He paid two indian guys to laugh, hold a sign that says "DEATH TO ALL JEWS" and then say "Subcribe to Keemstar"
11 days into 2017 and this happens. Can't wait for the rest of the year
He paid two indian guys to laugh, hold a sign that says "DEATH TO ALL JEWS" and then say "Subcribe to Keemstar"
11 days into 2017 and this happens. Can't wait for the rest of the year
Spam the comments with links to TGSNT.
I never watched this guys videos and I hated him because little shits in the neighborhood would never stop talking about him. Now I'm pretty sure he's going to save our youth. What the fuck is happening? CY+2 is going to be great.
Also this "pajeets say bad goy things" reminds me A LOT of the Srilanka guy.
He always seemed like an obnoxious faggot and then I found out he was a swede. Things are taking an interesting turn.
Is that PewDIePie? I heard years ago he was a secret Holla Forumslack. Dunno if I care for eceleb shit on Holla Forums though.
he was on Holla Forums, that's all i know
As we all know Holla Forums was a gateway to Holla Forums for many. He could easily be an unironic Holla Forumsack
Sage because eceleb bs
We memed SWEDEN YES too hard and now the pendulum is swinging back
Bitch wouldn't play roblox with him.
no. there was a jew who said would teach him how to sing in hebrew. pewdiepie ordered it and the fucking jew just sent a recording
meme it
Indians hate jews. They probably would have done it for free.
reminder there are millions of kids watching this and are slowly digesting the red pill
They have the Parsi as their jews and they couldn't bend over harder for them if they tried.
Jesus Christ he looks mentally deranged now.
Reminds me a bit of Filthy Frank or Idubbz or whatever you call it
Jesus Christ he's fully redpilled you can see the attempt at a dab and then how he mentally surpressed from doing the roman salute in his eyes holy fuck which one of you glorious faggots did this?
why the fuck he makes videos anyway? after my first million I'd invest it and chill
jesus christ. how old are you?
maybe for fun
Sure thing, kike
It really seems like he is. Eceleb shit shouldn't be here, but it is nice knowing that he's gradually memeing things like "death to jew" to the kiddies that watch his videos. Even if they think it's just a silly joke, getting over the initial hurdle of disgust and into humor is an important step.
Everyone hates jews.
fucking kill yourselves
1 million isn't enough to retire in the CY+2 if you're as young as him. You'd need more like 15 million or more.
If your job is as simple as shitposting on youtube for the entertainment of teenagers, why not milk the cow as long as you can?
same youtube network
Indeed. Though this is India we are talking about. They hardly have the capability to retaliate. They can barely feed themselves.
On that note however, India is shaping up to be the next China. A lot of production is starting to go into India. It will take many years for them to benefit from it and see people gain wealth, but they may become a reasonably power nation in comparison to what they have been.
I'm pretty sure most of us here got started by laughing at irreverent Hitler and Holocaust jokes. We didn't believe any of it, but we just thought it was funny. Once you can laugh at something like that, you lose your fear of it. It's a great first step.
Are you autistic? What's he gonna say "yeah I paid them to show that sign and they did it isn't that funny?" It seems like he's gradually trying to introduce these concepts to his viewers. And it's not like this is the only thing that suggests he's at least a little wise to the JQ.
Things like Death to all Jews and shit was standard jokes back when i was young.
Then all of a sudden everything went fucking PC.
It's a great time to be alive.
I wonder if this was all part of pweds plan. Become a big jewtuber with a loyal, young following, then slowly reveal the truths of the world to them.
India is a nuclear power and actually have a real navy. I mean, they poo on their ships, but they do have ships.
How you pick up jewish chicks?
12 year olds don't use chans. We aren't considered cool anymore.
everyone is on android/iphone. each internet generation is more dumbed down.
I used to hate him, but he's been savage as fuck the past 6 months.
We have a youtube channel with 50 million subscribers
Fucking half a percent of that is an ARMY.
I've been hearing for years about this guy secretly being redpilled though only secondhand because I don't enjoy watching other people play video games, or that he pioneered that whole "making loud noises and goofy faces while playing video games to entertain the kiddies".
Anyway, the fact of the matter is that it's not just saying edgy shit for the hell of it like that video, there's a lot more subtle shit I've seen too. I really think he's at least partially redpilled. It was confirmed he browsed Holla Forums and like some other anons mentioned, a lot of people went from Holla Forums to Holla Forums.
JewDieKike is not one of us and doesn’t do a fucking thing to support us.
his annual income from youtube is: $15M
views for this video: 0.5 M and it was posted hours ago.
what I'm trying to say, this really doesn't count as the regular e-celeb bullshit. He doesn't need views and it's very unlikely that he is OP.
what's that song at the start? I know there was some synthwave band nazi squads or something that made similar tracks. they should remix the song.
Indeed though they stand little to no chance against most western nations despite their huge population. I have always believed that the secret nation that many people overlook in plans to take over the world is India. A militarized India would be a force to be reckoned with. But in order to do such a thing India would need to have some degree of wealth that is enjoyed by the common people. I'm honestly surprised more Holla Forumsacks don't see the potential in India. Most of seem to just post poo-in-the-loo memes without thinking about them as a possibly great nation that can influence the entire world or at least influence the west through trade and military.
idk man
You're wrong m8.
We've had several threads about his fashy antics and the mods have typically anchored them after an hour or two. He keeps on chugging though. He's operating independent of our approval.
I'm still not watching his other vids but I'm certainly not ashamed of giving him views.
Not calling this swede a cuck again neither.
Daily reminder:
lol TRShills don't know we love pdp because he's getting the garrison treatment but their podcasts are shunned
found it
Never 5get
also he fucking hates the media
I've never been a fan, but I'm man enough to admit that the guy's got some balls.
On paper, their antiship missiles are very dangerous to western navies. But that's just on paper, actually turning theory into action is where most military plans fall apart.
Personally I think that China is going to be top dog before India ever will be. Keep an eye on what China is doing in Africa. They have to go through the Indian Ocean. Just like China says the China Sea belongs to them because "China", India has aspirations of 'owning' the Indian Ocean. Potential for serious naval conflict between India and China. Right now India probably has the superior Navy, but China outclasses them in every other respect.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, user.
this is fucking hilarious
Now that is how one should try to redeem themselves.
His "death to all jews" is him being ironic. He did it because he didn't think they would do it. He is not "one of us" and he doesn't support our beliefs. Stop trying to find an e-celeb's dick to ride.
Read the thread. It's not just that one video.
I'm dying here lolol
no ones doin any dic kriding and hed be crazy to get mixed up with the lieks of us - but fucking joey slimjim sees this shit and starts perusing around the bad goy sphere and tells all his friend that homosexual jewish men are controlling hollywood expecting favors n shiet
China is stagnating. They are reaching a point where they cannot grow without terrible decisions. They are building roads and stuff that no one will ever need or use just because they need more jobs. If they can overcome this then they will be top dog like most believe, but if not then I believe the country to watch will be India.
He may be playing it up for controversial clicks but it remains that it happened and that is the important part of it.
Yeah .. Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg … SHELBERG! He is a fucking Jew, you idiot.
This may have been PewDiePie's plan from the start?
Fuck off jew. That's Swedish
They used to anchor trump threads too until we threatened them to leave.
Go look up his parents, nigger.
Clip of Adolf in this video about akward handshakes
Having a completely artificial name like "Goldberg" or "Silverburg" points to jewry. They make up new names based off local ones and add a precious metal because they're stupid as fuck.
Berg means mountain, its the stuff before it that generally gives them away. Usually has to do with money, ex GOLDberg -> mountain of gold. Roth like in Rothschild isn't even jewish, they just adopted German names when they moved there. Best to look at the face to tell because they commonly change their names to blend in with the goyim.
Sure. I don't agree with how the mods handle these threads, but I don't think it's annuda shoah either. Everything will be fine.
Jesus, what the fuck was the story behind this? Was he just paid to do this?
everyone hates jews
Nobody checked this? For shame.
Yeah, its like a big man tyrone thing. You send them something to say and some cash, and they say it. They make more from 30 seconds of webm than they would normally in a month.
Sounds Swedish as fuck to me and his face doesn't seem to have any signs of jewry. Also this
If you have proof his parents are jews then just post it, faggot.
holy fucking shit.
The fact that it made it to the final production is worth remembering. I will not repeat the points made already but consider this, have he ever created content that were too extreme to publish during all these years?
Stranger things have been happening these last months and for the impact it does not really matter whether he is ironic or not.
Pic related. Random comment by a kid (that does not even know about ctrl-f) in a video mentioning "fuck the media". That counts for nothing when it gets repeated over and over?
But I have to agree on e-celeb.
Don't tell me you don't know Uncle Punjabi…..
Yeah, no Jew noses here …
old enough to pay a streetshitter to call you a jew and wish for your death on youtube
When's Pewdiepie gonna fucking Gas Markiplier?
He's even got an axis gf
I used to like Markiplier way before he died his fucking hair and tried to copy the overreaction gimmick of all the other ecelebs
Where'd you get that nose, mom?
Is he holding what I think he's holding?
Is she Italian.
>tfw no italian gf to make pizzas for you
He's only good for his FNAF videos.
Redrawn image of that one picture of the white's hitlist next to the woman in lingerie with Pewdiepie and GF when?
Swedish and Germans have big noses, in the absence of other identifiers it's not a surefire way to tell. Didn't you watch the evalion video where she goes through all this? Called "How to Spot a jew" iirc.
looks like this girls from Nickelodeon.
Enjoy your kike worship, faggot.
What a world we live in?
Doesn't look jewish to me, jew noses hook and point downwards at the tip. Plus what said.
This image is popular here, but where else?
She's no one famous
Yes but she looks like pic related
inb4 our goon mods give him the evalion treatment and Sweden vans him
Never seen it anywhere but here. Pewdiepie confirmed deep cover redpilling operation.
Just included it for old times sake (trap card). Considering he is in quite a unique position it is given that he can't make a 180 degree turn but I am confident that he is aware to some extent. Mostly for being a swede.
which images?
Why is he so smug?
tip top kek
kek pretty much me when I was that age with no influence from 'rents
Lost hard holy shit that's funny
This seems familliar
Felix "____" Kjellberg
Yeah, I've only seen that badge on Holla Forums. Holla Forums didn't make it so maybe he found it somewhere else… but he liked it enough to buy it?
Babby's first mindfuck.
Remember, whatever happens, it's not consensual.
2017, day 11: I'm laughing at a Pewdiepie video.
I remember when we learned about WW2 in like middle school or junior high and I hate to do a project on the nazis. That was probably the day I swallowed my first redpill. I remember all the other kids seig heilling when the teacher's back was turned and making fun of the jewish kid in our class to. All the kids would call each other jews as an insult.
He has no mercy towards anyone. Trust me, I know. Heck, I am a law enforcement officer here in Montana, and I have met some pretty hardcore mother fuckers during my career. But this Ben Garrison guy… He is in a completely different league. I have no words to describe the amount of insanity and hatred this man has. I have met Ben once. It's been over 20 years, but I still remember every detail what happened that day or should I say night. I was a rookie cop back then having been at work for a couple of weeks. One night we had to go to carry out search warrant at some rural property in the middle of nowhere. Unfortunately for us it was Ben Garrison's skinhead training compound known as Northwest Front. My workmates were nervous about this, saying that we should call in Swat team or let the National Guard take care of the situation. I thought they were just trying to scare me, but I was wrong, I was so, so wrong. So we get into our cars and drive to the property. And there he was. He stood out to me almost immediately as he was dressed in an all-brown Nazi uniform. He chanted 'Racial Holy War', and then he raised his AA-12 and began shooting with god-like accuracy. When the shootout was over, I was the only cop still alive. Before I could change the magazine of my gun he shot me in the leg. I don't remember much of what happened after that as I was passing out because of the blood loss. The last thing I can recall though is him standing over, urinating in my face saying "Drink this you fucking kike cock sucking copper!" I still see a psychiatrist on a daily basis.
—Anonymous Montana Police Officer: recounting his encounter with Ben
PewDiePie aka JewsMustDie
ZackGames4Life18 minutes ago
it is my birthay can i get 100 likeas pleas
jesus fucking christ
I had a similar experience. We used to call each other jews all the time. Several jewish teachers at my school were freaking out about it. It got to the point where my mother told my dad that he needed to teach me how to conceal my power level. Had him take me to the holohoax museum in DC. Ironically that's about when I started taking National Socialism more seriously, not just using it as a joke to fuck with people.
He is gonna reclaim Sweden isnt he? What a fucking madman.
The innocent days of youth before brainwashing are the best. My group also used to bully this gay jewish kid though it was more because he was feminine than because he was jewish. Schoolyard redpills are the best redpills. Like learning how Hitler loved blond and blue eyed people and thinking "why is that bad? I look like that so he loves me unconditionally for who I am!"
btw this was made a while back by some 4cuck that's why it says alt-kike.
We had no jewish teachers, but when the teachers did find out we got lectured in every class and even had an assembly on why this was bad. It only made the kids want to do it more. Eventually they started ignoring it and most people stopped.
My school got local "holocaust survivors" to give us assemblies at least yearly. And what a coincidence, they happened to have met Doctor Mengele!
i searched for that url
totally fake as sh*t.
how fucking old can get a holocaust survivor get?
Such are the iron laws of this universe.
They sent us all to a synagogue. Which truly made me realize how shit jews are, because the whole damn place was dirty as fuck especially the rabbi. He was talking about some scroll that was special because it was old and make from goathide but it didnt look old, so I figured he was lying.
Oy vey don't be an agesist!
Have memes gone too far?
fuck you
Kek. I just remember that we had a kid from Germany who started at our school part way into the year. He always felt really really uncomfortable around the other kids because of the heiling and antisemitism. He was always panicking like the cops were going to get him.
It isn't fake, it got shoah'd from Twitter you dumbass. The archive is a capture of the tweet before being deleted. Are you retarded?
wait, at 1:06, what hat is that?
Are you guys stupid? He's using the symbol as a negative here.
Also he's being apologetic here.
You guys really want to have him as a hero that much?
Well, this was in the 90s and very early 00's, they were all children at the time. They're really pushing their luck trying it in CY+2.
I was almost falling asleep on my train journey. It had been a truly boring day up to that point but what would occur next would provide enough memories for a life-time. The train stopped and among a sea of humanity flooding in one giant of a man stood out above the fray, bending his head to get in he had a sullen, angry expression, dressed in a tight SS uniform revealing every crevice and fold of his hulking frame. It was PewDiePie. It must have been an intimidating sight, this irritable triggerhappy Swede with an AK-47 on each hip. Incredible. The whole train stood in anxious silence, but when PewDiePie's around your always in for a bit of excitement. Suddenly I spotted it, bearded white guy sleeping on a seat across from him. But beside him. Impatient young black women, a mixed race baby feeding from her exposed breast. I glanced at PewDiePie not wanting to make eye contact but saw an unmistakeable dead-set furious glare from this giant of a man. Suddenly he jutted into motion walking in a surprisingly measured manner towards the offenders. The man still sleeping oblivious to his fate woke to the sound of his thunderous Swedish footsteps. As the man's eyes slowly opened he was greeted by the posture of a giant man standing above him. His eyes slowly moved up, boots, belt, chest and finally the crowning jewel PewDiePie cowboy hat casting a dark shadow over his angry face giving the impression of the devil himself, and of course a little smirk. He immediately shook in shock and repulsed backwards away but there was no escape. PewDiePie calmly grabbed him by the scruff of his collar and in a show of behemoth strength pulled him up to his face until the terrified man was nose to nose with the beast himself. "Is that yours"pointing he said pointing at the mixed baby, his voice burgeoning with masculine fury. "uhhh….yes" the man said under his breath. "I'm going to ask you again" PewDiePie said slightly louder with his mouth right up to his face. "IS THIS YOUR FUCKING MONGREL" causing ear-shattering tremors. before a response was heard "AAARRRHHHH" *THUMP *BANG *BANG PewDiePie entered a shadow realm of super saiyan fury smashing the degenerate virtue signaller against the window, obliterating the window and then hurling him onto the ground and stomping his head into pieces all while shouting the deafening battle roar of a lion. Everyone was screaming and covered in blood as the man was reduced to disgusting unrecognition. The fate of the baby itself was even worst, grabbing the child from the screaming negress PewdDiePie without hesitation with finely tuned instincts through a thousand year lineage of aryan racial conquest put the pint sized baby into his mouth and gulped it down easily before making quick work of his mother by straight ripping her in half,in the revolting scene, internal organs spilling out viscerally showing us all the true meaning of "we all bleed red". Unphased PewDiePie stomped into to the center of the train and within this bursting expanse of screams and chaos shouted victoriously "HEIL TRUMP, HEIL OUR PEOPLE, HEIL VICTORY!"
—Anonymous woman: recounting her encounter with PewDiePie
What the fuck.
We just turned the biggest cuck beta gamer into a nazi?
he wasn't here when pdp was drunk and posted HAIL OUR PEOPLE! HAIL VICTORY! HAIL TRUMP!
user, you did it. your divine role.
This is a lot of autism.
Apparently he's from Holla Forums originally before his youtube shit, so presumably he got exposure to Holla Forums or probably /n/ I guess, given the timeframe then. I think the "migrant crisis" is what got him on board with us though.
He's suddenly >9000 times more badass.
He's not a hero, or likely going to be, there's just a lot of meme potential and he has a lot of public influence and presence that we can use.
Regardless of what's actually happening, we can twist a lot of what he's saying and doing and etc. in ways that very much seem how we want them to, to people who just see the clip/image.
Basically, yes he's using it as a negative, yes he's being apologetic, yes he might be sarcastic, but people who haven't seen the original pieces in their entirety won't know that and don't have to know that.
Ironic NatSoc is a gateway to post-ironic NatSoc.
Chill on the comments guys. you don't want to blow his cover. be cool you spergs.
stein is a german word
berg is a german word
honestly, americans are not aware how many jews use german surnames because they were invading germany.
Someone shop it so it says that and it looks convincing
There's also that, I guess. In all likelihood we'll only make him more apologetic and careful about things we could twist like this, but by the time he catches on the shitstorm will be over and the damage already done. We'll already have gotten what we want out of him and his influence/position.
wew lad
New op idea: we make easy clickbait videos of stuff kids want to see paired with Nazi stuff. Best part is that once it's set up there is nothing to do, kids just passively watch it without needing continuous op pressure like twitter campaigns. I tried with this
you know that he is anti trump and anti brexit right? go and watch the interview he had with the biggest jew on youtube and see for yourself
Fucking this. He needs to seem to be the one leading this, and he can't know about it for as long as possible. Keep making the images and clips using stuff that looks how we want it to out-of-context, rather than trying to encourage him - he's not likely giving us this material intentionally.
Doesn't matter, let the namefags distract the normies with that label. We'll just keep pushing the "alt-right" to the right until they're full NS, or some form of allowable fascist/radical traditionalist.
Jews didn't have last names at all until Austria and Prussia forced them to.
who's the biggest jew on youtube?
They don't need to know that. >>8751740
Dickie spence, love him or hate him, did a lot of work for us in this regard with the Nazi salute debacle.
There's more if you just type "pewdiepie hitler"
If that's true, why did he buy a MAGA hat? He hasn't portrayed Trump in a bad light.
Jesus christ, that's more than I expected.
but he doesn't need it
His Harambe/Leslie Jones bit was funny.
Don't tell me the fucker planned this?
The fuck is this shit?
That dude lurks here for fucking sure.
Subliminal messages RWDS edition electric boogaloo
Nobody's trying to make him into "our hero" the point is that this guy is dropping subtle redpills, intentionally or otherwise, on impressionable kids that are probably seeing similar things more and more in the world around them as being anti-white becomes increasingly fashionable.
No that would meet my expectation actually.
Because grunge was too coincidental. It was meant to break the original conditioning.
Plus Cobains "Heart shaped box" was a give-away.
This. He's doing a good thing on purpose or not, let's not blow it.
Instead of starting all these pansy ass rumors, if what you say is true just post the link, faggot.
That's a joystick you dumbass.
Who gives a fuck
Take it out of context and he'll appear to be saying what we want; See and
Same thing, it's not like DD's aren't a cosmic innovation that would put real cock out of business if not for the fact they aren't real.
Actually, upon rewatching, it appears to be a star wars action figure.
And that is the general problem with e-celeb threads, you can not have them without including a long explanation about how they are being useful. If their contribution is only non-decreasing (and not strictly increasing) they often get accused to do nothing but one never factor in their position and how much they can move without creating too much noise. As we have seen it is those who play the long game that get away with propaganda (until memes) and who would blame them for moving slowly? Especially if they don't even have a grand scheme planned and only does this as a result of gut feeling.
Not to shill for e-celebs as I mostly watch them when someone makes a thread, but they are not useless.
compare to OP
Berg means mountain in swedish, danish and Norwegian. Kjell is an old Nordic name from the old norse word kettil wich meant helmet or kettle. so his last last name means kettle mountain.
Why is it in shit resolution? You dun goofed.
Consider the word iceberg, if you will.
you guys can find where he says it himself you fucking lazy niggers
I think PewDiePie absolutely stopped caring when he made a video reading out loud straight shota mangas from exhentai
mind that majority of his viewers are children
You should have just posted it in the first place you lazy faggot.
And anyway, I'm not gonna watch an hour long video with that annoying jew talking about sucking dicks. Where in the video does he mention anti Trump or Brexit things? Also linking because it's a good point.
Hitler dubs confirm it!
get out
No u, user.
Nobody fucking cares about what he actually is or isn't. It doesn't matter to anything but his subs. What we have here is gold to work with, with which we can influence the HUGE MASSES of people who've heard of Pewdie but don't follow him enough to know we're bullshitting.
pewds if you are reading this. you are the man, dog.
it broke 100k!!
last time I saw was way lower.
Heil da PIE
145k is not bad. Need more pills.
"I feel partially responsible"
Exactly, he is normalizing jewish jokes. Soon enough antisemitism will be an empty word even for the normalfags. Then nigger jokes will be okay again. And then we will be able to openly discuss how they have a lower average IQ, paving the way for eugenics.
I see.
The whole thing has been to open our eyes to the stark reality of the world.
Is that constable care at the end of the video?
So this nigger does post here? I remember someone saying a while ago that they have a huge subscriber base and were gonna do something
If he does, he probably wouldn't be so stupid as to come out and say it, or make it obvious.
He's doing it himself though. Do you think this won't spread like wildfire? Why do you think he left it in?
so many bluepilled faggots.
Tbh the turn around could suggest that. Or maybe he just awoke.
Not an argument, you fucking shill.
Nothing he has ever said or done indicates to anyone that he is anything like a Holla Forumsack, a nationalist, or even redpilled in the slightest. Fuck off.
(reluctantly checked)
Either way, it seems like talking about these things could be a positive influence to kids. Getting them to laugh about Hitler instead of hating him without really knowing why is a big first step.
Nobody is denying he is clickbaiting and being controversial for shekels.
His references indicate more than mere clickbait though. Referencing Moon Man does not render clicks, but he still did.
It's a gamble. But it might be necessary.
A lot of people will be surprised.
I know. This is the year that pays for the last 4.
Even if you do not live in Sweden he still got relatives that do and they might be woke (or not). Read in the news recently that some 13 year old got raped by a 19 (I think) year old migrant in the school bathroom. A real human bean can not shrug that off no matter ideology. I was so angry I could not sleep for a long time. sweden y-yes
he did the same shit with the "i will delete my channel at 50m subs"
he never specified which channel (he had started a channel a few months earlier that had a few million subs, but only like 1 video)
he's playing the long troll, i think he wants to expose the media as the bottomfeeders that they are
That's the same incident
You only have to worry about -berg if the suffix is a precious metal or something.
My heart goes to sweden.
The people that fucked it will pay.
I think being Swedish he broke the conditioning.
Lot's of people waking up very quickly. Even lefties are organizing and realizing "hang on, we're becoming like them? Does that mean we really are indoctrinated?"
i think you're misunderstanding me, i'm just saying that pewdiepie intentionally did the "kill all jews" in order to get the MSM to rile up and write articles about him
If you guys want to know why today was so meme worthy, check the date and you'll see trips.
Exposure is exposure dude. For all we know he unironically likes to watch Hitler speeches. Theres no way he could openly go 14/88, his channel would get shoah'd. Exposure is enough. Maybe some of his young subs are gonna see the subtitles and go "Hmm, I wonder what Hitler was talking about.", go look at a Hitler speech and think "Wow this guy doesn't seem evil really, what's going on?"
HIs channel getting shoahed is the least of his worries. He lives in Sweden, they'd throw him in prison.
Golden one collab when? :^)
Pure coincidence.
He lives in Britbongistan actually
Indians are all scum. They will do anything for a buck.
Ah. Well, they'd probably throw him in prison too. If he wants to openly be a bad goy he should move to America.
It's illegal in America to boycott Israeli companies.
funny how the ones that shit on pewdiepie the most are the ones that have absolutely no idea what content he is providing. Most of the time they can't even distinguish whether he is being sarcastic or not.
Doesn't get more obvious than this tbqh fam.
You are now aware that Filthy Frank literally said "the Holocaust never happened" in a recent video.
I think pewdiepie was always not a cucked feminist swedish typical guy and now that he got the fame and money he realized that he CAN do whatever offensive shit he wants because no one can shut him down.
Of course it has to be subtle because he doesn't want his channel closed.
No.. it's hilarious, but Indians are still scum.
Yes, but it is legal to say Hitler did nothing wrong and this time we'll gas them for real.
Good. Let him say whatever shit he wants. Youtube has already taken to far with the cucked sjw no hate speech content so at least we have diversity
Doesn't he play games anymore?
Pewdiepie isn't just an e-celeb. He's the most famous celebrity in the world. He has more fans that the most famous Hollywood actors. This is what happens when there is no (((gatekeepers))) to control who is famous. Kids gravitate to Aryan men. If he had went to (((Hollywood))) he'd have been shut out and not allowed a role because he's too white and not a Jew.
I hope he read the Australian translation.
2017, day 333: Dear diary. Trips. I hanged 3 jews.
He was never a cuck really. In his earliest playthroughs he used to often say "nigger", but only stopped doing that when he became popular because he knew the cucks abroad wouldn't watch his content otherwise.
He said nigga in a video about 3 days ago. There was a hashtag going around and shit. #pewdiepieisoverparty or something like that.
I just looked up that video on Youtube and its a toy figurine of Godzilla you retard, not a "dragon dildo".
I don't mean "nigga". I mean "nigger". He used to often say "fucking nigger" or something similar if he died in a game etc.
How many times do I have to fucking tell you autists this, he's not an ebin WN memester, he's just parodying Keemstar again.
jesus fuck thats a catchy tune.
Are you this stupid? Yeah, there are no Jew noses on any of them… do you not know how Jew noses look like? They're hooked, have wide nostrils and the tip of their nose usually hangs below their nostrils.
my nephew is a religious pewdiepie watcher and now he's going around telling his mom(my sister) that he's a nazi and sieg heiling all over the place, clearly what pewdiepie is doing is working
It serves a purpose. It normalizes shit.
How do you think lefties came so far? First they joke about the shit, normalize it, and then make it serious
Regardless of his actual political leanings, he is also seriously against new outlets after being defamed by them one too many times, so even if he isn't full 14/88, he'll still agree that the mass media is fucking shit
who is keemstar? it's obvious satire, pewdiepie is a dying celeb cuck, but we can use him.
>not realizing that most people including myself hide their power level through obfuscation to simultaneously vent kike gassing desires and throw people off the scent
Honestly, the psyops patch is what proved to me that he's /ourguy/. There's no fucking way you can actually buy that and not have any idea what it entails.
He's placing hints all over his videos. The singer of My Chemical Romance is Jew-wise, and has talked about the Jews.
Yeah, back when his channel wasn't this huge he used to say "Fucking niggers" in Swedish all the time
he's just joking
wew lad
He's at the very least at Holla Forums levels, which even if it isn't exactly redpilled, it's better than full normie.
I don't believe was serious about it.
It's all about the hook boyo. Not a jewish nose in that picture.
India is on the level of intelligence of Brazil and other mongrel shitholes. They will never ammount to anything and are only relevant due to their sheer size. They also have a miriad of internal and external issues that they will need to resolve before they can even begin to start thinking of becoming anywhere near relevant. The place to watch is Europe, as the right wing siezes power there, there will be a resurgence of growth and abition.
Is that how Aussie girls talk? Don't bullshit me
fuck off with your eceleb horseshit
Yeah, and in English too sometimes.
Clearly not, as he has obviously gone through a lot of effort to put hidden redpills in his videos dozens and dozens of times. If he was joking, he wouldn't have bought an authentic MAGA hat thus funding Trump for example.
with a Peel?
Pewdiepie gets attacked by the Jewish press more than any celebrity. The only person to get attacked more was Mel Gibson and that faggot grovelled and begged the Jew for mercy. The Daily Stormer has been defending Pewdiepie while the Jews have been attacking him. We can bring Pewdiepie over to our side and he can use his channel to broadcast National Socialist propaganda to tens of millions of kids.
Pewdiepie seems like a legitimately good guy.
Maybe one day that half-breed nip can go kamikaze when Japland returns to Imperialism.
What does it mean?
Needs to work on his shoulders and biceps, decent pecs though.
Great Bantz will come to you, but only if you post
Pretty sure Frank is half Jew, look at his nose and other features.
Not far enough.
Reminder that e;r predicted this.
At the very end.
wtf i love pewdiepie now
All praise E;R, prince of autism.
lmao link?
It's like people forget how Holla Forums originally grew to what it is. Either Felix will slowly red pill them fully or he will normalize jew jokes and many will eventually grow beyond him and find their way to places like this.
How old?
All you need to do is "look" at his political views. He's a SJW hipster hiding behind 7 layers of irony.
Teach him what national socialism is about so that he doesn't just know the retarded Hollywood version.
E;R if youre reading this, we must do something about the rootless clique of interstellar gems.
I used to hate this faggot, but every time I hear something about him, I respect him a little more.
He has a tattoo on his left arm of Astro Boy looking depressed, because it's a scene that would never happen in the show. It's a reminder to allow himself to stop being a character he created.
Yeah right. Didn't this cuckold flee Sweden to another country already? Swedes are pathetic.
All you have to do is look at his style and physique to know he's an effeminate Leftist who bases his decisions heavily on emotion.
Even a Swede can only see so many children get raped and the court systems brush it off before they start getting angry.
Maybe. It's a long shot, given their passivity and altruistic nature. More so the Nord filth than Southerners. Anyway, unless there's genocide, which won't happen, Europe is going to wind up like the US, with a permanent non-white population that steadily grows. Difference is though, being in Europe and not the US, where a "white identity" does no exist, a large portion of those non-whites will be mixed into the general population and alter the genes of Europe forever.
Everyone, start commenting fashy things and start dropping redpills in the comments of his videos.
These comments will attract attention and will most likely cause multiple shitstorms, so he will have to take notice to them.
Only together can we turn him to the Holla Forums side of the meme war.
Praise Kek.
Honestly, I don't trust most anons to be subtle enough for that to work out. It's just not where their strengths lie.
8/pol/ used to be is pretty good at that though.
doesn't really work, on viral videos comments stay up for 5-10 minutes then they recyle and other fresh comments come up
depending on comment and upvote rate, barely lasts 5min
Uh, source?
I'm 90% sure that he got popular on 4/v/
I can't recall him being approved of on any Holla Forums ever, and I've frequented 4/v/, 7/v/, 420/v/, and /8/v.
Fuck off JTRIG concern troll.
While I have no evidence of him posting on 4chan Holla Forums, it is highly probable that he did just from the fact that he frequently uses Holla Forums language and memes.
Fuck off JLOPTF dismiss troll.
I mean, yeah. He probably posted there. I wouldn't say it's what made him popular, though.
I don't remember him being popular at all, even his OLD youtube channel wasn't even shilled on cuck/v/ years back. But like the other anons in this thread said, he used to say nigger on his older videos.
And India sunk their economy recently because they're a bunch of irresponsible dravidians
Just think about it.. how could he NOT be Redpilled?
It was Staring Us in the Face The Entire Time..
I know him, and this will be my only post ITT.
He's very very sick and tired of getting "pushed around" by big companies trying to "exploit him" and has taken notice that most of these companies are owned by jews or have a majority jewish BoD.
He has developed neither of his games and has had very little input on the process, he used to browse imageboards and I suspect a lot of the ideas that are coming to fruition now had their seeds planted back in those days.
He's also kind-of gone crazy in past years and cut off all his old friends, maybe he doesn't want us getting hurt when he goes full "red pill" or maybe he's just getting depressed and sick of everything.
Didn't he win some award in some show, and then get immediately ranted and ridiculed at by that same jewlywood mail opener for not being there with them, calling him a loser gamer e-celeb, that he didn't deserve it and all the typical bitter leftist bitching.
His physique? His body seems average. What do you mean?
These are the early signs of a redpill bearing fruit.
It begins.
The redpill is strong in this one
We all know him, he's that guy of the youtube.
reminder than all youtube celebrity threads are slide threads and no sane regular browser of this website would give a shit about this
I'm noticing a lot of people in their mid-twenties are red pilling themselves.
Is it that things have gotten so bad since we were kids or is it cos we've now become adults in the real meaning of the word.
This is more than a simple e-celeb.
This is the single most watched youtuber ever, most of his watchers being children. He could be our mouthpiece for an entire generation.
I give a shit about the kiddies being redpilled, user.
I don't even really know what happened with Evalion, but this one's the real deal.
You're not wrong but incidences like that french whore electre or evalion or even the recent trsodomite campaign ought to put anyone on edge when it comes to e-celeb threads because they have the potential to erupt into shilling and shitflinging in ways that damage the board.
Well. This is strange.>>8751412
This thread proved that we've lured in too many young teens, well it's not a bad thing to have young people among us (They're the future after all) but things need to efficiently organized otherwise we'll see a lot grandpa shit flinging about e-celebs with 14 y/o.
Should we have a teen general (containment) thread or a separate /teenpol/ board?
Why are you using a nigger reaction image? Why are you requesting a board for underage people?
Fuck off.
Let the kids learn the hard way. No need for age-based slapfights, anyone being a fag gets called out anyway.
Reminder that this is how Chanology killed the soul of 4chan. It started as a joke, and we had to expand our numbers to get the manpower to make it as large as we could, so we allowed anyone and everyone in. Marketed as a moral crusade, the crusaders ended up outnumbering the pranksters, and the depiction became the reality, turning Anonymous from "the final boss of the internet" to "the peoples' eternal revolution whom anyone can join and direct".
Engaging with normies in limited numbers is healthy. Opening the floodgates leads to dilution and replacement of the group's original values.
fucking gay
what fucking values?
Well said. We shouldn't be posting links to Holla Forums anywhere anyway, let alone in the comment sections of his videos. But it could be helpful to ask subtle questions to direct thoughts in the right direction. Or to make funny nazi jokes.
He also lives in Brighton, which is the Bong equivalent of San Francisco. Being surrounded by such extreme progressives may have helped him embrace the true nature of things.
It isn’t simply that we have become adults it is that most people have ceased to be adults. Look at the way for example once respected institutions like top Universities throw tantrums over absurd things. We few (but expanding) did not grow beyond the average but rather everyone else has shrunk. We have looked around the room for a responsible adult and found none, we have therefore had to become it.
Someone fucking pinch me, this new reality we've created is absolutely amazing.
started watching him in '13, 2015 he became utterly shit and last year his content sunk even lower
Of 4chan? For the lulz.
Of Holla Forums? If you're here, why do you need to ask?
Perfectly correct. Let the soul of Holla Forums be felt everywhere without letting spectators know where it's coming from. Seed the memes, but keep a lid on the hopper.
Holy shit, he's right.
That was deep, user.
Um.. anti-racemixing?
Hooray for chaos?
…I'm out…
Pewdiepie is not "redpilled" you fucking retards.
He did an interview with Ethan Klein (h3h3, a jew) in which he said he didn't care much about Trump getting elected, either than he figured it was "America's turn" after Brexit, which he said "really shocked" him. In other words, he's a standard bluepilled swedecuck and he pretends to be edgy because it's funny and gets views on his videos, the ad revenue on which he makes a living.
We were all shocked… but in a good way.
He implied it was not in a good way.
The truth doesn't matter with this kind of meme potential. Even if he disapproves, if we play it smart, the damage can be done long before he catches on and tries to make an official statement or cracks down on these slip-ups things that appear unacceptable out-of-context.
And this is what happens when someone doesn't lurk. You stink of leddit.
Shit he's right, we basically just don't want whites to go extinct, that's the extent of our unified goals.
A lot of us used to lean libertarian and were concerned with freedoms and the constitution and all that, spending massive amounts of time discussing it. Eventually it became very clear that all that was just a luxury, and our countries are being flooded with animals that will NEVER care while the jews and liberals use it as a tool to grant themselves power while denying it to us.
Survival comes first.
Basically we're just a confederacy then, a coalition united to address a threat. We've never really had a unified set of codes and ethics. Even now I'd still hesitate to describe myself as Natsoc.
That's what NatSoc is meant to be though. It's not an end state.
Yes it is, it's just organic enough to tolerate ignorant faggots such as yourself.
Yes they are real skanks come up and grab you by the nuts.
I think I read Feder saying it. Whatever, you just have to implement the policies, and for white people to become racially aware. After that you can expand political and economic theory to include more libertarian or more socialistic principles.
I'm with you, though there are three reason why we naturally became accidental internet nazi's.
1) It's edgy and deliberately provocative, which is to be expected of anything chan related.
2) Jews and their good goys use every chance and any reason to call us that anyways. If everything I want makes me a nazi, then fuck it, being a nazi is a good thing.
3) When you actually look at what Hitler and friends were trying to do, it turns out they were trying to deal with not just their current problems, they also predicted and were trying to set up a society that would be resistant to the very problems we face today. As such, Nazi's are actually the most relevant political group in regards to what we are dealing with. Whether it would have happened or not, it's easiest to imagine a better future for humanity if Hitler had won compared to everything else. The western (white) world is on a path of total annihilation, and it's impossible to imagine an incredible future among the stars if all that is left is chinks vs niggers vs jews.
Evalion is a Jew, newfag.
Very interesting point.
I agree with you on all points to be perfectly honest. It does seem like the National Socialists had some idea of what was to come, the trajectory the West was on. It's strange that they're more relevant now than they were say 30-40 years ago, because the dangers they warned against are now becoming easy to see for even the thickest of people.
I have no reason to believe he was ever some sort of popular namefag on Holla Forums, but from what I understand, he was a typical user of Holla Forums. Used very typical Holla Forums memes and what not at first.
But that's just what I've heard. I never watch his videos unless they are posted to Holla Forums, and never really used Holla Forums.
India could have a 3 Supercarrier battlefleet a hell of a lot quicker than China can. Even though China could outspend them 5 to 1.
Its fucking stupid, because even with their baby bust paying now, having quadruple the population compensates for that. They could have done things so much fucking better but whatever.
Moderates out.
Confederacy not a shit tho
Holy shit, I actually laughed at a pewdiepie video
You know why chanology was cancer? Because people started to meet up and put themselves on display for the world. And they were a bunch of pudgy or spindly nerds. Most of them awkward as hell. It was a pretty bad scene.
Then proto-Holla Forums types started asserting themselves… The point is, we don't make those kind of mistakes anymore. #pizzagate is the closest we've got, but that's fucking nothing compared to chanology.
The root difference between TRS and Holla Forums is that TRS hasn't had this sort of hard lesson. They behaving like a lot of anons during chanology did, That spooks out the old chan users who remember chanology for the shitshow it was.
Yes, my impression is that India's Navy is significantly more powerful than China's. Pajeets are serious about that Ocean.
national wealth depends on geography
you can bet india couldnt do much better at the current tech level and world financial system octopus drain
youtube peter zeihan, he makes a nice talk about this
USA still has decades of supremacy ahead thx to their water table and shale oil deposists
Naw, that didn't have anything to do with it. When we got together, we looked like a bunch of normies, and from every age group. With a surprising amount of women. If you didn't know who we were, you couldn't tell us apart from any other group of random strangers.
I would know. There's footage of me online somewhere of me directing a crowd of normies in a circular walk demonstration outside of a Scientology facility.
Mea culpa.
I would be too, if I bordered China.
The Brits rubbed off on them. Typical of shitskins, only retaining that which harm their enemies. But retain it they did.
y…you too
that sounds like the original intent of the function of the united states, before the civil war and the commerce clause killed the notion of state rights trumping federal law.
Yeah, pretty much functioned as a collection of individual and sovereign states that were in a loose confederation. It didn't go very far because the federal government had little to no power to stop infighting.
you don't even deserve the customary costanza tbh
deep learning enhance
We're united because of
1. The intent to secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
2. Hatred of the jews who control
a. Media
b. Banks
c. lobbyists
3. A unification of our various white ethnicities not necessarily a blending of them all but a future for all of them and for them to all be unified against foreigners when needed and for a common spirit of white brotherhood to permeate all of white society
4. The implementation of the various governing styles best fit for each individual white nation.
(whether it be republic, technocracy, theocracy or whatever. Point is certain european cultures are better fitted towards different models of government. I legitimately believe that American culture is best suited for 1776 republic style whereas that is not the same for Britain)
and lastly we are devoted to gassing the kikes.
we are divided on where to go after that has all been accomplished. Some anons want to purge the world of all non whites. others want to just let each land be to their own people (but exploit africas natural resources. etc etc
doesnt look jewish to me. and im from jew york. she looks like a french/italian/russian/greek mutt.
you do realize Frank is bluepilled as fuck right? in all his non-frank vlogs (and in his recent frank content) he talks shit like "white people are fucking weird" blah blah blah
Is that a book? I just saw one of her videos posted in a webm thread a few months ago and it was pretty good.
States Rights never trumped Federal Law.
t. jacksonians
He turned cuck because he tried and is still trying to deny who he really is, he says filthy frank was all just an elaborate ruse, but in truth, I think he believed in most of what he said back then, if not completely, then at least in part. And now that he has become popular he is afraid of losing all he has created due to shitty Youtube flaggers and Google constantly on watch for 'hate speech' along with most people that follow him being largely politically correct normies.
I think he has fooled himself into thinking he actually believes in all that politically correct bullshit. Not to mention all of this started when he went to uni I think.
That's definitely the Fucked by Psyops patch. You can make out the red line through the skull.
Holla Forums isn't 2007 Holla Forums though. Our ideology is to remake ourselves and our nations through eternal struggle, so you niggers better be getting /fit/ as fuck. When we finally meet on DOTR I don't want to be ashamed to call you my brothers. From what I hear the Iron March groups, Daily Stormer Book Clubs, and TRS Pool Parties encourage people to be active and in good physical condition so they don't look like autists when they fly their colors. Also to dress nicely and not in oversized stained t-shirts with fedoras like chanology NEETs.
that is a cute snek
I don't think Frank was ever redpilled. He seems to always back away at the last second from the really offensive things.
Well I'm still bringing my dakimakura for long sleepovers after hard days of hanging traitors. Can't sleep without my waifu.
cna i cute snek 2? ??
1/11 was the first day of trips of 2017
what will happen on 2/22
It's a quads day, user!!!
Not sure if I want to google it but that better not be chink for anime pillow
You got some nice dubs tho, checking em'
dpubt it, most kids who like e-celebs and watch it all the time are spic shitskins
Hes a hapa. Hapas are NEVER redpilled.
anyone wanna put them together
To be fair, he was sharp enough to GTFO of Sweedistan.
Add his chuckle. He chuckles without moving.
I did an AP project about Nazi Propaganda when I was a sophmore…
where the fuck do you buy one?
It those superior Aryan genes… young Aryans can't keep themselves from the salute.
What if these threads are secretly posted by the Pie himself, trying to let us know … he's in with us?
He is trying to push the limit.
Don't worry, autistic child, it's just a picture.
1. Agreed.
2. Agreed, the same way a cancer patient would hate their tumor.
3.Agreed, we must unite loosely while maintaining our own cultures (which have, sadly, been aggressively attacked by the fine folks in number 2.)
4. I concur.
I vote for utilization of Africa's natural resources. That mineral wealth (specifically the minerals used for cellular telephones) are wasted on the locals.
I'm going to confiscate your body pillow and you won't be allowed to touch your waifu until your high score is sufficient.
Some nazi troll at cern must have resurrected the hitler time line or something.
Meme magic confirmed
Serious question for you cucks: how can you NOT be a National Socialist knowing what you know? Doesn't it pretty much follow naturally from your knowledge of other races, jewish and communist subversion and destruction of everything good and pure in the world? What ideology do you consider yourself if not NatSoc?
He fucked up so bad, Goebbels got resurrected as a jew.
Everything Frank does is offensive
Everything George Miller does is inoffensive and emotional
What song is this?
They make my less than %1 curry side proud. I will be back gotta shit in the street real quick.
no shit fam. Started the day with Trump calling CNN fake news and Buzzfeed a pile of garbage live.
Ended it laughing at an E-Celeb I used to fucking hate.
Shadily, what will day 12 bring??????
Well Mr. Internet Larper, here's a serious answer for you:
Because national socialism isn't just a set of good ideas to keep in mind, it is an entire lifestyle, an experimental type of society which neither I nor you adhere to and neither you or I are going to start going around publicly trying to implement either. It's like the difference between between a self proclaimed "christian" who just spams theology webms, and one that actually goes out and does the shit his bible commands him to. Likewise, it's laughable and useless actually try to take the national socialist label to heart unless you're putting feet on the ground, getting disciplined, getting organized, running for any sort of public office, and doing all the things that actual natsocs do.
TD:DR I don't consider myself any ideology, as I am not actively trying to adhere any. Anything else is dishonest.
I see myself as a futurist.
This is the logical conclusion, and to pretend otherwise is just ridiculous.
This is The Future. This is inevitable.
yt comment says the indians got banned
sounds about my experience
older I got the more I realized most people, including my parents who I trusted to have my best interests in mind and their own shit together, did not know what the fuck they were doing
Thanks for the reply, I understand what you are saying but I don't think that just because we can't openly do these things we can't adhere to any ideology. Believing in the philosophy of NatSoc and living up to it as much as you can is enough for now until one day we can come out of the shadows.
Aka the things Holla Forums loves to talk about doing but shits all over when people actually try to do them? See: National Action, Daily Stormer, Nordfront, Evalion, TRS, >>>/meadhall/, NSM, skinhead groups, Identity Europa, Golden Dawn, National Alliance, American Vanguard, Atomwaffen, and literally every other group that gets dissected and shitposted to death as jewish controlled op honeypots? I would love to meet friendlies in real life and work together to build strong bonds and better ourselves together but sometimes I feel like its all doomed to failure because everyone distrusts and hates each other and I don't know who is legitimate and who is just in it for lulz or ego. Very depressing tbh, I hate all this gay drama.
What does that even mean? Transhumanism?
There is nothing what if about it.
You realize they're a bunch of degenerate druggies who think that Hollywood's depiction of NSDAP is accurate, right?
Well I'm not surprised.
i agree with natsoc as a transitionary model of government.
that being said i believe that the morals and ethics will persist even once each european nation has adopted its own model of government.
i'd like to see a European Confederation.
those jungle guys account got banned
The world is getting really really weird
In a good way.
If you had told me a few years back that The UK would leave the EU. Donald Trump would be elected president almost entirely due to Holla Forums and Pewdiepie would be source of entertainment and concentrated SJW tears I would have punched you in the face for being so absurd.
New video lads.
Welp, now we know.
I don't give a shit where you're from. Take a good long look at her, side shot of her noise included. She's a Jew a mile away. Not mention mentally ill as proven by her punching herself in the head and sucking her toes/biting her toenails off on video.
Her association with Sinead McCarthy doesn't help her case either.
I am investing in his future videos
Everything Frank does is offensive so he puts disclaimers everywhere*
George Miller, AKA Filthy Frank, is a Jew..
It's just a skull on a shirt. It doesn't mean anything.
The shirt was made by tattoo artist Katya Krasnova. I added some pictures for reference. Still, it is arguable that no connection can be made between the designs and the SS symbol. Artists are edgy liberals on steroids until they realize it might affect their cash flow/social status.
Fucking kikes.
Yeah, that's 100% proof that PewDiePie is totally red-pilled.
Meant to reply to
He is probably received tons of grooming from fags jews sjws to recruit him, so hes pretty aware what going on.
This still gives some credence to claims that Pewdiepie browses the chans, and that he could very well have been redpilled. YLYL is a pretty Holla Forums thing, so naturally, niggers will be featured because they're essentially the retards of the natural world.
Also, if you've built the largest channel on youtube with, alas, a fanbase best described as cancer and full of normalfags and most likely a good chunk of dindus and muds, and you say "Trump is beautiful without at least pretending to be ironic, would be to tie your own noose.
e-celebs can never go full storm on a jew platform without media bashing, jew kvetching, antifa doxxs, and a storm of "unsubbed you nazi skum".
However, I really do think he's pushing and testing the boundaries of how far a good goy can go rogue. Youtube get 45% of what he earns, so cutting him off would be unwise unless the damage to the (((narrative))) is greater than the profit. If that equilibrium is destroyed pewdiepie will probably get the Mel Gibson treatment.
Checked cuckchan's Holla Forums. The webms are from a YLYL thread on /gif/, so he might be a cuckchan Holla Forumsack.
I used to think that too but after reading some more about them and some of their literature from the 80s I think they actually do know what NatSoc is. Their music (Rock Against Communism) shows this understanding too. They are just dumb people wandering blind without a leader but they are redpilled to an extent. And I think the reverse of what you said might be true, hollywood's depiction of skinheads is as degenerate druggies rather than leaderless working class people fed up with jewish lies.
Just look at
hello pewds
I know this has been said, but I remember seeing some light evidence, back in the day that pewdiepie is originally a Holla Forumsirgin, even before his youtube shit, I can't remember exactly what the evidence was though. Isn't there a video of him in full SS uniform too?