DoA thread

Seems like Clone Mary is focusing her anger on the two cunts that assaulted her. Fuck Carla

Bonus content

No thanks
Roller skating indoors is a good way to get fucked up

Did mary manage to purge the dorm from cancer?

Unfortunately no, not yet

Val is not welcome

Why does it look like he posted jpegs of the two characters in the first panel using paint? It looks like a poorly done edit.

Why is a man allowed in the girl's dorm?

I am strangely okay with that approach to making characters? Imean, they wouldnt be deeper than a petri dish, but they would be consistent and shows a certain amount of introspection and self-awareness.

Willis is a lazy moron

The problem is there is no self-awareness or introspection from Willis ever

Tonight, Leslie the lesbian makes her lesbian house guest Becky lesbian lesbian lesbians lesbianism

Leslie lesbian lesbian, Becky lesbian lesbian. Then LESBIANS lesbian LESBIAN

There is consistency to the characters, definitely, there is just no way to relate to them, because they're all a mixture of self-devoted failures.

Willis for fuck's sake why do you have to make your comics to look like someone from Holla Forums made stupid edits of them I swear to god

Just fuck you Willis

Shut up Becky, JUST SHUT UP!

Shading is nonexistent. Also the fake mary is phasing in and out because she realized she's in the shitterverse and can't keep consistent size anymore.


>The gender studies department head is a straight dude
This is fucking hilarious but not for the reasons you believe, Willis


Why did you repost a previously posted comic ?

Uh, guess Ruth might do her fucking job?


What is it with people and roller skating in the halls? Why isn't this reported to anybody who will do anything about it? Whatever happened to repurcussions over safety hazzards? Where is the college at with this? When do any of these people ever go to class?

Okay, i'm calling it, Willis is gonna go the "no Ruth YOU were actually wrong ALL along and it's all your fault" route just to pretend like that was what he was going with all along.

No. Mary was in the wrong according to Willis, even before correctly gendering Carl. Consider the difference between what Mary and Billy did: Billy's immediate response was to tattle to authority, whereas Mary wanted to solve the issue using her own wit and intelligence. Since leftists have wormed themselves into vital positions of power (especially in universities), and it's possible to be fired or arrested for having the wrong (right-wing) opinions, Willis obviously prefers Billis' way of doing things. Mary's independence is not the sort of thing he would like to encourage.

I want willis to fellate a shotgun, the fact he lives makes me seriouly ill

Reminder that he's raising his wife's kids. I wonder how that will work out. They'll grow up hating their "father", and depending on how much he molested them, try to kill him

I tried my best…

Work just a TAD harder to make that hair look like Carla's, I thought it was Mary at first.

Willis sets up a contradiction, if Carl liked aggressive Ruth then there was no reason she shouldn't have liked Mary being aggressive before telling him the truth that he is not a woman.
Also there was never any "Rothfull" comments in the comic strips and that is a nickname only Willis would think up

Truly, Willis is a master of facial anatomy.

Forvot to say it earlier when the time skip happened but Joyce was 100% pushed out of her own storyline and since Ryan is extremely likely to be dead she won't be ever getting closurebecause Amber is a bitch that will never say anything to Joyce and will force Dorothy to do the same. Joyce is shown in a strip hallucinating Ryan around her and now she must suffer this forever.

I hate Willis extremely

Joyce never hallucinated Ryan. She actually DID see him.
And in seeing him, she got triggered and saw him everywhere.

I see Willis is still making keeping the option of Ruth becoming her old self as a possibility.

Danny is going insane and Willis stole part of a Moana song

I am stuck tonight without a mean image post here's an image archive

Can't see shit cap'n


Willis up to ruining Joe now, the Chapter is "the do list" so what event happened 3 months ago that made Willis decide Joe needed to be masculine

Are women really so butthurt about lists or Willis, once again,doesn't know how human beings behave?

Women do get butthurt easily but most of them wouldn't give a fuck about some rando make charts about them. They might call him creepy and rant on facebook once but that's it. In this case they'd only be so bum blasted if they either fucked that guy before or wanted to fuck him

Once again, you lot making nonsense become perfection.

Although, is that last Amber recolor annoyed at Joe's list, or her grade in Joe's list? How do they even know their own grades in the list?

I think someone leaked Joe RSS

Molested? Is there something i don't know about Willis?

*Molesting his kids?

Seeing a friend shitting on you after you showed concern hits too close to home, Willis.
Fuck i already felt not well but no, you had to remind me stuff i wanted to never remember you waste of skin.

Unrelated, anyone willing to replace temporarily when i move cross-country later this year? I won't have internet for at least days then so i won't be able to upload.

I know of you…

No, he's just saying that.

Joe will gets publicly castrated

And this is unrealistic too. Willis can't into humans. Men who keep lists of broads they've fucked sure as shit wouldnt give a fuck who knew about it. If anything it would excite them. This is retarded. This is how willis thinks people act, and its wrong, he's wrong

And why would anyone try to hack his Do list? Where's the benefit? Well, except that, in Willis world, everyone is a raving feminist lunatic.

I wanna say he isnt freaking out at the list's release, he is freaking out that Danny isnt. He is freaking out that his life is getting flipped upside-down while we take a minute and sit right there while Willis tells us how this will make Joe a better person.

Why would anyone even think there was a hackable list in the first place? And care enough to seek it out and do something about it?
That's a lot of effort for something so inconsequential.
It only makes sense if it was an inside job by one of his "friends" trying to show him how sexist he is or some shit.

And if that is the reason then any reaction that isn't breaking that frienship is bullshit.

A few members of the main casts besides Danny know it exist, if i remember he gave access to it to Dorothy

Toninghy, more bullshit!

Here's Willis messing up badly an emotional scene

Here's the other DoA edit of the strip in my last post, notice how the tone is different

Here's Willis being a waste of flesh

Here's Willis proving he should have been aborted because

Because this proves him wrong, Willis you black hole that destroy everything good he touches

Here is how Willis the human turd fail to do something he established at some point before tbis strip. The Moron is trying to portray Becky as seeing this image from her pastand to show her repressing it and not let it define her but she instead comes off as a psycho.


was for>>877850

Futher proof Willis shouldn't exist is this image and were posted to celebrat Father's day.

Last post until tomorrow strip, This was par of a retweet by Willis, based on my previous post and this Willis is very mentally unstable and dangerous.

Oh and the game is real and made the people at Game Grumps

Just fuck already, you pair of degenerates.

Willis is sick. Does anyone have the (relativelyl recent) strip where DeSanto says that she has as good a father as possible because he left her mother and never was around?

Well done, Willies. I guess looking at any real fights for inspiration was far too full of toxic masculinity for him.

I like to think the follow-up to this would be Toedad realizing all is lost, and his daughter is irredeemably corrupted.
Having so obnoxiously rejected him, as soon as he recovers he'll buy another gun.
He'll climb a tree outside the campus and end his daughter's torment with a single bullet.

I missed the leak so if everything works well we will get two strips instead of one tonight

Brace yourselves, this is NOT the worst of the two strips despite being really bad


I stronly believe Willis gets off on making/portraying Joyce as a vctim and in running every decent character he has

Top notch writing as always

What if Willis is a skinwalker pretending to be human? because he doesn't know how humans behave.

Has this been made into a Loss edit yet?

i wouldn't worry about it.

I worry about family of the man he stole the skin from. They should know their relative has been turned into the suit of a monster pretending to be a human being.

Fucking why?

Is it any good? I'm a fan of dating sim parody games.

Because it wasn't black and white in favour of the main characters, perhaps. Was she arrested? Could she prove self defense? Did he die? Could she really reasonably claim that cutting up someone was self defense? Was she traumatized over what she did? If not, what does that say about her? What do her friends think about it? Etc, etc.


After speaking with "experts" about this strip it was found that Joe originally put Joyce as a 10 but she got that unique score for going batshit at their date and punching him. It was also discovered that this is the first time since then that Joyce has ever felt like she did a bad
I see what you are doing Willis you hack.

We are approaching seventeen days since Amber took a knife from a man and stabbed him to death on those very same steps.

I dont buy it. That'd be too convenient.
Sides, Joyce is a 7 a t MOST.

Listen Willis is a fucking hack but i actually enjoyed these so far. i dunno why i really dont but Christ its funny to me.

It is Willis we speak of, nothing is too convenient with him

I'm just surprised he didn't end that strip with a quip from Dorothy

So Ethan is missing, Amber is missing and i'm still not sure if she killed or not.


New character that speak the truth therefore Willis will ruin her, the "person" behind the counter is actually uglier than Becky and Becky id still ruining Robin life.

that's not even something you wear ironically.

Willis is out of touch with reality

Why do most people in this comic has black eyes and black noses? Its creepy

More Becky

Less time spent on each strip

is church girl a QT or is it me?

Joyce is a saddening girl because she's too good for that Willis world. She's a bit dense and stupidly naive, but she's kind-hearted and optimistic. She doesn't deserve that sort of treatment.

She was a 10/10 on the jock's list.

I don't understand.

Why are you namefagging?

Because he's a namefag. Are you even paying attention?

Mindy and Anna are what happen when Willis makes new characters

Oh boy.. A fictional world where everyone is an emotionally unstable faggot or tranny!

Why does the redhead have a Hitler moustache?

So, Sydney, Australia, basically?

Or San Fransisco, or the entirety of Canada.

What happened during the three days skip that has Clone Mary so happy and what do you think was the rating Joe gave to Carla?

Lesbian shenanigans

Shes been in a good mood even from before that. Probably because Ruth is doing her job for once.

If this comic has any grounding at all in reality, he hasn't given >her any score at all, because >she's not a real woman. No one (especially not a jock) would care about pretending that >she is a real woman when no one is looking (the list was private).

At least Mary got a great rating.

Was willis raised by a single mom?

Not funny, also it is a actual bonus strip by Willis the hack


Tonight strip. Hate

What the fuck even is that trash tattoo
At least make it clear what we're supposed to see there Willis, can't you draw anything competently, even something as simple as some arm tattoo

Why is white lesbianinto someone whom is not into her?

What is going on?

He doesn't have that excuse no.

Oh boi, Amber murdered the guy. how long was the fucking time skip?

Daily reminder that Tycho Brahe is a rapist.

What's with the lesbian fetish?
Isn't that "problematic"
For shame little willis

It's supposed to be one of those tattoos that look like muscles but Willis suck

Three days

Leslie has terrible taste in potential

Willis is a well-known hypocrite

I'd ask if Willis really thinks his awful characters are attractive and then I remembered he did porn of them


Call me a dick, but I love that Lesbian Bed Death is a real thing.

I see this thread often while I'm browsing Holla Forums and I am genuinely curious as to why all of you guys seem to care so much about a webcomic made by someone who's from what I can see is an SJW piece of shit?

Even if I'm mistaken and he's not an SJW, these screenshots make him seem like a real dickhead at the least.

Can you guys shed some light on this for me?

"Chippin' away until we find that Elephant"
- David Willis onder this strip.
Giving the double bird wasn't funny when Becky did it and it is not funny here either

We mock and critic both Willis and his Webcomic


did you think we make threads about things we like? because i don't know how you could get that idea.

In all seriousness, it's pretty much like the Questionable Content thread, or those storytimes or horrendously bad marvel comics. We enjoy getting infuriated or disappointed. Amusingly there often are times where people actually analyse deeply the reasons as to why the stories, characters or art are so terrible, and those are sincerely fascinating and educated discussions

Why are you namefagging?

Because he's a namefag, Morty we've been trough this.

why are you posting instead of lurking

Annnnd back into the filter you go
Was hoping you finally killed yourself

Why are you such a fag?

Sorry for missing the posting, i have been sick lately. Second strip and 4th are bonus strips

Forgot to say that willis posted that the important stuff from the 3 day time skip will be shown in flashbacks.

Willis is really getting on my nerves

Why are you defending namefaggotry?

How is that last one any funnier by replacing the yelling with some 404 ?..

Why are you namefagging?

Because he is a terrible human being

Here you go

Why so many words just to express "we're such nurdz BAZINGLE"

What a waste of 6 panels.

Why are you namefagging?

I fucking hate you Willis, seriously i wish i could break each of your fucking fingers and laugh while you cry in pain and beg me to stop.
Yes that was edgy but i can't his bullshit anymore! WHY DOES HE STILL LIVE WHEN BETTER PEOPLE DIE EVERY FUCKING DAY

Why do i keep being a failure so much, FUCK?!

I don't get this strip. Is Dannyh saying "Hrm" becasue Joe is sexist? Is the person in the background a woman is he a tranny? Is >she there to show how sexist and wrong Joe is? Is the joke that Joe is right or that he's wrong?

Ooooh I already can't wait for the "there totally are wimin in computer sciences" cry

Why are you namefagging?

I vaguely remember most of Danny's class in this building somehow being women or some joke of that effect.

Better question would be why isn't he hanging from a lamppost.

Because there's no justice in this world.

Ah yes, the Scary Shootbang M2016, replete with curved barrel, he paid extra for that beaut.

Neurotypical bitch monopolizing the therapist's time.

WHY DOES EVERYONE KNOW WHO HE IS?? LAST I CHECKED HE HAD A THING IN THE SCHOOL NEWSPAPER, HE'S NOT A FUCKING FOOTBALL STAR! Willis is also suffering from a bad case of "womenarenotdtfitis" it's a heartbreaking condition that affect 1 in 2 male feminists. Wherein they believe women are on a higher plane sexually. Symptoms include: Believing women don't put appearance over personality, believing women don't like being told they're pretty and believing women are not insecure.

Currently there is no known cure, but I'm developing a treatment for this heartbreaking disease. It's called "bitches ain't shit but hos and tricks", I will blast the African's greatest contribution to Western civilization throughout the major numale capitals of the world until they hate both Dr. Dre and women. Donate to my patreon.

It's the idea that all women share an identical mindset, if not goal, so if one knows about this man, they telepathically all can tell who he is and why you should dislike him.
Willis truly understands ladies better than all of us.

Also I am not a muslim, not even circumcised

Best post on Holla Forums.


Why are you namefagging?

Get the fuck out

This sucks, also fuck off Val

I don't get it, how is a hat "straight" ?..

Why are you namefagging?

Fuck off

I suppose because the hat is gay,so, if he is bisexual, the hat is a little straight.

Also, goddammit, Willis. Women like sexually aggressive attractive guys.

This makes no sense whatsoever and I'm angry I had to think about it.

Why are you namefagging?



Willis also uploaded a version where puppy was replaced by dolphin

Also don't fucking post Val, NOBODY here wants you in the thread you stain on humanity and if he does post everyone ignore him

THAT is the chick he ends up dating and or marrying in Itswalky. Originally, she was a cashier.

Wh… what ? Why ?..

How do you even know that shit ?

Because Ive read it start to finish.
I remember it because Willis treated it as a big reveal, as people started speculating who was this mysterious Internet Girlfriend Joey actually liked (remember? When Internet Girlfriends were a thing that was cool?) and he turned out to have snuck an easter egg that spoils it was her all along in her first appearance as a random supermarket.

Just filter the namefag away. Even if you tell him to fuck off you're giving him the attention he craves.

Fuck off that's beyond bullying at this point
That sounds dumb. I remember an user had posted a lot of Mary's appearances in that Itswalky webcomic, and if the story for that Joey was as incompetent, sounds like it was painful.

No, I remember Internet Girlfriends turning out to be fat old men was always a thing, even before "catfish" was a term for it.

Worse, fat old men who WON'T PUT OUT


Hey, that's some good shit !

Why are you namefagging?


"Hey kids, don't forgot to police your friends for wrongthink!"

"Hey kids, it's to leak people information to try to ruin their lives if you don't like them"

This entire arc is so dumb. Why would anyone even fucking care so much they'd hack a goddamn list ?
… unless they wanted to know their own grade ? And since she's apparently an 11 (not seeing it Willis), why would she STILL somehow be insulted enough to share it around for everyone to see ?
… also wasn't there an arc like two weeks ago of people possibly getting stabbed or some shit ? Why is it the main plot now ?

If Willis does anything with too much violence he actually triggers himself.
Remember how he deliberately destroyed any drama he created when the horrible lesbo had flashbacks to her dysfuntional family by posting pictures of kittens and a lengthy apology for drawing any of it, immediately under said strip?
Both of those utterly dwarfed the strip itself.

I could honestly believe he is afraid of drawing any knife violence, so it won't be approached until he figures out a suitable apology for doing it.
He may even pull a Jeph Jacques this time and livestream stabbing himself in the hand.

So he is a passive agressive faggot like all feminists?

Why are you namefagging?

Mr. Dubs, for fucks sakes, just fiddle with the options settings.

Its Val, the last thing anyone should do is give him attention.

… wait THAT is why they call him Handstab?

I wish this board had IDs so I could filter you.

Oh boy you've been missing out
You need to follow the questionable content threads, user. Ask them there what it's all about. That's a memory lane you'll love.

Ryan is alive, i predict fucking Willis will portray Amber as a hero

…I hope YOU get raped Danny, Joe removed the names and your faggot ass could have destroyed the list anytime

I vote we save Joe since he is okay, anyone that disagree is a Val fanboy!

How the fuck is a subjective list of attractiveness going to put anyone in danger…?

If it really is that dangerous, the only solution would be to have every female on campus wear a burqa.

A PRIVATE LIST, mind you.

Willis is an idiot.


How does the freckled bitch know her nickname? Actually, if there's nicknames instead of names, how did everyone immediately know their scores before? What's the problem with releasing the list after a sexual predator was caught? Why would sexual predators want to use a list that only puts a subjective 1-10 score next to a (nick)name? Why wouldn't they just use the school yearbook or something (which includes pictures, by the way)? None of this makes sense.


Eeeeeeew, what's wrong with her faaaaaaace?


Tell me if I got that wrong, but I think the argument is that there was an actual sexual predator/rapist in the campus, and releasing Joe's list right after would've made him automatically look like a similar freak; so Amber is saying she's not mean enough to inflict this upon Joe ?

What, you mean they'd worry about what might happen to a straight male?
Are you mad?

Anyways, they already said,

Their only concern is that a single person ranking girls by his own standards might lead to… something.
I'm not sure what, but it'll be something!
People doing… things.

Why are you namefagging?

Oh look Mike is back and Willis is already trying to ruin him. I hate Amber, her mom and Willis.



Fucking Hack!

Hate you, HATE YOU!

Go post in the thread dedicated to you or something.
If it even still exists.


Probably does.

The fuck are you two talking about?

Now now, calm down. Willis is a shitty artist. At least it's not like we're sharing twitter caps of his.
Please don't share some of his twitter caps

Fuck off Val



As the broken clock strikes twice, Willis managed to make me laugh. God. Dammit.

I saw 5 whole minutes of it before becoming put off. They make your daughter black by default, so you're either black, a cuck, interracial, or adopted. Seems a weird choice for a dad game tbh. It seems like it's a game marketed to gay dudes who like daddy sex .

Well it's a game with the game grumps as voice actors, so of course it's made for fags

Of course you would know Val.

how the fuck is Willis still going on about this fucking list, it's been months since he introduced this non-plot

Now we just need to wait for the porn edits.

Amber, please

So amber just pull out of nowhere knowledge about Joe opinion on his dad, Amber verbally destroy her mom like the awful person she (Amber) is, just so Willis can do a Batman joke.Oh and of nowhere Ethan who was missing for 3 days just show.

I am not even willing to get angry over Willis writing but i can't do this for a while, i am just that much burned out. Hopefully someone can take my role for a while

The main issue with Willis' writing is that he expects us to care for his characters, to feel sympathetic to their woes and sadness somehow, and that it would justify excusing some of their behaviour.
Whereas nobody likes anyone he writes, so any action that would warrant acceptation and understanding in the case of any human being going through a rough patch just sounds bitchy under his penmanship.

Not even the blackest nigger hates the concept of fatherhood as much as Willis. Thank God no woman will touch him.


WHat Willis thinks of dads.png
Courtesy of the halfchanners.

Did he kill his doggo?

What's all this shit about Amazigirl and a knife fight, anyway?

Was it shown or just implied?

I want to hate on this, but I can't even be bothered to look it up.

Just read the thread.

I have bad news for you…

his hand has gigantism

let's amend that to 'no woman without a mustache', then

OP here, i'm back and while post in a short time

Character assassination go!

No one deserving of sympathy here

Ryan lives, Joyce keeps becoming more like Willis

Taking bets on how Ruth will make things even worse

are we supposed to think she's a hypocrite ?
I'm still baffled willis believes she's in the wrong in any way. I still have no fucking idea what "bad deed" she made so far. Being a cunt at worst, and even then that's arguably false.

Holy shit, that last panel was so hamfisted out of fucking nowhere it could literally be used in schools to teach how NOT to write anything. Joyce comes out of fucking nowhere, without warning, suddenly becomes part of the conversation like she was always there, and is accepted as such by the dino-retard, confirming even more how weird it is she wasn't shown until then… and the joke itself is fucking retarded anyway.

It gets worse, Willis reproduced and has 2 kids

Not true; if I recall, those are his wife's kids.
He's raising another man's sons.
His wife's sons.

So, having her overweight friend whom moonlights as a superhero delivering stabs is okay, but not reporting the guy to the police?

I found that section. The guy who almost raped Joyce fights Amber.

We don't even see the fight itself.

Fuck all of you for making me do this.



I know this is a webcomic and all that shit, but actually aliens are more believable than this.


At least we go to best boy

Oh and that thing is real

Well, she obviously doesn't know how, and of course neither does Willis.
I know doing any research into knife fights, even watching movie fights on YouTube, would be far too triggering for Willis but surely even he could tell that that "disarming grip" would just make him hold the knife even tighter…

Really, why the fuck would he loosen his grip from that?
I could very much believe that one reason the fight happened off-scene is that Willis would have no fucking idea what he's doing when trying to draw it. Already it looks like the guy dropped the knife then stood there like an idiot and let her slash him.

And way to go on Amazigirl using her incredible crime-fighting powers to notice a guy creeping up 5ft away..

Jesus Christ WHY? This thing is not art, it's wrong definied on every possible level!

Willis, it's the wrist. You grab the wrist. Not the hand. FUCKING HELL YOU DREW HIS FINGERS GROWING OUT OF AMBER'S THUMB SO HE COULD DROP THE KNIFE. That should've been a hint that you needed to redraw that panel.>>897737

Why wouldn't he just stab them from behind then when he approached her?

What qualifies overweight girl with glasses to be taken seriosuly wearing a superhero costume?

Because with every passing moment we move away from gods light.

What's up with that?

I don't get it either.

Its typical of him.




Willis you dumb fuck, this was just dumb joke you stole to make your new story thread


why do people try so feverishly to turn good people into bad guys? Jews always paint the germans in a bad light, as well as all whites in general, even though the true cradle of civilization could not have been in a backwater continent that has been living in tribal settings with huts in the modern age of technology and row housing. Christians are always painted as hate and fear-mongering bastards even though those who are true to the words of the lord are just freely expressing how degenerate actions have been banished before and should be banished again.
I can already tell what's going to happen; she's so happy and sing-songy because the homosexuals are separated and now they can't be heathens in her general vicinity. That's it, that's what his dumb characters can't figure out and he's been dragging a two cent plot around for 4 figures.

What? Of course they are. That's what happens when people go around trying to criminalize and ban "hate speech", all it really does is make those people more clandestine and cunning about it, plus with even more reason to hate them.

Why does anyone talk to you? I have never seen what's his name do anything that wasn't motivated by spite.

So unless i'm wrong, Willis is retreading Mary's abortion story arc from Roomies.

How can someone be this spiteful?

I know Willis is spiteful but he just manage to get worse


Feels bad man.

Wiliils is gonna get Mary pregnant and dropped out before the end of the month same bullshit he pulld with the ItsWalky Mary he's such a hack he's just gonna rehash her story line.

The entire point of DoA is to rehash the characters. Why not their Greatest Moments (tm)?

Doubledose of original: This guy was the husband of a "reformed" Mary in "It's Walky" and his name is Peter Paul

They're faking. Mary and Carla don't want anyone to know what really goes on in those dorms.


Guys, I want to hate on this, but I can't make myself give willis a pageview.

Whom is copy Mary dating?

Looks like a Ruger No. 1 from what I can tell.

The guy that in the Its Walky timeline, ends up marrying her and becoming a doctor and patching up Sal in a time of need.

I'm surprised. I thought that Davey, being an anti-Trump SJW, was too afraid of guns to draw one properly.

Well, even broken clocks get it right twice a day, and all that…

I have no words for how stupid the latest strip is.

Maybe one.


Wait, did you forget to post a few ? There's quite a skip there.

Anyway, ok, david always showed he CAN get heavy, somehow. He CAN deal with heavy themes. He's trying to go back to something meaningful and moving, but every time he fucked up with a retarded joke or a detestable character's quip to ruin the entire emotion. Once he literally wrote a tl;dr before the comic to ask for forgiveness and that it'd all be alright and then literally shared a picture of a cute kitten to appease people's "grief"
Let's see how that one plotpoint fares

Here are the missing strips. They're intellectualizing the fucklist and Joice is traumiatized by not remembering her lack of consciousness that time she wasn't raped.

I don't understand this arc. I do understand that we're supposed to think Joe is a jerk for making the list but I don't get why it's being made into such a serious thing.

Women are being directly hurt by being objectified into "lists"
Regardless of the fact that he used to have this list as purely private until it was "hacked", and that women do it constantly themselves, sometimes quite clearly openly; it still makes women hurt, you know… in an "invisible" way. Even if they aren't told about it, it somehow hurts them, ya know.

Like, OMG, don't you even, like, know that the male gaze hurts!? And there are, like, traumatized survivors of not rape! I mean, OMG!

Hey, that affects us



Basically he's saying because someone fucked up to rape a woman because he thought she was attractive and gave no fucks about consent, then anyone that comes up with lists based on attractiveness or thinks about women are evil because they encourage that thought process.

It doesn't matter that the thought process in a fucked up person is inherently fucked up. If you think of someone and put them in a list your just objectifying them just like a rapist would.

And the thing is though, for every person Willis dated that decided to break it off with him, you were put on a list too.

I bring pain.
The christian shown as evil in this strip are named Mary and Peter Paul.
Since Willis is rabidly anti_christian is he taking a shit on Mary, Peter and Paul by Proxy. Oh and Joyce continue becoming female Willis

good thing we took care of her and set her free here.


Of course theg are.


See, that's what's frustrating not the first pages, they're retarded and unfunny but we're used to that, I mean the "resolution" of Joyce admitting to her friend what happened to her
This isn't how you fucking resolve that shit, since it basically just took a "here, I told you what happened, and you didn't know before, now you know and as soon as you heard you made it clear it mattered". It automatically excuses everything the dude did, since he didn't fucking know in the first place, and could even put the "blame" on Joyce herself for being mad at him for something he had neither knowledge nor control over, when all you needed to do was tell him. That simple.
Making him a bit more dense, or harsher, or unfair would've caused tension, pain, emotion, and thus, humanity. It would've made things more vivid, tangible… real.
Willis however just went the easy way out : "here is conflict, here, it's gone !". Fuck off Willis. Do your fucking job as a storyteller. There is no pain in a friend telling me they were hurt by me when they're not hurt anymore the very next page.




300 hit, we need a new thread.


What does a "dental hygienist" even do ? Is it just a dentist for fucking hipsters and queers ?..

you retarded namefagging sack of shit a Dental Hygienist does teeth cleanings you uneducated fuck

… isn't that what a dentist does ? Why get a new doctor solely for that one medical act ? Burgers are weird.

your ignorant sack of shit dentists do hard dental work hygienists do the prep work fucking hell what kind of idiot are you.

t. salty dentist

I hate when i can't find the leaks and have to force myself to go to his site