It fucked up Commies and attracted men to the cause who were ready to fight Commies - I'd say that's something.
No, so long as we continue to ascribe value or weight to their votes, to allow ourselves to be restricted by the implied threat of violence upon us (by the State) if we resist, does it matter.
And I'm saying, this entire thing is a sham.
This is a very simple equation.
Trump must stop the demographic demise if he is to avoid a total blowout in 2020, and further on down the line. And when I say 'stop the demographic demise', I'm not talking about immigration - immigration is totally meaningless at this point, in this context, because the people WHO ARE ALREADY HERE LEGALLY are the ones who are eliminating our demographic conditions in this country.
IOW: Trump's talk on immigration is totally meaningless if he's unwilling or unable to do something about the already-extant non-White population in this country, specifically the Hispanics, who Reagan (someone Trump seems trying to mimic in many ways) gave amnesty to.
So, Trump has to effectively revoke the citizenship of those who received it from Reagan, and many others in turn… Will he do so?
If yes, we have some options, and winning the election was of paramount importance… If no, well, then winning the election was not so meaningful after all.
But the cops DON'T do our dirt work for us, that's the whole point - these protests have become little more than mobile street festivals in the flavor of 'Fuck Whitey'.
Perhaps Trump will change that - but then, if our PR is such a concern, however will Trump deal with the inevitable backlash of police 'abusing peaceful protestors' on his order?
This sounds like Jew speak, tbh fam.
The Jew subverted and came to rule you, because you bought into this notion that it was wrong, that it was lesser, to employ violence against your opposition.
The Jew is shit at employing violence, thus, this is clearly a defense mechanism: "Oy vey goyim, don't be like doz doity schwartzes! You ah civilized goy!"
The result being that you are restricted to the arenas in which the Jew is strong, bereft of the arenas in which you are strong.
I dunno man, "We just need to outJew the Jew!" seems rather unappealing relative to simply beating them senseless.
As the old saying goes: "When someone sees a strong horse and a weak horse, they are going to like the strong horse", and Whitey - despite being the strongest horse in the paddock - has been bowing his head to the weaker horse for coming up on a century.
And I'm starting to think it might be about time to stop bowing and start breaking kneecaps.
But, hey, that's just me.