If communism is clearly the better choice, why do most people not want it?
If communism is clearly the better choice, why do most people not want it?
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because of anticommunist propaganda and dumb ass anarchist
We need a vangaurd and force lead the people to our uthopia.
most people but especially tankies are plebs who want to be bossed around
You must construct additional class conciousness
we need a state dumbass
Yes. Without force, how can we accomplish anything?
You Molotov-throwers should understand this better than anybody
Every state already has millions.
muh we are anarchist muh stateism
We need some good theory
Watch out for quickshot over here.
pick one
That too, but most people are just too lazy to read or care about politics
Wow, you're so cool.
I think we're pretty fucked either way fam
>We need a centralisation of force so that nobody Alive can disagree with us. The state will surely be a proletariat state as we will call it democratic™ just like the Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
noice theory there champ, looks like you need to be have a lesson by profesional revolutionary's.
Thats why its important to force them! Or else the ignorant masses will become reactionary and maybe ven become kulaks.
CPGB-ML are total larpers but they have good music taste, they put lil ugly mane and the coup in their videos dude
Because it was implemented before people were 'ready' for it, and it is now associated with hellhole nations that threatened to blow up the planet.
Stop fucking fighting.
I think all of us socialists should throw in the towel and create a network of underground bunkers because we know shit is about to hit the fan
So are you telling me that you wouldn't kill reactionaries or worse, kulaks
criticising this separately from cnt participation in the republican government at large shows historical ignorance tbh
How new are you to the left? Do you also beleave that Leninists can get along somehow when they allready have their panties twisted around Trotsky and Stalin who are exactly the same.
kek, if you beleave you need to have a state to force people you should read about the ultimate waifu who shot lenin rightfully out of commission. Fanny Kaplan did nothing wrong.
Holy shit that meme again. I should really create cute tankie memes, and spread them around for the rightists to eventually get their hands on them and use all the memes we create against all of us.
Btw, thefinnishbolshevik didn't make a piercing assessment. It was extremely opinionated. I could undermine his Russian revolution with a libmarx source as well, but I know that the 20th century IS FUCKING OVER
Because the ruling class has a cultural hegemony. Read Gramsci.
Not new fam. I've been getting tired of how tense this place has been getting between its own members
But why would you still wanne cooperate with people who still think that its the 20th century? 3/4th of the marxists here still fetishize the USSR even when it fucking collapsed on itself and while fucking communist party's of today are the definition of a joke. There is no more dead idealogy then there and anyone who still fetizhes it needs to really go out of their basement and stop playing red army fetish videogames.
Really? You don't think anarchists are as Larpers as ML's with their Catalonia fetishizing and shit? They're the same. We ought to just form a type of loose cooperation among socialists.
I dont disagree, the left has died a long time ago and there is nothing worth saving of it.
there aren't many tiny anarchist groups parading around london with a giant picture of durruti, catalonia fetishism happens separately from actual theory and practice whereas most communist parties literally only talk about the ussr
I'm starting to think that it's become impossible to challenge the bourgeois forces these times.
You know what I mean. Most anarchists I speak to are fucking simple-minded and actually talk as if they were personally in Spain much like ML's do. They need to get serious and read and develop new ideas. The plague of the left is fucking identity.
what do you really expect anarchists to do though? talking about history and making those arguments can help to spread anarchist ideas, and then in places like greece where anarchism is popular you've got actual practice going on, but to be a real political force you need some kind of degree of popular support which anarchism doesn't have right now except maybe in greece or italy to a small extent
here in australia the top catalonia fetishists at the ASF-IWA saved the wages of domino's pizza drivers from being cut, so that's something i guess
It is, and by sutch realisation the only thing left to do is just getting pleasure from hopeless resistance and see if we maybe destroy the system. It doesnt mather if it gets destroyed or not, the sure act of resistance gifting the feeling of liberation of capitalism and all the forced of oppresion is enought to Live in this lifeless existance.
To be honest anarcho-nihilism is the only legit responce to current day capitalism, just the sure feeling of liberation of all the capitalists forces is fun enought. Dont let fun be legallized or commodified but just have fun stealing, pirating and destroying shit nand parody capitalism and reactionary's for their own ridiculousness. No hopes or dreams but just fun!
Check this shit fam.
Dont appeal to history but appeal to personal interest and expose all the resistrictions that the state and the economy possses on you from realizing your own pashions and desires.
they're not mutually exclusive though, and everyone likes a good story
history's something we make in the present and there's always a fight going on over history between different ideologies and it'll keep going if we ignore it, i actually learned about anarchism through spain, and empathising with the anarchists back then, before i knew about what had happened i though anarchism was just chaos or the sex pistols
Offcourse but to firsly appeal to people with idealogy you gotta bait them by their personal interests/material interest. After people are open to the idea you can expose the theory and the history.
What do I expect people to do? I expect them to stop being such fucking Larpers and get serious and READ!. I'm not an anarchist because it's "cool" or because I like the aesthetics or any shallow bullshit. Kropotkin intended this to be serious and scientific and I've been seeing the complete opposite with the anarchist movement. You get idiots (who I sometimes suspect as being masked social liberals) shouting their special words like "hierarchy" or "authority" just to impress much like how Marxist comrades (the dumb ones) sperg out about "the dialectics". We need thinkers more than ever and we need to stop this fucking attachment with past movements.
but a lot of people are spooped af and think it's in their personal interests to just go to work everyday and live that life
i think that's just the consequences of being a weak radical movement, there's a lot of uni students who worship chomsky
Expose the internal contradictions of economy wich makes wage slavery existant. People only work for a wage, and with a wage they get their basic needs. This system resistricts people of commanding their own life and makes people into simple drones instead of people realizing their own unqiue self. Also maybe exposing that society is based on lies and premotes lies would be handy with all the stupid morality systems and stupid shit like charity that doesnt work as it makes people dependent on the system instead of making people do shit themselfs.
most people aren't just gonna sit down and let you convince them about that kind of thing though, especially if you use words like anarchism and nihilism
a historical example can be the last little push like it was for me as someone who has always been anti-authoritarian to some extent
Well it isnt my duty to confince anyone, only would at anyone willing to listing. Anyone who doesnt can just be happy in the status quo, i dont beleave in a mass movement or collectivism so i dont need (Need=/=prever) to have others.
the liberal antony beevor described revolutionary barcelona as "a world of instant friendship" though, loneliness is one of the biggest problems in modern society with suicide being the most common cause of death among young people
i don't think it's enough to just play cat and mouse with authority and look for places to enjoy yourself, while that's better than nothing i think that we really need other people at some kind of fundamental level and that true freedom cant exist for one person until everyone's free
Gorrillaposter I love you I drew you a fanart
love you catgirl drawgirl, new stream when
What if some dont desire freedom and want to maintain the system? Not everyone will buy our ideal's but just oppose it just like people who beleave ancap ideas/ libertarian ideas or religiouse folk.
that's why it's something like a struggle or insurrection instead of after school tea time
i feel alone all the time, while people can just choose not to like me that doesn't stop me from wanting to get rid of the loneliness and to be with others, it's a desire that exists deep down to realise yourself in the world
lel classcuck
*anti-state capitalist/ propertarian…
Exactly, you activily oppose the system and destroy the power structures. You actually are doing stuff to harm the system instead of just breaking a vew windows, assasinate a banker like they did in greece with bombing campaings.
Individualism isnt Isolationaism btw and organisation isnt always collective, just have an informal and fluid organisation (and pure hierarchical with no leaders or representatives) composed of willing individuals. I would heavily recommend in how the the conspiracy cells of fire organise their efforts. Or just generally look into an-nih lit on how organisation is done without having to mutch formal and state reproducing bullshit and party politics.
Found this fancy article just now btw.
In Marxist terms: false consciousness. The bourgeoise has mystified the logic of capital to the workers of the world under such immutable and idealist concepts as 'human nature', 'necessary evil', 'still the best system', etc. (without even mentioning the worse liberal offenders such as 'somewhere in the middle is the best', etc.). It has done so to the point of creating self-reifying institutions that uphold it within the proletariat, but also the constantly newly reemerging ranks of the bourgeoisie itself, ultimately also putting this same pure ideology in the head of the bourgeoisie itself.
It doesn't help that we also have many communists that themselves still either operate on an idealist attitude towards hypothetical revolution or communists that refuse to see past failures as the result of (foreign or non-foreign) intrusion, instead of the logical result of their rigid materialistic monism itself. These two are the main reason the revolutionary anti-capitalist fails to ignite anything within the revolutionary historical potential of the proletariat.
because people still think gommunism is big gubermand
A century of propaganda has convinced most people than communism either
a) refers to some sort of 1984 totalitarian dystopia
b) is somehow inherently doomed to failure
and sometimes the occasional far-right nutjob brings out
c) an unholy amalgamation of everything they're personally against and/or don't like about society
what books would you recommend?
i like wolfi landstreicher already, but i haven't read stirner yet or anything
Tankies made it look bad and then liberals lied and made it seem even worse
For Anarcho-Nihilism
Blessed is the Flame: Concentration Camp Resistance & Anarcho-Nihilism
Nihilism, Anarchy, and the 21st century
Anarchy and Nihilism: Consequences
Nihilist Communism by Monsieur Dupont
For Insurrectionary anarchism
The Ego and Its Own by Max Stirner
Feral Revolution by Wolfi/Feral Faun
Against the logic of submission by Wolfi.
Willful disobedience by Wolfi
Armed Joy by Alfredo M. Bonanno.
There is mutch more but reading Aragorn! and Wolfi will get you the nice basics for Anarcho Nihilism and the Insurrectionary stuff.
I do heavily recommend reading Stirner tho, all brances of Anarcho-Individualism (Wich insurrectionary and nihilist anarchism fall under) is mostly inspired by Max Stirner.
thanks user i saved that all to a text file
all i can give in return is this lain
Also check there interviews.
There is one with Wolfi and a vew with Aragorn! Also there is an interesting one with Lawrence Jarach (there are 3 but dont know wich one) about the criticism on indentity politics. (In defence of this article theanarchistlibrary.org
No problem fam, have any other question then check >>>/anarcho/ its slow but comfy and we actually ban Holla Forums shitposters.with our secret ironic bakunin approved dictatorship
What, no At Daggers Drawn with the Existent, its Defenders and its False Critics?
I have this autistic fixation anarchists have of pointing exclusively towards failed Leninisms. What about the various failed Bakuninist experiments in 19th century Russia, free from any prior physical Marxist meddling? What about 'anarchist' Makhnovia? What about Kekalonia?
You're stuck here with us, faggot. I suggest we postpone our infighting until we can actually exact any relevance out of our inherent polar opposition by escaping this shit together.
>I hate* this autistic fixation anarchists have of pointing exclusively towards failed Leninisms
4got editorial sage.
thanks again user
also, do you get any of those magazines like Anarchy in the mail?
+ dat.
I actually emailed one of the editors of Anarchy a Journal of Desire Armed (Havent checked Modern Slavery yet for a sub even if they are a bit better than AJODA) and still have no fucking responce after 3 emails. You can get them easy'er by buying them of littleblack card, even got a vew books latelty of them.
I'm just saying in the public conciousness socialism is authoritarian and brutal.
It is this way for two reasons
1) almost all revolutions have been brutal. Legitimacy of the brutality aside, this is difficult to deny.
2) they have been fed a whole shit tonne of propoganda.
Sure, anarchists have also been violent, I would however argue this is not to the same extent as most Leninist regimes. Also, most people agree that violence is necessary, Leninist regimes tend to have cavalier attitudes towards democracy, it is this feature which most people find distasteful, most people believe in democracy.
Also while I appreciate the sentiment I to believe in democracy (but not bourg democracy) and would kill to see it upheld. So we are on the same side only up until that point.
This isn't bad but it is necessary, and isn't something we should avoid to tell classcucked proles either. What are we, 'democratic' 'socialists' or communists?
The problem lies more in the contemporary left's lack of discipline in organizing and providing an alternative. We can whine all we want about the shitstain on our past that is the 19th and 20th centuries and the propaganda our historical enemy makes out of them, but these are ultimately non-issues as they exist in the wider realm of class struggle which is innate to our problem.
(On Marxist vs. anarchist and the false dichotomy of 'tankie vs. Marxist' and 'anarkiddie vs. anarchist' it creates:)
I don't care about our differences – they are set in stone. Anarchists and Marxists will never surrender to one another voluntarily for some greater good or 'work together'; one sees the state and other power forms as a mere tool for any economic class to utilize, the other as the means through which class society is perpetuated or reified.
This is why talking about our differences is futile. Let us escape the jail of pointless infighting first and bring ourselves to a stage where we can finally start actually killing one another with some tangible results.
Communism isn't the better choice. It isn't a choice to begin with. History isn't about people making choices.
who's this cutie?
oh fuck
looks like it's from wakfu
There are diffrint ones.
Normally hate furry shit but I'm willing to gib this a shot
Kemono aint shit tier like furry, its actually good stuff.
Because the Cold War sucked and people can't stop crying about it. Also, an endless stream of propaganda that led to neoliberalism