Terry A. Davis:
Group Home edition
Born: 12/15/1969
Height: 5'11
Terry A. Davis:
Other urls found in this thread:
From Pope13:
I saw someone with nick 'terry' connect to #templeos @ rizon (via KiwiIRC) and query the bot (!god, !bible) and disconnect (so, it could be a CIA bot). BUT i also witnessed someone rambling terry-like things at the same channel (with the same nick. he could be perhaps the same person or perhaps not). The bot timedout (it's now fixed) and I haven't seen this 'terry' since.
He has joined as 'kingofmars' and other things before.
At least he can still work on his OS for now.
How do you know he's actually "kingofmars"?
The isp domain name.
Could there be a phoenix(where his sister lives) COX subscriber that is larping as terry? CIA? Maybe. But they have been doing it for a wile with no payoff.
Has has used other nick's before but always that domain name.
GodWords needs to use natural processing to form coherent sentences
Make it so. Doing it would be like an offering to Mr God.
I get the impression that he actually did run some innocent bystander that he thought was CIA over during a psychotic episode and somehow manged to get away scot free.
You have a lot to learn.
what's the deal with fully doxxing him ? You guys do that kinda shit here ? This isn't even /cow or /baphomet is it ?
You must be really new here, aren't you?
Also, in the English language, space characters only follow the question mark, they aren't put before it... ya fucken niggercattle.
Yes and let me reply to your post with this:
"Nothing makes a nigger happier than not knowing the answer to your question" - Chris Rock
He posted all the info on his website, there was nothing to doxx. It's the same approach to security that TempleOS takes.
Dox has one x
ok but I feel like maybe you'd chillax with that shit as a lead-in after he's had his shit pushed in by the system but I admit i'm ignorant of the situation or his wishes
Those data are of public domain, and its publishing doesn't affect him in a bad way at all.
Actually, his email is a good thing it's known to everybody, so that he can get as many PayPal donations as possible.
I really hope you know what 'punctuation' is. You may find interesting to read the Bible, It may help with your lack of grammar.
Can TempleOS be modded to have Internet access?
Some did develop a TCP/IP stack for TempleOS, but not as standalone.
Search for Shrine
You can install PCNet driver and TCP/IP stack on standard TempleOS distro from TOS Essentials Disc: sheikhs.space
Enjoy your rootkit botnet
The Shrine fork of TempleOS has TCP/IP.
you're not supposed to tell them why, just tell them to get lost
Oh well, learnt something new.
Didn't know, God bless you, user.
So he's Alive thank fucking god.
this is the worst thing about terry
I figured he ran over a wetback who wouldn't talk to the police
He once told the story in such a way that he implied that he accidentally hit someone, and that God told him years later it was a CIANigger.
The people who made that are heretics, God didn't ask for this.
It's the for(k)th temple
An abomination is not a Temple.
Really? I would have thought the smashing of that annoying bird would have upset more here then some rando glower getting run down.
he needs a place of his own to live where he can just collect his neet bux and be left alone in peace with his delusions. he is obviously beyond help. meds wont do anything. his parents need to stop being greedy boomer cocksuckers and buy him a small house. you know they have money. his dad worked at area 51 and shit.
Like a Temple?
Dude, we need to get him to start a 501(c)(3). no one can deny that his committed religiosity, and no one can deny that his religion is some version of an established religion (some form of christianity). Then, all of his donations will be tax deductible, as long as he maintains the "temple" (and at first, he might be able to get away with TempleOS being the temple), and then he can live for free if he raises enough money to buy a "church" that he can live in!
I'm totally serious. This could actually work.
user, if you actually know what you're talking about it's a great idea. But someone needs to take charge of the paperwork. I doubt Terry can manage spending a whole minute in some government office without uttering the words "CIA nigger."
So, is terry still living with his sister? Has someone heard anything form terry?
terry is a schizophrenic, so he might randomly make up stories (without realizing)
b-but the japanese are a pure people, they aren't degenerates!
And, btw, I just would like to interject for a moment, what you are referring to as "shintoism", is actually called shintÅ.
Maybe. Or maybe he's in a group home. Can't say for certain.
See: >>874551
What we need is for Terry to get in his van and go live somewhere without crack whore thots and Fraisers, he's losing it.
In most states, you can start a corporation online with your credit card. once you get your EIN, you can file for tax exempt status with the IRS through the mail. The only thing is, you are required to have a board of at least 3 people, who cannot be related by blood or marriage. So, the Terry fanclub would definitely have to be involved.
Starting a corp costs about $50, depending on your state, and occurs almost instantly. Applying for tax exempt status costs $800 and takes about 6 months. If you believe donations for the first x years (three?) will be under y dollars ($10k), then you can request to have your application fee reduced to $400. The paperwork is really straightforward. It wouldn't be difficult at all.
The tax exempt foundation could buy a house, name it Terry's Temple (or whatever) and pay his rent with donations in perpetuity, as well as provide him with "equipment" (computers etc) to do his "job" as High Priest. As long as you don't pay him a salary over a certain amount (federal poverty limit, I think) then he won't lose his disability.
I can't remember the exact guidelines but I think its 10k in each of the first three years. It's on the IRS website
Someone should contact Terry with this idea.
I am impressed by this niche, and subtly nuanced meme.
back to work, pleb!!
rando glower could have been some dude taking a midnight jog wearing reflective clothes
Could this be what Terry means by "glow in the dark"? Maybe he ran over some traffic police with reflective clothing? The poor bastard.
That's what it sounds like. Really don't know how Terry thinks about it.
When you don't carry a Terry-Defense-Shasta with you, you are fair game.
If Terry is going to be forced by the CIA niggers to be doped up and halfway lobotomized anyway, his doctors should give him this drug:
It's supposedly the most effective antipsychotic for treatment-resistant schizophrenia, but it can have pretty severe side effects. But they're already drugging the shit out of Terry (by court order I presume), to the point where he seems out of it in a way that's seems unlikely to have been caused by his delusions or psychoses, to the point where he can't cum, etc.
I like watching Terry's amusing antics as much as the next guy, but I don't want to see him crash and burn just for the sake of us getting our jollies from the pure spectacle. I don't want him to hurt someone or himself and end up locked up indefinitely in an institution with no way to program or anything.
Mister GOD shouldn't have put such silly limitations on his temple if he didn't want people to forsake him.
Glow-in-the-dark is a metaphor for the CIAniggers' inability to to blend in with their surroundings. Terry has discernment of biblical proportions and can spot them before they spot him.
I think it sounds better with his full name.
Gospel of Terrance
Even in a wacked-out state he sees what's going on. I don't know if my mind would be able to cope well with a head full of Fraiser pills.
this is what my brother takes and it works where nothing else did. side effects are minimal considering the alternative. nobody wants to see good people fucking goblins sent by cia niggers in the back of a van.
What's wrong with Maggie?
All antipsychotics can, unfortunately. What's worse is that they're only really effective for the "positive" symptoms of schizophrenia, not the "negative" symptoms. What's meant by that is that they'll stop hallucinations and some of the worst delusions (space aliens are controlling my brain with a ray from space, etc.), but they really won't do as much for the apathy, lethargy, social problems, poverty of speech, etc.
Shit sux, but at his age I speak as an elderfag and with his other problems, that's probably not the most pressing concern at the moment.
who would have guessed that the pharmaceutical jew would arrive in this thread
what pill enhances someone's vernacular?
Supposedly aniracetam, but probably any stimulant can help with speech-related activities.
wouldn't speed just make him say 'nigger' more, not less?
The usage of the word nigger has never been random, but always well-thought.
You probably never watched his vids.
Should have been GrottOS, to play on TempleOS name, and the fact a Grotto is a satanic gathering.
Unironically the sooner we treat Abrahamism as a mental disorder which is unacceptable to possess without treatment, the better. While christfaggotry is a cute cuddly Abrahamism in appearance, it's as much Abrahamism as pisslam.
A grotto is the formal name for a caving club.
Are you telling me cavers are all lavoyan satenists?
Braise Sedan!
If Terry still has this he should sell it to a modern art gallery.
When is someone going to port link2 to that?
Do you know HolyC?
I don't. I've never programmed anything other than a few small shell scripts.
It's lacking the humble indian quality, but it's not like she didn't smoke with him.
Anyone have a recommendation for a good book on HolyC?
What's Terry's full name?
I've been designing some Greek abbreviations and it really matters
΀ÎΡÎÎΣ ÎÎÎÎÎΣ (Terrence (terens) Davis (Deibis)
this one is phonemic, following the roots gives Terentius Davis, that amounts to the same abbreviation
ÎÎÎÎΩΡÎΣ ÎÎÎÎÎÎÎÎΣ (Terry (Theodoros) Davis (Davidakos)
This one follows the roots
Or it could be just English abbreviation
Thou shalt not abbreviate Name of the Messenger of the Digital Temple, lest ye die.
Tell that to orthodox Christians
The Σ s sometimes is stylized as C, so it could be ΀C ÎC
Also, besides His name, what other abbreviations should there be?
Third temple?
΀ΠÎÎ / ΀Ïο Îαο
TR TM / Ter Tem
fuck off.
Terrence Andrew Davis
Done it
Terry would probably approve.
Greeks were pagans.
Use Latin characters, faggot.
You're a fucking idiot.
Romans were pagans too fagit
All the Christian literature was written in Latin, ya dumb niggerlicious faggot.
You're retarded
Break your own hands and refrain from further posting.
This has to be the worst thread derailment I've seen in my life.
The TempleOS docs, web.archive.org
Unironically go back to your cuckshed at >>>Holla Forums11325477
Begone, heretic.
Unironically ITT:
We were talking about starting a 501(c)(3) so Terry could live without fear of homelessness and then loads of pure faggotry were heaped on the thread. It may never recover
You really think God's just going to let the Third Temple get built without throwing at least one faggot in our path? Have ye no faith at all? Consider the last time it happened, when He would have just struck us down with fireballs and lightning. This is like the world's tiniest test of faith retards, it's getting built, faggots be damned.
501c3 can't espouse politics, not just bias. What is the temple if not a spergfest against CIAniggers?
I'm quite sure you're incorrect. They can't endorse candidates or political parties. they can, however, take a side on issues. For instance, the Catholic Church cannot tell you who to vote for, but they can (and do) tell you to vote against abortion. I'm pretty sure EFF is a 501(c)(3) and they take sides on policy issues all the time. etc etc
you have restored my faith, brother. thank you
Atheistcucks. Will they learn?
To address a point in the last thread, I believe Terry has younger siblings and is on somewhat good terms with the rest of his family. His habits also lower his lifefspan so unless his entire family is full of chain smokers they will likely outlive him.
Other interesting individuals online like CWC have conditions that are arguably harder to live with than Terry's.
For instance, CWC poses the risk of a house fire due to his incessant hoarding. The only things that are active threats to Terry's life and freedom are episodes he gets into when driving, and violently lashing out at family members. He will end up in the nuthouse when the firemen come to find a naked, shit-covered tranny crying about his sanic fanfiction in front of a burning building - if he lives at all. This is nearly 100% guaranteed since his hoarding will only worsten once barb dies.
Because his siblings are younger, they are probably more aware of schizophrenia and how to deal with it and will write off most of the nigger talk instead of trying to fight it, unlike his parents which - combined with a noisy drumset that wouldn't have been involved if it weren't for cuckchan - is what got them into the fight to begin with.
Keep him away from cars, noisy things, and don't get into political arguments and he's almost guaranteed to live. Keep him calm enough that he doesn't violently lash out at people and he's almost guaranteed to stay free.
There's no real need to worry about Terry as long as he has some family to live with, and at the moment it does.
Any graphic-fags here?
A cool idea would be to make TempleOS merch and sell it through RedBubble, putting Terry's PayPal as default payment receiver.
You gonna pay his taxes for him?
Temple for iOS when????
Maybe he could live with Danny, the one who got Terry high on gas fumes and then sucked his dick.
| * TAD a quitt? () | * Guest30664 a quitt? () | * terry a quitt? (Connection closed) | * what a quitt? (Connection closed) | * TempleTerry a quitt? (Connection closed) | I'm at my sisters and its an apple. I'm going to vegas tomorrow on a grayhound | * TempleTerry a quitt? () | !bible | * TAD ([email protected]) has joined | * TempleTerry | ([email protected]) has joined | yeah | * Hugh__Mungus ([email protected]) has joined | back to your mom and dad ? | * terry a quitt? () | Well, i don't know. could stay with sean, little bro little while, make way up to washington or oregon
CIA niggers are clearly sabotaging his attempt to connect the IRC channel.
Terry is straying from the path of Righteousness.
well now we know why he hasn't been active online recently, his sister is a macfag.
To Do List for TempleOS
- reduce the lines of code
- add telnet and FTP support
- improve the graphic library (make it simpler)
Terry supports trans rights and bestiality.
You're nigger-cattle.
Words of wisdom
surely this will end wonderfully. someone needs to tell terry about tapering.
so his email got hacked from leaving his sister's mac logged in?
Fucking hell we need to build Terry his temple already. This isn't looking good.
No you fucking nigger. God's temple must remain clean from all satanic Internet influences. You don't build God's temple in the fucking Ge Hinnom you fucking Atheist CIA monkey nigger. God does perfect justice, and he'll fuck you up soon enough for being such an Atheist nigger.
He doesn't need to flee that.
he's fleeing from the chemical castration in arizona to vegas.
this is a bad idea, the impression i get from danny - who works at a casino on the strip - is that he's a drug user and i don't mean light drugs like weed of sorts that hangs out with famous musicians after setting up shows for them at said casino's venue.
knowing people like this myself, they tend to have chaotic lives and even more chaotic homes - terry simply doesn't need an environment like that and it may even lead to him going back to the looney bin faster than homelessness.
Isn't masturbation a sin? Why does he care about his sperm count? He could have married Margie after all.
basic human nature lad, if you couldn't cum wouldn't it agitate you?
haven't you ever had whiskey dick?
this isn't even mental illness, it's too many psychedelics
More like too much meth, crack, and PCP.
No. According to what Terry said, tsheihks, the faggot who wrote a GameBoy emulator for TempleOS, changed his credentials for the email and the website. I tried to speak with him but he had me kicked from the IRC channel before I could.
Terry himself said to add Telnet and FTP, as long as the code isn't bloated. Read the chat logs.
The Temple must be redeemed. Hereby we restoreth the ancient Order of the Poor Knights of Holla Forums and The Temple of Terry to protect Sir Davis in His travels across the Holy land, reinstate the Temple Operating System and all videos at templeos.org, and manifest the Temple in Nevada, ordaining Terry as High Priest and King of the Land.
source on his brother
Pic related is supposedly his brother Sean, a middle-school principal.
He looks a lot like him.
Also, which brother was it that got him high and sucked his dick?
Is Terry a prophet of God?
No, just his High Priest.
Any update on Terry?
He streamed yesterday
Yes. Yes, he is.
Search for "The Temple" in YouTube. It's a channel. It will appear if you search "the temple Terry'.
If your talking about this channel its a scam. Who ever is running it is just streaming old vids.
You are a dumb nigger
Try to read a little
You're nigger-cattle.
Please, go back and stay there >>>/reddit/
The coat of arms of king terry is scales and sword with smug regal grin and feather in hat accidentally drawn
nigger cattle will never understand this
7 billion judged wicked will perish at armageddon shortly-Rev 16:14, 15; Psalms 37:10
what the fug
if that's what it takes for then that's what it takes
You know it's just kind of funny until you see the guy's micropenis.
I forget, is Holla Forums a blue board?
Whatever, here you go, fags.
nah. the worst thing he's done is hit and run.
Last stream was 12/10/2017
Terry looking at a picture of himself with his dick hanging out
delete this
Terry in the shower
If you see CIA niggers glowing in the dark, run them over with your car.
---------- BREAKING NEWS -----------
>forced to Community Service and AA Counseling
case detail attached
How much time till they found he's batshit insane and can't work normally ?
Probably already lobotomized.
This is all part of God's plan. There is Perfect Justice.
Poor Terry.
I hope he'll be better.
Don't hope, pray!
I should rectify: tsheihks didn't change his credentials, Terry simply got confused and was typing them wrong.
Wait, what? That goes specifically against the charter, which calls for no networking whatsoever, so as to avoid malware.
Again, read the chat-logs.
So long as there is no bloat, he's more than happy to integrate new functionalities.
God's gonna biblically fuck up Nevada. Exodus 9:9
Well if he's just gonna change the charter willy-nilly, how can it be God-inspired?
tsheiks is really scummy
the guy who ows #templeos deopped some people for unfair bans and out of nowhere tsheiks edited terrys own fucking website to try to do an IRC channel takeover.
umm no, he deopped everyone but himself, spammed the channel repeatedly for hours and threatened to ban terry
hello CIA nigger, want your +o back?
no threating was done, meanwhile the #templeos discord crew constantly manipulated terry
yes it was, he said terry was fake and wrote POST TIMESTAMP OR BAN a bunch of times
you're delusional bruh
who runs that discord again? oh wait isn't that tshekhs.. the same guy who snapshotted the time when terry showed all his passwords and then started editing his site.
tsheikhs & LFG2000 keep bringing in shills/sockpuppet accounts to try to manipulate terry. it's really gross. they should be ashamed of themselves.
terry should say fuck it. is that why he is going to seattle?
in which way?
tsheikhs is a fucking turbo autist who seems to think he owns Terry
I think he would ask Terry if he could suck his cock if he wasn't so afraid of Terry rejecting him
i always thought tsheikhs was Terry.
he is
tsheikhs abused his postion as site maintainer or whatever (that he gained by screenshotting terrys passwords that showed up on a livestream) by changing the IRC link on the site during a spergout.
the tsheiks dick suck clique all went into a separate IRC channel where they all had op and tried to stage a takeover and did things like removed the !god bot and brought sockpuppet accounst into the normal chat to desperately try to snatch terry (who was just rambling about BS and trying to use !god and !bible commands) into their clique chat.
they are basically forum-moderator power obsessed faggots that think terry is their toy. not acceptable.
as you know terry is a devout christian and has schizophrensia. well one user "kenster" kept telling terry that "satan" had taken over the regular IRC channel, to try to trick terry into joining their weird fork where they all have +o. What they wanted to do was a channel takeover so they could fuck with terry all they wanted and ban everybody who wasn't into it.
that gave me a hearty chuckle
Terry's situation is fucked up.
That faggot of tsheikhs is modifying templeos.org as if it was his.
Terry created the #templeos channel on Rizon in 2015.
The link on templeos.org redirects to #templeos-irc, a knock-off controlled by tsheikhs.
Most people seem to still be in the original chat room, even though Terry is visiting the new one. I think everyone should relax until Terry condones one or the other.
Because Terry visits via the web chat link on templeos.org (which tsheikhs changed to ban people he doesnt like in his new channel)
Ok but if Terry knows that tsheikhs has website admin access and doesn't do anything, we can presume Terry is OK with it.
you're the kind of loser who thinks he knows fuck all about shizophrenics. you think he is a normal person and responds to everything normally, while he doesnt
When trolls stole his credit card number in a similar manner, he had the presence of mind to cancel the card. So it does seem reasonable.
Since he has been put on medication again, he doesn't seem the same.
He's unresponsive. He blatters without much sense, and it's impossible to communicate with him.
He's very vulnerable, right now.
nice try CIA, see and
has anyone told terry his website is compromised?
i see. templeos has been stolen from terry.
It really seems to be that way. The weird thing is that tsheikhs is actually a skilled programmer with a deep understanding of TempleOS. Maybe he's planning to fully appropriate the software for himself once Terry dies.
would be sad if templeos community split, but terry needs to be paying for his own hosting.
Terry knows that (((tsheikhs))) has access, and now terry thinks (((tsheikhs))) is doing him a favor. (((tsheikhs))) is also trying to create a new yt account for terry, so he might stream again.
is this guy a cianigger?
if terry would rather stream than program, that's all right by me, as long as terry gives tsheikhs the go-ahead. never had a problem with the dude in chat when it was still tlk.io or whatver.
it seems that is what most are considering.
Just not quite godly enough. Semi-godly. Quasi-godly. The margarine of godly. The diet hand of god, just one calamity, not godly enough.
he's in san diego now?
Yes. I'm in UTC+1, so you have to subtract ~7 hours to have the correct timeline of Terry. Therefore, his last messages were a bit past midnight.
Oh shit, he's in San Diego? I would totally let him stay at my pad. I wonder if he still needs a place to crash. I've let sketchier people stay lol
If you can, do it.
He said he was at a Grayhound bust stop, close to a McDonald's.
This should be the place, openstreetmap.org
Holy shit that's a bad part of town, he needs to get the fuck out of there before spics jump him.
when does he need to complete community service? He's gotta go back to nevada
is tsheikhs a CIA nigger?
neglect cliffs Merriam postmasters dapper weasel's tramped Darrel hogshead's flexed calumniated comprehends deltas backlog disjointed entrée's retailer's suppress syntax neoclassic statistical dweeb Burton ravishment's Andropov Hepburn Seine pericardia Bushnell accessed chokes affirmative
Do it user please help the lords children by giving him shelter.
giving a schizophrenic a central nervous stimulant (CNS) is a really fucking bad idea, you would probably end up making the negative symptoms worse given the fact that overactive dopamingeric activity is linked to psychosis anyway
thanks for keeping us informed.
it didn't seem like a good idea to give him any stimulants, but was curious at what kind of pill affects speech and word choice.
I have long suspected that stimulants would help with autism, what do you think?
not him but I think it's inconclusive. Stimulants are prescribed to autistic kids with adhd, I'm sure if it was a significant remedy in those cases there would be more research on the subject
He is basically in San Diego not only because he was hoping to meet Dianna, but also because he's avoiding his family which forces him to take medication.
Does Terry still have his van? Why is he living on the street then?
>terry fills his templeos with just riches
So he's off his meds, in stalker mode.
I don't see this ending well. Dianna raped and murdered, Terry either in prison or committed for the rest of his life.
San Diego is a big place, I doubt they will ever meet. Besides, Terry isn't violent, I wouldn't worry.
The real issue is that he's homeless, without his van and away from his family.
Terry's bad situation is made even worse by tshiekh's putrid treachery. He should hang.
this is a fact, tsheiks is a kike and is trying to do a channel takeover. don't help him.
Asian Andy with Terry on the streets when
This user gets da waeit.
let's get terry streamin' again
He did stream, you fucking nigger.
what the fuck
satan has possessed these videos
I think Terry's situation is getting out of hand, being homeless in such a dangerous city isn't anywhere being good.
If any of you could try to contact his brother, telling him where Terry is, I think it would be a good idea.
The only contact I found so far is his Faceberg account, archive.is
someone needs to do this. Terry is smart enough to survive but he doesn't understand how dangerous the border is
And what about TTS donations? Let's get this mastermind a war chest.
aren't these old-as-dirt videos being restreamed, trying to trick new viewers into watching?
You're nigger cattle.
He's in San Diego, with only his phone (without Sim card) and 15 bucks.
tsheikhs made him a new YouTube account, Terry went in a coffee shop, and used the WiFi there to stream.
He has been streaming for two days now. Those videos were literally live-streamed.
Uh huh. This is the same tsheikhs that people were arguing about criticizing earlier in this thread?
he needs to get the fuck out of san diego. he's fucked if he get's stuck there. there's no way off the street, even if he wanted off it. his medical issues are no excuse, there's literally a 2 year long waiting list to get into a shelter there, even with the mental problems. there's 1 shelter for the whole area. there's also meth all over the place down there, he's going to say the wrong thing to someone and get stabbed in his sleep.
What would we do if he made his way into Mexico?
I totally agree with you, user.
I bet his relatives don't even know where he is.
As I said a post earlier, it would be a good idea to let him brother to know where Terry currently is
If I used FaceBook I would have contacted him myself, but I don't.
He doesn't care about going to Mexico.
He's in San Diego for Dianna and to avoid taking meds.
He won't have to take meds in Mexico. IDK about Dianna.
To avoid taking meds he simply has to stay away from Nevada, as far as I know.
The ideal situation is that he goes back to his parents and chill a bit. Like the old times.
Makes sense to me. Is he still getting his neetbux?
its being streamed on yt itself
My life as a fuck
Ain't one thing I don't hate
Tell me my times almost up
I will say, "I can't wait"
Put your gun to my head
I'll blow smoke in your face
Think you got what it takes?
Come up and get me
Can't tell, hell in my head
Thirteenth bell; am I dead
Or in asylum? Pill force-fed
Lyin' to myself, all by myself
Strapped down to my bed
Tongue cut out the mouth of reason
And chucked off the river's edge
Think fast: Is it tear gas or fear masked
By figments of my fragmented mind?
Who's my enemy, them or me?
Step to me and you'll die
Grand delusions magnified
Fuck the truth, wastes my time
It's all good, bet; what's that?
Footsteps on the stairs?
Never could rest; they're always there
Who are they? I don't care
I just know they're tryin' to ex me
Give a fuck, come up and get me
Does he realize Dianna is in Dubai??
I've been trying to understand where Terry is right now, but I couldn't find any Coffee Shop in East San Ysidro with a background similar to pic related.
Clearly not.
In this video youtu.be
then what is that tall building in
in he's at the Brickyard coffee and tea
it's only open 6am to 2pm though, so either he was just using the patio or he has migrated since then. This likely means he's using the tram. Here is the green line that stops outside that coffeeshop
hey nigger u stole my mcdonalds
Aye, found it too a bit later.
Also, someone spoke with his brother Sean, who said the whole family tried to help Terry, proposed to change his medications, but King Terry declined any attempt to get him better.
That would be best, but there's no way in hell he'd do that. He fucking hated living with his parents, or at least that's what he said after he got kicked out.
i don't blame him. who wants to be chemically castrated.
van streams were the best streams. it would have been a sight for him to take a roadtrip however, since he was free and everything.
NO LOVE/DEEP WEB is better than The Money Store
so if his family has officially given up on him and terry refuses to take penis pills then the only thing left to try is the 501(c)(3)
Oh good, he found the "urban camp grounds" of San Diego. The area has a free clinic for the homeless (I wrote software for them a decade ago) and some other public services. It's not a bad place to be if you're homeless, so long as you don't start using meth or heroin.
Guy who spoke to Sean here. The situation is quite a hard one, the family is 100% united to help Terry, and everything they tried hasn't worked, so they all know medication is the only help Terry can get. Every medical condition untreated will get worse without treatment, so we need to get Terry to realize that. Homever, that will be tough.
help? the meds help terry? bullshit. they slow him down, sean doesn't know any more about what's good for terry than any other self interested family member knows about any of you. terry will find his own god willed path by traveling deep into south america and getting in touch with his inner self (and doing ayahuasca) as many marginalized individuals have done in times past. You doubt. If you wanted to really help terry you'd make sure he's got a way to get his neetbux any time he's down there, laws be damned. The van will suffice. Who knows maybe it'll be plants and strangers that finally breaks through to him, sure as hell won't be his hit-or-miss friends and family
He's in south San Diego, with no money, no van, and no place to stay. San Diego is an extremely dangerous place, full of niggers and other such lowlifes. Terry needs immediate help.
You're delusional.
Terry seemed happy when travelling in his van, he had spare clothes and a warm place to sleep, could go to camping sites to shower, but look at him now.
His face is craved in, God's know when it's the last time he had a decent meal.
Mexico (and anywhere close) is dangerous, especially when living on the streets. His neetbux is not enough to allow him to live carefree.
oh but just one look at the exchange rates says otherwise. skip mexico, just drive straight on through and like some brazilian slum is right out, he won't stop there. but the amazon, chile, argentina ? terry would be revered, if not just acknowledged. unless you want him taking a number in san diego? nah he's happiest when he's fleeing the law and so-called-help. He's a grown man and thinking animal who only needs the funds to be able to heal, being marginalized, so set up something if you want to really help, and leave him to find his own method
Doesn't Terry receive disability bux? If he has an diagnosis (and he apparently is if he's receiving prescription meds) then he should be eligible for disability bux, shouldn't he.
the "urban camp grounds" are downtown san diego, (a mile east of where terry is streaming) and they are a meth infested shithole. it's only a slight step above skid row, skid row might actually be safer, because there's some amount of order being kept there, even if it's from homeless niggers. san diego is a free for all.
Well, how rude!
Do you always post like your panties are bunched up and strangling your ass grapes?
SHIT ! Just traveled halfway across town on foot to claim some free stuff then i read this bit
he does but I don't know how he'll get his money if he's homeless in san diego
Schizophrenia does not enlighten you, it is a disease that makes your whole life a fucking dysfunctional nightmare that you can't wake up from, and also creates a nightmare for people who care about you. If Terry doesn't find a safe place to stay HE WILL DIE, and until then his symptoms will only get worse. You can only possibly believe in your own bullshit if you're almost as dysfunctional as Terry. READ A BOOK ON SCHIZOPHRENIA OR VISIT A PSYCHIATRIC WARD Who'd know that these people who paint the wall with their own shit only needed a long walk through South America to find their own method?! Fuck me.
Brazil, Chile, and Argentina are regular third world countries that deal with crazy people just like the United States does. And the Amazon, together with pretty much all countries that'd have to cross to get there are hellholes full of homicidal drug people, and Brazilians, suffice to say. t. Brazilian
>inb4 i'm replying to bait
he's live again.
meh, don't want to powerlevel here because you're 99% right
my family is from argentina and my father's boss was an unmedicated schizophrenic who had great insight into his disease and only found it "distracting" - so they don't deal with them exactly like the USA does but someone like Terry would still be in the same boat seeing as he has almost zero insight into his problems.
not the user(s?) you're replying to btw.
speaking from personal experience with San Diego, he's going to call someone a nigger and get killed. needs evacuation now.
let's meet up
you TS?
M or F?
No fatties?
this is concerning about terry. if he really did a hit-and-run, it throws all of his work into contempt.
Yeah, contempt of the CIA, you glow in the dark cattle nigger.
Fuck that shit. That's murder.
You're fucking hilarious.
You're fucking fluorescent.
Do you have anything original to say?
Not to you.
Live stream right now !
Can someone explain his CIA niggers obsession?
There are really cheap places on AirBnB.
If we could get Terry to go in any of the listed places, we could easily crowd-fund the price of the rent.
What's the video where he says
cigarettes n mcdonalds what more do u need
CIA is working for Israel. The jews dont like jesus. The jews have turned the CIA into their niggers
SSI (social security disability) pays straight to a bank account. It's federal I think, it doesn't matter which state your in, it's not like welfare where it's administered by the state (if your a nevada resident with a nevada ID you can't get welfare in california unless you get a california ID, which is relatively easy for the homeless).
The shelter/day center (the shelter has a year long waiting list, but the day center is always available), has mail services if he looses his bank card.
Jesus Christ, Terry is in trouble. What happened to the van? Comfy goblin roadtrip was amazing
Is this God's punishment for building the third temple?
Has this been answered?
"angels took it, you wouldn't understand."
well, shit. maybe if we all pray at once we can get his van back
Why the fuck would angels steal a van?
angel shit user, you wouldn't understand.
Terry's dad decided to not pay the van's insurance and it got impounded. [citation needed]
Shameless Templar bump.
Terry gets a shitload of NEETbux. He should stop being such a nigger and find a place to stay. He can easily afford to live in a hotel even. His issues have little to do with money, and everything to do with being crazy. Sadly, this is a typical scenario for schizophrenics. His parents should understand this and take him back in. They shouldn't have kicked him out in the first place. It's irresponsible.
waste of quad, his neetbux are in limbo and his parents didn't kick him out this time. They DID insist that he take medication and Terry decided that being homeless in san diego (added benefit of finding Dianna) and able to cum was better than being chemically castrated.
Now because he's crazy he thinks God is going to reward him for his sacrifice. He didn't figure out any logistics. His phone is without a sim card and Dropbox overdrew his bank account so he technically has no phone or bank account at the moment. Someone gave him 500 bucks on paypal yesterday but he couldn't verify his account because it's attached to his dad's phone.
So you're 1/3 right, yes his problems have everything to do with being crazy, including creating the situation where money is a serious problem.
Terry is pretty fucked up.
He's steaming right now
What irc client is that?
Looks like Hexchat.
Wrong, it's WeeChat.
Oh, thank you
He can legally start a church. Someone needs to talk him about the idea.
need more details. Terry wont listen to anything we say if it bores him
make the primary goal of the church to remove lines of code from TempleOS. maybe then he'll listen
Not to mention that everything we say to him has to go through that tsheikhs rat.
Guys, I think he said there's no food here and he's about to leave the cafe to find food.
i'd buy him a pizza if he had an address to deliver to.
Someone in the irc bought him food, but it doesn't seem like he is paying attention to chat.
he get's like 1200 a month from the state so im pretty sure isn't going to starve.
Terry has his food now
He doesn't have any money right now, and he still won't for indefinite time.
Read the previous posts, you absolute nigger.
you niggers need to read the thread
You'd have to be either blind or evil to like Jehova, considering how much of an asshole he was.
Nihilist Terry best Terry
What a fucking non-sequitur...
he can't access the account among other things because he's refusing to deal with his family. Also it's not because he's crazy but because he's clear headed. Those mediocre fools don't know what they're doing at all.
he needs to take his fucking meds and get the fuck out of san diego. it doesn't matter how shitty his meds are being on the street in san diego is worse. he's lucky he even has a phone because that's the next thing to get nigged out there. there's obamaphone (((vendors))) everywhere near the homeless but you can't get one without a california ID and proof of welfare or SSI. half aren't androids anyway though and too shitty to be of any use, would have a hard time streaming or getting on IRC with one even over wifi.
What set this entire chain of events into motion? The drum set?
Sorry sodomite, your lusts are unnatural and your diseased body bear witness.
I would place more blame on the Metokur video.
fuck you idiots for turning this thread into a nigger cattle feed lot
you're retarded. His phone doesn't have a sim card, he was asking us to call his dad for him.
What did he mean by this?
lol good. fuck this leech. im glad he lost his stolen tax payer funds. and his bank account got overdrafted for using paid cloud storage solutions when fucking google drive and yahoo mail are fucking FREE. did you know that every yahoo account comes with 1TB of free space? well neither did this retard apparently.
Which of his hymns is the best? Risen is the best
Pic should be made into a full length hymn, maybe even lyrics.
What business does a High Priest have in Sodom?
free computer lab and charging
We're live
he's in the wrong fucking area for anything. i've been in this area. he needs to get the fuck back to vegas, but in the meantime, here is where everything is.
also the san diego central library is directly east of this area. this is where everyone goes to charge their phone's and get internet.
*directly west*
i should also re-iterate that if he calls anyone a nigger monkey in this area he's going to get stabbed and the police won't show for an hour.
you don't understand how social security works do you
all taxation is theft, and social security is taxation. it's a pyramid scheme, you can contribute nothing having never worked a day in your life and still pull money out of it. you can pull more money out of it then you put in. (you) don't understand how social security works do you.
oh and I wonder what precipitated that situation in the first place, wouldn't have anything to do with his family right? is it your extra chromosomes that make you glow like that?
we don't know exactly what went down after terry got the drum set.
tell me about terry's drumset
how does it make you feel
look you nigger monkies. terry would have never started making these "skinhead" videos for Dianna showing off his fucking family if metokur hadn't made the video
no metokur video = no cuckchan kiddo fanbase LARPing as a coalburning science whore = no terry making lolcow videos for them = no drumset and assaulting his dad
go be a fucking nigger somewhere else, both of you.
fuck you faggots trying to argue that the root of his problems isn't that he's unmedicated
It really isn't.
He seems a lot more reasonable and healthy when he's off meds.
nigger cattle
cuckchan faggot.
I'm fairly certain he was popular on cuckchan before metokur's video.
If terry ends up getting a 501(c)(3) then the mr metokur video popularity might work in his favor
lmao this schizo retard is a good indicator of every christfaggot on this site
In reality you're just another fucktoy for mike enoch faggot
god isn't real nigger, deal with it
I too enjoy Rick & Morty, fellow redditor!
What niggercattle feed lot did you crawl out of, heathen?
o shit
Not the user you responded too but yes taxation is theft WHEN there's no choice, of course if you don't pay the tax you also don't benefit the possible thing that it was supposedly financing.
Sorry, huge Terry fan, not really a Holla Forums poster. What are these frasier pills you speak of?
Go make you own country, nobody is forcing you to stay in yours.
what did terry mean by this
not an option, they wouldn't even leave sealand alone
Cool strawman, Christfag. I am probably less degenerate than you anyways.
After reading what this Terry guy talks about and fears, I suspect he harbours thoughts of a sexually deviant nature, especially toward under age children. As he is also schizophrenic, dont you think that it's high time someone showed the authorities some of his writings?
You sure glow in the dark, nigger.
Wich he wasn't racist.
No. Margie is the only peedophile in the Terry saga.
Terry: repent your sins.
gooks are being exposed to terry right now
on /g/ he was, they aren't the ones trolling him. it's Holla Forumsniggers.
Would it be too autistic to get a necklace like pic?
Not true, his dad was arrested for child porn.
it was a pretty convincing story. he told it while he was driving in his parents van last summer. by the end of it i was convinced a CIAnigger had definitely been run over at some point
Terry has never been in a group home, this entire thread is garbage