What are your thoughts on antinatalism and voluntary human extinction?
What are your thoughts on antinatalism and voluntary human extinction?
I support it
No one should have the horrors of consciousness forced on them
I feel like he'd be a transhumanist if he was alive today
We can't very well reach the end of history if we're extinct, can we.
If everyone on Holla Forums is incapable of writing a decent OP, then I think it's a good idea.
but my two cents is that it's a shitty idea, and only exists as a satirical counterpoint in a larger philosophical argument. you shouldn't take it seriously, and you shouldn't pretend to take it seriously.
but what do you think, OP?
Excuse me, but Nuclear War followed by an Alien Revolution isn't neither "voluntary" nor "extinction"
It's dumb and so was Schopenhauer.
I support population regulation.
that doesn't even make sense though because having something forced on you requires you to be conscious or at least exist in the first place
Gee let me ask an unborn baby in mommy's belly first if it consents to be born or not
Oh that's right i can't, tough luck
None of us asked to be born and you don't see us complaining like pussies about it. if you find it so tough why don't you just off yourself
It's for salty virgins and MGTOW's. You are lucky to be alive right now, fuck off.
although I know the universe is silent and uncaring, I cherish the life I live. I can accept periods of unhappiness, because I know I will also experience happiness to come
I take issue with the voluntary part.
Because I prefer killing to dying
I fully support it.
Life has indeed, a negative net worth.
I am for human extinction, whether voluntary or involuntary.
Fuck off propertarian
what the fuck are you on about? have you ever read any of his works?
It literally selects against itself leaving only pro-natalists, and besides that, someone's life is worth living if they themselves feel so.