So, the ISSU is dead, isn't it?

So, the ISSU is dead, isn't it?



What's that, a lifespan of four days?

What happen?

Fukken Holla Forums

stop spamming this shitty meme bunkerfags

ISSU is doing fine

Doesn't seem to be anything in the relevant thread, what did they do?

What is ISSU? Did I miss something?

What happened to the IRC channel? I can't seem to access it anymore.

Wait, I got it. What happened?

Oh for fucks sake, it looks like Holla Forums bruteforced the irc channel password and made it invite only

Yea what happened? I want to know cause that forum was annoying as fuck to set up.

actually it was more likely to be the bunkerfags than Holla Forums. Well really, theyre one and the same.

The revolution is already over. Welp.

even though I'm channel owner I cant seem to get in. I unbanned myself, but the attackers set it to invite only and apparently invites must be sent from within the channel

problem solved, im fixing everything right away

ancom ball pls

Topic for ISSU was set by comradeLeMEME!

thats the guy that fucked up the channel.
Okay so please avoid this guy, and also im changing the ftp credentials since his crew has em

thats pretty embarrassing tbh

is there a password now or can anyone join now?

the channel is back up, anyone can join but I have a feeling the attacker banned everyone


Then check the banlist cyka

how did Holla Forumstards manage to even sabotage this shit? Is the owner this incompetent?

thats the spooky thing.
I am looking at the banlist and there seems to be no trace of the attacker's bans, and yet I atleast was banned

it looks like one of the operators in the channel gave OP comradelememe who happened to be a Holla Forumsack

smh fam,

So is the channel coming back? It still needs a keyword.

Sorry Prickly but I feel p embarrasssed to have myself associated with this shitshow tbh

Tho really I still don't see what a student union is gonna accomplish. Read Nihilist Communism. Students aren't proletarians. Our politics has no influence over the concrete logic of capital.

Students are still exploited for profit. And at the very least, this could be a warm up organization. It's kind of obvious we don't know what we are doing, but we're learning. Plus if this is successfully organized, any other thing we organize would have campus support, which has potential value for spreading elsewhere relatively quickly.

And this is why modern Anarchism is dead.

>uni students will be the vangaurd party that will order lead the ignorant masses from their oppresion.



FIX IT!!!!!


Why would I do that?
Jesus fucking Christ

nice try m8 but i did do it and i would do it again!!

fug forgot my name :DDDDD

Looks like the tankies just like the nazi's need to have a scapegoat, you are now the trotsky/jew of the ISSU.

Just make a new one.

I expected as much, but the one who seems to be pointing fingers at me is the ancom himself

Well thats Prickly, famouse for blaming everything on IRC people and people he doesnt like.

so the Bunkerfags were right?
he's a dictator?

I say we just move to the forum. Its just easier that way.





Please use these pictures with your posts Post-left-chan!!

I prever Megumin or Yukari akiyama or anything lewd and smug but ima go save them images anyway Famrade.

So are we making a new IRC channel? Also it seems to me like Holla Forums didn't hack the channel. Sounds like ComradeLeMeme tried to set a specific topic and accidentally blocked out a bunch of people, so basically this mess was an accident.

someone did forkbomb the manifesto tho

Not really a big deal, all we had so far was a basic outline and a bunch of rough ideas. I just want to know what the status of the IRC is because it won't let me in.

Message me on tox and i can give you the passcode


I wasn't even there at the time nor do I have any authority over the IRC

What a shock, n1x tries to sabotage another project.

Feels good to be a fucking anarchist and still know Marxism better than you tankiddie morons.

I've openly been skeptical at best, if not contemptuous, of the aims of this project, but I wouldn't try to sabotage a project that Holla Forums was doing unless its aims were decidedly not communist in some way. I may be highly critical of most of the things this board does and believes in, but I can still appreciate when you try instead of just shitposting on Holla Forums about how you're literally the Vanguard of the Left for regressing back to classical anarchism/Marxism.

Also Prickly's my friend so I wouldn't sabotage one of their projects. The whole thing was an oversight on my part to get some extra moderation for the channel in the midst of a raid, because believe it or not I can't be in front of a terminal 24/7 to stop autistic Holla Forumsyps from raiding things.

Keep hitting this dead horse. It might work out eventually.

Also, when did ISSU become tankies? They are almost literally SocDem.


Oh really, are these students going to end up working in factories, or some other industrial worker job? Are they going to end up fulfilling a role that is vital to the existence of capital? These students who most likely live in a neoliberal first world country where there are little to no such jobs in existence?

No? Then they're not fucking proletarians.

This is the problem with you faggots on Holla Forums. You think that the world today is exactly the same as it was back in the 19th century by ignoring all the developments in Marxist and anarchist theory since then as being revisionist or liberal. It's too complicated to have to consider that capitalism has mutated into a late capitalist machine that has to manage its own internal contradictions by keeping a large pool of useless jobs available in order for the first world to be able to consume what the third world produces, using the media to recuperate any politics back into the spectacle and neuter all potential revolutionary movements. And this is precisely the nature of revolutionaries, to be recuperated back into the relations of capital, because revolutionaries are necessarily out of touch with the proletariat. Even the anarchists most devoid of theory are often guilty of this Vanguardism. One cannot be a proletarian and be well-read or be able to spout the party lines, and one cannot not be a proletarian and be able to influence the class struggle in any way.

The only way one can influence the class struggle is to be a proletarian - someone whose job is necessary for capital to function. The proletariat has to fight the brute logic of capital by turning it against itself, by pursuing its own self-interests to the breaking point. This is when revolutionaries will matter, when the capitalist machine is broken and the proletariat can be lead.

I'm sure there are some college students who will become proletarians, but this number is exceedingly small.

He's a major autist and a filthy syndicalist, but still I've known him for awhile now.

Woah. An actual answer from an Anarchist that does make (a bit) of sense. Must be crypto-Marxist.

Some will. But how is that even relevant?

But what is the definition of Proletariat? Not owning means of production and selling their labour.

Or are you really going to claim that only industrial workers are magically empowered by Class Consciousness?

Seriously? Put some effort in it. Stalin-icon. Marxist-Leninist. Say that I'm stuck 60 years in the past, at least.

That's tinfoil levels of retarded. Capitalism does not have central government, nor great foresight. That's the whole problem of it. It can unite against external threats for a short time (being reactionary), but can't execute such a huge and hideously expensive strategy you are proposing.

There is no Grand Conspiracy.

Someone's gone full Blanquist.

There are no magical powers granted by working in industry.

So … No Revolution, until Capitalists get overrun by mobs Intifada-style? I'd rather go with my Vanguardism, if you don't mind.

Almost all will. Real Proletarians, not magical Industry-Empowered Proletarians you are imagining, of course.

You've also openly state that you hate leftypol and that you're determined to prevent a consensus from forming on the board.

You not "critical", you're openly opposed to them.

You appreciate them as threat to what you're up to.

Is that why you mock him behind his back?

Except that you had OP privs and who ever performed the raid required them. You are the logical culprit.

Pure projecting and rhetoric, if you can't see that people with no jobs and mass unemployed can be rallied up into a revolutionary force then you're retarded and historically ignorant of what people could change and would do in those conditions.

The bourgeois are scared of what people might do if they aren't able to get jobs that basic income will become a thing. The least they would want is Leftist whispering class politics into the ears of people who will become the next generation.

Prickly cactus was involved

