If a communist revolution breaks out in Russia in a few years, will you fight for it?
Why or why not?
If a communist revolution breaks out in Russia in a few years, will you fight for it?
Why or why not?
Most of what I've heard about the CPRF is that they're pretty reactionary, little more than SocDems economically, and their whole appeal is just "WE WUZ SUPERPOWERZ"
yeah, right…
not in my lifetime
this shithole is full of petit-bourgeois delusions
one fucker even tried to tell me that small fish is more competitive than big, because it's more maneuverable, can you believe this shit?
my boss is a fucking monarchist and won't shut up about how glorious was life in a peasant commune.
feel my pain
what will happen when putin dies
there will be another talking head
When you feed ideology as agitprop, the agitprop will become the ideology.
isn't the state structure of russia pretty flimsy?
typical bourgeois state, nothing special
surely it contains many actual communists
Soviet nostalgia and Stalin admiration are still a notable force, but it's all buried under a mountain of bour
Whoops. Of bourgeois ideology. I'd like to believe the remnants of pro-Soviet sentiment will pay off in the end.
I've heard there are some genuine parties under them (so as to get through the 5% barrier, IIRC), but CPRF themselves are not Communist in any sense.
What makes you think that?
The CPRF is the image the soviet union project upon it's people. Hammers and sickles, red flags, glorious glory..
It's a cargo cult.
yeah i would i have family there and even if they were to go back to how the soviet union was in say the 1960s i'd still try everything in my power to improve things
what revolution?
CPRF down 9 % compared to last elections '11
new CoR at 0.3 %
other parties lost too but that doesn't relativize the fact that there is nothing communist with any significant support that would be worth a discussion
sure, things might change but that'd be over the course of a decade at best
faggots, off yourself
Give your opinion on ROT-Front, my super-edgy user.
all i said is that you're faggots that base your "opinions" on something you've "heard"
this is the argument
you stated it as a fact yourself
the argument is valid
kill yourself
Hm… Politically active, aren't we?
most russian commies are tankies, i would have to woory to get randomly shot in the back…
kill yourself
lol pls
The Russians are Mongols incapable of leading any liberatory movement.
It would end up the same way they did last time.
Nah, they want to renationalize all natural resources and big companies. Allowing small business to function privately isn't SocDem tankie.
Also according to Wikipedia there's a legit Marxist-Leninist wing inside the party, even if that Zyuganov guy is pretty right wing.
I dunno, a part of me wants to believe the CPRF fashions itself a national liberation movement from le evil western imperialism, which is kinda silly considering the whole "social-imperialism" thing, they also look up to what China has been up to, which for leftists is still excellent, but that shouldn't be the question, the real question is "Even with all their flaws, are they more progressive than the (i)liberal democracy of Putin?
c'mon p.rob.lematic shouldn't be wordfiltered even Zizek uses the word and I thought you guys like him
>>>Holla Forums
I'm a broke American. Dunno how I'd accomplish that. Maybe when I go for walks I could carry a flag in solidarity, but where I live that would probably accomplish nothing but getting me arrested and mysteriously dying in police custody.
poor dialectics, son
good luck with that
pick one
Define "nationalism", "superpower", "world capitalism", and "the imperialist stage of capitalism".
Then come back to us.
*nothing is wrong with…
"mountain of bour" has a nice ring to it