I recently discovered Hollaforums .com through accidentally jewgle searching something on here that I wanted to copy/paste and its freaking me the fuck out
Is this a massive JIDF/NSA infomining scheme or am I just paranoid?
I recently discovered Hollaforums .com through accidentally jewgle searching something on here that I wanted to copy/paste and its freaking me the fuck out
Is this a massive JIDF/NSA infomining scheme or am I just paranoid?
Other urls found in this thread:
Post broken URL
build a shitbox then plug it directly into your cable modem. then go to hollaforums and download everything. let us know.
lurk moar
ight bet.
it should turn off any anons
Your paranoia is an asset, but this really belongs in a QTDDTOT thread. Tl;dr: there was a bunch of speculation regarding those two aforementioned sites a year ago or more and the general consensus is that it's just some guy who set up a crawler to scrape and repost content from the chans to make it appear that he was the owner of a bustling forum so he could pull large amounts of ad revenue from that "traffic"
I didn't make it, I found this through an accidental jewgle search and its been archiving Holla Forums data from May 2016 onwards.
It just seems fishy as fuck to me, it could be an infomining honeytrap and leftist journos like that kike from fusion who browses our board for content, could use it to expose our social operations.
ahhhhh gotcha, sorry for the spergposting.
Our new shield
Oh it wasn't us normalfag, it was sheeky/hollaforums.
Hollaforums is old news. There is also sheekyforums or some shit like that. There is one of cuckchan too I think.
It's just some kike scraping content to put ads on it.
I wonder if there are any people posting there who genuinely think it's active.
I don't like this, not one bit.
Even if it isnt a honeypot to track down unsuspecting anons, it basically functions as a cuckchan archiving site and can be used by journos to expose our activities.
you're afraid someone is going to see our sick bantz and dank memes? you do know there is literally nothing stopping anyone from doing that regardless of mirroring… right?
I bet you don't even know about shecky forum
you can't post on it, the goal of those sites is to make ad money from people coming from google searches
It's our newfag identifier.
relax user, this thread's general consensus assured us that: hollaforums = nonissue.
yeah, that faggot kike (((Ethan Chiel))) could use to foil an OP but he spies and shills on here regularly anyways
You dont remember sheekyforum? Its the same bullshit
Analysis of writing styles?
For identification based on samples off the other social sites.
Bamp for interesting, considering the sages.
Ad revenue. Content pulled from here to attract google searches.
I actually find it kind of neat: Looks like a regular forum/blog comments section, images are stripped, references to Holla Forums are wordfiltered.
What this mean in practical therms is a Holla Forums archive which is SFW, and which can't easily be backtracked to Holla Forums.
Only thing I don't like is the search is google and broken.
kek this
It's not just Holla Forums though, I found it a while back because or Holla Forums or at least a similar site. I just figured it was something shady like SEO but not anything serious.
That's creepy as fuck. This comment is a test to see how long it takes to appear over there.
Kikes have set up a neural network to slowly learn the posting style and behavior of bad goys so it can mimic or counter them in online communities. It's for their AI which is supposed to have 100% control over the information on the internet once it reaches full effectiveness.
Nigger confirmed
Alex Jones you need to lay of the jewgleberries
You're so new that you think the reddit spacing thing is anything but a meme.
Even if you grant that reddit spacing is an accurate way to detect newfags or redditors (it is sometimes, other times it's just used by shills to derail threads), that post wasn't even reddit spacing.
This right here is reddit spacing.
You make every sentence a new paragraph with an empty line between them.
Every sentence is too short to actually make the "paragraph" look good.
In reality, removing all the damn spaces and letting word wrap do its fucking job would make the post look a lot more organized, natural, and aesthetically pleasing.
It likely comes from people posting on their botnet smartphones since the reply box is so small that reddit spacing actually looks good until you post it and view it later on a PC, tbh.
What that user did was put a space in between his serious comment "It's our newfag identifier." and his shitpost "BTW: NEWFAG IDENTIFIED" which is (or at least used to be) fairly common on boards like Holla Forums, Holla Forums, and possibly /a/. The last two made heavy use of the spoiler text meme. They also used tl;dr, or >inb4. All three of these generally go on their own line at the bottom of a post. But you're just a butthurt newfag so you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between proper shitpost formatting and reddit spacing.
Lurk moar, dipshits. I'm not even an oldfag.