
If only there was a crossover of The Question and The Authority titled that.

He knew before Rebirth. Truly he's the greatest mind to ever live.

Wish they kept Vic Sage as The Question again.

Nobody thinks to ask the question…

Rorschach = Question
Niteowl II = Batman
Silk Spectre = The lady who got cowardly stabbed from behind by a piece of shit who told her it was nothing personal

But who are Ozymandias and Dr. Manhattan supposed to be?

Nope, wrong.
Moore based everyone off Charlton characters.
Ozymandias is Peter Cannon, Thunderbolt.
Nite Owl was based on Ted Kord as Blue Beetle, who was from Charlton before coming to DC.
The Comedian was Peacemaker, again from Charlton and later DC.
Doctor Manhattan was based on Captain Atom, who also started at Charlton.
Silk Spectre was meant to be based on Nightshade from DC but Moore didn't like her so went with Black Canary.
Rorschach was based on Mr A., and The Question was based on Mr A. as well.

Niteowl II is less Batman and more like Blue Beetle (Blue Beetle II specifcally)
Silk Spectre is a mix of Black Canary and Nightshade
Dr Manhattan is based on the Captain Atom - the Charlton version, not the post-Crisis version (Nathaniel Adams) that was in turn inspired by Manhattan
Ozy is based on Thunderbolt
Comedian is based on Peacemaker

As entertaining as JLU's take on The Question was, it is pretty ridiculous compared to the comics. It's as if the writers gave him the conspiracy theorist schick to differentiate him from Batman.

Well, what's the question?

It's also an animated medium. He's a super great character, and playing up some elements up a tad (Or a few tads) really worked in his favor, making him one of the favorite side characters.

Honestly I prefer him to Batman.

Have you ever heard of this writer….called bendis?


Well I mean they had a ton of Leaguers in there so I guess they had to exaggerate him a bit to make him stand out. I notice they even exaggerate the main 7 league members in the cartoon like how Batman is the brains of the operation despite Superman and Wonder Woman being capable of strategizing.

Yeah. A real writer type folk. Works for comic books. Ya Rekon?

You really think Rekon'd browse here?

Well, that's the Question Aint it?

You guys talkin about Bendis?

More like talkin about ur mum, lololo

Ah, Bendis. The writer.

Uh, my mum?

The writer who writes comics?

Yeah, comics, he writes them

What about those comics? The ones he writes.

The comics Bendis writes?

Yeah, the comics that Bendis, the writer, gets paid to write…which he wrote

Am I doing it right?

Well isn't that the question?

Ah yes, the comics. The comics by Bendis. The comics written specially by Bendis. Bendis' comics… Those comics?

I want to have consensual sex with The Question and do all sorts of kinky stuff no questions asked

you still have to go back.