was disgusting that Leftist claim to "love science", but always take courses where the "science" involves more opinion than measurable fact. Ultimately it's all just a symptom of the Left overdosing on their lust for subjectivity, and ire for objectivity.


The Nobel Prizes are all given in Stockholm, except for the peace prize which is given in Oslo.

Indeed, they both are nothing but meaningless statistics and wishful thinking. They don't present working models of human behaviour that could explain those statistics, so they just bend the statistics to their ideologies and wonder why reality doesn't confirm them.

By your logic, North Korea has the best econimic policy.

I thought Rand was not such a bad kike?

Fuck bananas. Export violence, Import gold.

To the contrary, the problem is that the kike's successes are *not* going overlooked. Academic economics is basically Babylonian astrology, I wouldn't confuse it for the real science. Academic economists like to pretend their favored policies are "just economics" but it necessarily requires the imposition of their values to reach agreement. The entire profession has been engineered to simply provide support for the government's preferred policies.

Regrettably, it's apparent this has served to completely poison the well for economics as a science at all. (Just look at the comments here.) The problem is not economics but the purpose academia is trying to make of it.


please gas yourself

Deutsche, wehrt euch!

Kauft nur deutsche Bananen!

Her gospel of "be selfish and true to yourself for the greater good" is like heroin to kikes. It's a fantastic excuse to behave in a literal selfish way. Howard Roarke was an alright guy, he just wanted to do his architecture in peace without politics and culture telling him how. That much is anti-jew, but a jew is not consistent enough to care about what she meant, only what the books can be intepreted as saying, and so in her work finds the justification he needs for his behaviour.

She launched a dangerous idea and she's a dubious person herself, but I have no doubt that her words were taken as a justification for other kike's addiction to ruthless power.

The problem is that the anti-globalist, pro-tariff faction, and this includes president-elect Trump, are living in the past; they hang on to a belief that USA is still the #1 industrial power in the world and that the present sorry state of affairs is caused by dirty tricks by the Chinese, and that by countering same US manufacturing will again dominate the world.

This is wrong. The present sorry state is caused by two factors:

1) the deterioration of the US work force by immigrated low-IQ people (from 90% white to 54% white)

2) the improvement in the prductivity of the Chinese work force by improved infrastructure
and more education of an already intelligent population with minimum immigration.

Result: Tariffs will impoverish USA which will not be able to replace-produce the things they now import from China, like they once could. As a result the violent, volatile and delusional people of USA will demand and get a war against Russia or China


That's true.

You're living in the past goy, you need to embrance our new globalist multicultural future.

Beige power !

You forgot the bronze age, the iron age, the medieval age and the modern age. We live in an age where a few factories located in one point can satisfy the whole world's need for a certain product. Do you honestly believe that it's impossible to have more factories distributed around the world? Especially in the case of the USA, it's literally the size of a continent still full of raw resources.

Wrong, plenty of trade in those ages.

Yes. Nice.

No. But if the population or some other factr of some area is fucked up, factories there won't thrive.

And more and more shitty people, which is why it can't compete. Chinese don't burn down their cities over some random insulting comment by someone lse in the media. That's money saved right there.

Goods should move, not people.

You want to get groceries in your door, not random strangers.

There is a great difference between trade for the sake of better goods, and being dependent on trade. Although there were examples like the city of Rome or most of the British Island that had a population concentration so great they could only sustain themselves in imported goods. But for most of our history the average man bought locally the most essential goods he needed. Because manufacturing wasn't in the hand of international corporations, so it was rather evenly distributed in most countries, with a few centres here and there.

So you don't deny that it's not a problem if e.g. the average nigger can't turn raw resources into microchips, as it's more than enough if a small fraction of the population is engaged in computer manufacturing.

There is a factory, there is demand for the goods produced by the factory, and the factory thrives. It's that simple.

If they don't trade with chinks, then they don't have to compete with chinks. And so they can concentrate on their own problems, like culling the black population.

If youre securing a contract with a merchant, couldnt they also have a contract with the Chinese that indirectly affects you?

You should give me a more concrete example. E.g.

Although now that I think about it, rarer metals could be a problem. But then again, those can be easily recycled, so you only need so much of them at a given time. If you can secure that you are all right.


Well stated, the only part missing is IQ. And I don't mean of the 3rd world countries I mean of the 1st world ones. One of the big lies of (((globalization))) is that we lose "shitty" factory jobs but gain high tech jobs and our society moves up the value chain, everybody wins etc. The problem is half the country has an IQ under 100, and thats white people. Putting the shitskins aside a white person with an IQ of 90 in the US isn't going to be able to retrain to be a doctor or IT specialist when he is 45 and has been assembling widgets for 20 years. Jason Richwine did a thesis on how low skilled immigrants are forcing low skilled white people out of the labor market, add the outsourcing of jobs and we have the entire lower middle class being hollowed out.


Like today.

No, but trading was.

Erh, no.

If the area isn't fucked up, in which case they have to import stuff.


And have to use their own shitty ersatz products.

Non sequitur.

China practices mercantilism and you'll notice they're absolutely slaughtering the West in trade, because the West practices free trade aka "go ahead and fuck us, China!"


anything a jew proposes for its gain should be shot down we have no reason to have them as negotiators of our trade systems and can come up with far better that does not benefit them period.Any thing jew boycotted labeled subversive all their trade stopped within Aryan countries this can be done and shut them down why they are scrambling to infuse your white nations with as many shitskins as they can hoping you don't realize it until its to late.Wake up Aryan.

A source on what, the fact that China subsidizes its own factories while using tariffs to block imports while demanding America and other western countries allow it to export?

Or a source on the fact that we're losing hard to them on trade?

Because you could look either of those up yourself.

If people cry to loud, they'll just lay low, rebrand their plan, and start back up under a slightly different banner some years later when people have mostly forgotten. They did the same thing in the 80's - late 90's, in many regions. No one knew what hit them.

Yes, please.

No need.

Oh, you don't have any.

You are retarded if you don't see a difference here.

What the fuck do you mean by that? Don't just quote a whole fucking paragraph and give a two word answer that can be interpreted multiple ways. I bet you are some autist who sank too much time into muh economics and is incapable of normal communication now.

Yes, and most of the time they traded raw resources that were used by local manufacturing. That's still not the same as having no local manufacturing and importing everything.

Erh, yes. A fucking frozen sea is not your average European country. An exception is not a rule.

Again, this sentence makes no sense. It's either
The sentence you wrote literally makes no sense.

Let me guess, you can't even effectively communicate your problem with what you quoted. Either you don't understand the importance of eugenics, or you don't understand that abbreviation. Which one?

Yeah, because the USA has always been known for its shitty ersatz products… It's not an island without resources, it's a continent full of resources. Just look at ww2 to see what I mean. They produced an incredibly amount of ships and tank and aeroplanes and whatnot, and yet it barely affected the lives of the population compared to what other countries had to go through.

So you don't even understand that this is the core of the problem? Are you some economist who came here from leddit?

Here you go, lazy kike tariffs subsidies

Unfortunately economics has been reduced to being on the same tier as psychology. Much of modern economics and any hypotheses or theories that come of it are wishful thinking concepts that exist only on paper, a la actual communism. Economics in its strictest form is like sociology or neurology, you observe how things actually work in societies or the brain and you attempt to explain why they occur and by what mechanisms. Instead, what it has been twisted into is this hideous fucking vehicle for the kikes to push their subversive ideologies. You have "economists" who either make shit up or explain how things "work" "in theory" or both. You have faggots attempting to fit the data and the observations to the conclusion rather than the opposite.

Economics has been fucked for a long time now, just like university education and our media.

Yes, the difference is in quantity of trade.

A diifference in quantity.

Better now?

'Silver and copper from Japan were used to trade with India and China for silk, cotton, porcelain, and textiles.'

True, that only happens if your country is fucked up.

is not a sea. And most of the year, the Baltic isn't frozen. Read the article.

If was supposed to be read as a continuation of your sentence.

Oh, OK, I got it now,

US glory was in the past when it was 90% white. It's 64% white now. With an ethnic composition like a Latino country, you get a Latino economy, with the same quality manufacture.

Yes, like Africa or South America.

90% white.

Yes, Detroit was known as 'the arsenal of democracy'. Oops.

Eugenics and tariffs are unrelated subjects.

Exactly. Economics is a social science that ultimately deals with human nature and individual actions, rather than abstractions like markets. The classical schools have some insights in this regard, but you're right, the court economists are completely gone and only deal with inconsequential politically correct issues that might yield them a pat on the back from their employers.

No, it's a difference of quality too. The average peasant's knives and clothes and chairs weren't from an other continent. They were all manufactured locally, and he wasn't helpless against a gigantic world economy. If the crops grew well enough he could feed himself and afford whatever he needed by selling the surplus food.

That is quite different from the FED printing fiat money and international corporations using that to pay Chinese workers to make goods they can sell in the USA. This system can only work for so long before the chinks build up their economy to a level they don't need the USA any more.

The whole thing existed because up north the conditions weren't the best for population growth, so it was rather slow. You can't have proper states without enough people. So it took quite a lot of time for the lands around the Baltic to form prim and proper countries. It's like the Mediterranean before Rome conquered it: a kind of a "wild west" for merchants. But the average Latvian or Finn still didn't rely on a constant supply of goods provided by the Hanseatic league to survive.

And manufacturing didn't improve since ww2? Do you know how quicker and more efficient CNC machines are compared to the traditional lathe? They still have the manpower to maintain an efficient economy. Look at Rhodesia: it had a white population of less than 7%, and that was still enough to turn the country into the breadbasket of Africa.

And then it died because of "competition". And by competition I mean the current economic politics killed the manufacturing.

You yourself established a connection between the 64% white population and the economy of the USA. Eugenics is all about bringing up the quality of people. With better people you have a higher average IQ and you can maintain a better economy. If your economy is so good that you don't have to rely on foreign import at all, then you are free to protect it with high tariffs.

Just read up your Malthus, son.

There are many more factors at work besides those two. There is also increasing regulations that increase the cost of manufacturing production relative to less-regulated jurisdictions (e.g. Bangladesh). That said, I believe the effect of a nationalist economic policy will have two direct effects:

1) the price of consumer goods (e.g. cars, electronics, clothes) will go up
2) more jobs will be available to the middle and lower classes while shrinking the number of professional jobs in law, finance, various professions that gain from rent-seeking off unrestricted immigration

There are many more potential less direct effects. It will depend on how exactly the policy is managed. If Trump is able to get the comprehensive infrastructure reform he wants, I think he will have no problem persuading people to re-elect him.

This. Long ago I was actually studying for an economics major when my econ professor inadvertently redpilled me. We were studying some paper or other on monetary policy (literally the Jewiest subject), and I started asking questions to my prof that challenged the premises the whole paper was based on. His response? "Look, user, I'm going to tell you something about academic economics. In academic economics, there are certain premises that are just accepted as true, and we work from there. That's just the way it works. Nobody writes economics papers that don't have direct policy implications." He simply refused to even engage my questions. I ended up quitting a little later as a result.

Fucking kikes ruin everything.

aka it's far away from everybody. Fuck Chicago.

But food isn't a problem with modern agriculture, so this new level in this case simply means consumer goods. And the problem is that the manufacturing of consumer goods is overcentralized in a few places, simply because it's in the hand of international corporations that are only interested in getting even more fiat money from certain central banks. Add in the politicians who also want that fiat money, and we get this fucking mess.

Pretty much; they decided they were going to pilfer all the wealth from the western lower/middle class and redistribute it to the 3rd world and the western upper class

And now they are SHOCKED, absolutely SHOCKED that the lower/middle class in western countries have a problem with it.

Fucking hell could you be any more jewish?

Part of the problem is America allowed nutjob creationist evangelicals to assert themselves as the typical "right wing conservative". That's why propagandists like Bill Nye go out of their way to "debate" creationists. They are deliberately signalboosting the nuttiest of Christians so that they can convince the general apathetic public that the left is on the side of science.

Yes it is. Unless you'd like to eat just soybeans and corn derivatives. Certain crops depend on ideal environmental conditions, and will not grow well outside those conditions. Livestock is very resource intensive. Our modern food system depends essentially on the comparative advantage of growing beef in Argentina and wheat in Kansas and grapes in California. Take that away, food prices rise, people starve. It would affect people at the margins a great deal. A systemic disruption would create anarchy in major metropolises that depend entirely on continual imports from the countryside.

Not to mention, our food system is becoming even more fragile as we rely on fewer and fewer species of wheat, corn, etc, creating the conditions for a super-blight. It probably won't blow up - but we could take better care of it.

That's a pretty hard claim to justify. First, what standard dictates whether there is or is not enough manufacturing? Second, manufacturing obviously benefits by comparative advantage at the global scale, and is integral to the construction of modern electronics which have thousands of parts sourced from all over the world. Let me work through it.

Let us suppose every country decided to become "self-sufficient" and would no longer import any products - except those which were not otherwise available (e.g. a country without oil will still import oil). Most manufacturing goods, at least in terms of the final arrangement of parts, can be assembled in a country provided there exists enough skilled labor. But that's exactly where it starts to break down.

1) As another user pointed out, the global demand for certain goods can be satisfied with relatively few factories
2) Some factories and industries depend on and are vastly more efficient by using international capital (e.g. oil, telecommunications) and could not be feasibly managed otherwise if the nation is too small
3) IF we suppose each factory to produce every possible product were duplicated for each country, that represents using up finite resources - if global demand can be met by only one or two factories, that means the resources used to build the other 185 factories (one for each country) could have been more effectively used to construct factories that create different products, and then simply trade those products

While I'm in favor of a nationalist economic policy, it is not very clean cut. There will be tradeoffs. I don't think there is any ultimate "solution" to the problems of economics, we must seek to make sure what we do have works as needed.

He's probably referring to indoor industrial-scale farming.

And two out of that three is in the USA.
And yet parts of Africa still gets so much in aid that local farmers there often go out of business. Not to mention all those thousands of tons of wasted food environmentalists like to point at. The current system is wasteful in many ways.
And why is that? Oh yeah, it's because most of that wheat is grown in Kansas, so they only want to use the species that is best suited for Kansas.

There is enough manufacturing when the supply can satisfy the demand.
How so? Are the Thai genetically better suited for making HDDs?
Is this normal in your opinion?
I can actually accept trade when it's necessary, but even then it shouldn't happen between continents if it's not necessary.
I'm pretty sure that it was me.
Yeah, I know about those telecommunication factories where they manufacture telecommunication. But we should discuss international transportation factories. The way they manufacture international transportation is quite interesting.
And? Build smaller factories that are all about quality. Heck, replace factories with workshops that can answer a wide range of demands.

Pro Tip: "Free Trade" is simply the west bombing the fuck outa thrid world countries that don't complete with the (((global))) banking system, and then (((globalists))) coming in after the war to buy shit up, and then using that leverage against the west.

Basically free trade means Jew owned trade, not nationally owned trade.

That's not bullying at all, he had every right to shove that bitch in the rain. fuck their scrunchees too

globalization free trade also makes a very naive assumption.
that you can just replace white societies.
in reality, a lot of value is generated by having an entire society of virtue (like altruism, trust, peacefulness, collaboration, work ethic, zero corruption, foresight, excellence ..)

also we have bullshit laws like minimum wage that prevent us from properly competing with countries free from those laws.
so it doesnt make sense to say workers in x country fairly outcompeted US worker and thus deserve the job over the US worker.
also the cost of living is here higher because of taxes, wich are spent on bullshit programs*. so the effective income in the USA and vietnam might similar, even though numerically it is higher in the US.

*STEM diversity, wars, ridiculous army size and wasteful spending, king niggers vacations.. all have to be carried by taxpayers, wich comes off their income in some way, so it has to be carried by their wage too. other countries with less shitty government dont have this issue.

then there is the issue of the money going to other countries cultivating future hostile superstates, like for example china. so we might save some money now, but will have to spend it on defense later because there is an actual fuckhuge threat

They did carry the day you stupid bastard. They carried from you to us.

All systems have entropy. Even so, the amount of waste is very small overall. (Obviously there are many other problems with sending aid to Africa.) Our modern food system is a marvel of engineering across a dozen separate domains, from biochemistry to financial speculation. Take away one of these - prices rise, people starve. It doesn't need to affect a middle American drastically for people in Tunisia and India to starve.

I think you didn't understand my question. My point is that you are making normative claims about whether there is too much or too little of something which cannot be justified by positive claims.

No, but they are much poorer than we are and so willing to work for less, in addition the Thai government does not impose heavy regulations. These factors give the Thai people a comparative advantage in the production of HDDs apparently. (I will note that the comparative advantage would change if, for example, the US were to relax certain regulations that could bring the cost of HDD production down enough to make it feasible to do more HDD production here.)

Nonsense question.

Christ user, I did say "and industries." I brought up telecommunications because it is an INDUSTRY that requires tens of billions of capital to start, let alone maintain. These industries depend not only on technological but financial and population factors to be feasible. The larger the population, the larger the capital pool that can be committed to national projects that could not be accomplished by a small group of people. And because population is a factor, countries with small populations will probably depend on the telecommunications networks of larger populations. There are many sources of comparative advantage, population is one because of the power of scale.

user, you're not getting it. If you want to build an widget, but suppose you only wanted to build one instead of tens of millions, you would STILL need to invest about as much in the means of production. The resources and construction of parts is both capital and labor intensive. The overhead cost remains the same - high overhead costs can be justified provided that same factory (or some other means of production) were to produce enough that the profit from sales would cover that overhead cost. Whether you use a widget factory to make just 1 or 1 billion, that widget factory will cost the same to build.

That would mean saying goodbye to highly specialized consumer and electronics products, like your computer or phone. Say goodbye to cars, home appliances, air conditioning, literally anything that depends on a specialized assembly line. I sympathize if you want to live innawoods but I'm not sure you realize that would be the result of what you propose.

Does any of this help to answer why it may very well be most efficient - locally and globally - to produce so many HDDs in Thailand?

As someone who lives there and deals with the results of the Chinese education system all of the fucking time, I can assure you that it is total garbage.

They have mandatory propaganda classes, even at the college level. They do not sleep and spend something like 8 hours a day just doing intentionally mindnumbing repetition drills. There is no creativity and almost everyone here (upper middle class major city) is spending huge sums of money simply for the chance at a western education. There are entire industries dedicated to helping students figure out how to study abroad. They spend 10 years studying English in school and most of them can barely manage to put a sentence together, if at all.

They aren't producing an intelligent population, they are producing drones. It's why they have to steal all of their IP.

How about THE MERE EXISTENCE OF STATE OWNED ENTERPRISES you 50 cent piece of shit. Why do you think they are getting reamed everywhere for steal dumping? Because everyone is just jealous of their ability to way overproduce relative to demand?

You're either a sadly brainwashed yellow-fevered white chink puppet, or an actual chink puppet. There's no way anyone could be that stupid without it being deliberate.

No one is arguing that it doesn't makes sense, on a purely speculative academic level. Everyone is arguing that this system buttfucks everyone except the factory owner and the HDD companies. Does that Thai guy ever see his standard of living increase? No. He doesn't. The factory owner will do well, and the cumulative effect of factory owner capital gains will allow lots of economists to run articles praising the country's miraculous growth in standards of living whilst showcasing the beautiful new mall in Bangkok. Never mind the semi-annual mass protests by nearly starving workers who haven't seen a dime of the new "prosperity". And the complaints of the worker in a country that wasn't able to nuke it's own currency that lost a job.

Currency pegs completely invalidate the idea of comparative advantage. Thailand does not produce HDDs because it's people are willing to work more for less. Thailand produces HDDs because its government is able to peg the Thai currency and unilaterally devalue it's labor resources relative to other countries. You can live in Thailand for much less money. Food, water, electricity, etc, are cheaper. A comparable US worker CANNOT COMPETE, because his currency is the one being pegged in the ass. His food, water, rent, etc, are more expensive.

Now go back to your comfy Econ 101 classroom and continue pretending you don't live in the real world. Never darken this corner of the internet with your bullshit again.