How exactly were they supposed to contact him?
Steve Jobs' pre-Apple job application could fetch $50,000 at auction
Didn't Jobs literally steal the source code to Brick Break from Wozniak and use it to get a job at Atari?
Fuck I meant Breakout. Brick Break is a Pokemon attack
Weird that someone would pay so much for a piece of paper written by a gay thief who faked his own death.
Presumably he'd have called them from a pay phone or a friend's phone to check on the status of his application.
Please do go on.
What did he mean by this?
He's in Argentina with Hitler and Tupac
design and technology of calculators, specifically UI
Who's to blame? Lawyers? Even a job application form for mcmakeyafat's is longer than one I received from a local supermarket.
Not source code, hardware.
Atari had a in-house competition to simplify their circuit for the game, with (1974) $50 for every less IC used and something like an additional $3000 bonus for the winner. Jobs told Woz about it, and the redesign had something like 6 fewer chips-- Jobs gave the $300 to Woz, and kept the $3000 for himself. (again, in 1974 money-- that was like 6 months' worth of wages). Woz had some ?bills that were more than $300 to pay that made things hard for a while.
Woz didn't find out until the mid-1980s about the $3000. He didn't speak to Jobs for years because the cunt knew he was in strife back then, but kept the money that Woz earned for himself.
Same level as selling ashes from the holohoax
Not saying it's true but with tens of billions he could literally buy a private island far off the shore and live there without anyone but a few trusted people knowing who actually lives there. Alternatively, do plastic surgery and live about anywhere.
Boomers did this. Increasing regulations in the Job market did this. Labor Unions demanding higher standards did this. Fuck them. Fuck them all. Now I'd give anything to just be able to walk into a factory and get hired on the spot to work general labor.
So you need a degree (two or more appreciated), a "proven track record" in general factory labor, no neet periods longer than 6 months at a time and no more than 3 of them in total, and need to expect at least 29 recrutment process stages to get hired in a factory to do general labor these days?
Employers basically expect a bloated resume in the day and age even for entry level shit so if you have no work experience you're fucked
Then go to China where there are no evil regulations and let the capitalists race work conditions to the bottom so you end up working 100h/week for pennies. You have to compete, the monopolists do not.
Don't you love how every thread on Holla Forums getst spammed by cancers...
And then they bring in Pajeet on a (rigged) lottery visa because they mysteriously can't find anyone who fits these criteria and they can pay him $15k instead to shit out unreadable Java.
Isn't having them work in India even vheaper?
Were you born after letters became extinct?
As Pajeet's location approaches India, the effective value of his code approaches zero.
dat greed tho
Too bad you neglected to directly reference any perceived cancerposters so that we may cater more adequately to your sophisticated tastes in the future.
I mean, don't get me wrong. People who blame their problems on baby boomers are fucking retarded, but no fucking wonder they think millennials are lazy when it comes to getting jobs.
Didn't you look like a bum without a residential phone line in the 1970s?
The best pajeets don't stay in India. The retards you've met are their best.
git gud, fucking scrubs
Protip, companies overstate the fuck out of job requirements as a filter so they don't have to deal with the hassle of interviewing lazy and unconfident fucks like you.
literally who?
Your mom
You misunderstood what I said.
[stated requirements] > [what will actually get you an interview]
I applied for quite a few positions around the time I graduated, even though I was under-qualified for most of them based on the stated requirements I still got interviews with many of them. Employers are just as interested in the type of person you are as they are what qualifications you have, and them overstating/lying what they are actually looking for is a way of filtering out the kinds of people they aren't as interested in.
There doesn't even have to be a job opening advertised, just finding companies you would like to work for and sending them your CV can get you interviews, its all about confidence and willingness to actively seek opportunities. Its easy once you realise it only takes 15-30 minutes of your time to find an email address and write a semi-personalised email and that the worst they can say is 'no'.
Lead by kikes.
Instigated by kikes. See: Civil Rights Act of 1964
All but a few are controlled by kikes. See: AFL-CIO leadership and their relation to George Soros, also pay attention to who they fund and their political campaigns
The tipping point was the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which doubled the pool of potential employees and tax payers while maintaining wages and cost of living.
This legislation was lauded by fools because they believed it would set them free from the shackles of family.
In an effort to reduce the expense of filtering applicants, businesses demanded applicants submit resumes instead of answering questionnaires.
As time progressed, businesses saw great opportunity in outsourcing menial work to foreign management, as well as importing "skilled workers" using various HB visas.
In order to get around visa regulations, businesses post job listings with ridiculous requirements 3 years experience with a framework that was released 6 months ago.
Very few people respond to these listings, and the business's HR department further filters applicants so the business can say they need "skilled workers" which they can obtain with visas.
Once they get those pajeet coders they maintain their contract until it becomes inconvenient, then fire them and let INS deal with the poo.
Your job as a jobless user is to start applying to the most incredible positions using falsified resumes based on chan experience.
customer loyalty is code for keeping customers that someone in the company has royally pissed off, AKA: arguing on chans
If you lack confidence, use bane dialog and posturing.
Like what, tell them if they don't hire you you'll crash them with no survivors?
Are you the big guy?
You're a big guy
If you don't hire me your company would be walking away from a valuable asset.
if they don't hire you you'll crash them with no survivors?
Very few businesses cared who I was till I decided to learn _.
I refused ___ offer in favor of the opportunity to work with you.
Dr. Pavel refused our offer in favor of yours.
In the realm of social media:
Ahhh, you think your current internet analysts know what their doing.
They merely studied it. I've live with it for long enough that it's currents have been internalized.
The internet betrays you because it belongs to people like me.
At what point did I imply that?