I think that Dan and Rustin might actually be geniuses. They have found a way into the minds of the dumbest and dullest of the nation and in doing so have coerced these people into outing themselves as moronic sub-human filth not worthy of respect.

That might be the true genius of Rick and Morty.




If you saw people with those tats you wouldn't even say a thing, pussy.

That's because they aren't worth my breath

lol ur right i wouldnt id just beat their shit in


t. projecting pussy

>i-i'll be you wouldn't even talk to me p-pussy!
Well you're not wrong…

hello reddit


cuckime btfo


fake news

/a/ on suicide watch - yet again!

Seems like my kind of cartoonist, shame you missed out on quad quads.
Care to dump more of this guy's work by any chance?

>>>Holla Forums902273



just kidding, none of these redditors will ever breed

Yes but are the pupils hand-tattooed?

I just checked, and only 2 of the tattoos posted have the squiggles; the rest are flat circles.

Just remember, he's actually a mild-lefty that mocks the extreme-left and all of the right.


I would probably say "Nice tattoo, faggot"
What am I to be afraid of? The kind of person who gets a fucking Rick and Morty tattoo isn't the type of person to put up a fight. I carry my Glock 42 everywhere anyway

don't talk to me or my step daughter's son again

The redditors have marked themselves, those fools. Worse than those mulan sauce memers. That shit is going to look like a shit pickle in a decade with age and it was already a shit choice for tattoos to begin with.

I really don't understand the appeal of the show. I guess it has more animation budget than the regular stuff on adult swim but I don't find it all too funny or funny at all.

The funny thing is they are probably much happier than you and regularly get pussy despite being "reddit". Sucks to be you brah.

Woah! You're so cool! Pic is for you.


I got mugged once, ever since then I started carrying a gun.
It's saved me in two other mugging situations since then.
You should always carry a gun, anyway.
didn't open that image btw :^)

Pussy is all these people get. If they didn't have access to a woman's wet hole every once in a while, they might have to face up to what failures they are, how much they actually hate themselves. But hey, if you're getting pussy, you're succeeding at life right. No need to face up to anything real.

Yeah, you probably shouldn't be believing the feminist logic of "If you're not left you won't get laid.", the only purpose it has is trying to convince lonely idiots to drink their koolaid.
If you can't get pussy it's probably you, not your political beliefs, or your inability to talk about anything but your political beliefs.

Huh? We were talking about Redditors whose entire lives revolve around memes and pop culture. Okay sure, most of them are probably left leaning by default, but that wasn't the issue here.

That makes even less sense.

Anyone can bed a drunk fat girl out of desperation.

Tbh I suspect that alot of the women are looking for a Rover.

Why would I talk to someone with retarded shit permanently etched into their bodies?

id say what a nice tattoo and fuck their pussy

Is it even good pussy though?

Bootleg MDE in the first pic

underrated post