Which countries have the best potential for a revolution?
Which countries have the best potential for a revolution?
In the country you live in
You make the Revolutionary potential
🍀🍀🍀Sverige🍀🍀🍀 :^🍀🍀🍀))
Japan. Probably the place in the world where most of the production is socialized.
Objective conditions (development of capitalism, centralisation) have been present worldwide for some time.
Subjective conditions (class consciousness) I'd say France and Latin America. In Europe France seems the least classcucked and Latin America has a rich history of revolutionary socialism and people have not for fallen for the gommunism doesn't work meme.
Top kek
To me it seems really like nowhere. Even Cuba is going capitalist.
If you stopped memeing for a second you would realise that is not how revolutions are made.
The left is dead
All that remains are the SJW tier fucking liberals
I was born 100 years too late my friends
There will never be another revolution
Virtual Reality game of year 1917 when?
Modern Russia
Somehow I don't think so, user.
legislative elections just around the corner
i am quite confused over where all the votes are going
CPRF losing 9 % in polls
UR losing 5 %
JR losing 6 %
but i don't see any party with any gains that would make up for this
according to south korean polls amongst fled north koreans, kim jong un is believed to have an 60 + % approval by the population
Hot damn I need to read kims book on how to do propaganda.
He won't be as well-liked if Russia engages in an unpopular war
damn, that CPRF loss is depressing as fuck
The Japanese seem to me less petit-bourgeois than, say, the French.
Fucking Puerto Rico you niggers
What people forget is that we have global economy now. 2008 was felt across the globe almost simultaneously. The next one will be too.
I.e. chances are that we will get 1848/post-WWI uprisings everywhere. There will be no single country that will have The revolution. They will all have something going, if not everything simultaneously: introduction of Sharia, military juntas and LeftComs going full Pol Pot.
So if you want to ask:
The answer will be: all of them. The question is - do they have organized Socialists to grab this chance?
Chile is awakening again, i bet there will start the next revolution.
nigger the 80% was cited from a bunch of outlets that fucking hate him, rags like the washington post are dancing in circles trying to explain it away. Even without the extremely shrewd geopolitical moves he has made recently it is more than believable give or take a wee bit.
you dont have to like the manI think hes fucking great because he makes almost all facets of the western establishment extremely salty, but dont insult the collective intelligence, putin is ridiculously popular he has numbers western politicians can only dream of
I take it you think Bank's Culture was Communism.
Nah. I took a look into the matter: outlets "hate" him.
None of them are socialist even remotely. It's like Republicans and Democrats. Except more skewed, of course.
is production for use and distribution for need by a democratically accountable body not socialism?
Is that a confederate flag?
Putin is a part of the establishment because he enforces the will of global capital–the russian oligarchs are a part of this global capital
Putin is not anti-establishment
The antlanticist presstitutes arent socialists, well good fucking work father brown thanks for pointing that out
what the fuck are you even trying to say you arrogant downsie, could you possibly be any less coherent?
Im assuming you were trying to go for some "all positions are stupid except for mine" shtick but if you think putin is as bad as the fucking nutbags we have running the show in the west, than you are gravely mistaken.
also whats with the trip, faggot? A stalin snowflake, Le-fucking-mao
I said the WESTERN establishment, would you fucking dickbags please stop with the
nonsense? all it really does is obfuscate the actual geopolitical game that is being played., it makes it much harder to analyze what is really going on and ultimately makes it harder to develop legitimate strategies for a whole variety of..struggles.
Im well aware that putin isnt a radical socialist in disguise you enlightened motherfucker, but in many ways he saved russia from getting swallowed by neoliberalism and all the shit that comes with it.
You should get off your high fucking horse is what im saying, the russians dont love this guy because they are a bunch of stupid peasants
And then he enslaved it again with nationalist conservativism.
wow, are you serious homie?
thats sad ye must be new here, leftypol doesnt exactly seem to be a fan of donbass, but most of em at least know who they are
that flag is the battle flag of the novorussian army:
they are the guys that revolted against the maidan revolt, surely you remember that, ukranian army tried to roll into a tiny stretch of the east and got their ass handed to them
…aaaanddd your ideological baggage is relevant to russians living in a 90s apocalyptic "free market" hellscape under mob law on a thousand rubles a month how?
I didnt even come in here nec. wanting to defend putin, I was just pointing out that he is indeed quite popular, the only people that dont except this are delusional western liberals, there is literally no chance that there would be a revolution in russia especially considering how paranoid the russians are about color revolutionsrightfully i might add, good on him for banning all those "N"GOs
also I should probably say there is no chance of a revolution in russia right now, never say never i guess…
the US would crush that so hard
Neo-liberal "opposition" is not opposition to a ruling Capitalist class, you moron. Of course they would overinflate Putin's support, so as to justify their own impotence and passivity.
And trip is used because someone has a habit of falseflagging me.
Putin is a hardcore neoliberal himself.
shit, I never even thought of that, you might be not wrong, its a ticking timebomb economically from what I understand. problem is of course
this right here, which leads to what the real question should be:
How the fuck do you even start a revolution when everything is infested with police agents, provocateurs and other..actors?
oh fuck off, I live in one of the most prosperous parts of europe, I like many things about the west and I consider myself a patriot of sorts, what I want is good relations with russia, I dont buy the fucking "putin is literally hitler" bit the anglos are always peddling, it stinks, I believe russia is more than willing to cooperate with us in many ways, and anyone who thinks they are going to invade is a fucking mong and cant into basic military doctrine from either camp, specifically regarding eurasia
my shit stinks, stalin snowflake? thats feckin rich
almost the entire fucking world is in some ways neoliberal, its called globalism for a reason you semantic sperglord, I dont care about what compartment you put people in from upon your throne. Fact of the matter is a lot of things got a lot better for the average russian(although some parts are still incredibly poor, theres no denying this)
we dont have the fucking luxury to be ideological purists, you need to work from within reality if you want to get somewhere. Be a pragmatist. Figure out the fucking game, who the players are, and then figure out how to gank it. This is how you get things done, it always has been as far as I can tell.
If someone is bulding shit, improving standard of living, raising birth rates, etc. p.p he is automatically to some extent in direct conflict with the western neo-liberal-neo-con-financier-globalist-illerminati-lizardpeople-kikes camp who basically just want to peddle debt, weapons, narcotics and endless rubbelization and war.
Putin isnt the fucking harbinger of global socialism. He isnt le savior of le white race. he is in some ways an oligarch but not nearly as bad as the kind of scum he jailed or banished, "people" like berezovsky who were happily auctioning off public utilities to their cronies while a third of russia was under the poverty line.
Putin is a godsend at best and a necessary "evil" ally at worst, im not going to take some ultimate position on him but I will continue to state the obvious
lul you heff to elaborate
You mean: cooperate with our bourgeoisie, against us?
He's such a fucking sperg he thinks anyone else using the Stalin mustache is impersonating him.
see this is what I mean, you are acting borderline delusional, you are being confronted with the reality and responding with theorywank that is not even directly applicable
you arent going to dissolve class structures in the present climate, this is almost akin to the project venus tards, you are dreaming of a distant future while you are standing in a burning room.
There are fucking proxy wars everywhere, conspiracies layering conspiracies, multifaceted levels of nepotism in pretty much every society, and a loosely knit movement of batshit globalists that want to reduce the population through just about any means necessary, from co2wank to disease vectors to austerity to straight up sterilizationinb4 seedman jones
This is the exact opposite of every "socialist" ideal, and the most pragmatic path I see to counter it is to work with those that stand in opposition to this, albeit carefully
the evidence mounts…
Thank god he doesn't put the trip down. The autism is top tier.
In Europe:
Greece, Spain and Portugal
what is that comic?
All of this will go on as long as we don't "dissolve class structures", as you put it. You are the one dreaming if you think there is any other way to put an end to this.
I'm quite certain Putin did ir. And it's not a third of Russia thats under poverty. You have over three quarters there.
the most promising revolutions would hit the core regions of imperialism (North America and Western Europe).
get a fucking job leftist trash neets
I'm sorry, but you leaving the basement to wash dishes for your mother does not constitute employment.
The japanese don't seem to be upsett about anything, bad bet
Yeah but that wasn't my point. "Being upset" isn't enough to get to communism.
Neither is "most of the productionis socialized", which I doubt. This is the country where ambulances and emergency services are privatized