Who will destroy ISIS first? Us or them?
They already made a thread and got some nice digits
The hashtag is #anklesforallah
4chan gave us a challenge
Other urls found in this thread:
Two Board Power Trip
Their hashtags and ideas are shitty, let's come up with something better
we should use mememagic for this
ISIS have been destroying old statues nd relics
Maybe they let out another deity we can recruit for the meme pantheon?
Molyneux doesn't know what he's talking about, it would take a lot longer than a week to gas the kikes.
There was Baal if I'm not wrong.
He even blessed Trump with a thunder, after destroying a muslim church.
Honestly, after the total destruction they've been riding, I'm tempted to say we coordinate. However, I have a better target in mind then ISIS.
Angela "Refugee Circle Jerkel" Merkel?
Nope nope nope nope nope. Fucking around with cartoon frogs is one thing, but let's not get carried away.
Pretty much any rapefugee-enabling government, but hers would be a good start.
There's Ba'al the semitic deity honorific and there's Baal the goetic demon. But yeah, let's not go there.
Could we call Benji back into action and have him give us the info he got on them when he got on the inside?
We need to send him our standard Holocaust death statistics vs. the time it takes to cremate a body copypastas.
Could we figure out a way to make 100s of fake videos of ISIS getting beheaded etc
Who gives a fuck what that bold faggot wants.
Honestly, it would probably enrage them more to photoshop key members getting sodomized. That will trigger the fuck out of them since they all thought they put that behind them when they grew old enough to fight back.
One doesnt too many, also I am fucking retarded
I like it. Let's bring them down. Better if we can expose the Mossad connections.
They sell boy sex slaves.
How hard could it be? Disrupt their communications. Send false intel, disrupt logistics, disrupt hideouts, oust undercover bases. The goatfuggers are probably using falty equipment for all we know. I think its actualy doable.
My sides would never return tbh
Go on…
This is an absolute non starter. Virtually anything we do will be attributed to them anyway.
And even if we did get media accolades for taking down ISIS, do you really want the extra traffic that would provide?
If you wanna take down ISIS, take down ISIS. Getting into a dick measuring contest with halfchan isn't going to help.
Serious level … if we got enough ex military guys to train up cartel kids and westernized sandnigger's and send them to set up an outpost of western civilization somewhere in islamistan in return for keeping sweet tax and oil revenues that would be pretty epic
#chanology 2.0 WE ARE ANONEEMOOOSE
Holla Forums INVICTA
Hack their twitter and FB accounts since (((they))) allow ISIS to communicate with each other
Alright niggers, first step is infiltration. Once we find their super seekrit internet hideout we can all flood it and trigger the shit out of them while also taking down their online communication network with pure shitposting.
Have they no seen that /sg/ screencap?
Is this the signal to repel invaders?
This. Why go for the soldiers when the commander sleeps in your own town.
kill the gubmint traitors first.. then go after islamists
I found one of the ISIS hangouts:
This is only worthwhile if we can redpill a large amount of people to the involvement of cia/mi6/mossad in ISIS
Nice work, hopping on the IRC now. :^)
Do muslims still get triggered over muhammad cartoons or is that over now?
Force the moderate muslim to bring out the allahu akbar within them at the same time
that was fast
Do we still give a shit?
Of course they get triggered when you draw a maniac that killed, raped and enslaved people while claiming to be chosen by God just to have more people bend to him.
supposedly they have been using Telegram.
I don't know shit about this app and the story launched a couple weeks ago so they may have abandoned it. Might be a good place to start though.
They almost certainly have a deepweb site somewhere but unless they're literally retarded, nothing you can find with a search is going to be legitimate and they will do extensive self-monitoring of the traffic there.
Wasn't there a board with arabs on here?
You'll have to take down Trudeau too, he's importing them into North America as we speak.
killshot. and jews and christians are protected people of the book according to even kuran
Yeah but they're alright, don't fuck with em. If you want to fuck with any board you should hit >>>/islam/
Why wait?
Let's fucking do this.
That was Goldberg's board.
It's a decent board, I go over there sometimes. It's fun to talk with them about the WE WUZ KANGZ shit.
Islam is cancer.
Did you tell them stay in their countries or expect death?
One of the Vols from /islam/ took over that board a few months back. He's no longer a Vol on /islam/ and has abandoned /islamicstate/. Maybe he got arrested.
Is Baal even a demon? Doesn't it just mean "lord", and was one of these gods worshipped by semities, not necessarily a demon?
Btw is he expecting us to go to syria to shoot them too?
I need a boat or something.
Baal and Satan are similar gods if memory serves correct.
That's a tough one. /islam/ is really good at ignoring trolls.
What are muslims afraid of?
We could start rumors of Assad dripping bullets in pig blood or something.
We could just make a crowdfunding and buy a drone to hit them.
Btw I hope he isn't expecting us to check any secret hiding spaces.
That would be silly giving away the little leverage we have :^)
You lack vision, user. This kind of friendly competition can produce some good results.
He is basically Satan, The Devil whatever the fuck. Best not to meme with that, kikes go so far to offer baby's to it after all.
Ba'al blasted a crane at mecca, smeared a bunch of mudshits.
Too late faggot.
I really don't know much about the subject, but from what I'm reading:
lel yeah, they can be fun about it. They even have porn on the catalog (warning kebab women are fucking hideous) so they can't be that devout. /islam/ is way worse. Maybe I'm just sad that egypt used to be a decent country under Gaddhafi and the French had to go fuck that whole shit up and ruin everything. We didn't have any refugee crisis until he died.
Why don't we just ask the army personally?
Found this on here.
Not much, but it's a start. Anyone want to check to see if the link is still valid? I'll keep poking around on this side of the web, but there isn't much of anything over here.
I definitely won't mess with it, for caution's sake. Kek is enough for me right now
Silly user.
Isn't Baal also related to maloch?
Best shilling locations: facebook, instagram, twitter.
Best memes:
Soft pill: Compare life of average westerner vs. average Muslim. Health, income, etc. #AsianNotMuslim etc
Hard pill: Fate of previous countries/alliances to threaten west. Number of enemy casualties, etc. Twisted human experiments, etc.
Midline: Use arab nationalists from 50s, 60s, etc. Nasser, maybe Hussein?
The usual answer to that is, "Nothing but Allah." Pig's blood doesn't scare them. If they come in contact with it, they wash.
Women and gays
Are there any hired gun organizations out there? A private army or something? Couldn't we pay them for an attack at ISIS? Heck, maybe just a missile, just for "The day Holla Forums launched a missile at ISIS"
>2016-12-07 19:29:16 - 843263 - Daesh_Warrior - hello brothers if you would like to join isis please add my jibber jabber [email protected]/* */ and we will try and recruit you if you are coming from another country you will need to buy your own ticket
Hmmm. Email spam?
Those were mostly secular syrians who supported assad, syrianon was from there too if i'am not mistaken. As another user pointed out, if you want the retarded kind go to /islam/, its very easy to trigger them.
Women, maybe; but gays they just throw off the roof. Or go to the nightclub and start blasting.
PMCs would be hireable for a lot of $$$ especially if there was a viable business result in it, ie oil, taxes, etc.
Nope Muslim countries have the highest gay porn searches. They are all closet homos. Hence their extreme violent homophobia.
Depends, but I'd rather do it off a public forum. That way I can reuse my "stock" for certain applications when jews stab us in the back (potentially)
anything that reminds them that they are a moon god cult
Also perhaps the kurds could use help?
Neither. To do so means to be able to disband the CIA. Anyone who tried is currently being eaten by maggots.
The purpose of pigs blood isn't to frighten them. It is to express utter contempt for them.
al-Baghdadi confirmed faggot?
He probably liked Abu Ghraib
Another source of help.
Maybe it's time to contact syria and start discussing.
I don't need pig's blood to do that. Besides, wouldn't blood on the bullets gum up the weapon? I'm not /k/, so …
Wait, should we contact /Islam/? They might have people that spread misinfo.
Well they're human, so they're afraid of the same primal things everyone is. But on a cultural level, if they venerate Allah and Muhammed so much, we can give those two the Taylor Swift/Guy Fieri treatment. Put out tons of fake quotes (passages from the Quran) talking about….well, whatever. How Arabs are ugly inbred child molesters and European are superior, and pork is a virtuous meat to eat because pigs are so intelligent. Make sure to superimpose the quotes over depictions of Allah/Muhammed for extra butthurt.
Cuckchan has the advantage of not recently getting played like a fiddle by skinny fat internet gommies.
How many times are you idiots gonna repeat that? There is no "Satan", satan is simply the word used in kikespeech to denote any enemy of judaism. Sata= someone/something that opposes kikes. There is no "satan" as in an entity, no man with horns and red fork. In most cases being a satan is a very good thing, see Hitler. That dosent mean all satans are our friends, moloch is a bad entity, but stop confusing actualy arcane studies with the delusions of retarded christcuckery.
What can we do that nobody in the MSM can do? That they dare not do?
Call ISIS faggots.
Well don't put blood in your gun then genius. And yes, there are many ways to insult Muslims. Blood is one good option of many.
ok cia
Yes and everybody is scared to do it. I bet if we could meme moohameds hard it would make isis sperg out.
Stop crapping on about shit and get to work faggots.
Operation: It keeps tumbling down for ISIS
Is go!
Can I get sauce for pic#2?
Free Rakkah #ForTheGoats
We need to convince them that their leadership is made of sodomites so they can have their internal takeovers. That'll pretty much destroy it.
I remember a while back there was a bit of traction trying to fracture mudslimes and the left by creating tranny/fag acceptance pisslam stuff.
We can probably learn too from the self-immolation of the left. There must be similar exploitable cracks in ISIS' adherents, since they're zealots in the same vein.
Problem is we need people who can write in sand nigger runes.
Yeah, this is the best one. Call them all gaylords for separating men and women, call them closet fags for projecting their self-hatred on fags, etc.
Or depict mohammed in infuriating poses and call him a cuck.
How much one would cost for a "small" scale attack on ISIS territory? Depending on it, we could literally kickstart this shit.
They would hardly come after us. You can't just hunt down hundreds of people from different countries for killing terrorists. Though people in the US might not be so safe.
Maybe, though giving money to someone who is already in the fight isn't as cool as joining in.
Why not just accurately expose that they're leadership are jews and they're serving jewish interests by existing?
That user with the dubs smells like MIDF.
That's where ya wrong kiddo.
Can't people just look up the passages and find out they're fake? I'm not saying don't do it, but it seems self-defeating. Surely we have more concrete ammo.
Why destroy ISIS? They are the real GREATEST ALLY
Bingo. Classic D+C attack. Meme their leadership into being faggots so they all fight each other. CIA won't do it because they're too politically correct. Only we can do it.
This video won't convince them since they'll understand the language and realize the subtitles are fake, but you get the idea.
The Chinese are investing hard in the middle east, and they have a lot of soldiers. What would it take to set up a viable 'business' opportunity in ISIS territory?
9 days until Trump gets in office and cuts off ISIS funding. Then it is a few weeks for the US/Russia team up to wipe most of them out. It took us over a year to meme this into reality.
I think they understand that they are working with the Jews since they're really leaving Israel alone (and probably receiving backup).
Having their king be a faggot might be a different thing. Bet there's someone in ranks already hungry for power.
Bringing down the Saud family would make for an amazing 2017.
It'll still piss off English-speaking muzzies in western nations though. I think it's worth pressing the small penis angle too. Mudslimes rape because their tiny asian penises can't satisfy women, muzzies have to keep their women locked up inside and covered in bags because they don't want them running off to big euro cock, etc.
What about this. Instead of supplying money, supply cash and provide instructions for the use of those weapons.
Any disobedience = no more stock of weapons (unless circumstances have changed)
Where's /syria general/?
Because they are murdering people.
Fuck ISIS. I can't stand any more ISIS.
We could ask /islam/
Raise your hand if you can speak/write passable arabic
What would it take to replace ISIS with a secular Arab paramilitary org.
Wouldn't be surprised if 4chan or 8ch gets blamed for the next terrorist attack
You wouldn't even have to make up fake ones. The Quran has some really crazy shit (the satanic verses) in it but the Hadiths are gold. There are hadiths about all kinds of crazy shit like drinking camel piss and licking Mohamed's fingers.
They're very, very anti-Holla Forums. Would have to be careful with the approach.
Clearing ISIS, securing a decent amount of capital or equipment for resource extraction.
I'm presuming oil is there.
Why not make different neighbouring muslims groups kill ISIS groups?
They blame white people no matter what we do. If we're going to do the time, we may as well do the crime.
this is as bad as maskfag autism
this, this is chanology 2.0
so they are just spamming "social" media to drive them off?
why would they care if some tards you a shit hashtag on twitter.
am i missing something?
Kek is giving us instructions!
I can go with this idea, all I really want is to see news about someone launching a missile named PEPE01/KEK01/SHADILAY into ISIS.
Now the question: how do you fund an army?
Fuck off kikes.
That sounds like prime shitposting material m8.
We have to worry about dox too.
Nah I don't give a flying fuck, come at me.
There are no muslim civilians, only military and hostages
This will not be hard to do. Bacha Bazi is a well known practice in Islamic countries, we can do it.
hashtags by themselves are dumb unless they imprint something on them.
If that something is that al-Baghdadi is a sodomite, there could be some strife.
I'm not worried about dox. Throwaway emails, VPNs, and all that nice mess. Nothing is 100% guaranteed protection, but care can be exercised.
Yeah but what does that do? They probably can't even read english. They're poor goatfuckers.
By all means mock, just don't delude yourself into thinking it's accomplishing anything.
It accomplishes a lot. Once an ideology is ridiculed/pitied, it loses social acceptability, which means especially initially women are disgusted by it which then leads to the men leaving it.
doesn't twitter require a phone number now? how do you get a throwaway account for that shithole?
We need to find recent al-Baghdadi speeches.
Good question, anyone read on how Adolf secured capital and then freed Germany's debt while securing an army?
Something to do with bartering.
I presume cease the means of the production is involved. Because labor is important in the value of goods.
buy burners
Daily reminder:
Twitter does not require a phone number
I see the argument. Us trying to 1up them and them doing it in turn might bring out the best in some people. But that's unless inter-chan subversion comes into play in which case our cause will be hampered.
But fuck it. Here's some recommendations, sorry if they seem obvious:
All the joke videos where nashid music plays in the background when something breaks/falls over/explodes, those gotta go.
You don't want people to laugh/enjoy themselves when they think about ISIS. Not even at their expense.
The more you BTFO them, the more oppressed they feel and the more hardened they will be in their convictions.
The only people who will be scared when they hear ISIS is on the march will be those already opposed to it. The only people who will be scared when ISIS fails are those who support it.
These are all measures to prevent new people from being recruited. Taking out the ones already recruited will require military force as well as anti refugee policy shifts (which we should continue advocating for). At ground level you want to instill hatred, not fear, of the Islamic threat.
Use a fake phone number. Lot of sites out there for that. You just need one long enough to get a text from twitter.
Doesn't it verify through email?
They may also be anti Isis though. Many Muslims obviously hate Isis
i'll check if i have some spare gold teeth lying around.
Any muslim who believes in Shariah is enemy
I have no money though.
Best free vpns? I heard they're all useless.
after that it asked for a phone number
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
They just need to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY.
DotVPN is fine for general use. No money needed unless you want premium service ($1.50 / month). It's not as secure as pen and paper, but it works.
tried a few numbers and they were all taken…
tor is still useful?
Can we spread more fake news?
they may be blocking registrations from tor
I'd still be careful. /islam/ is one of the very few boards that has received FBI notification. It's been about a year since then, but it means that /islam/ is on the FBI radar.
It riles up Muslims.
Someone ban this faggot
Free VPNS use you as a fucking zombie in a botnet. Anyone advocating free VPNs should be shot on sight.
Try some russian.
Just scroll down a bit. They are less often used for western services.
But not to verify if I remember. Should be just an input for a number for "emergencies"
He asked, I answered. Fuck off, nigger.
fckin hell..what did they do??
This is not some organic challenge, but the government trying to get Holla Forumsacks concentrated on wreaking ISIS, rather than focus on the anti-white elite back home.
thank you very much!
no they aren't >>>/out/
Odd. /Islam/ get targeted, while Holla Forums literally has FBI browsers from what I heard.
The current government supports ISIS, user. Why would they send us (for free) to destroy something they poured tons of money into?
best job in the world
lel TRSodomites will never be not mad
Sandniggers in the desert don't give a fuck what shitposters are saying on twitter.
No, it asks you to confirm it but you don't have to. I used 5 minute mail and it still lets me post although there is an annoying blue banner up top.
I don't know. I just remember the monthly transparency report from back then including /islam/. If you can find the old transparency reports, it's in there somewhere.
the media will at least provide some keks
Just thinking of taking down ISIS with donkey and goat fucking rumors, and pork eating - the community of people that jack off to MLP fanfiction and would eat bacon off the sidewalk..
We could use an anonymous proxy server to bridge connections over locally known ISIS-populated internet cafe hotspots and log into those area's busiest forums and news forums, then like, post a bunch of photoshopped and staged videos. Pigs blood is easy to come by. Easier to come by a Kebab though.
I'm certain we could do this though with a little, 'reverse cult/illuminati thinking' and some cameras and a little acting and photoshop YouTube vids.
To be fair I like ISIS. Their execution videos are a start for how a jew should look like when tortured for being in a white country.
Hell yeah they do. FBI does most of their research with Holla Forums. Vid related.
Quick question, isn't there a more obvious solution?
Such as inciting hatred?
He never specified the correct method :^)
/Islam/ is Shiite and could probably care less if the Daesh (ISIS/Sunnis) get holocasted as they like to put it.
apparently CIA doesn't
Explains so much.
Can the Shia be made allies?
/islam/ is a sunni board. They hate Assas
How pathetic. You'd think those guys have their shit together.
Isn't that persian?
I mean more in the sense of, let's say, we have a million dollars laying around. Who do we give it to and say "Yo, blow these sandniggers up"? It's not like they have some call center that you can phone and talk with a manager or something.
The best point to start would be digging up dirt on muzzie leaders in ISIS sympathetic states
If only someone leaked some kompromat on the Saudis or something :^)
Let's see if we can start the fire for real? Strategy of tension, just like how Breivik started it.
Yeah they were forcefully converted to Islam by Arabs.
It's both Shi'a and Sunni.
Also include counter threat from far-right that there will be 10-1 casualties or similar for any attacks. Force any western govt. response to be either ruthless or clearly treacherous to their own people.
We buy many lotto tickets.
Pray to kek.
Then get more money.
Alternatively, we'd spend it on ammo, guns, the resources required to make explosives; then we'd organise a either a team from our countries or a team from syria via mercenary or coalition with a force in syria.
Other things needed includes vehicles, what would be the best vehicle for that environment.
People like tanks and 4wds, but personally if it's only a week a few dirt bikes might handle it.
This needs to be redubbed in arabic.
That's cheeky.
Then that makes /islam/ a potential source of info on the locations in the area. We need people that have monitored the situation regularly. Can't attack something when we don't know where it is.
Also might help for info on the characteristics of the people in the area or the people in isis. Also helps with environmental tips, such as potential hiding places, etc.
Problem is, it was centuries ago … how much of the original Persian "spirit" remains? Still some demonstrated in Shia (Persian) vs Sunni split but ultimately Islam is an Arab religion, and the Iranians are mostly Persian, who were originally Zoroastrian, and other mystical religions
What religious background is ISIS?
Sunni or shiite?
Says sunni.
Shia is good to go, with caution.
Might be good to look into times of prayer or other times of ritual practices.
Might also be good to find the amount of supplies they have. Could siege and starve them.
What, in Iran? I see a lot of American and Canadian flags all over /islam/. It could just be a bunch of kids in the west LARPing at Islam.
Yeah I much prefer Iran to the other Islamist states but it is ultimately a theocracy. And more organized. Would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we wipe out ISIS only by making Iran significantly more powerful, giving us another more organized, more efficient Islamist entity to deal with.
Looks like /islam/'s BO is American, but he gives his email address.
The main thing is that they are not sunni and may understand shia better than westerners.
They are:
1. a potential source of info
2. a potential link to mercenaries (remember how user earlier said the FBI monitors them? Maybe there are shia muslims in close proximity)
I feel like team america right now.
Basically…(and this is playing with fire but what are they gonna do?)…we need to bring the fight to them by pulling off the most elaborate troll of all time.
like Charlie Hebdo x 1000
I dont know what. A billboard of Mohammed raping a goat in Saudi Arabia or something more clever. Really you have to trick them into doing something with disinfo, like with this Buzzfeed debacle.
Personally I have generally got on well with Persians
OK – How about:
Islam is a massive jewification project against the native Arabs/Persians.
Good point.
But that means direct involvement by our troops or mercenaries.
Alternatively, we could find new mercenaries in the area around where ISIS lurks.
Okay. How do we trick them into attacking and revealing their Jewish masters at the same time?
We have standing orders to destroy all anti-Whites.
What about a trap baited with virgins?
Or goats?
It would never go up. Saudi billboard companies are owned by muslims who wouldn't allow it. The billboard company workers tasked with installing the sign wouldn't do it either.
Firstly - don't do it publicly on a shitposting forum.
No. Photoshop cum on arab women wearing hijab.
Go into bunkers if you are serious about this.
I'm keen, but it's also early morning where I live so I'm out.
Bring anime to ISIS.
You know those creep videos where some dude with a camera in his pants sneaks up behind women in public and covertly jizzes on them?
Commission some of those sick fucks to do it to women in burqas.
Photoshop cum on a transsexual Mohammad with a pig face?
Negative. Provides MSM ammo.
Oh. And say it's jewish cum.
Too ridiculous for them to report on.
Jewish cum. Put a jewish star on it. Make muslims mad to clean up jews .
They would twist it into neo nazi's raping feminist muslim girls
yes thats why youd have to do a Banksy style guerilla art bombing. Itd be trouble getting in and you could be killed but thats what it would take
If that is done it would have to be worth the risk. Something truly epic. Mecca tier.
Could we drone bacons into mecca
Like painting the star of david on the kaba?
We already did that
In pigs blood
Here here
All semitic gods are demons.
So they worship the female church. Got it. No wonder there are so many gays in islam they just try to be like their god.
forgot map
Our notion of lunar ("moon") being female has to do with menstrual cycles. Also because the moon is smaller than the sun in the sky. Them being a "moon cult" has to do with the lack of the sun not some goddess, the sun being a regular theme in Western mythos. It's basically anti-"western".
Pope dubs
Intl ruining the fun again.
Well there's a plan. Who amongst you is crazy enough to pursue such an undertaking? Funds wont be an issue. This would have massive sponsorship, just set up a gofundme or something. You could get tortured and killed but itd be worth it right?? FOR THE LOLZ!
From what I understand it's respectable to have a slave, and very dishonorable to have been one.
Non-ISIS mudslimes may believe the pictures, hurting their image and less recruits.
Morale effect on ISIS members who have seen their commanders in these pics.
Put a burka on the girl and make the cuck brown.
See pics.
What the fuck is this autistic LARPagan shit? Fuck off for fucks sake, nobody likes you.
ISIS is fighting the same fight against the same enemy that we are. They kill degenerates, faggots and hate the Jew. Meanwhile most of the west won't even fight to protect their own women who don't even deserve protection because they are degenerate whores. Basically Europe is going to become Islamic and there is nothing that can stop it.
inbred kebab detected
Muslims are raping our women.
They need to burn.
If they hate the Jew so much, why havnt they attacked Isreal?
I told you to fuck off, nigger.
Why they committed truckocausticide only the other day in Israel. They had grown trained weapon carrying soldiers running for their lives. Just one mud and a truck. If you believe such things.
Feminized cultures have polygamy, ie loads of women for each men. Women are naturally inclined to go for a small selection of men, because those men are the alphas/stronger/providers. So societies that allow for polygamy are allowing women to run more rampant. In a masculine society, it's a 1:1 ratio.
As a result, you get a large increase in the amount of gays, goat-fuckers etc.
Yup and without competition that leads not to quality harem paradise but 8 fat, arguing, spiteful "wives" and 40 angry kids, with a process that repeats, worsened by permitting cousin marriage, further ruining the genetics.
1:1 means everyone competes to improve themselves to move further up the hierarchy.
Go home, Moishe, no one ever liked you.
then what then faggot? We would love to hear your input on this, don't ban me, we can learn from each other. We have a common enemy that must be destroyed, call us cucked all you want but we are the real players here, we don't afraid of anything.
I need some basic opsec tips when creating my new twitter account, if you would be so nice to point me in the right direction.
In exchange I can then offer some intel on these sick arab fucks that like bumming little boys, how easy it is to find them on twitter etc. Many of them follow multiple embassy or VIP accounts and some are so called VIP them selves.
oh yeah, I didnt know that was them or they had claimed responsibility.
Why are you assuming that i'm jewishbor christian when i never implied anything like that?
Best idea so far is to convince them that house al Saud are jews, should be easy. Problem is ISIS is run by mossad agents so we have to target lower level members somehow, doubt they are the ones running the twitter accs.
Bombing mecca with pork sounds great also, I'd be down to help if we made a tactical team to supervise and plan out the mission. Including how to safely pass thru the red sea, sneak up near the giant box undetected while carrying the drones, etc.
Tor is fine, or grab a free proxy (google free proxies), or a VPN. As long as youre not direct connecting you're "safe" … NSA still sees all tho
I'm not christian you nigger.
Says the one calling European deities "Demons". lmao.
Glorious quads, but pork isn't a magic Muslim off switch. They'll just clean it up and move on.
Especially in muslim society, where women don't do much.
Christianity recognizes the existence of demons, angels, and gods. All subservient/part of a singular omnipotent, infinite entity.
No but the trolling would be legendary.
Pigskin clothing is not permited on Islam.
The use of pigskin to make clothes could be popularized among Europeans.
The use of pepper spray with porcine components could also be positive.
Agreed. I like the user up there's idea of long range pork drones. Bonus points for during Hajj.
Imagine first person POV of the Flying Pig as it lands on the black rock thing.
The lulz would never stop echoing.
is it made up of arabs? I thought egyptians were a mix instead of full semite goatfucker
A non-Muslim getting into Mecca is damn near impossible. We need our own elite squad of infiltrators to learn everything they can about Islam so that they can answer the test questions given at the Mecca city limits.
Directly smearing pork grease on the black rock so that the people to follow would be kissing pork …
The drones would come with cameras standardly so the whole thing could be recorded/live. Also some documentation of whole mission could be good, faces covered obvs. You could hide in boat with tarp cover whilst controlling the "Flying Pigs" and have a plan to hide/destroy equipment if caught.
I get carried away with wild ideas that often wont happen…but this one could. Are you guys crazy enough yet??
Just remember: if this does not result in jewish deaths, then it's worthless.
Eilat is 1000km away. A balloon with a self navigation system and then drop off Flying Pigs could work?
All the shitskin baddies are on Telegram now. So that's where you should start.
I worry about using tor now, javascript and all, twitter could have malicious code…
I have not researched enough into using twitter with tor, i feel some anons are gonna walk into this thinking they are safe when it could be a trap…
VPN without tor will be of no use anyway, if you trust that sort of setup then go right ahead, you will v& in no time.
As for that intel I was promising, check out the hash tag #gaykids on twitter, locate arabic accounts, go from there…
There are so many ways for a high level state agency to doxx you that you can't avoid it. Best just to take some general basic protective steps to avoid easy haxx and troll away
they also fear hell. they very much want the paradise and 72 virgins.
what if we could cause doubt at the holiness of ISIS.
show that it's mercenary.
show that it's doing satan's work not allah's. corrupt their morale.
make them question their cause.
Islam and dogs. It is a good area to explore.
tor it is then, fuck em, i'll deal with the penalties, deus vult.
Thinking on that, now I know why feminists like Islam so much. There is no one that hates a woman more than her fellow woman. If THEY have to cover up, that's fine as long as Stacy has to cover up as well. Stoning for adultery? The feminist hops on the dick with the most money/alpha attitude, without regard to prior attachment or not. She gets what she desires, sex with an alpha and doesn't have to see that Stacy looks better than her.
In a muslim society, all women are equal with each other. The pretty are equal to the ugly. Women only care about appearances to get with Chad/Moneybanks, once they get what they desire, they get fat. Even if women DO cheat, they can cheat with a guy that's higher up, and the beta husband has to hold that loss.
At last I truly see. Islam truly is the feminist's religion.
This is like saying, "What if we unredpill the Holla Forumsack?"
How do you hide the truth of the message from eyes that are clear?
Vulting Deuses
pls no bully alphabets
Idea: we could make poopoo pepe edits with Mohammed, and spam them on twitter.
Two birds with one meme. I can't think of anything that will turn Muslims more against ISIS than their hatred of Jews and it's not like it's a baseless accusation.
this might be a good idea
If we do something like this, we might as well sell them against Islam entirely, because ISIS is the natural realization of Islam.
Can you even get into Saudi Arabia without being Muslim/Oil Tycoon?
This is a good idea.
no, faggot, shiites are just a branchof islam, and iran is just the biggest "shia" countrynow. Shiites are spread all over the mudworld, and there has always been shiite nations that come and go. We should meme ibadis and other weird branches of islam to be our pawns against isis
Best idea. Need lots of bromance pics with these faggots.
Satirical comment on the effects of female and female style 'leadership' compared to a strong male.
God trolls hardest when lightning stikes on September 11th 2015..hitting a crane belonging to…The Bin Ladens, you cant make this shit up!
Within the same 24 hours, double rainbow over freedom tower!
God tier trolling
No. Non-Muslims are not allowed in Mecca. They test you at the border.
What's the test, a pinky promise?
Ibadis won't do much of anything. They're actually the one honestly peaceful branch of Islam. I know that sounds like conflicting statements, but Ibadi came before both Sunni and Shi'a and they see the whole schism as being petulant children fighting over crumbs.
Put down your ego son. This wouldn't be the first time we did something and let 4Chan get the extra traffic, newfags, heat. Who gets credit isn't important, what is, is that it was done and produced many keks.
They ask questions about Islam when you apply for a Saudi visa. You also need a notarized letter from an Imam.
Should also note that Shi'a are not allowed in Mecca, so it has to be from a Sunni mosque.
True. Lack of mod action involving that ANTIFA/JIDF/DNC raid with all the anti-TRS shit killed my faith in these boards.
get lost, schlomo
This is the nature of fullchan.
Do you mean Libya user?
may lets take down soros instead of isis, by making a fake soros cult so he gets the attention he needs.
Aye. But it's still worth trying to outdo halfchan, even if they take the credit. Bragging rights and all. We know what we do and that's all that matters.
Halfchan got a nice win with trolling the world, but we have a responsibility to push the envelope as well competition is always good. They have the quantity,, we have the quality.
Images of ISIS being treaded on and fellating Jews and Israel and whatnot should work well. Basically take most of the ideas in this thread and work in ISIs looking subservient to Jews.
Enter the phone number that you would like to associate with your Twitter account.
We will call you with a verification code. Call fees may apply.
ok now what?
this is gay, i feel a trap.
I used a phone app service so they don't know my real number. I don't remember what it was, though.
good enough, i will search thanks
ISIS is very active on the internet. Didn't they even try to shill on /baph/ at one point or were those just LARPers?
Draw a pic of a goat-fucker in front of one of them and say "Look! It's Muhammad!" and see what happens.
This. He's more dangerous to the west, Europe's cucked beyond salvation, at least till they finally uncuck themselves.
cuckchan is going #AnklesForAllah
In point of fact, it's been convenient to let halfchan take the heat for some of our ops.
Not bad, but we can top that.
give some clues, search terms etc.
no way will i put my fucking personal details into an account i intend to abuse.
Found it. It's Burner.
it follows the 3 word/same first letter setup from #DraftOurDaughters… maybe we should use that format as well, it has proven effective
Well, it will be as easy as destroying Kotaku and electing Trump. Just wait until someone else (such as Russians) destroys ISIS, and then take credit for it.
Draw a goat fucker to my face and not online and see what happens.
We wait so that the god-emperor gets the credit, and the glory
Absolutely correct on pushing the envelope. I speak Arabic a little so this seems like a perfect opportunity to practise.
Defeating ISIS is something only military powers can accomplish, last I checked we don't have a militia and neither does cuckchan.
I figured the point would be to destabilize their recruitment and other online activities. Metaphorically block the sun from their vine so the big guys can take them by the root.
I'm about to eat dinner so let me know if something need to be translated and I'll see what I can do. I only know modern standard Arabic sadly so I won't be able to target specific regions.
A better goal to seek is the uncucking of Europe and making sure shitskins are kicked out of western nations, this can be achieved through propaganda campaigns and we've already made good headway in that theater.
they are puppets
Your (1) is showing.
You speak in the terms of mortal normies. We operate in the realms of gods. No realm is beyond our power. The CIA foments wars and topples governments around the world. We have beaten the CIA and made them look like the fools they are. We are more powerful than the CIA. We control the memes of production.
The only way we could fail to destroy ISIS is if it isn't kekworthy. You can't force a meme, which is our only truly limiting factor. But our control and understanding of memes has become so great that I believe there are few things we won't be able to accomplish if we set our minds in them.
Trump hasn't even taken office and look at all that he's done. This will be a freebie for him, a personal thank you gift from us to the god emperor. Fuck cuckchan getting the credit, let stump take the credit for it.
You disrupt their ability to recruit by exterminating them. It is their culture and their creed which breeds fertile ground for takfiri movements, not twatter or kikebook. Besides even if we had numbers, arms and organization necessary to launch a strategic bombing campaign to wipe them out there still would be the kikes and roaches buying their oil and the gulf states sending them money, arms and recruits.
nigger please
Wait, I'm reminded of something. It's about the 72 virgins (the proper name for them being "houri"s), and how they're actually described.
Can we make a shitton of porn of these transparent humanoids to permanently remind them that the 72 virgins aren't human?
Sounds like ghost lolis.
They remind me a bit of ayy lmaos in all honesty. If their bone marrow wasn't visible through their skin, then it'd be more likely to remind me of a ghost.
People don't get called out for (1)'s or (50)'s if they don't act like a bitch. Just Saiyan.
Lame. Can we not just meme ISIS into destroying 4chan?
hmm. never mind. my lack of dubs makes me doubt this is a good idea. carry on.
Or we could actually be high-energy and meme them into destroying Israel so that we can still retain cuckchan as a newfag shield.
I pity those in the armed forces who were forced to assist those "moderate rebels' and I denigrate those who ordered them to do so.
When you sign up you sign because you believe in doing something for the world, instead you're actively causing strife in an already wartorn place. Welfare queens or not I don't think they imagined they'd be assisting a "moderate" arm of Isis.
These could be isis members. They were sympathizing with an isis member who got his twitter suspended.
It's not just lack of action. Our mods were actively fanning the flames. This board should be burned to the ground, really.
100 percent sure /monster/ already made metric fucktons
That's incorrect, there's actually very little content of houris, and I'm not sure if there's any content of that particular description of them whatsoever.
This is to easy, everybody knows that 4chan is now just full of 13 year olds with no self awareness. We are the superior Chan.
they never attack (((jews)))
they attack everybody else, buddists, christians, hindu, other muslims… everybody but (((jews)))
I did this in 2014 for several months, wound up taking down some 750 fighters who later died in airstrikes, raids, etc. or were arrested and tortured.
They ARE literally retarded, you CAN find them by literally just going to facebook and typing in 'caliphate' into the search bar. They will download anything you upload, including virus laden google-translate versions of the anarchist cookbook.
I've been thinking of abandoning fullchan for that full anomalous chan that involves p2p or some shit but can't remember what it was called just because of all the newfags
Since you're an intel agency guy and want to use Holla Forums now that you've realized we are much more capable than first thought, how about helping me out with my medical issues and bills fam?
it'll be hard with so many followers, but if we find out the right angle to make islam ridiculous it might destroy itself
In English at that.
All memes have an expiration date. Some come sooner than others…
they sound like googirls
checked. praise vlad, praise kek
It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
you lube the gun with pigfat for muzzies, cowfat for pajeet
Fuck you, baal is the demonic god of Hillary and people in the shadow government. We've been over this.
Anyone worshipping baal is a heretic.
Dubs confirm, all hail our amphibian overlord.
Stop being a nigger and do my work.
I'm not saying that there are no other deities for us but that baal and moloch specifically are evil. we have had threads uncovering connections of (((elites))) with possible pedophilia and child sacrifices with moloch worship and connected to baal.
We'll give them a wash after, alright.
16 X 26
16 X 29
Chan intensifies
ISIS is comprised of a wide array of angry young men brought together under the singular banner of their common faith. Therefore, if we're to defeat ISIS we must deny them the thing that binds them: Islam. This will entail discrediting the Imams, the sunna, the hadith, and the Quran. However, it's not enough to simply attack, the people will need replacement memes to fill their heads. To this end, Zoroastrianism, Yazidism, Buddhism, Tengrism, Orthodox Christianity, and Hermeticism each have their place.
Something to consider when dealing with supernatural entities: getting a response after invoking the name of a deity doesn't necessarily mean you're interacting with the entity you think you are. Consider how you would tell the difference between Baal and a demon wearing a Baal mask. Additionally, just as the earth may be divided into night and day, so too may the personas of the various deities. Saturn is both the wise king who presides over a golden age and a terrible tyrant who consumes the young to prolong his reign.
Don't forget everyone, competition is the way to innovation! The space race led to many advancements, auto racing has led to many safety and performance advancements, a friendly competition with halfchan will lead to uncovering layers of memeing we previously never thought possible!
user do you know anything about the aliens in our galaxy?
Is the story about reptilians operating the satanic pedophiles in our society in conflict with pleiadians true?
Why else would rampant sadism and pedophilia and cannibalism be so prevalent in elite classes?
A few weeks ago, someone posted a video by an ex muslim who asserted that mohammad islamized the arab pagans because they were tolerant of islam.
They regard their prophet as a conqueror. This entices young men to the faith and powers islam along. Take that away from them, or introduce doubt, and they'll have no momentum.
this is a great idea. I think the German people need something to keep their spirits up as well. And nothing gets your spirits up like having your blood boil with rage as you are constantly reminded your leaders sold you and your country to islamic invaders.
Me me is is pe pe. Pe pe is is me me
Trips confirm Mohammad as shady deal breaker jew meme has the power.
you have a point but I have been granted not just one but two sets of holy dubs in saying Baal and moloch are evil, plus we have more reason not to trust them than to trust them.
The evidence uncovered and the dubs granted are material and divine reason to oppose such worship. The offchance of a possibly known evil suddenly being good cannot stand against such a case.
As far as myself, this is reason enough.
We need to focus on Pizzagate. The media and elite need to be brought down first before we can fully begin to unfuck ourselves.
These are old but posting never the less. It wasn't ISIS but "moderates".
This is stupid.
Don't they have a military that fights with real weapons and guns?
What are we going to do on the internet?
The usual against mainstream media, ridicule and expose doesn't work. They're trying to spread their videos after all. Everyone in the west already largely antagonizes them. Every anti-muslim sentiment here, bait or legitimate, that would've provoked a muslim hasn't illicited a response from ISIS. This will be like trolling someone who is effectively ignoring a troll.
I'm not sure if you're a mohammad worried muh death cult or schlomo worried about muh sword of jewry, but either way you need to get out.
Eh, the ancient peoples who worshiped Ba'al Hadad as a deity associated with fertility and the rains are gone. His temples are either collecting dust or destroyed. When the Renaissance rolled around, Baal the Lord of Storms was dead or dreaming. The meme that was Baal had become something different: the goetic demon. This demon of Hell could be bound to serve the righteous through the willful application of faith. In time this idea of Baal also faded and transformed into the cruel caricature which our contemporary elites worship. I bring this up because the meme which is Baal may be reshaped again. Just imagine how resentful Baal must feel. Once a king among the gods, he's been reduced to playing second fiddle to Moloch while the very people who make offerings to him are ultimately the same people who instigated the more recent destruction of his temples.
That said, it may not necessarily be worth the effort to reform Baal. He's a stale meme, and the weight of consensus would impede any attempt to redeem the deity. Anyone attempting to commune with a particular version of Baal runs the risk of conjuring one of his less savory versions, so there are far safer places to turn for a thunder wielding sky father. Moreover, we already have the Egyptian theme running with Kek and Ammit. So it's probably more appropriate to go with the Egyptian counterpart Amun. The Egyptians had some fierce rivalries with the Levantine people, so they may take offense from drawing upon those traditions. In contrast, Hellenism has historically been highly syncretic with Egyptian polytheism, so honoring a deity like Poseidon would be unlikely to arouse anger.
Fine I won't use that pronoun.
This whole ISIS threat has existed for a while. I find it especially suspicious that suddenly now, because of a game designer tweeting on twitter, that Holla Forums is trying to take down ISIS, an organization with actual soldiers, over the internet.
Use the Internet to convince those soldiers to turn their weapons upon each other. Through demoralization and misinformation they can be made to dissolve themselves.
You're a little late Poseidon!
Then ask him to send earthquakes to swallow up the migrants.
yeah , looks like we need to seek help from the big boys downstairs on that one
But having the leadership submitting to the almighty dick, not being the ones dominating little boys, I suspect while both acts of sodomy are abominable, being the one lusting for manroot in your shitter is extra mega hyper haram super alloy Z
Unfortunately, while I'm proficient enough in photoshop I'm not going to seek out nor save any gay porn on my HD. Someone here can surely transpose snackbar leadership with poofy twinks on the receiving end of gruff bear dick and make the lighting/shading and pasting convincing enough to look legit.
Even non-free vpns can do this…
Honeypots too.
Use virtual machines, buy a vps to host a vpn use that on the main, then use tor or something on the vm's
IA! IA! Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
I guess it's time to reread the Simon Necronomicon.
He was the god of some tribe that lived near the hebrews.
The heebs conquered that tribe and cast their god as evil.
Tribes that had good terms with the heebs and eventually joined them had their gods become angels once they went monotheistic. The gods seen as bad, like Baal, were cast as demons.
The whole angel demon thing is just the jews lumping the other gods of whom Jehovah was just one into lesser supernatural entities that served Jehova or opposed him, and was really based on whether they were previously the gods of friendly or enemy peoples.
Actually scratch some of this, I think it was that the hebrews had multiple gods already since they were not monotheistic, and it was just foreign gods cast as demons.
Why do fancy photoshoping when there's the tried and true tradition of h-manga? Scanlators accept commissions, why not doujinshi circles?
Correct. The Hebrews were originally not dissimilar from their neighboring Canaanites. It was after Jehova muscled his way to the top of the pantheon that things start getting really weird. Even weirder if you accept that the same Jehova participated in the creation of Christianity and/or Islam.
in remembrance of 34th ss panzer division
dubs confirm significance of nordic ss units
NATO, US, Russia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey.. whole list is here archive.is
Let them do it….Or you want to tell us all that this country’s can not destroy group of 200 000 people (200,000 fighters in Iraq and Syria (according to Iraqi Kurdistan Chief of Staff.) ?
ISIS and Israel are partners, but only temporarily. The Jews think they can rule the West by consent, but the Muslim world can only be ruled by conquest. And they're not going to do that, so they need us to do it.
A more encompassing strategy than "destroy ISIS" is needed. America has been put through so many wars in practically every major Muslim country by those bastards, and I'm confident in saying that not even one of them was justified for any reason, other than the destruction of Islam as a final goal.
cuckchan doesn't surprise me again with focusing on normalfag topics.
Yeah? We're going to convince them to turn their weapons against each other in English? So who here knows Arabic, fluently so not to come across as a foreigner? Let's find the comments section of their videos, join their skype/voip conferences, and @ the soldiers on Twitter.
You can't be serious.
I got it!
Trumped Up Trickle Down!
Even without the trips, this would have piqued my interest. WITH the trips, however, I'm afraid there's no choice whatsoever.
French Stevie with a dog whistle to destroy the Jews. Because once you do that, ISIS will cease to exist as we all know.