Are there any actual leftist anime?
I mean not just "well the creator was an ex JCP member" or "its sorta anti authority", but straight up "capitalism is literally worse than hitler + pol pot"
Pic semi related is a pro nationalist shit that 4/a/ seems to love
Are there any actual leftist anime?
Other urls found in this thread:
boku no pico
Miyazaki is one of us, you know
Shimoneta is a pretty good comedy that takes place in a fascist state.
All anime is crap and turn people into retards.
You seem upset
Thats just anti authority then. Literally anyone whos not a reactionary moron knows fascism is shit, what matters is people realizing capitalism is the biggest problem
GitS SAC is also bretty gud as well, and Planetes does a good job showing social and class inequality.
That's not a leftist stance. Read Marx.
wasn't studio trigger started by a bunch of underpaid artists and animators ?
Its just a figure of speech, user
that article is nonsense
'he likes things that are good that makes him a conservative' like community and the environment lol
Legend of the Galactic Heroes.
You fool. Do you not know that Japs are extremely classcucked?
Fuggen peanut nose
TTGL is pretty leftist. Class division is so bad the proles don't actually work for the bourgeoisie and instead have to hide underground. The plot is literally that the bourgie villains have to keep down the proles because otherwise they'll have a revolution and conquer the universe. It's also implied that the reason most of the villains (in the first part) are anthropomorphic a animals is because the bourgies made themselves that way (their leader is named Lord Genome). Anyway, once the protagonists win in part one they establish a Socialist utopia and go from pre-third-world shithole to flying cars and shit in like a decade.
The ultimate villains are "capitalism is human nature" faggots who think humans must be subjugated to keep them from expanding forever and destroying the universe. They come pretty close, but only because the anti-spirals provoke them by stealing dear leader's waifu and attacking first. The resulting war escalates to preposterously huge scale because the humans can do it and have to since the anti-spirals basically control the universe. Effectively, it's a retaliatory universe-wide revolution. Once the anti-spirals get rekt, humans go back to chilling in their utopia like they were doing before.
Here you go.
Careful what you wish for, pic related. While it's avowedly political, it's the worst kind of "leftism", in the Captain Planet/What tнē #$*! Dө ωΣ (k)πow!? sense.
Oh, but not just any fascist state, Shimoneta is essentially an anime-length parody of censors, bowdlerizers, prudes, self-appointed moral authorities, and the politically correct.
Note that the leftism in Planetes, while pretty good, is more of a subplot for most of the story, and only really comes to the fore as a driver for the finale.
LotGH's subject is merely proto-socialist, primarily dealing with the earlier feudalism/democracy transition, and threading a middle ground between what it describes as two deeply flawed systems (the Empire being prone to disastrous abuse, the Alliance being too ineffective to ever transcend the corruption it is mired in). Analysis of flaws in both systems is excellent, but the idea of a tentative solution to these problems is outside LotGH's scope.
Concrete Revolutio.
The government literally crushed revolts.
Anime is ultra-spectacle and you should feel bad for watching it.
Does manga count?
Kanikōsen is good.
The author was a communist and was beaten to death by the police.
Is it a manga or a novel?
Both, the novel was made into a manga and a film.
You can get the novel from this thread.
You can only say that TTGL is socialist if spiral energy is not capitalism.
I don't see how you can say that
when capitalism is the force that keeps expanding infinitely and will destroy life on Earth.
Watch the Kingdom of Dreams and madness. He was really ticked about U.S. imperialism and the right-wing rising in his country in that.
Is Kamina basically Lenin?
can we stop with these threads
Watamote for the true face of alienation.
it's litteraly, every authoritarian oppressive state ever. The bases of fascism, it's cornerstone, is purity and protection of youth, values and so on. Also repression of sexuality is how to keep people in line 101
The "people starve while others bath in milk" is the counterpart of the "no matter what, humanity has to keep going forward".
It's actually, DiaMat.
now, I talk about how Kill la Kill and HotD are about Ideology, should I?
Not that guy but please don't talk shit about Nichijou. It's one of the most unique anime of the last decade. One of the main reason it was a commercial failure was that it refused to pander to the usual otaku clichés.
It obviously doesn't have anything to do with leftism or even any politics whatsoever, though.
Welcome to the NHK is a tale of capitalist alienation
It's very depressing
Kaiba doesn't directly talk about capitalism but it does show a lot of exploitation of what a capitalist society is like.
Not him but I don't think he was implying spiral energy was capital. Its more the means of production in my eyes. The elites Anti-Spiral ascribe to the philosophy that only they have the mental constraint and mental fortitude to control it and parse it out to underlings.
I love trigun. I don't know if i'd call it leftist but I'd love for some super smart user to try and justify it as one for me.
Neon Genesis Evangelion
I'd love to hear your reasonings behind that. I love that anime
Seele are the vanguard of the Revolution, and NERV are its soldiers. The Angels are reactionaries attempting to seize power back from the vanguard: if they come into contact with Lilith, everything will be reset quite literally
The Human Instrumentality Project is literally full communism, and everything is going fine until that revisionist twat Shinji comes along and rejects it. And for what? (See spoiler image): this is the result of revisionism. The rejection of full communism leads to the destruction of all life.
I'm (kinda) making this up on the spot, but this is honestly stuff I've been thinking about. I'm planning on rewatching it soon and doing a more extensive commentary on it from a leftist POV. Because, why not.
Everyone in the industry is underpaid and many studios have been born by splintering off from an existing one.
There's plenty of leftist stuff in American media which is highly commercial too.
Nichijou is an absurdist sketch comedy series.
The fact that you don't like something does not mean it was made under false pretenses, and if there are people who like cute girls then there are also people who like cute girls and are able and willing to produce works featuring them. It's no different from scifi, sports or action anime and manga.
There are tons of commercially successful shows that don't "pander" to your ignorant bogeyman "otaku cliche" paranoid delusions. And it has sold over 7000K to date which isn't amazing but also not a failure. Several Kyoani shows have sold less than that, and a billion "otaku cliche" shows have sold far less.
A random CGDCT anime. One gender, peacefulness, and absent of any militaristic shit which are always like a rights retard.
You are right because EVA is anti-communist anime.
How does that make anything leftist?
Please don't make spectacle the new spook.
I always thought cute girl anime was something that the right had an unusual thing for. It's usually just girls holding the ideal "feminine" traits they want in women, putting the concept of "purity" on a pedestal, and it also fuels Waifuism which is just pure commercialism "here we slapped your waifu on this bag of chips, you want to show her you love her right?".
Obviously this isn't just because it heavily features grills doesn't always imply this, but I think you know what I mean.
People don't buy character merchandise to support some abstract idea of commercialism, they buy it because they like the character. Merchandising is also a key part of the industry, because it takes money to create anime.
what is your problem?
anime style is too simplistic, it's hard to convey strong emotions with such simple tools
what made such movies as Akira and Gits great was that they came close to real live action movies with all that drawing detail and all but still faces are too simplistic
The spiral energy is dialectics
What is yours?
And yet it succeeds in doing so anyway.
That produces ambiguity, which is a good thing and gives anime a quality that live action and realistic art don't have.
Anime is shit
Lit >>> vidya >>> shit >>> cinema >>>> right wing shit >>>>> anime
Then so is everything else. So what's your point?
My point is that you are the only thing i won't consider trash
videogames are a waste of time for losers.
my problem is that you dismiss live action movies as some kind of inferior media
anime will never surpass good film with good actors and good director in potential for emotional impact
anime have a quality that imagination is the limit
you can draw anything
but less detail is always bad
Are you a time traveler from the 80s or something?
My problem is that you dismiss anime as some kind of inferior media.
That's subjective, and what does it matter anyway?
Not in this case.
I dismiss anime industry as it is now, ie lazy cashgrab
purpose of artist work is to convey message, provoke emotional reaction
you can think of it as artist tries to manipulate his audience
to achieve this he must use best tools there are
then anime is doomed
it needs to move closer to real world
Easy bro. A girls in this type of anime are always kind and altruistic. They often share a dinner between other girls. Those things teach me about altruism. And altruism is of course a root of all leftist idea.
Wrong. A true Waifuist not deal with capitalistish shits.
What has? Nichijou?
Return to 4shit please.
There's nothing lazy about the amount of effort put into anime and the low pay and long hours that animators deal with. If you want to see lazy, go look at American shows.
Something isn't a "cashgrab" just because you don't like it or because it offends you.
That's not the purpose of art. That's the purpose of modern art.
No it isn't.
No it doesn't.
That doesn't make something leftist.
Yes. And I meant to say 7,000 (not 7000 thousand).
Guys, is /leftyweeb/ alive?
Largey no.
they reuse assets, use static backgrounds, etc
where are the quality level of Akira?
anime is in downward spiral
then what is its purpose?
What do you mean by assets and reusing them?
There's very often moving water, moving clouds, rain, snow, falling leaves and petals, cars, pedestrians etc. in scenes.
Do you seriously think a TV show can reach the quality level of an expensive, top-tier feature film?
Basically, to make beautiful things. A painting or sculpture doesn't have to "mean" anything.
Watch Lain
I mean unoriginal design
copy and paste
even if there's movement, it's very simplistic
yes, why not?
why not invest more money in the anime industry?
but art always means something
Lain was more than decade ago
That has nothing to do with resuing assets or copying and pasting, and unique and interesting character designs are one of the strengths of anime. Are you just making up problems so you can complain about them?
If moving clouds and water and cars and pedestrians etc. aren't enough then what else should there be? I forgot to mention that television screens, neon lights and traffic lights are also animated background elements.
Because a TV show is 240-480 minutes long, while a movie is at most 120 minutes and usually shorter, and because TV shows have to air episodes on a weekly schedule.
Who is going to invest money? The anime industry is made up many different companies in different industries, there is no central leadership. There must also be a return on investment, and there are limits to how much money can be made and how much money should be invested.
And budget isn't even that important for anime productions. Talent, time, scheduling and management are important. American shows have much higher budgets than anime, yet they look like complete shit.
Background paintings in anime are art, but they rarely have any meaning.
Does anybody have the part where they talk about anarchism?
What a shallow definition.
Fucking chinks
a minute of animation is like 5 grand fam. Unless the anime is about politics I wouldn't expect much more
Miyazaki is god and my comrade.
But Kurosawa still remains #1, in my list tbh.
No mediocrity
No because there are only like 10 leftists living in Japan
Is anime as expensive though? You say animation, but is that Western ADHD type animation with all sorts of shit happening in the background and people moving about all over the place or is it anime, which is stylistically known for using clever tricks to cut costs.
Anime (nowadays) typically costs more tbh
This is the cost before they hire voice actors and marketing and shit
Japan invests more heavily in animation because studio costs and sets are more expensive.
I wish they broke these numbers down. I know 'celebrity' voice actors inflate the cost of anime by a ton. And the numbers I posted are before voice actors are added in. I can't find the breakdown on american animation costs to see if thats included in your number
This isn't an animu problem. Everything is in a downward spiral. Music, movies, books, comix, vidya, everything.
The problem is not animu, or movies or whatever. The problem has always been capitalism. Art is no longer made to mean anything but, as the next one says, to be "beautifull". AKA standardized BS for standardized audience with standardized taste.
Why think, when you can have the Japanese army fighting dragons, or the US army fighting giant robots, or private armies fighting other private armies with jetpacks? And all of these will sell as they will have the marketing campaing the will make everyone care and buy them.
We have entered the top level of alienation. We don't have a "dream" of the future. We think there is nothing new under the sun… We are living the fall of the roman empire!
There is something about the spectacle in it all, but I haven't even read Debord yet.
A tad myopic don't you think?
Junkfood media has existed since mankind learned to paint on cavewalls dude.
The voice acting budget is included under "sound" (the person responsible for directing voice actors is also called the sound director). Voice actors are not paid much either.
Voice acting is included in the numbers for American shows and that's exactly what makes The Simpsons cost so much.
Capitalism is what enables anime and most other art to exist. Capitalism is why artsy fartsy stuff like Aku no Hana and Kaiba get made.
Here's your non-capitalist meaningful art:
If something must be standardized just because it's beautiful, then it's also true that something must be standardized just because it's meaningful.
Anyway there is no downward spiral in anime.
Anime, proper anime as opposed to moeshit/haremshit/SoLshit/etc that would work just as well (and much cheaper) in live action as any telenovela or whatever, has the freedom over live action to portray any subject the writer can visualize on about the same production budget as any other given subject they can dream up. It's not always stunning, but it's good enough to get the point across, reasonably pleasant to the eye, and largely fixed-cost.
Especially when combined with the 6-24 episode miniseries format typical to anime, this allows the kind of creative freedom in terms of setting, story intricacy, and flow that only exists outside anime in genre novels.
Kino is dogshit. The reason is because the screenplays movies come from have about as much material as a 15-page novellette, so they're all either peabrained overgrown TV episodes, or absurdly dense clusterfucks. 1-2 hours isn't enough time to tell a good story, and live-action is too expensive to stretch much longer. Something like LotGH or Berserk simply couldn't happen in live action barring an eccentric billionaire.
One little containment thread floating in the catalog won't hurt.
If you think the overall quality of anime visuals (especially FPS) has gone down, you're nuts. There's something to be said for the ultra-detailed hand-drawn 5-tone shading in the splurgiest classic theatrical anime (which lives on in a few modern films like Redline), but expecting that of TV/OVA anime is like expecting vidya artists to draw 4k 60Hz pixel art 2D games.
shame the ending is classcucked, with the revolutionaries becoming some kind of mystical cult, and the hero being a genetic heir to the throne or whatever. still, episode 3 alone is fantastic and makes the whole show worth watching.
You sir, are an idiot and so is your propaganda.
Here, have some actual non capitalist art:
You can have shit visuals and have a great animu. In the end it's about creating new ideas, making people think, feel, experience new things. Not about "WOW! SUCH FRAMERATE! SO COOL! WOW!"
The only reason why they aren't proper anime is because they don't exist. "Moeshit," "haremshit," "SoLshit"–these are buzzwords whose meaning is unknown even to the people who use them.
But that's the Western anime fandom. People just spout memes all day long and don't watch anything.
It wouldn't. It would be completely different because there is a huge difference between anime characters and actors.
How am I an idiot? What propaganda?
You are talking about modern art, i.e. anti-art.
Anime is a visual art.
When Aristophanes was making comedy, it was modern art.
When Van Gogh was painting sunflowers, it was modern art.
When Dostoyefsky was writting psychology, it was modern art.
And this is why you are an idiot filled with propaganda. You only see what you want to see.
I'm really surprised there are so many people who don't know what "modern art" means. But somehow that's supposed to make ME the idiot. And again, what "propaganda" are you talking about?
There is a certain floor below which anime isn't worth making. You know what I mean, "animation" that looks like somebody flipping through manga/storyboard pages in front of the camera, artwork so vague it's hard to understand what they were trying to draw, unshaded coloring so plain and ill-planned everything onscreen blends together.
The majority of older anime (especially pre-2000s) often failed to meet that standard, much of it never even tried.
Is 3D really so PD, it's worth blowing thousands of dollars a minute for a scene of some girls chatting in their den? Especially with a blandly realistic style like 99% of anime have, as opposed to the handful of stylish stuff like Kemonozume or Dead Leaves.
Modern art and postmodern art are the same stupid thing: Trying to pretend that everything is political, everything has meaning, and everything must be interpreted.
Read _
An anime character looks very different from an actor and is wholly fictional. The fictional, fantastical nature of anime and how it's separated from real life is extremely important.
Anime is also animation and animation is an artform, it's not just a method of delivering a story that should be replaced with live action if it's supposedly cheaper.
Your point?
Everything IS political. Everything is created in a certain cultural set with a certain mindset of the artist and expressing sertain thoughts and ideas.
Even the most apolitical slice of life moeshit, is political. It's ideology is "enjoy life, do fun stuff" and so on.
We cannot escape ideology. We are always eating from the trash can.
Not this shit again. There is literally nothing wrong with moe, harems or nichijoukei/slice of life anime. And why are you conflating two terms for two completely different genres with each other, and with a term (moe) that's not about genres at all?
So what? Why bother putting a thousand times more thought into something than its creator did? Why bother caring about the broader context surrounding something that is all but utterly unimportant within that scope?
Politics should be a serious decisionmaking process, concerning serious subjects within serious issues, not a masturbatory exercise to signal how smart you are by burning mental resources on trivia and congratulating yourself for such a pointless "feat".
That idea kinda' conflicts with the uniform, realistic style of most anime. It's one step removed from live action as-is.
Modern art was a CIA gimmick to undermine the Soviet art scene.
How is the style of most anime anywhere close to realistic?
This is how pol happened.
Anime characters' faces don't look realistic, and animating a character and telling an actor to do something are completely different things. Anime also does not have a uniform style the way you think it does.
The body proportions are approximately similar to a real person, the face lacks caricature characteristics (clownish nose, mouth that opens bigger than face, eyes that are all one object with two pupils, etc), characters don't stretch or squash beyond skeletal limits, all geometry including characters is Euclidean and 3D…
Using such a mundane style makes sense as a cheaper animated substitute for live action in high concept subjects like SF, fantasy, or action. Using a mundane style for mundane subjects in manga makes sense because comics have a unique niche as a medium between literature and TV/film. Using a mundane style for mundane subjects in anime makes no sense to me.
Holla Forums happened because nofun people took ironic shitposting far too seriously, and in doing so felt satisfied substituting unironic shitposting for genuine discussion, while simultaneously rejecting properly ironic shitposting as "sabotage/distraction/degeneracy"
That's quite simply not true. You haven't watched enough anime.
This is actually very wrong, capitalism does not motivate creativity it stifles it, since it always panders to the lowest common denominator in order to make a profit(because companies need to make more than they did previously for growth), deadlines, larger corporations swallowing and killing their competition(monopolies) or slashing large parts of their businesses which fails to make enough profit(like with Disney killing their 2D studios or like EA and Activision does in the game industry), patents all harm creativity.
How could you not know that the mainstream isn't the least creative when it comes to experimenting and creativity?
To further illustrate my point.
Also why couldn't animation, video games, and other forms of art exist outside of a capitalist mode of production?
Don't pretend that you are not in bad faith and strawmaning, and if you don't know that modern art isn't probably the most capitalist art there is(due to a lot of it being used for money laundering), then you don't know anything.
i am slighlty impressed, not because i have heard this tirade for the hundreth time, but because its usually spouted by retarded polyps and d/ic/ks
go on, post that pragerU video while we are at it
Do you not understand the concept of stylization? Realism and stylization are used differently for different effects, and if you knew anything about art you would understand that neither one is better than the other.
Okay fine, modern art is shit and so is anime.
Because you're looking at this through a cartoon-live action dichotomy. Anime is neither.
This has very little to do with the anime industry however.
The anime industry requires large amounts of manpower, skill, resources and money.
Then so is everything else, and your point becomes moot.
That is because of how it has formed in a capitalist economy, movies and the likes are just as bad. The anime industry will look different in a different economic system along with all of society.
Wait a different economic system wouldn't change the amount of labor it takes to produce an anime.
lel. Have an actually good video on the subject:
You're probably thinking of brief "off-design" moments, mostly reactions like "chibi" or "gonk" sequences, which are exceptions to prove the rule. There are also some "stylish" anime that don't stick to the stereotypical anime style, like the aforementioned Kaiba, but they are quite rare. It's a style designed (much like American capeshit comics) to aid in efficiently drawing intuitive stories in manga, and translating those to the screen in anime.
Look at the skeletal ratios and range of movement displayed by most anime, and compare it to more stylish cartooning, one corresponds well to human bodies, the other doesn't.
You surely have to admit that realism and stylization, while they can be combined to an extent, are fundamentally opposed to each other. Anime style is transparent and unobtrusive.
Not to mention that the anime industry is joined at the hip with the music, manga, light novel, game and merchandising industries, and they're all necessary parts of the system.
Well I take it as a warning against betraying your fellow revolutionaries.
Just die. Because SoL and moe is a pacifistish animu without fucking overcoming and violence, which are propaganded in shounenshit and considered a right.
And the last one: why you combine fucking harems with CGDCT and SoL anime? It's like green and retard shit.
Strike Witches, Girls und Panzer, Upotte, Kantai Collection, Haifuri etc. combine moe with military themes, which have always been part of otaku culture.
What the fuck did they do to filenames?
Choose one please.
Yeah, but the main point of violence of this violence was world without war.
It's only the small part of moe anime. In much of there aren't violence. Don't forget about it, user.
I haven't seen Haifuri. Why doesn't it fit?
I didn't say violence is a normal part of moe anime. Military stuff is just a pretty big part of otaku culture and often intersects with moe.
Because the main goal of "mermaids" was rescue missions. They are never initiate aggression.
No, maybe you confuse military otaku and moe otaku? Mecha musume is still a military stuff.
The humans in Strike Witches and Kantai Collection didn't start the war either, and Girls und Panzer and Upotte are just sports, not real war.
As I just said, they intersect.
Moreover. In many military moe anime girls fighting only for justice or peace. Strike Witches is good example of this. The most interesting things, that main antagonist was a human troops, not an aliens robots. Think of this.
Not so often, as you think.
They intersect. That is a fact. There is no use arguing against this.
Come on. With moe intersecting many things. Nearly all. Zombies, sports, gardening, riding, climbimg, fantasy… etc. So, that's why that it doesn't mean any right propaganda, that some moe anime are intersecting with military things.
I didn't say anything about any right wing propaganda.
Moe doesn't just incidentally intersect with military themes. Model kits, airsoft, military otakuism, robot anime, the girls with guns genre… military themes are common.
Again? I mentioned in post upper that it is not as common thing as you say. Military moe-anime is a very-very small part if you compare it with pure CGDCT-anime.
It is common.
Violence isn't strictly necessary for something that would generally be too expensive in live action TV, even if it does fall under that metric. There are anime with little or no violence like Mushishi (yes, I am aware of the movie), Spice & Wolf, Planetes, or Wings of Honneamise, that still have some compelling setting or story to them.
Because they have the same root cause: They appeal to people who don't actually like anime, people with no capacity for imagination. You're watching Seinfeld in otaku drag, anime about nothing, you're an unconscious normalfag in denial.
Moe, ecchi and harem anime repulse normalfags. There is nothing they hate more. Sexuality (implicit or explicit) is the biggest source of cultural clash between Japanese and Western viewers, and why very few Westerners are able to truly accept anime. The ideal anime in the West is Cowboy Bebop.
Aria is about gondola operators living in a reconstruction of Venice built on a terraformed Mars.
Yokohama Shopping Log is about an android living a flooded post-apocalyptic Japan.
Flying Witch is about a witch living in a small town, and there are Ghibli-esque touches like a giant flying turtle, and a cafe that's invisible and disguised as a ruin unless you perform the correct ritual to reveal it.
NieA Under 7 is about a university student living with a freeloading alien whose ship crashed on Earth.
Hidamari is visually inventive:
Joukamachi no Dandelion is about the children of a large royal family, and the next king or queen is decided by popular vote. The children also all have supernatural powers.
Kamichu is about a middle school girl who inexplicably becomes a Shinto god.
Ika Musume is about a squid girl who comes to the surface to conquer the world but ends up working in a beachside cafe instead.
Kumamiko is about a shrine maiden who lives in a deep mountain village with a talking bear.
NouCome's protagonist keeps being told by an unseen gameshow-like announcer that he has to choose between doing two different things, one of which is really embarrasing and the which is either REALLY embarrasing or too absurd to even be a real option. Failure to choose with result in continuous pain.
Haiyore! Nyaruko-san reimagines Lovecraftian beings as cute girls.
Denpa Onna to Seishun Otoko is about a delusional shut-in girl who thinks she is an alien.
Not to mention it doesn't say anywhere that people are only allowed to watch one type of anime, and that unusual settings and premises are not a prerequisite for a good story. Are Casablanca, Tokyo Story and Le Samourai bad movies because they aren't scifi or fantasy?
K-On is about music. Amanchu is about diving. Hidamari Sketch and Sketchbook are about art. Sore ga Seiyuu is about professional voice acting. Amaama to Inazuma and Koufuku no Graffiti are about cooking. Gin no Saji and Nourin are about agriculture. Bakuon!! is about motorcycles. Ikoku Meiro no Croisée is about a small Japanese girl who moves to Paris in the 19th century. Barakamon is about a calligraphy artist from Tokyo who is banished to a small rural island. Non Non Biyori is about life in rural Japan. And so on…
YKK/Quiet Country Cafe is god-tier. Everyone should at least watch the first OVA.
They are the reflection of every piece of genre literature that's converted to a WB tween daytime soap opera when it hits TV, and every movie with a tumorous romance subplot or love interest forced down the writer's throat by the marketing department. Waifuism is just the weeb version of normalfag shipping.
Yeah, that's good stuff, about like what I mentioned. And that's its big difference from the average junk I'm complaining about.
I actually thought of mentioning it in my last post, but most of the more visually challenging elements occur infrequently or far enough in the background where it would be a lot cheaper to just do in live action. Same with something like Haibane Renmei or Ghost Hound.
Haven't seen it (need an ultrawide monitor), but that depends on how often it does it. Heck, some shows like Moyasimon get by with a mix of the two media, if it fits the story's mood.
You know and I know those are shows about nothing
This is the crux of my argument. Stories that are broadly mundane (excluding not just SF/fantasy, but anything else visually difficult, for instance period pieces that would require a lot of costumes/props/set dressing that the studio doesn't have on hand) can be told - onscreen - more cheaply and easily in live action.
Even for stories that originated as manga, unless there's a very strong visual style you intend to use, making it anime just to make it anime strikes me as silly and wasteful.
problem is i'm not pol, i swear
japs are ugly different
so live action would not capture western audience
You are just trying to force an arbitrary connection. This is the "guilty by association" strategy that people often use against anime. Anime, or some aspect of anime, is associated with something unrelated that the audience agrees is bad, and becomes guilty by association (the association of course doesn't actually exist, it's made up). It's much easier than attacking anime directly.
Unlike you, I have actually watched K-On instead of just listening to dank memes about it. It's about a high school music club and also about youth.
Anime is an artform and anime creators are artists working with the medium of anime. Anime is not interchangeable with live action artistically or commercially, it's fundamentally a different thing. There are many live action TV drama adaptations of manga, but they are not the same thing as their anime counterparts, and Japan's live action TV industry has little if anything to do with the anime industry.
K-On or something like it may seem like it could be easily done in live action, but it couldn't be. It's impossible. Having actors play the characters changes everything. The characters are fictional and don't look like real people. They aren't played by anyone, they simply are themselves. They are completely fictional fantasy characters in a completely fictional fantasy world.
One of the key aspects of the media mix ecosystem is that characters can easily move from manga to anime to video game to light novel to audio drama to merchandise to doujinshi. You can't do that with actors.
These scenes would be easy enough to make in live action:
But the fact that they are animated is the whole point. It takes a lot of skill, effort and time to make them and people admire the results just as they would admire a painting. Anime is not just about telling a story, it's an audiovisual artform.
Japanese TV dramas have significantly worse direction and production values than anim and are just all-around inferior. But capturing Western audiences is not what either industry exists for.
The reason it shouldn't be done live action is because anime quite simply looks better then the real world. Ever seen one of those comparisions pics where an anime has used a real world place as inspiration? The anime version always looks better, without fail.
any industry in capitalism exists to make profit
and western consumer have that sweet sweet surplus money and japan in stagnation for two decades now
The anime industry's profits have been steadily climbing except for the temporary dip caused by the recession. As these statistics show, foreign sales crashed hard while merchandising remained largely unaffected. Merchandising is mostly a domestic affair. As are music, pachinko, live events, advertising revenue and movie screenings. I think the industry learned not to rely on foreign sales and to focus on domestic markets instead. I doubt streaming produces so much money that anyone should bank on it. And if people will stream your content anyway then there's nothing you need to do about it.
Watch some Akira Kurosawa or something. Just remember that 99% of Japanese live action is the some boring horseshit as any other country's.
I hope not, not intentionally. I just see a similar pattern, in terms of both surface effect and underlying cause, between two things I'm weary of.
Yeah, I haven't seen it, but BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad is "about music and youth", K-On and its ilk look like filler filled with filler.
The art in most of the anime we're talking about obviously doesn't reach that level pretty much ever, they're mostly glorified VNs. About best argument honestly possible along these lines is the (IMHO universally terrible) character designs.
I have deeply mixed feelings on this topic. For instance, stuff like the amazing mecha/space opera/cyberpunk animation in big-budget theatrical anime from before CGI. Say, the first two Patlabor movies.
On the one hand, it isn't just beautiful to look at, the human effort that went into it is soul-stirring, the whole thing inspires me. On the other hand, mechanical animation is perfectly suited to CGI, which also looks beautiful, and all the human effort of designing the imaginary machines is still there, but without the additional autistic dedication of these maniacs drawing frame after frame of amazingly detailed machinery using nothing other than a fucking pencil.
Every one of those anime with hand-drawn machines is worth dozens of anime using CGI (and I LOVE CGI, always have), and the visual difference onscreen is detectable only to technically knowledgable people like me, so I KNOW it's mostly a huge waste, but I can't help feeling a painful loss at their absence from the industry.
You are seeing what you want to see.
As expected. Why are you trying to comment on things that you don't know anything about?
These are memes. I take it that you don't even watch anime in general. Feel free to stop posting any time.
Then why did you just argue that animation is just a tool for delivering a narrative and should be cast aside if it's cheaper to do it in live action?
I just really, really hate the entire genre. One of the highlights of Madoka for me was watching bug-eyed freaks getting ripped limb from limb and squealing in their annoying retarded rabbit voices somewhat undermining the intended horror in what was actually a pretty good series.
Because, in spite of such feelings, I think the increased number of stories I like getting decently adapted to the screen seems like a fairer trade. It's like walking sims or boardgames in vidya, a few existing is a cool break from the norm, but if carried to excess they will crush the industry.
Also, I vaguely suspect feeding such appetites might be unhealthy. It's so borderline undetectable in terms of the final product's quality, it nears "cigars hand rolled on Cuban women's thighs"-level empty fetishism.
Source for that graph?
Madoka is a magical girl show, not a SoL show. SoL is also a broad enough concept that it covers K-On, Aria, Kiki's Delivery Service, Heidi - Girl of the Alps, Tamayura, Yokohama Shopping Log, Amanchu, Amaama to Inazuma and Minami-ke. These are not all the same thing just because they fall under the SoL umbrella.
What are you even talking about anymore?
Anime industry 2014 summary by The Association of Japanese Animations.
I was hoping for a link.
You could have just Googled it.
I see that they have a newer study available now.
I know, I was just referring to the character designs, which are of the same type as most newer moe shows.
I'm saying I agree there is some merit to your argument that using (a very realistic, transparent, plain IMHO) anime style to draw mundane scenes is artistically justified, but that its subtle benefits are outweighed by the many stories that will never be told onscreen, and the many scarce animator-hours that could go into more demanding subjects.
Aoki Ume's character designs are very distinct, and the only other show where you can see them is Hidamari Sketch.
The anime industry is not centrally managed. It's just a huge assortment of different companies in different industries doing their own things, and there's no shortage of other kinds of shows. You just don't watch them.
If you told moe fans that the benefits of animation over live action in shows like K-On are merely "subtle," they would laugh you out of the room. I already told you the difference is huge.
You're incredibly silly. "Anime style" (no such thing, by the way, "styles" should be in plural if anything) is simplistic BECAUSE it's easier to convey emotions that way.
It's funny because it's true. (Well, except for the "shit" part, I guess people know what that is. It's still weird, 4/a/'s completely obsessed with it and appends it to everything.)
Everything is subject to politics and ideology. Not everything is actively trying to pursue them. Yes, there's a difference. Not being able to see it is the first step to becoming SJW thought policeman.
You're being silly. All he said is factually correct and easily demonstrable, and if you admit you have to watch a lot just to find exceptions, you've already lost this argument.
You (and all those other ignorami) mean they combine GIRLS with military themes.
You mean they appeal to people who like things you don't like. Well too bad.
I would just love to see you make live-action angel wings.
"More clear-cut" would both be more precise and not be purely subjective judgement.
SoL (i.e. "hyperrealism") is a narrow enough concept that it's possible that no anime qualifies. For what you actually meant to say, please use "CGDCT" like other people in this thread. That, at least, makes perfect sense.
They all look alike to me
Eh, maybe. I can't help but wonder if KyoAni wasn't constantly flooded with orders for endless moeshit and VN adaptations, whether they would've preferred to make more seasons of Full Metal Panic.
I was referring more to when you pointed to the technical dedication of beautiful animation and shading, not pumping out drawings of bug-eyed girls to sucker fetishistic autists.
They aren't moving most of the time, it wouldn't be that expensive to costume outside a few scenes. The halos would probably have to be CGI, but would be very easy to do well.
It's basically the same thing. Moe also broadly means a preoccupation with bishoujo characters.
How does no anime qualify?
It actually doesn't. What does it mean to "do cute things"? The term just obscures the particular characteristics of different shows and how they differ from other shows, and implies that basically nothing happens.
Because you barely watch anime.
Kyoani has moved to producing their own shows, the last VN adaptation they did was in 2008, and the last "moeshit" show they did was in 2010.
In other words: "anything I don't like must have been made with dishonest intentions by nefarious people. Anything I don't like is for people who are bad."
I guess the tens of thousands of circles participating in Comiket every year are also just trying to "suck fetishistic autists." Somehow, in your view of the universe, people who are into moe are incapable of creating manga, anime, light novels and games.
K-on wouldn't qualify? Or Hibike for that matter? Your conception of of what moe is is probably too narrow.
Define "shit taste".
I was talking about K-On (the second season came out in 2010). Hibike is not "moeshit," it's a drama.
Your conception of "moeshit" is too broad, or rather I don't even know what your conception is. I'm just going by what people usually mean when they say "moeshit." The term is so nebulous that some people think it means the same thing as harem anime.
moe, for one
What is this?
Leaving aside just how long they slaved away on that, a lot of their current fallbacks such as Sound Euphonium and Free! isn't much different in terms of content or audience.
This might be petty and irrational like you say, but I think the industry would be a lot healthier if such fandoms were cast out to the soap market. They are the dumpy women who obsess over soap operas, the teenagers who obsess over J-Pop idols, the social/mobile gamers, the normalfags. The content they enjoy is lazy, and has a corrupting influence on an industry defined by its capability for more.
"Games" hosted on sites like NSABook
A movie came out in 2011.
I can't know for sure what other people mean when they use the term. I always assumed it means anime that feature female characters that are moe prominently (the epitome of this would be the typical VN and VN adaptations), but i guess i could be wrong. By that standard, Hibike would certaintly be moe.
What do you mean by moe?
a lot of their current fallbacks such as Sound Euphonium and Free! isn't much different in terms of content or audience.
Hibike is a drama. Free! is for a female audience.
I wish people actually watched Kyoani shows, but almost nobody does. They just imagine what they are like and criticize them based on that.
No, the industry wouldn't be healthier. It would just be more in line with what you, as an ultra-casual Western anime viewer, want it to be like. Unfortunately for you, the industry doesn't revolve around what your likes and dislikes.
This is again the "guilty by association" tactic.
And this is what the "dumpy women who obsess over soap operas" over at the Touhou fandom have done:
Studio Gainax was also formed by fans who gradually progressed to becoming a professional anime studio. One of the reasons why the industry approves of the doujin scene is because they see it as a training ground for new talent. Which is what it is.
Something is not lazy just because you don't like it. Kyoto Animation, for one, has very high production quality and they put a lot of effort into their shows. And again, people can enjoy more than one thing; someone watching K-On does not somehow preclude them from watching something else.
It is not possible for a character to be moe. Moe is a response the viewer has towards a character. People usually think that characters who are very cutesy must be "moe," but I like boyish characters the most. That's my personal moe.
Anything that predominately features cutesy, autistic caricatures of females as characters.
And what is that supposed to mean?
which explains why half of their budget is titty animation
That I'm not a fan of moeshit.
What is "moeshit"?
Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most successful and influential anime of all time and had a massive impact. Your phobia of tits isn't relevant here.
Literal autism
It literally isn't.
you are getting this autistic over cartoons and wonder why people don't like weebs
Alright, not literally, but close enough.
It's got nothing to do with appearance, and it's not even a gender- or human- specific term. Just fucking stop, all of you.
A psychologist thinks everything is an expression of repressed sexuality? So stereotypical it hurts, honestly.
So were Utena and Eden of the East. Come on, dude.
It would be freed to concentrate on things that only anime can.
Its fandom is in a constant struggle between cool people ramping up the awesome and silly parts, versus boring people who just want to draw girls in silly hats.
I'm obviously not decrying otaku fandom or doujins as a whole, just the shallowest classes of them, lost sheep from other more mundane media.
Gainax's origins as a fan circle were FAR from just plain waifuism, their con films were off-the-wall crazy and incredibly creative. Gainax's later history has a lot to answer for regarding harems and lazy pandering (not all their fault, since their much of their massive fandom was often awful and boring), but they also did a ton of great stuff.
True, but the considerably greater undertaking of someone making it does preclude them from making something else.
Just for fun, I typed in "male moe" and got a picture of K-on and multiple other females without scrolling down. Everyone still retaining that trademark cuteness.
I'm not sure what your ad populum is supposed to accomplish when I already vocally claim that the populus in question are ignorant fools. Prove me right?
That is how language is formed, retard. His pic depicts what "moe" means in pop culture.
Even ignoring the proscriptivism vs. descriptivism debate, would anyone deny those pictures were moe?
This retard, maybe.
No, his pic depicts what it means among the absolute bottom feeder of this memetic chain.
Have an example. And that's without a language barrier along the way.
I would, yes. But that would be meaningless anyway, because the basic problem is that you're looking for some objective set of visual qualities to describe a fucking emotion.
It clearly is. There is even a japanese term for it 萌えキャラ. Yes, it is true that moe is personal, but there is still a number of characteristics that clearly a large number of people in the subculture consider moe. A character that exhibits those traits is moe. I'm not out to dictate what people find moe, but while moe is a personal feeling, there are clearly a number of traits that creators make a character have if they want a large number of people to feel moe about that character. A character with those traits can be called a moe character.
Why do you feel these characters are caricatures?
The sexuality in panty and stocking with garterbelt is supposed to be humorous, not traditional service. Is Gurren Lagann supposed to have particualrily much fanservice?
I think the problem with your conception of the word moe is that you obsess over how the word was used in the 1990s and early 2000s. While it also has the original meaning as a possible meaning today, it has aquired several additional possible meanings since the word was popularized in the early 2000s.
Because we don't act like that, irl.
Also (i'm the same guy as above), it's actually argued over whether it's a human specific term or not. There is no consensus on that.
Same guy as two posts above that one now. Not the same as stupid china flag guy,
Who is we?
girls, you fucking braindead mongoloid
tits or GTFO
On a more serious note. The traits for moe characters are obviously inspired from real life. They're just excgarated a bit. That doesn't make them caricatures. They aren't intended to redicule RL females.
Allow me to do some term substitution (not implying the equivalence of meaning between the two words, though to some extent it exists):
Do you see the problem with your reasoning?
No, really, the problem is that it has long lost all meaning and purpose. So the people who used it to describe something dropped it, the people who used it as a marketing buzzword moved on, the normies realized it's not cool and even the trolls gave up. The result?
Only western fandom clings to it for some reason.
A word can have several meanings. Moe today both describes a feeling and a set of objective criteria.
It's true that using moe has seen a pretty severe decline in the japanese fandom. I haven't seen anyone claim before though that it was due to the word being misused. I'm pretty sure it's just good old words going out of fashion.
It might possible also be related to the decline in the influence of VNs and VN culture on the wider otaku subculture, since it was somewhat of a VN term (even if it originated among anime fans).
What anime is that?
What's "lul" about that?
what the fuck happened ITT? is there an autistic feminist who can't handle the existence of moe?
Only, in the original misuse, it wasn't objective, rather, it referred to personal, subjective appeal of specific traits (criteria). That still made sense and had purpose.
It's when retards wanted to have an objective, decisive common set of traits that defines "moe", they (surprise, surprise) simply arrived at cuteness. And once you've turned the term into a glorified "kawaii", why not just use "kawaii"?
To wit - and I know it's pretty misleading, but it's just too good to pass. They match almost perfectly:
That's a pretty interesting graph.
The "criticism" was shit tier.
how is it simple to convey complex emotions with a number of facial expressions that I can count on my hand?
I can never get over people who object to a statement on the basis that the term used to describe them or the things they do is a "meaningless term" that "refers to anything and nothing", which they wouldn't know to do if they didn't clearly understand exactly what it meant and how well it applies to them. I mean, look at
The sheer lip-trembling butthurt of Moeshitters in denial remind me of fanficcers who say "Mary Sue/Marty Stu is a word that doesn't mean anything", casuals who insist that "casual games are games you hate, and hardcore games are games you like", or hipsters who leap to say that "there is no such thing as a hipster".
Because human faces are complex things that perform a variety of functions beyond emotion, while cartoons approach (or even exaggerate for clarity) the Platonic ideal of an emotional expression, stripped of all superfluous details. :-)
I wasn't talking about cartoons and I'm not a weeb.
What about them?
I'm simplifying. I'm not going to account for every last possible detail and exception every time I say something. The vast majority of moe activity focuses on bishoujo characters.
His analysis of otaku sexuality is the best I've seen.
Do you even know what Free is? It's obviously not going for the male audience.
As I've already explained, even something as mundane as K-On is something that only anime can do. And there isn't any mandate for what anime is supposed to do anyway.
There is no "struggle." There is no contradiction between people making anime, games, manga and music and people drawing pictures. There is also nothing wrong with people drawing pictures, it's the most common fandom activity.
What are you talking about?
I didn't say anything about any "waifuism."
Something is not lazy or pandering just because you don't like it. The world does not revolve around you.
Kyoto Animation is producing its own shows and they've yet to make the space cowboy cyberpunk grimdark epic that Westerners think every anime creator wants to make.
Some things are always more popular than others, but that doesn't mean there exists any trait that is objectively moe, or a character that everyone will find moe.
Kiniro Mosaic.
Youse guys are so fucked inthe head.
"Weeb" is just a synonym for "otaku" or (for us foreigners) "japanophile" IMHO. If we particularly enjoy anime, we're weebs, nothing special about it.
"It's not aimed at you" isn't a sufficient defense for shallow yaoi-bait. My point was there are lots of good shojo/josei anime, even plenty I personally dislike but will admit to being sincere efforts. Free isn't one of them.
True in principle, but just barely, compared to more ambitious ones.
Again, I'm not objecting to the activity, but its aspirations. There's great fanart of amazing scenes and elaborate character designs, but there's also conceptually lazy art of characters in plain scenes genericized by stripping away their distinctive traits to make them moeblobs (for instance, the "highschool AU" genre of fanart).
In the case of Gainax, I'm referring to stuff like the ruthless merchandizing and remakes of Eva. Also, to how joyless they looked doing it, like Hideo Kojima slaving away on MGS after MGS at fans' insistance.
They've only made two original IPs, Munto, and Tamako Market. I can only imagine market pressures have dictated what does and doesn't sell the most figma and pillows, though I admit divining KyoAni's true tastes is beyond my knowledge.
Weeb and otaku are two completely different things. Weeb means weeaboo which means wapanese which means wannabe Japanese.
It's not bait just because you don't like it, and I wasn't "defending" anything. I was just saying that Free! is aimed at a female audience.
As already explained, this is wrong.
Moeblobs are a meme. They don't exist.
What does a Western fanfiction concept have to do with non-existent moeblobs in Japanese fan works?
Merchandising is a normal part of the industry, and Anno is still doing NGE because he's obsessed with it.
Some of the shows they've made are adaptations of novels they themselves published (but didn't write). With Hibike I think they were the ones to decide to adapt it. They can decide what they work on.
Or maybe Japan isn't America and people there like different things such as SoL anime.
In Japan it called "iyashikei". Just google it, what it mean.
Whooat? Are you just kidding me? Can you give any explanation of this.
So, let me get that straight, you form your criticism by appending a buzzword with "shit", then can't get over the fact that people don't respect your argumentation. Okay.
I did not ask you to account for every possible exception. I asked you(?) to use a single five-letter English word that, as you admit, means what you(?) wanted to say instead of a foreign language word that does not. That would be an actual simplifying.
And literally handpicked every novel they adapted this decade. KyoAni had attained, through hard work and continued excellence, an enviable Ghibli-like position where they're able to do whatever they want and the only market pressure they face is consumer trust.
What are you talking about?
Umm, this whole quarrel started because I told someone to use "girls" instead of "moe", to which someone (that I'm convinced was you) replied that they're basically the same thing.
In that context it was basically the same thing.
The closest western equivalent would be "comfy". There are similarly mundane western live-action series worthy of praise, like Last of the Summer Wine, but making them as anime would be silly and pretentious.
The aren't buzzwords, they're descriptions. "*shit" functions as a derisive equivalent of "* thing", "moeshit" is equivalent to "moe thing".
They're a prosperous version of Gonzo bankrolling off Strike Witches.
lel, same expression used to describe two or three different emotions
low effort
"Moeshit" is short for "I have no idea what I'm talking about."
He made a valid comparison. What's the problem?
bro 2hu is explicitly right-wing, it's a land full of 'ancient wonders and beauty that can't exist in the modern world'.
It also has a de facto caste system between the strongest youkais and humans while the weak just survive below their boots. And this is called a 'natural way' of the world.
It's very sad but it's the fact. Gensokyo is the wonderland for reactionary Japanese who worship their ancestors' myths and stories.
I think it's entirely within the scope of reason that you are reading too much into things because you are only able to see things through the lens of politics.
Uh, a western fandom-made parody of Clownpiece's theme isn't an answer to my postulate, mate.
Look, canon Gensokyo is stuffed full of aristocrats (Scarlets; Eientei), traditional-japan-culture-adopters (Yakumo), religious priests (Tao, Buddhism, Shinto), and heroic "peasantry" (Keine etc)
It's basically a love song to traditionalism and right-wing fantasies.
In fact I theorise this is why Momizi, an otherwise minor character of the series, became THE mascot for 4chan's trump-supporting contingent. They can smell their idealism in the series.
I didn't say it's an answer to anything, I just posted it for no particular reason.
Or maybe it's based on Japan's history and mythology and Japanese people are allowed to have an interest in those things.
Western interpretations of and reactions to Japanese things are horseshit 99% of the time.
Ah, from the context I assumed that you wanted to falsify my conclusion by posting anti-american (and capitalism) substrata of the Touhou fandom.
Yes, yes… just like ASOIAF introducing '100% good and noble aristocrats' like the Starks, eh?
There's not even any pseudo-socialist peasants uprising mentioned in the series, while the Orient is chock-full of it (cf. Pure Buddha Land, Ikko-ikki, etc.)
Indeed, but it's quite curious to see Inubashiri Momiji, a random dog-tengu who appeared in just one game, to become such a popular phenomena for the modern (alt?)right-wingers. Just look at 4chan's catalog and she's there. As flanderised as she become (ha!), she's still there, in every thread, in many memes of the TDrumpsters.
America and Japan are two different countries.
It doesn't mean anything. This is like when people try to attack the anime industry by appealing to what someone on /a/ said.
I'm not terribly big on blasterhatlolis, but isn't Gensokyo just a typical specimen of the old "fair folk" from every mythological tradition around the world, of amoral and overpowered supernatural lunatics?
Just like every old-fashioned pagan fairy tale, it seems to be neither endorsing nor condemning their behavior as a model for humanity, but simply comparing it to the random, sometimes uncaringly cruel, forces of nature.
Nigga, seriously. Two whole games.
Also, it's been said numerous times that youkai constantly spy over the village to prevent a human vanguard from arising.
No, please.
Are you going to say you disliked Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, next?
What if he did?
The women in them don't look too great either.
Why is it misleadling BTW?
I made it appear there's been a 1:1 substitution happening, in huge part by omitting the (slightly) more popular kana-only spelling of "kawaii". I don't think Google Trends is THAT accurate anyway.
But volume aside, the trends are indisputably real and strong.