/k/ommando Trial start - Day 1

Hello Holla Forums - MN /k/ here. Starting today is jury selection for the Trial of Allen Lance Scarsella. Who the fuck is that you ask? See pic very related (he's the 3rd one over). A recap for those who are either not in the loop, new, or just want an update:



So far it's been just hearings where BLM fags stuff the courtroom and try to start shit. So far several have been arrested and charged with contempt. Trial starts soon, jury selection is today. If this thread 404's I'll make another for when the trial starts proper. Let's send our POW's some love, Holla Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=suck start&defid=4186693


dey dint do nuffin dey gud bois. they should hire the best kike lawyer in town. its worth it to put a few shekels in moshes pocket for freedom.

i really don't give a fuck about tripfags.
but shame that white men trying to provide some lulz get punished, have a gentle bump

These guys?

Yup. Those guys.

Jesus, I remember that happening. Please clarify this line though:

They got cornered and Lance was knocked to the ground, at which point he had to fire. He scored 5 hits, but no kills.


I have the whole livestream somewhere, probably to big to upload here tho

Fucking casuals


I mean you could make excuses, he was on the ground, it was dark, niggers were jumping around, but ffs c'mon

Hey I'm disappointed none were goodified myself. But wounded niggers is better than nothing.

Niggers show gun wounds off. If anything it just added to their stripes mannng

5 hits is impressive. i hope he isn't convicted.

Fucking this. I hate working at a place where I know this shit personally. For /k/ tripfags they sure bungled the one thing /k/ is known for. It would be like seeing a Holla Forumsack get BTFO'd by some leftycuck minority. It would be shameful for multiple reasons.

mega it plox

looks like cuckchan /k/ deleted the thread.
https:// boards.4chan.org/k/thread/32586078

Last I heard the DA ain't got and that's why the others got off. They're just holding this guy cause they want a white boy to serve time for protecting himself.

Ain't got shit*


Nice trips, Satan. Considering most of /k/ are Holla Forumsacks, and there is a large crossover between the two, the shame is twofold.

Shiet, sorry. Thought that was the full thing. Looks to be the most complete version of it out there though.

It kept him from getting enriched (further). Those niggers would have likely beat him to death had he not done anything.

Not quite satan. The only thing they fucked up on was not having a viable escape plan. Everything else was OK.

/k/ is a board of peace! They dindu nuffin!


NoMi Holla Forums here. Live just a few blocks from that fucking 4th precinct. Thanks for the update broder.


because you don't have it…

You know that's one of the most important thing when it comes to irl shitposting. I wonder how much effort those tripfags put into this. Did they even think to have an escape plan or even get feel of the layout of the neighborhood via jewgle maps?

No probs :^)

IDK the extent of their planning, but the fact they had to shoot nogs tells me they had a shit escape plan - if one at all.

Nice false narrative, retard.

Oh where they supposed to keep their sidearms holstered and let the hoarde of niggers mob them? Or… shoot people in self defense and have the legal system look the other way?

No. Right now the shame is completely on the justice department. With all the video I personally saved it's a fucking travesity they were charged, and none of the niggers were.

And when I say video I mean from the first video clip where the niggers spotted them on the scene and started telling each other "put the phone away; put the camera down" to the sandalfoot Somalinigress talking about axking them kweshuns and trying peacefully exkort them away from witnesses

Forgot, because I'm a faggot.


Trial starts tomorrow.

Go suck start a shotgun.

The group from the car video isn't the same group from the shooting. Only one guy was at both. They didn't start shooting until after that had already been beat on pretty badly (the video clearly shows one in a headlock, Arctic had several teeth knocked out and a broken nose). And hard to call it surprise when they contacted the police and surrendered.


If they need extra legal firepower be sure to stick to common law or the law of the land and refuse to accept false proceedings under color of law.

Nice 21st century justice system we got here.

Where's this video?

Calm down hothead, anyone with eyes can tell the nigs nogged and they shot them in self defense. The only reason they are being dragged through the mud in the court system is because, at least locally, they now have a face to put behind the ebul alt-right super nazis from the internet so they will more than likely be treated as an example. The worst thing to come from all of this, is that there are no dead niggers at the end of this.

You wouldn't happen to be the guy that goes into every patch thread on cuckchan /k/ and calls for NEET to get arrested because you think he was there for this shit, would you?

Saiga and Lance were in the car, Lance was there the next night, and was also the one who pulled the trigger on every nigger.

I'm going to go play video games now.

Anyone with eyes can tell I'm not upset, and you're being a huge faggot. The worst thing to come from all this faggots shitting on /k/ and Holla Forums and calling it "light bantz".

Somebody get this selfchecking calmhead outta here.

It's for the best




This. It's a witch hunt, nothing more and nothing less.

So do the first, second, and fourth one get "Honorary Aryan" status?

Just the fourth. The rest are actually white.

Unrelated note; I (and possibly others ITT) have met that 4th guy IRL. His head wasn't that shape before. That's how bad the nogs got them.

Didn't understand a single shit, can you avoid greentexting like a two years old monkey?


not bad, /k/. Unfortunately like


This was the best I could do as shit hit the fan really fast. Unfortunately I got no sound and I don't know if that was my fault, or the original uploader.

Please forgive size/quality I had to fuck with it to get it under 12mb

There was a lot of deleting shit for fear of doxing. MN/k/ had to go underground for a bit to avoid turbo libs doxing them - and there were quite a few who got hit. Pic related is what the libs used, and they also accused everyone of being white supremacists and all kinds of stuff. Classic witch hunt.

I really hope a jury gets to see this video. Watching it again like a year later there is no fucking way any of the niggers that surround them knew who they were or what their intentions were. They didn't harass anyone, or flash guns, or antagonize, or intimidate anyone.

Every non-nigger who sees this video knows the truth of this incident: /k/ was guilty of being not-black in niggertown. This is the exact type of case good attorneys usually jump at, when the clients are niggers. It gives them the opportunity to walk people down the "he dindu nuffin but be black in a white city" path. However this was the exact opposite, and I'm not sure what quality defense /k/ got for this.

I fucking hate this neighborhood so bad I hope our guys get acquitted it starts a new protest that goes full-Fergusen. North Minneapolis would be so fucking awesome sans niggers.

It's extremely unlikely they won't see this video.

fuck. that many people with funs and only 5 of them thought "maybe my face in this pic isn't the best idea"

well I also got this outta the shit last winter: pics related are dox to our local agent provacateur

Most of /k/ is like this.

someone needs to teach them about the old "dazzle" navy ship camouflage. from a computer science point of view, those patterns painted on your face completely fucking break every type of facial recognition software.

in a photo like that there are obviously other identifying features we can see, but holy shit put some "dazzle" pattern facepaint on in the future as a minimal obfuscation…

Jesus Christ OP, that internal monoglue you're having is pure mental illness. Think before your bitch ass speaks.

After the BLM fiasco any MN /k/ meetups will DEFINITELY be following at least some basic security regarding this. Doxing will put the fear of god in just about anyone.

I'm sorry, what?

Have you gotten in contact with the Defense and given them the video? Does the defence have the whole video?

They got it all and then some.

Then if this gets shown in court it should be pretty open and shut. I just hope they got the most Jewish Philadelphia lawyer they could.

A public defender could blow out the prosecutor that got assigned this. But I'm pretty sure they've lawyered up by now.

good post but the Nog (((tlawyers))) are going to argue the

you shouldn't of came to the chimpout armed you new that your presence would upset the niggers thus you coming to the niggaplooza was not to counter protest or your own personal social experiment it was to aggravate the niggs so you could kill them legally DEFENSE







TRS will still say Holla Forums does nothing.

This thread has absolutely nothing to do with TRS

We shall meme them free!

t.TRSall in good fun Komeraden

Reminder that SaigaMarine is a fucking faggot who spent years making fake greentext stories about being in the USMC
Pic related, "saigamarine"

eh he shoots black and doesnt afraid of anything so

checked, I don't know shit about half/k/, I always thought that was sam hyde

He's a faggot but that comes with tripping.


I feel like that is good enough evidence to get them off the hook. The niggers even admitted they were being violent

Ironically he probably would've had a better chance killing someone with one of those than the .45 it was probably going to be himself

wtf i love niggers and chimpouts now

Should have gone with a tactical bowlcut.

I've thought about the tac. bowlcut. I've got the tacticool undercut atm.

No way this doesn't taint the jurors in the komandos favor

Truly Kek is great


Every person in the legal system who is trying to punish this innocent man is going to suffer beautifully in Kek's hell

That's angering me about this as well. More so, it's the view like that in OP's pic: "Terrorism looks like this too" or whatever the fuck the wording was. Hear that Zimmerman Trial refrain all over again. We're hearing that self-defense is a criminal act of terrorism/hate crime. Christ, it didn't occur to me until now but are they also facing any sort of hate crime enhancement for this?



Was this even reported in the national media? I've never once heard about this.

It's been fairly quiet outside of MLPS, but there it's pretty big news still.

There were a few reports on national news, but the nigs nogging in Chicago and other shit cities took the spotlight.

This guy is actually pretty redpilled apparently

I think killing people legally is implied with lawful carry and the need to use it. The (((lawyers))) would need to argue they intentionally antagonized a group of them into a trap in order to kill them (aka, premeditated murder). This is similar to leaving your property unlocked and wide open for invaders while hiding with a shotgun behind the door. Is there evidence that they had a fallback location they were luring the nigs to? If so, they are fucked. Otherwise, it's not illegal to carry a gun in case shit goes down. It's also not illegal or suspicious to go to a BLM rally if you're white (see: SJW libtard cucks).

Speaking of chimpouts, we're long overdue for a major one.
Do you think we'll see a category 5 on inauguration day?

I don't see it in DC - security is too high. Other places definitely.

Advice for any anons who show their power level irl, as soon as someone calls you out start yelling "This guys a neo-nazi" and "get him" back at them. This should cause momentary confusion in the mob long enough for you to make your getaway.

OP is a goon confirmed.
I don't know shit about this

How does one lives after 5 hits center mass of .45 JHP? I mean docs can save anything sure but he must be missing a couple organs…

Was he using FMJs like a fucking retard? Or some of those fancy gay not-JHP rounds?

His girlfriend was a nig. Don't implicate white girls.

Based on how he talks, namely his usage of "suck start a shotgun," this guy is an 8/k/ regular and I think a leaf.



He probably did it on purpose to try and prevent a possible prison sentence.

3 nogs were hit total.

No, but have this pic anyways.

More like he missed vital areas because aiming is difficult when good bois are half way up your ass.



Kek be with them


I honestly can't even believe they were arrested. It wasn't as if they had instigated anything. Fucking shame, I hope charges are dropped.

Doubtful as our CCW laws here don't allow you to fire warning shots or "maim" people. If you have to use your gun you're supposed to use it to kill. I've seen lawsuits here where the niggers won damages from their victim because the victim said under oath they shot the nigger's knee because he didn't want to kill him. Poor guy had to pay nigger's hospital fees and pain and suffering damages he otherwise would not have had to pay had he aimed for the chest and face.

Dayum. About time syrupland came up with a good insult. I'm keeping it and using it.

checking both of these dubs

Nah, it was likely spray and pray. The niggers managed to push him down and started to beat on him before he opened fire. Fists in face make accuracy difficult, otherwise we'd probably have more dead watermelon.

Also, the defense laws are cucked beyond all reason. Duty to retreat is total bs.

good luck /k/ bro, thanks for the OC, those were great threads

Yep. Duty to retreat AWAY from the fucking physical Police Department? I honestly think they showed great restraint because I watched that shit live streamed… the second they were outnumbered my hand would have been on my holster, and the second i got touched i would have opened fire in front of all those people LITERALLY ACROSS THE STREET FROM THE POLICE DEPARTMENT.

That whole ordeal made me not trust our governer Mark Dayton. He endangered everyone that lives in the vicinity of that precent. Those niggers should NEVER have been allowed to siege, barracade the road, and start bonfires all over the street.


Day of the Rake when?

Shit, how many bones in his face got broken? Because that looks like he'll need facial reconstruction surgerey if he doesn't want to look cubist painting for the rest of his life.

Prozac Pill Poppin' Dayton? I heard he was literally autistic. He also is destroying anything white about MN - deliberately. He threw an autistic shit fit over some civil war paintings and stormed out of a building not too long ago.

Fukken saved


His actions make me think he's putting on a show for his (((handlers))).

I've been working on this theory… I've mentioned it a few times on Holla Forums. I believe the Jew's current primary goal is the eradication of all Germanic peoples. I believe Dr. Martin Luther assblasted them so hard with his translations and reinvention of the modern German language that they think before they can deliver the goy's final crushing blow that Germanic people are the first obstacle.

My primary evidence are the huge forced changes in demographics of high Germanic population densities. I've been looking at whole countries, states/provinces, all the way down to the city level. Every place on Earth you find a high density of Germanic peoples there is a high correlation that those same areas have been intentionally "diversified" over the last 30 years.

Sorry to rant, but discussing this Dayton fuck brought up that pro-somalinigger anti-native-Minnesota speech he gave from St. Cloud last year.

PS) St. Cloud is one of the three original high population density Germanic towns in Minnesota: New Ulm, Shakopee, and St. Cloud.

And it's also very diverse these days. I don't live near MLPS but last time I drove through I felt compelled to lock my doors. Diversity fucking everywhere.


Update for everyone watching. I didn't see this when making the OP.

mp rnews.org/story/2017/01/09/jamar-clark-protest-shooting-jury-selection

Queue one salty ape slamming on a keyboard

Oh shit, I've been waiting for updates on this. I hope they don't get into too much trouble although now that I know they were tripfags on half /k/ I suddenly don't have as much sympathy for them. Trip fags are turbo cancer.

hopping for a live stream

No cameras in court rooms in Minnesota. Not even still images, unless it's approved by the lawyers.

It's seems pretty obvious from the videos that they didn't go into this looking for a fight. They just thought it was funny to banepost and shit irl. Obviously, the nigs started noggin. Why are these faggots even in trouble?

MN is ruled by cucks

As a state we're still 85% white and still mostly Germanic. Which is why I believe we're a primary target of the kikes.

Don't steal /k/ memes you filthy casual.

Make me, roody-poo

Day 3 of trial and still no word from the inside. I'll keep my eyes and ears peeled for you.

We crash the trial while wearing "Free Lance" shirts

the quality of tripfags never changes.

A thousand keks.

so is he the most red-pilled hippy ever?

This fucking faggot is the one who basically started it all. He's the one who was going around asking for IDs and asking "why are you wearing a mask?". If anyone is to blame for this debacle it's this nigger right here. I remember this little faggot saying "gotta a minute? lemme talk about philosophy and physiology yo" and "there are 5 genders depending on when the pheromone is released" kek what a moron. He is the biggest faggot alive. Fuck him. Jamar's brother/cousin said that isis and blm are very alike and then went to say isis dindu nuffin dey bez good bois n sheeeeeit. Fucking hypocrite pieces of shit.

To be fair their looks were mostly gained post-beatdown.

it doesn't excuse their faggotry though. I hope they learned their lesson

We could stand to get some dox here

His dox:
This shit was in current year, I doubt anything is still up.
UnicornRiot livestream are up on the tube, along with internet aristocrat's.

OH that's the same guy. I'm retarded.

America has a common law system, you idiot.

Confirmed for newfag that wasn't here.

This is the same protest crowd that was throwing molotovs into the cop compound the night before.

Lugenpresse has been hard at work - and lazy too!

twi tter.com/UR_Ninja/status/818573657408581632

city pages.com/news/as-allen-scarsella-goes-to-trial-jason-sole-demands-justice-but-doesnt-expect-it/409793495

Pic related explains exactly what Lance did wrong.

An heroing now

Obvious self defence, raise hell if they are not acquitted

they had an asian?

there only mistake was making the fucking video in the car with their gats pulled calling the niggers din duus

Thats intent to go armed.


Holy shit, this is quality fucking TV!

I would pay for this just to have it as a Saturday show! And why stick to only dindus? Go investigate claims of 'swastika graffiti' and interview the rabbis! Go trigger feminist cunts and humiliate beta cucks for national TV! Fatshame fatties! Slutshame sluts! Cuckshame cucks! Jewshame jews!

Dubs and they walk

I don't think he intentionally tried to kill.

chec/k/s out.

I support our /k/ommando /k/omrades.

/k/uckmandos, if anything. Anyone too blind to see the shitshow that halfchan was becoming years ago ain't all there in the upstairs.

/k/ us still ok ..dead now though

half /k/ is mostly bait threads these days

Kill yourself nigger

But if you have a concealed carry license that's why you bring it. Because you know niggers are violent and irrational especially in feral packs

They are fucking screwed.

That video is going to ensure a prison sentence. Using words like dindu, and then getting in a fight with dindus, and ending up using a firearm is virtually impossible to paint in a positive light.

You d need OJ's lawyer.

Bright side: The blatant bs will make more whites angry. Thats the only bright side I can see here. Fuck.

Nah. Prosecution has been trying to add bs charges for months only to get them all btfo. Add on the BLM shenanigans at every single hearing and I bet the judge is getting pissed off at this point and wants it them out.

thats good to hear. Hope they walk (obviously).

A sympathetic judge goes a long long way.

What I want to know is why is jury selection taking place? In a liberal shithole like MLPS, wouldn't they want a bench trial?


The video I posted from their persective is going to let them walk away free. They broke no laws. They acted in self defense. If the prosecution makes the argument the men willfully endagnered themselves by going to the protest then we know it wasn't a protest at all: it was a bunch of racist niggers rioting.

If that truth comes out… that it wasn't a protest at all… The Jews are fucked and they know it. The will do everything in their power to suppress /k/'s video that proves the niggers literally mobbed them for being non-niggers at a chimpout.

Go fuck yourself you defeatist kikel.

Damn this happened so long ago, what happened to the right of a speedy trial?

video evidence should exonerate them. standing around in a public blm safespace while holding dissenting views doesn't warrant a mob beating

Dubs say they walk

Don't forget how Holla Forums busted Soros supplying them with some very pricey heaters to keep them around and chimping.

It was waived

Just letting the niggers take the stand will do the trick

Kek doesn't need to be here but he is always appreciated.


mp rnews.org/story/2017/01/13/jamar-clark-protest-alleged-shooter-scarsella-trial




TL;DR - lawyers are bickering over jurors to get a jury rigged either way.


kinda nice to hear that the judge over-ruled the DA on that anti-BLM juror.

They're fucked aren't they?

Maybe not. If I was in jury selection I would try and act like a cuck too and hope to get selected.

This. I almost wish I lived in MN just so I could do this.

I'm guessing he had every reason to believe that once he was knocked to the ground the "victims" would have stomped his head for the next 10 minutes while screaming racist epithets at him. Is the court arguing that he should have left himself to the mercy of racist street negroes fully knowing that none would come to his aid or turn in any of the others once the stomping commenced?

He has or had a CCW permit, was being rushed by a dozen already proven violent feral blacks, and had already attempted to flee. These charges wouldn't even hold up in a Commiefornia court.

what a fucking attention whore

Translation for the non-retarded:

Though they were fully in their right to defend themselves, the judge is unlikely to exonerate them. Why? Because the prosecution has a case: If they can convince the judge that the accused purposefully provoked their victims to have an excuse to shoot them, it can be ruled as malicious intent, or whatever the legalese wording of it is in the US. Furthermore, self-defense cases have to prove that the victim was displaying intention and capacity to cause harm to the accused. So, the prosecution is going to attack that angle remorselessly, stating that the accused went straight to deadly force when other options were available. Furthermore, with the prosecution going with the malicious intent scenario, they'll claim the accused deliberately put themselves in a situation where the use of deadly force would appear justified in order to commit murder and get away with it.

And looking at the case, if the prosecution goes that way (and I have no reason to believe it won't), those /k/ommandos are screwed. The current owner of halfchan will have no qualms with sharing archives with the authorities and they'll have plenty of evidence that they planned to incite attacks upon themselves in order to justify murder. Basically, if you deliberately create a scenario and plan it out so you get attacked, self-defense is no longer a valid claim. In fact, due to the careful planning involved, it can be ruled first-degree murder, which carries the death penalty in many states still.

I know some of you are already typing "KIKE KIKE KIKE OY VEY" or some shit since anyone who claims the world doesn't bow to your every whim must be some dirty jew working against you, but pull your heads out of your asses. These guys organized murders, regardless of how you want to twist it, regardless of how much you hate niggers, regardless of how much you think self-defense is justified. They did it with cold reason, motivated by their hatred of another ethnicity, and tried to do it in a way which games the legal system. They're fucking sociopaths and they need to be put away.

Source or gtfo kike

Go look at the history. Those attention whores couldn't stop talking about what they were doing. If anything they said or did can be interpreted as "We want to make them angry so they'll attack us and we can shoot them", it will be.

The lawyer only has to cite the black crime statistics. A nigger that runs towards you is a danger and needs to be stopped with a bullet.



if they lose it will be a white 'chimpout' except whites chimp out with sniper rifles methodically.

The rest of the world isn't retarded enough to do that. If they lose, it's because the malicious intent prosecution stuck, which will defeat the self-defense claim. Just because the people on here are dysfunctional enough to think shooting a nigger is a good thing doesn't mean society agrees.

Thank God. If they had been cut from trial it would actually mean that reality has been fully replaced by media opinion. That 'extreme opinion' is actually a fact.

His opinion on BLM is irrelevant, unless he thinks that being a member of BLM justifies being shot at.

I hope a nigger runs at you full speed screaming on the street one day, then you can think about your position on this event.

Yeah I'm dysfunctional to think shooting someone who is beating me to a pulp is self defense.

you must be a nigger or brain dead.

Who are the jurors? We should sand them the video of the baneposting and tell them the /k/ faggots were harmless memers who acted on self defence.

Right, but often jurors can be dismissed by lawyers in rounds before a trial unless the reasoning is completely stupid. They ask the jury pool questions that they think are pertinent to the case and get a set number that they can reject.

If I had been planning to go into a crowd and yell insults until someone charged me so I'd have an excuse to kill people, and if I'd bragged about my plan to people beforehand, it wouldn't be considered self-defense you fucking queef monger.

Wow wtf I love Lance now

Dammit, shouldn't have flashed the gun, that will give the prosecution ammo to say they intended to use it before the incident occurred.


Violence begets violence. They were just having some fun.

I would think the fact they tried to run and didn't just start blasting is evidence the firearms were used only as the last option of self preservation.

The fact that they ran first before shooting is probably their best defense against accusations of malicious intent.

That will just prove that /k/ can predict the future. Or that all niggers are violent racist pieces of shit that need to be re-enslaved or lynched.

that's what happens when you sport a 9mm

should have used a 22lr instead.

I live here, I know. Technically you are correct, however they will do all they can do try you under admiralty or corporate jurisdictions. If you acquiesce to this you waive many rights and have to play by (((their))) rules.

I can't believe it. We have sovereign cucktizens on Holla Forums. So when are you going to cite maritime law or laws of confederacy?

Never. Unless some how I actually do end up the owner of a high seas vessel.

If I happen to be there and it's advantageous. I've cited French law in Louisiana and made it work.

Can you tell us about the French law citation? That sounds awesome.

It's standing tradition that one may do what ever is necessary to earn their keep during day light hours and no law shall be made prohibiting nor abridging such activities. I used it as a defense when they demanded I tribute them monies for permits to operate.

Honestly like most court cases, they put up a lot of bravado, acted like I must be a ignorant of the laws, failed to acknowledge the validity or weight of anything I said until it actually went to trial hoping they could intimidate me into taking a plea deal. I just stuck to my guns, filed my motions, and waited patiently.

And they just dropped the case? That's incredible. I had no idea one could actually pull that off. Did you read up on the law or is there a handy guide that goes over loopholes for different jurisdictions?

/k/ walks

Holy shit, really?


Explain this in non nigger.

Well if you can call, an arraignment, 3 motions hearings, 4 discovery hearings, 2 side hearings on the subject of jurisdiction, a side hearing on the subject of my suitability to advocate this cause, and finally the trial itself "just dropped."

The plus side is two fold, (A) precedent for all else, and (B) they are less likely to fuck with me again as they know it's not profitable in the end I refused to pay their court fees so they spent 100s of man hours and got 0% return on investment.

That's putting mildly, I've been a hobbyist legal scholar since I was a teenager. Gotta do what you gotta do to defend our freedoms.

Maybe, you can find much online in that regard however too often the mistake people make is volunteering themselves into additional jurisdictions or legal obligations, typically without even known.

The biggest obstacle you will face is they speak legalese, it looks and sounds a lot like English, but it's not. They have very precise definitions of things and it is extremely easy to accidentally overstep, even more so if you give direct answers. There are many small things here are two examples of such.

Drive, in lay usage it means "any one in control of a vehicle" however it precisly means one employed.
If you where controlling it without being paid you are traveling not driving, and not being an activity in which commerce is a factor, can not be legislated.

Another example is, and very commonly is, do you understand. It layspeak it means "can you intelectually grasp what I am saying?"
However if you read it says "denotes an agreement or concurrence to it's terms." So they will ask you do you understand, "do agree do this proposition?" (with the implications typically being of an indebited nature) Note well they don't need to fully explain the details of said contract, it just means what the speaker has implied (typically of a jurisdiction shifting or incriminating nature) is agreed to.

To be sure you have sure footing I would also advise you look into ways you can waive your rights such as

I'm pretty sure he's a spic, not a Jap.

Will there be a stream of the trial when it happens?

snap me a pic of your cardboard license plate, haha

sovereign citizens can be funny. some SC dude convicted of manufacturing meth mass mails my whole town his photocopied grievances (lunatic rantings)

Truth be told… I kinda look forward to them

Not unless all parties agree to allow it. Best we'll probably get is the courtroom sketches.

That's not any spic, He's OUR spic.

gook actually, but definitely honorary aryan after this.

the memes are reality.

I actually don't use a plate, I've tossed around the idea of getting a nice vanity one that looks similar to to a Cali. plate with "Sovereign" written in that red semicursive font and now probably "T0P K3k" under it so that it kinda looks like a plate but draws less undue attention. No need to fight battles when you camoflague will work just as well. What you don't wanna do is have an actual plate on there because then you can be said to be operating under the color or guise of commerce and it's a hell of a lot harder to argue.

Also, about "sovereign citizens" this very notion is diametrically opposed. If you are a citizen you are subject to an authority, if you are sovereign you are subject to no Earthly authority. I typically refer to my self as a common law freeman or a natural inhabitant on the land.

>>>Holla Forums

Go cry to imkampfy, he'll permaban me and you can fall further into your delusions.

The only evidence the prosecution has from where I'm sitting is a rumor of some vague texts. Unless they explicitly planned to shoot nogs and use this as an excuse in these texts then they will walk. There's literally no evidence.

If there's no evidence of malicious intent, then good. They'll be exonerated, as they should be. If you try to attack another individual, you forfeit your right to physical integrity.

What I'm saying is that if there is indeed evidence of malicious intent, then don't start screaming "THEY GOT JEWED" or some stupid shit. Self-defense laws exist to legitimize self-defense, not to give a license to kill whoever you want by provoking them into attack. And expect the prosecution to go for that angle mercilessly. Instead of bitching at me, you guys should do the smart thing and take it into consideration, so if it does come up, you can maybe nudge the defense in the right direction.

so what's the score?

are they off the hook, or did they get sent to a magical place?

Watch the videos I posted. One establishes malicious intent on the part of the nigger hoarde, and the other establishes the /k/ommandos did everything by the book: they did not instigate, they did not intimidate, they did not assault, and when they were attacked they retreated before resorting to using their firearms under extreme racial hate fueled duress.

I suspect something worse than the worst category 5 chimpout would occur nation-wide should anyone under these circumstances be convicted of committing a crime.

My cousin couldn't stop laughing when he read "White Supremacists & their Asian Friend"

But user, they are white and that is a crime.

Trial begins proper tomorrow. Last week was jury selection, and today they celebrate the birth of some nigger. Such is life in New Sweden.

8 rounds 5 people

git it rite

and yes FMJ

being white isn't much use when you are a neckbeard. look at this fucking Doughboy.

I live in Hennepin county, and I'd do the same, but I think I'm an island in the ocean here. Our population in Minneapolis proper is made up of blacks from Chicago who are exactly what you'd expect, blacks from Somalia who are better but still shit because muh jihad and even more gibs and programs, Hmong people who at least keep to themselves and just shit up their own neighborhoods, white 20-something cucks from literally the entire midwest who couldn't afford to live in San Francisco and wanted the next best thing close to home, and an entire city of nothing but jews immediately west in St Louis Park. Unless we've got a couple more white vietnam vets over here hiding their power level or something, our boy Lance may be in trouble. I'll hold out hope, though, and sacrifice a chicken to Kek in the back yard. Maybe we'll be able to make amends for failing Trump and manage to ever so slightly uncuck ourselves.

Does knocking them to the ground and beating their face in count as "displaying intention and capacity to cause harm"? Or are you one of those who still argues Tray-Tray din du nuthin?


I live in Minneapolis and there are a surprising number of crypto racists here. One time at the hardware store an old woman flashed a fucking KKK sign at me after a dindu was trying to culturally enrich the cashier.

quick refresher on US law for you guys
In order for it to be murder it has to be "premeditated"
a bunch of /k/ebabs throwing on their jackets and carrying CCWs for nog defense just in case isn't premeditation, they didn't plan on killing anyone that night.

what this case will come down to is whether they can prove this isnt manslaughter and it was self defense. they have to show "well we came to see what the big deal was and it turned out to be a lot of fun, at least until some people cornered us and started accusing us of being members of the KKK and demanding to see our IDs and we started feeling threatened. that's when we decided to leave but then we were attacked and fearing for our lives we opened fire so we could escape."

a quick refresher on US law you ausfag
2nd degree murder is not premeditated
go back to fucking your dingo

manslaughter is when you do something legal that you know will kill someone like driving over jaywalkers

The fact that you're here, means we are winning.

If negroes are not human, how can manslaughter charges be applied when running over them?

No. No it's not.

Since everyone is biting this bad bait…

No, it does not. The two concepts are mutually exclusive. One can murder without premeditating it, and something can be premeditated without it being murder.

The prosecution has the burden of proving it was a murder - innocent until guilty. This is a core concept (at least in writing) of US courts. You would do well to remember this before opening your dumb mouth again.

Read above. Prosecution has to prove that it was their intent to go there to kill nogs. If the proof could land them in a cell with Tyrone, then they must debunk such proof or "proof" as it will be.

If you feel compelled to make another post of this quality I recommend you drink a gallon of chlorine to clear those thoughts up.

They are gun enthusiasts from a board that talks about guns, and those gun enthusiasts on that board are who they were broadcasting to.

They have plausible deniability.

The Media call hispanics white people when ever they do attacks
Like George Zimmerman Though I can see why people think he's white and Estiban Santiago

They will walk. They were assaulted several times and retreated repeatedly before firing. They will walk.

This. If the nogs take the stand it only puts more icing on the cake.

Also didnt look at the case close enough because no one died. They fired like 9x and hit 5 people IIRC.

Is this newfaggotry or some sort of disinfo???

Disinfo. It's been going on since day 1 of this shit. A lot of it was literally started by BLM on half chan /k/. That day they learned what shills were, and how to fight them.

pretty sure he's a flip.

When the /k/ommandos got cornered by nogs, he leapt off the roof to help.

Pretty much. Also, trial has started proper today.

mprn ews.org/story/2017/01/17/scarsella-trial-underway-white-jury-opening-statements

TL;DR - nigger is taking a lot of liberties with his jew given job to try to paint our boy as a criminal mastermind who needs to be hung by a lynch mob of niggers

Will there be any streams tomorrow?

No, just leaks from the courtroom. Nobody is in MLPS that can watch for us but we can trust this nigger to give us SOMETHING.

bump for /kkk/

sick dubs, but are you high? blacks in a courtroom are case suicide, they don't show up, they dress retarded, they loose their cool and start shouting across the courtroom. If this goes to a jury trial it's going to be long and painful for both parties:

/k/ommandos are slam dunk guilty of being racist idiots.

#BLM are going to be some of the worst witnesses and plaintiffs you could ever expect.

if it gets political then it's only going to get muddier.

Are those even the same people as the ones charged? I may be blind, but I don't think either of those people in the video resemble the ones in OP's picture.

Why is this a court case, that sounds like self defense

Because every mainstream media outlet made it sound like a group of white supremacists went to a peaceful protests and started firing into the crowd. Go back and read the old articles from 2015 if you want.

I'm in MPLS. I don't think all parties agreed to cameras so best we'll probably get are courtroom sketches. I'm not 100% sure, though.

I remember watching the streams, those protests were not peaceful in the least bit after 11 or so

I heard rumors of a rape shack but all I got is rumors.

It's at ~8min mark in vid posted here

We warned you about 9mm dawg. Should been packing that .45 ACP.

muh mag capacity

At least one of them got shot in the leg, so maybe he simply aimed for less lethal places?

you tube.com/watch?v=os7D2vK1HQU

SaigaMarine is actually testifying according to Holla Forums. And the fucker actually took the stand, cited the dictionary entry for terrorism, then called BLM terrorists.

I mean 4/pol/. They have had like ten threads about this already.

keep us updated. i don't wanna go back there.


Thats actually pretty based.


Lance literally had a 45 1911.


A fucking mob of niggers is chasing after them and these guys were arrested for defending themselves after they tried to run away. This is complete bullshit, these guys better walk. What the fuck are you supposed to do when a pack of feral animals is hunting you down?

You're supposed to fucking die you racist white cis male scum :^)

Typical tripfags. Serves them right really. They were so desperate for attention that they go into prison for it.

Sooooo when will we know anything?

Media shitstorm already happening

ka re11.com/news/crime/racially-charged-videos-focus-of-scarsella-trial-testimony/387090578

m.startr ibune.com/witness-internet-fame-compelled-him-to-visit-jamar-clark-protest-where-five-were-later-shot/411094965/?section=local

mp rnews.org/story/2017/01/18/scarsella-jamar-clark-protest-shooting-trial-witness

Also, I understand this is relevant to some here, but is it really worth a sticky?


t witter.com/LouRaguse/status/821825901054881794

Not one of them looks physically normal.

actual footage from the shooting

This entire case is obviously politically motivated. These guys were breaking no laws in a public place, got assaulted and defended themselves. If there's a conviction it'll be without merit.

forgot muh gif


So after all this decades of larping, the only decent and recent guy the burgers have produced was Dylan aka "Octakill" Roof, while Eurocucks, devoid of gun liberties, produced Andras "almost 100" Breivik.

The irony.

It was a .45 ACP 1911.

Also if the dindus kept blocking the ambulance for another half hour or so, the gut shot guy would have died.

halfchan /k/ is full of faggot cucks, before this they all talked about shooting niggers, then when it actually happened and niggers got shot, they went full on cuck and opposed it.
halfchan /k/ is full of cucks and they showed their true colors on that day.

I love these.

That would've been hilarious but I doubt anyone actually blocking the ambulance would get in trouble or the situation fully mentioned if it did happen.

This. The moment BLM figured out how to post on /k/, they threw them straight under the bus and ran scared.

Then he'd be looking at one murder charge.
Also the ambulance getting blocked would have never been shown or reported on at all in the news.


I don't think it's the BLM or even Hill Shills correcting the record, I honestly think a majority of the faggots on half /k/ are BBC loving cucks.

Thank you for that worthwhile and on topic contribution

OK we can forgive the low kill count since he was carrying the most American gun in the world.

It gets Americaner.
A Remington R1.

You obviously did not even make the slightest attempt to understand this case. Fucking gas yourself, you low agency fuck.

They dun goof'd, but they really are gud boiz who dindu nuffin

Why are they in court then? Nigs can go to these protests and riot and beat on random people and use weapons against them and nothing happens but they get chased and ganged up on and they defend themselves so (((justice))) has to be served?

On one hand, they're plainly justified but they're also tripfags…I'm conflicted, Holla Forums.

Because the DA wants to screw them over for two reasons:

1 - shitlib political brownie points
2 - to placate BLM so they don't burn down their neighborhood

But prosecution has shit for anything.

Just be standing by with your gore folder in case newfags start pouring in.

stop posting this faggot


in pic
never got doxxed

Which part of this surprises you?
I'm more interested in figuring out why I can't find a thread about this on opchan.

Probably because Opchan doesn't like halfchan /k/.

Same. If the entire sphere of social justice in Minnesota couldn't dox me from this, I doubt anything short of the feds or soros are going to find me.

Fun game - find all four of our an heroes.

I don't think rizon's #/k/ got the memo on that, considering it's mostly the same people there and on opchan

I remember a lot of people on opchan referring to 4chan as '4 dicks around my ass'.
I got the feeling that the user base on opchan were ones that got sick of 4chan's shit.

saiga in front?

That picture looks like fun. Was it a /k meetup?
Floridafag here. Saw a few threads about a space coast meet up. Never went.

Yes to both. /k/ meetups are fun, and I highly recommend going. Make /k/amp, shoot guns, share guns, lots of /k/amaraderie. It's a good time.

Breivhik was a Templar, though. He obviously channeled his mighty crusading ancestors to remove kebab…and like 90 marxist teenagers.

Also hiking through the trails behind the berm is fun, especially when a ricochet flies over your head.

Please, it's like you don't want a 'nam flashback

Is that the meetup where /k/ eat cum brownies?

Tripfagging is blasphemy, no doubt, but they ventilated a couple 8-balls. Tripfags just deserve to be mocked and shunned, not thrown in jail or executed for shooting niggers.

What the fuck? They shot in self defense when they were being assaulted in a public area, with video evidence to boot. Why the hell would they be on trial?

Were they known tripfags before they went nog hunting or did they just set them upo in conjunction with the videos for identification purposes? The latter I can forgive and even understand.

new article


You're never too young to have a Vietnam flash back.

They had trips before all of this

Nice get, but no. That was in MIssouri.

Mike Freeman

Only 2 of the ones involved had trips.

fucking kike media. Show the one with them running off being chased by a crowd of violent nogs

The author isn't juden, merely a redguard. But I'll be the (((editor))) had their way with this.

Why did I ever doubt?

[puking intensifies]


Only 2 (well 3 if you count Saiga) tripped regularly

This is true. There are some people who create trips for MN meetup threads on /k/ and only trip there. For some reason those threads get a LOT of trolls. It was bad enough where most people had to create a trip just to communicate.

Why am I surprised anymore?

Tripping on /k/ I don't really see as that much of a problem vs tripping on someplace like Holla Forums.

nigs gonna nig and nogs gonna nog.

Tripping on /k/ has been very well contained on the never ending cancerous general threads.

Pretty much this. Outside of that they get gassed.

Sure ok

niggers have no case here, /k/ went to a protest and were attacked by a violent mob. If anyone was inciting violence, it was clearly the niggers having a violent protest to the point that they mobbed a bunch of memers

They have shot more niggers than you, though.

its still a problem. they at least understand our distaste for them and dont trip over here (when they could still do that on 8/k/)

Hate to break it to you, but unless you know the provenience of that video, it wont be allowed in court.

The source of that video was the livestream of the 4 arriving at the protest, subsequently being attacked, and retreating, just before the shooting occurred. So, I guarrendamntee you that it'll be shown in court. If you look at the other videos posted in the summary post, you'll see a different angle, from the attacker side of the street, complete with the orange hat


.t robot

Fuckin' EZ!

What did I win?

Woops, let's try that again.



Poor guys have been in jail for over a year for simply not wanting to get murdered by a mob of angry nogs.

did lefties actually make that self-defeating, sorry excuse for a meme?

Only Lance has been in this whole time. The other guys had lower bail and have been out since late 2015.

Reality has little effect in the courts.

It's about who can lie the most and tell the biggest sob story to the idiot bored 50 something women who think jury duty is "fun"

I made this point in the thread we had on this a few days ago, and though it made a few people buttmad, you need to remember this:

The prosecution will go the route of malicious intent. As in, they know that if they try to get the self-defense plea rejected, they'll fail. The accused had reason to believe that the victims had the intention and the means to harm them. So, what they'll do is try to invalidate it by claiming malicious intent, i.e. that the accused planned this whole series of event to justify racially motivated mass murder. In case you don't know, such circumstances can negate self-defense pleas. The fact that they carefully prepared weapons and repeatedly showed up to protests to provoke people until they got an excuse to kill in self-defense is going to be touted.

They have one good defense though: They ran before shooting, and only began shooting when they got cornered. In this case, it'll come down to whether the judge thinks they sincerely tried to run away or headed straight to a place where they knew they'd be trapped and be forced to shoot to defend themselves.

Criminally underchecked trips.

Was getting caught part of their plan?

Your argument hinges on the assumption that people can't go where they want, do what they want, and wear what they want because it might upset the negroes, and that having the means of defending yourself from deadly force while you might upset the negroes constitutes murderous intent. You're saying that one group of people should be legally responsible for what you assume is another group's inability to control themselves and not attack like wild animals. South Africa would be a better fit for you. The kind of first world civilization we're accustomed to can't exist under the conditions you would prefer.


I need the whole song from this webm.

Holy shit, it's the same thread but it got stickied. Sorry for repeating myself earlier.

Anyway, no, that's not what it means. If they went there to piss people off, the self-defense plea is still good. If they went there to piss people off with the intention of creating circumstances which would excuse murder, then malicious intent can invalidate it.

Mind you, it's hard to prove malicious intent. But if they were retarded enough to gloat about it in public, i.e. "lol guys im going to a blm protest to shoot niggers dead, i just need to get them to assault me first", then they're fucked.

Lung or heart shots will take a minute. Spine shot or head shot are immediate drops.

This number seems absurdly high. What is the reasoning?

Back of the envelope I'm guessing ~100k since 1900.

i get that this kind of sophistry works on soccer moms, but wtf does that even mean?

How about that it's over a 110 year timespan?

And get the trial results voided and (you) charged with a felony for jury tampering? No thanks

Okay, let me give you an example. Let's take castoe doctrine. It means that if an intruder steps on your property, you have the right to use whatever means you want to remove them. Now, this is legitimate if some nigger breaks into your home to steal your TV or some shit. However, you can't pin a 100$ bill to a sign 10 feet into your lawn and wait in your home behind curtains with a high powered rifle to shoot any motherfucker who tries to go get it.

That is what malicious intent is. You can't bait people into putting you in a situation where you would be legally justified in killing them. Self-defense laws are meant to allow honest men to defend themselves from criminals. They aren't meant to organize legal murders.

nigger i know what malicious intent means. did you even read my post? i was asking what the phrase "carefully prepared weapons" means exactly.
does cleaning your gun regularly constitute "carefully prepared"?
does hanging mallninja shit on yer gat constitute "carefully prepared"?
does zeroing your sights constitute "carefully prepared"?

The fact that they retreated is what really plays in their favor here. It's hard to claim malicious intent when the accused's first action wasn't to shoot, but to run.

Yeah, I know. But the population was much smaller a hundred years ago, and the majority of murders involve a killer and victim of the same race. Blacks kill whites at the highest rate of all interracial murders though, I think.

Super retard inaccurate guess math:
Average population between then and now: 200mil
Average murder rate: Rough guess is 6 per 100,000 per year. The 80s-90s were a crime spike that happened under a greater population, so maybe its higher.
Number of years: 110

(200,000,000 / 100,000) * 6 * 110 = ~1,300,000 murders total

Blacks commit half of murders:

Blacks choose whites in 39% of murders (per AmRen data for 2012-2013):

Okay so that's higher than my initial estimate. I severely underestimated how often blacks kill whites, I was guessing 20%. Fucking niggers.

Its a good talking point that they've for sure killed more than died in WW1 lol, and half as many as WW2.

Oh. I meant a weapon with the safety off and several spare and fully loaded magazines, or running to a preemptively hidden cache of weapons, or having a sniper placed on a roof ready to start shooting when the "self-defense" conditions have been met.

This isn't such a case though. I bring this all up specifically because I expect the prosecution to go this way since it's really all they have.

This. I'm assuming there must not be stand-your-ground in the state this went down in, but either way, the undeniable facts are:

If they don't all walk, the jury should be drawn and quartered.

No matter how much you use the word nigger and play concern troll, you stick out like a sore fucking thumb.
>>>Holla Forums

Like I said, they would have had to be extremely retarded to get a guilty verdict, as in described their plan in public.

If they did plan murders justified as self-defense, they should be put away. But that's highly unlikely.

Trips confirm that lolis must be saved by Right Wing Safety Squads.

the second from the left is clearly half-nig
the far right one is hispanic or asian
libshits can't into calling things what they fucking are

From what I've seen and read this was not a planned shooting, they were chased and assaulted, they were scared and they acted in self defense. hell a couple of videos in this thread which shows witness testimony after the incident went down prove their innocence.

They were surrounded, kicked and punched.
They were chased when they tried to flee
They shot in self-defense.
The only reason this is going to court is because they said racially decisive things in their live steam video before hand which the prosecution is hoping will get them on the hook for premeditation.

But since when was expressing your views in America a crime? I thought that was a second amendment constitutional right. One could very easily argue that if they were not assaulted, chased and assaulted again by the BLM members they would never have had reason to discharge their weapons. They did in fact act out of self defense. One could easily understand how they might have feared for their lives in this situation and nothing they did that night was unlawful. Just stupid.

I is the Americanist

Okay now that's just fucking stupid. Most carry guns don't even have safeties and pretty much everyone carries extra ammo with them. That's par for the course. I know that Holla Forums can't into guns but that ain't enough to stand up in court.

My carry gun is an SP101 (no safety) that I carry 20 extra rounds (four cylinders worth) in speedloaders (all loaded to capacity).

That shit count as "carefully prepared" to your noguns mind?

No, they didn't. You're an obvious fucking troll.

That's already serious mental gymnastic.

Self defense only work if you're life is being threatened.
Even if you did provoke the confrontation, the other party IS STILL TRYING TO KILL YOU…
So what? They should get away with murder because you provoked them???

It doesn't work like that, it works EXACTLY the opposite of that, if someone provokes you you're supposed to GTFO, not try to kill them!

Kek approves of gunning down nogs 250 grain .45 in antique revolvers.

My sides listening to NPR play clip from youtube when this first happened.

"see what them dindus are dindooing."

Why the fuck not? That's about as retarded as saying you can't park in your driveway because it's baiting car thieves.

There's a difference between parking your car in a place that is appropriate to do so and obviously baiting niggers so you can shoot them. While it is hilarious it will cause every kike in a 20 mile radius to crawl so far up your ass your nose will hook itself.


While they are fucking retards, I commend their idea, but again they are retards for not planning ahead and have exit strategy but again they aren't guilty
should kill more niggers though

Fooking legends. Salute.

They have a patreon or fundme? We gotta make them the greatest heroes of the chans history

Is what they want to happen to all of us.


this can't be real…


That's why they call it the Ju-dicial system. Everything is worked out (((one sided))). EV-ER-Y-THING. Key players in every key position, top to bottom, worldwide, "dishing" out justice on their own terms. Can't even drive down the street, go out drinking, go to a party, have fun in public, etc now.

Some comedian did a joke on camera about that phrase right before his son was murdered. Been scrubbed since though.

But whatever, right?

Move to Russia you arrogantly say?

What you think the Russian mob is Russian?

I tried getting through the greentext twice, what I gathered:

/k/-tripfags try to troll some BLM, BLM chimp out attack them, /k/-tripfags go zimmerman on them and get arrested.

Jaffa will save them.

Based, rule number 2. :^)

OLIGARKH - Forgive Us


So why aren't we rounding up violent leftist provocateurs?

Also, those tripfags are going to get fucked. Going down there with weapons to investigate. Tsk.

dindu nuffi

They were running up a street, trying to flee from where the bulk of the "protesters" were at the police station. Hardly trying to corner anyone.

Why don't we start a fundraiser for their legal fees?

Because only old/pol/ could manage that.
Plus, they're enormous faggots.

im pretty sure that user doesnt agree with that argument but is telling you what the legal jockeys will try to do because they have no plausible case against them in any other way
have one sjw judge and this could drag on for years, the victims could die in prison before it gets solved justly

defeatism is disgusting
who the fuck are you

they aren't pol.
they are 4k
4k tripfags
stupid 4k tripfags

If it were 8pol, there would be dead niggers and we would cover their shit.
they probably have the means though,
i'm not against them, but they fucked up badly going in wo exit strategy

Yeah all new pol can do is harness memes to determine the president of the USA.



this is not how you do ops.
if you are 8pol you will:
scout the enemy,
prepare bulletproof plan of attack
train for several scenarios
have multiple exit strategy

because they are homosex.

fun to watch them cause a chimpout, but /k/ loves Israel and penises, so fuck it.

I'm not giving my shekels to faggot-kike-cuck-suckeing degenerates

This much delusion.

The voice of reason.

do you not into sarcasm?

i into laughing at /k/ shenanigans

I used to think so… but the frogfaggotry is so prevalent and v. srs here that I didn't even think there was a chance it was sarcasm.

Here, have a few old Trayvons for the misunderstanding.

Some tried, but it's run by SJW's that shut it down. They did allow the nog to start a gofundme though.

This. They fucked up by not having a viable escape plan.

Daily reminder to NOT be making cheeky little videos of you. Daily reminder that 99% of the population doesn't understand our memes and that you'll be up to the mercy of some kike lawyer to explain to some 65 year old single woman, a 30 year old negress and some other misc trash what a "dindu" is and what "lulz" are and what "bane posting" is.

Daily reminder that tripfagging on /k/ is cancer.
Daily reminder to leave no alibi for a potential crime whether you intend to commit one or not, you can be charged with anything at any time in America.

Daily reminder that ever since George Z got off, niggers, press and SJWs have been hungry for revenge.

This guys might get railed hard by this. I hope not. I hope their video of dancing and not intimidating nignogs will exonerate them.

As someone who has been on a jury, there is a presumption of innocence and most jurors just want to get the fuck out of there ASAP and will do a not guilty or guilty of some but not all charges just so they can go back to work at pizza hut.

Go fellate a moist nugget

I made the counter-point that if they go that route the defense pulls the BLM was a racist terrorist mob route. This of course would implicate the Minneapolis PD, the Mayor, and the Governer.

Remember it was the fucking FIRE MARSHAL that shut down the chimpout/siege because of the bonfires in the streets. Our fucking executive branch failed to protect the citizens by enforcing law and order. Citizens should not be guilty of committing the crime of "enforcing the law by upholding the law in defense of their lives" because the executive branch failed.

I honestly don't know who has the responsibility of upholding order and enforcing law in cases like this whenthe executive branch of government respsonsible for doing this simply refuses or fails.

Thank fuck /k/ shoa'd tripfags here.

Any updates or is trial not in session today?


But user.

Media is blacking out on the trial now. What's happening is prosecutor is getting BTFO hard and has used almost everything, but defense hasn't done much more than bitfo

That's a factual statement that is meaningless.
There is no constitutional right to be protected, but that is one of the reasons something like the police force exists and is paid to do.

It's more or less a court ruling saying "yeah they can just do what they want and we don't give a shit"


The police exist, as they will tell you, to record and report crime. If they stop it it's only incidental, not the prime directive, thus no technical obligation. Though they will use protection as an excuse all the time to expand control because lack of knowledge thereof.

BREAKING. Kikes finally figured out how to handle this. No archive because video.

kar e11.com/news/local/scarsella-jury-sees-video-from-night-of-protest-shooting/388395424

Lies told here

I laughed out loud when I read pic related in the news this morning.

How long do you suppose they spent explaining this shit in the courtroom? I can't wait for the transcript of this trial to come out.

Looks like (((someone))) coached them on what to say


I hope this shit got torn apart in cross-examination. It's pretty obvious the narrative the prosecution is trying to build here is

Gust looks more jewish than anything else.

No, he isn't jude. He's just a /k/uck.

This backman guy doesn't look white either. The only completely European looking man is Scarsella.

Is this true? I'm pretty sure the trial continued on Friday but there hasn't been a word from the media in three days. Usually they'll at least have a brief update on who testified. If I can figure out the schedule, I might attend.

Nah, they were busy trying to find a way to handle it.

Booking photos suck. As posted here, I am also in this photo and have met all 4 of them. Besides Dan (Asian white supremits), they're all of caucasian nature.

did you meet Saiga too? Hes hispanic





urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=suck start&defid=4186693



I've even pet his dogs

Any updates from today?

Bump for interest

ive been looking too and cant find anything

oh yeah? tell us about saiga is he a cool guy or a cunt?

Heard on (((MPR))) that testimony continued today but they had to call an early recess because of an "illness on the defense" and will resume tomorrow.

That's all there was, no other info. Don't know what an illness means maybe one of his lawyers had bad pastrami for lunch? Who knows.

I've met him. He's actually a pretty nice dude despite being a tripfag. He just laughs about the MUH STOLEN VALOR shit.

he told me once he only trips for the [autistic screeching]

Startpage shows stuff from MPR but MPR itself hasn't updated yet it seems.

He's ok.

Yeah it was on the radio at about 5:10



Is the guy on the right a supreme gentleman?

How will the case go?

Ah yes, the race baiting nigger. May he suck cocks in hell.

The prosecution has little more than character attacks.

Also, there's this:



Of course.

That worked sooooo well in the Z trial.



There goes 2 "Star Witness" testimonies….

Disparity of force

Continued disparity of force, even if you believe the bullshit that they were there to shoot people; the obvious retreat would again gain them reluctant participant status

And assault (possible GBH)

Pic related.

A "Bearcat" is an up-armored F-550 thing, for reference.

Video of the arrest: youtu.be/-vszLSj7FKg

"Protesters" were literally preventing cops from assisting the wounded. The scene was that hostile.

Pic related.

So the lesson here is: get extended magazines and carry multiples. I feel like I'd be laughed off of /k/ for only having 2 magazines for my 9mm.

That sucks.

No, besides the lesson of don't banepost IRL a few days prior, as that is all that the state is bringing. The lesson is qty > cal.

He was carrying a .45cal 1911

This was to be expected. Do they have good lawyers fam?

Scarsella got a public defender. Pretty sure the others lawyered up properly.

the lesson here is NEVER turn yourself in to the cops.

over a year in prison for obvious self-defense because one of the anons (forget which) got all guilty and confided in a cop "friend".

That would be Lance. He's been pretty retarded about handling this, but even so he should get off easy.

And they still can't convict him because he broke no laws. Character assassination based off of some texts where everyone shitposts about niggers is all they have.

Also, news update:




TL;DR - race baiting nigger reporter gives TL;DR for defense rather than going into excruciating detail like he did when slandering our boy Lance. Classic lugenpresse



o shit arcticfox wtf are you doing??

His cop buddy quit today.

What in the fuck?

Also, this

I don't see affecting the outcome of the trial. Evidence is clear as day that our /k/rew is going to walk. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Protest shooter's co-defendant says knife was pulled on them, answers for racist texts

start ribune.com/protest-shooter-s-co-defendant-says-knife-was-pulled-on-them-answers-for-racist-texts/411989876/

Go figure.

they were spergy idiots from cuckchan anyways. claiming you're a Sovereign citizen? wtf

Hang the
we will see

He's just doing his job.

If that were true he wouldn't have brought an obvious case of self defense to court. Toranon being useless as always.

Jesus Fuck… that editorialization.

Why is the Strib such a rag?

If you weren't using TOR I'd say you were Judith Hawley. Also, she has no evidence of wrongdoing so that is why she is going for character assassination.



That last sentence is exactly why they went - to be internet famous.

Wew lad, dis gun be good…


Had a good laugh. The part at the end is true, though. Once they walk, BLM is going to go apeshit and burn down Minneapolis.

That's some 4-dimensional next-level Baneposting right there.

Is BLM even alive in MLPS? I figured they pretty much died all over. Or is it that the media just isn't reporting on them anymore?



any more updates?



thanks bro, finding updates is difficult and my lawyer hasnt said crap which im taking as no news is good news

t. guy who was on the stand

Found some info on MPLS BLM. They are active and chimping about the bill that was introduced as a direct result of them blocking traffic and other shenanigans.


They mad


Well he did do quick draw…..

I wonder what the court would do if one of them testified. "I have no problem with black people, it's niggers I don't like"




No archive because video


kek. Did Holla Forums shooter really do IRL quick draw competitions or u be jokin wit a nigga?? Holy shit, that may have saved him and his friends from getting beat and stabbed to death. Nice.

I am not 100% on if he did quick draw. But when I met him at the event pictured above, he did mention that he does cowboy action, pistol spinning stuff, so I would think that it would also include some quick draw.

Regardless, this case is nothing but a libcuck circle jerk and wouldn't have even made it to a courtroom had it not happened in Hennepin County. Fucking white guilt Michael Freeman and Coalburner Betsy Hodges

is the trial over yet? did they get in any trouble?

I feel bad for these guys even though they're half /k/ trip fags. They obviously were just shitposting irl and the dindus chimped out. It's shameful that they're being prosecuted and not the attackers. They're being offered up as a sacrifice.

Last day of the Trial (hopefully). Worst case scenario it drags through tomorrow. Dubs and there will be a chimpout in MPLS over this.

any news?

Mprnews wrote another rehash article today that's not even worth reposting. Nothing interesting is going to happen until the verdict.

so are they in closing arguments? are they close to finally letting the jury decide?

I suspect the 4th Precint would see a second seige campaign. Middle of winter so there would be more bonfires in the streets as well. The only question is who shuts it down. I'm betting Fire Marshal. Again.

winter this year is very mild, i doubt it will keep protesters at bay

Pretty much this

Pretty close. All that's really left is scarsellas testimony.

Lugenpresse live!


oh god, that sperg pause in his speech at 0:18.but i guess he's just nervous

He posts on a chan, he's a sperg by default.

Also, can you say





So correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the prosecution has put all their eggs in the "Scarsella is a racist therefore he's guilty" basket here. No testimony from crime scene experts or police to try to make the case that he fired from a distance that wasn't self defense or anything like that, no analysis of the shotspotter or shell casings, no talk about the gun itself or the ammo used… all seems like pretty basic things that the state should have brought up to prove that it was a bad shoot like they did in the Z trial but nope… just "RACIST!!!". Meanwhile the defense has brought forward a preponderance of evidence such as people who where there saying they were attacked, Gustaffson's testimony corroborating this, videos from the precinct the night of also backing this up. Emotions and mean words vs. actual physical evidence.

All the defense needs to do is prove that there's a reasonable doubt to the jury that it wasn't some evil Hitler going down there to murder innocent blacks and just might have been self defense from an angry mob. He's gonna walk, isn't he?

Holy shit haha.

If only cameras could have been allowed in court this would have been Zim-Zam x1000

so theyre gonna walk right??

No body knows. Juries are strange animals.

Nigs have an instinctive sense of when the government isn't going to give them what they want. I'm sure the women who were removed were especially perceptive chimp women who knew, instinctively, that he's gonna walk.

/did they get away with it yet?

You write like a middle aged jounralist trying to fit in with the cool kids.

Literally unreadable

and you write like a shill trying to fit in here

any news?


Went to the jury today. It's in God's hands now.

…and by "God" I mean 12 people who weren't smart enough to get out of jury duty.

Also, this:


That's the best the state could come up with? Say something categorically false and just hope the jury forgets that he fully exercised his duty to retreat?

He's gonna walk, isn't he?

This is correct. The only "evidence" the prosecutor can produce is character assassination and claiming that he has been plotting to do this for years with no proof.

Bye Chaim.

Fuhrer dubs confirms he will walk. Not that he needs them.

Aww shit son I didn't even notice I got the 88 dubs.

Praise KEK!

4d chess scenario:

I so hope that the defense is keen to this and simply states the obvious. Racist or not, he has a right to self defense. Running 2 blocks after being punched, and backed against a fence, with an approaching group of chimps is self defense. I also hope that the jury also got to see the livestreams from the night. The ones from the witnesses, as well as the one that was recorded by one of the 4 defendants. Lance dindu nuffin wrong

MNDOT better get the trucks ready…

seeing if anyone has an update

Jury is still in deliberation. We might know by the end of the day unless they get deadlocked. Usually it's a better sign if they're taking a while debating. A quick decision usually means guilty.



A local fox affiliate saying they've reached a verdict but no new info.


You'll have to search on twitter. Every news anchor in MLPS is twatting about it.









dumb motherfuckers

A. DO NOT BE A NORMIE (no facebook, no twitter)



Jeezus, they fucked him right in the ass.

It's official: defending yourself is now a crime in Minnesota.

Its their own fault.

Jury is a buncha normies. They dont listen to fact or reason. They go on emotion. Zimmerman showed up to court looking like an angelic doughboy. These idiots used social media and spouted

I had a feeling this would happen


No its called don't be a fucking normie and put your views on social media.
Especially if in a cucked state like Minnesota.

Rip, so how much time in jail does he have to serve?

I agree. They should have known better.

at the very least don't fucking make videos of your planning/intent and then post to a twitter under your powerword

goddamit this whole clusterfuck needs to be a training video for /k/omandos

Breaking news, OPSEC is important!

The videos don't prove intent. What happened is the jury fell for the character assassination that the prosecutor provided as "evidence". There will be an appeal, mark my words.






This is war user. BLM needs to be driven from the streets. They were just given a free pass to do whatever the fuck they want, and someone is going to have to prove otherwise.

What a load of bullshit, but keep in mind that the prosecution and jury will all suffer worse once they die. Kek has no mercy on friends of criminals, and their pain will be endless

Unless there is sauce on them talking about how they want to bait the blacks into attacking them then malicious intent can't be proved so they are in the clear

That's nice
Meanwhile our boys sit in prison

Jury didn't care. But like I said, there will be an appeal.

Liberals would make racism a crime in and of itself if they could

Sauce on that being their plan

*sigh* true. Today is a dark day, but we must fight on.

They are getting close with bullshit convictions like this. They just made conceal carry in MN pretty much pointless, and gave BLM a pass to do pretty much whatever the fuck they want to.

I don't need to say it, but here it is. This is very bad for all of us.

Wasn't it self defence? why the trial?

Maybe not to you or me…..

They should have never turned themselves in
Dumbass went to his ((((copfriend))) because he had a guilty conscience/was retarded

Cucks and Jews wanted a show trial against an innocent white man for their perverted pleasure. They are sexually excited by injustice and the law siding with criminals

Let this be a lesson retards.

If you do something, STFU.

Dont announce. Dont brag after the fact


yes I am mad

Same reason Minnesota voted for Rubio in the primaries

Because dirty lib politicians went out of their way to get it.

There is 0 evidence that they broke any laws retard. The issue here is the jury got packed full of cucks that wanted to see him burn.

Thank god I live in the FL, the crazy state (fuck it FBI already knows who I am)

fucking duuuuuuhhhh

Protip: trial is a pokergame
Care to try your luck?

this was for you

The problem was they waded into a crowd of agitated niggers while armed and predictably antagonized them with their mere presence. Add on top of that their social media shitposting about niggers and you've got a recipe for jail time.

Yeah the niggers chased them down and he obviously fired in self-defense but he put himself into a situation that was entirely avoidable.

It sucks but that's what we're dealing with right now.

He turned himself in to his jewish cop friend (who resigned - prob worried about repercutions so he's gonna move)

No kidding. Memes and self defense are now illegal in MN because of this.

I can't wait for the great purge. I'm so mad.

That's probably the logic they used tbh. even though mere presence does not count as assault in a sane world

The left has struck back.

Cop fucked himself by testifying that he texted racist texts back to him. MN is full of cucks, so you can imagine how well that went.

Its Minnesota (voted for Rubio?) theyre cucks

They fell for the EBIL RACISS character assassinations and probably used that as "intent".


They better appeal it.

They will

I've been advocating for the great purge since like 2015

When do we start meming it

Have some OC I just made


A literal crucifixion. God damn.

this guy needs to be executed

We need a miniature ice-age where we have like 3-4 winters that last until June. Come on Nature… please purge the melanin.

Pretty much.

Doesn't do much good unless we DOTR the cucks that let them in. The sooner the better.


It pains me to say this, but I fully expect the nogs to hold a victory riot.

And with the message that nobody can defend themselves from them. This is very bad.

You can, just make sure you've never ever sent an off-color text message or email to a friend or posted a Facebook or Twitter message that could be construed as offensive.

…why haven't I left this shithole of a state yet?

Nice fuhrerdubs

Just move west a state where nigger lynching is a sport. If BLM attempted that shit here they would get BTFO. The best they could manage was some cucks walking around getting followed by cops who did a marvelous job of keeping them in check.

What's "West"? We talking like Wyoming/Utah here?

You're asking the wrong questions user.

An offered up sacrifice to appease the NOGS

He should have went with a bench trial. A jury just convicted him of being racist.

If you're ever in a situation where you're on trial for racism. Strongly consider a bench trial. Judges tend to be very literal when it comes to law and are capable of being more impartial than a jury. And no judge wants to deliver a verdict that could be overturned on appeal and tarnish their record. And bench trials have lower conviction rates than jury trials. Go with a bench trial unless your judge is a leftist activist.

Maybe we can get Trump to pardon them, they still also have appeals. This was disgusting, they retreated several times while being physically attacked, flashed the weapon as a warning and the nigs just kept coming. Only then did they fire.

Its open and shut justified self defense, the ruling was 100% political by an activist judge/jury.

Also bench trials are flattering to judges. They don't happen often but it's your right to forfeit a jury trial and request a bench trial. Get a feel for the judge what kind of person they seem like. Research into them as much as you can.

This is a state charge despite it being a felony. He'd have to get a pardon from the governor… Governor Dayquill…

at least that cuck has literal ass cancer

Judge is an elected official in this case - and a shitlib. Jury trial was better here.

Why not a change of venue, then?
It was my understanding rural Minnesotans were far less pozzed, or has that changed?

Definitely start putting a plan together in case the economy takes off under Trump (and a back up in case it doesn't, or your state gov decides to go rogue).
Either way, great changes are under way; be prepared so you can be the first to strike when opportunity comes a knockin'.
Best of luck!

They tried that, but the judge denied it. They kept it in shitlib central.

I think this demonstrates how dangerous these memes are becoming. I mean, they were mostly playing around.. but I could picture a Holla Forumsack in court, and them saying "Yes your honor, the accused is quoted as saying "GAS THE KIKES - RACE WAR NOW".


Best tl;dr of this fiasco I've seen yet.

Ah, I had missed that part.
Thanks for the clarification.

Fuckin' Minneapolis, man, I'm tellin' ya.
Right out of high school, my cousin moved there, and within 2 years that place had turned him into a body-piercing, tattoo and heroin junkie.
Total degenerate.
My family had to drag his ass back to Iowa to deprogram him.

I would so love to see something along the line of vid related.


Holy shit. I can believe this.

I think we need something more along the lines of this vid


Actually laughed at the reference, I used to watch a lot of simpsons in the 90s.

Bullshit, didnt the fucking courts throw out any evidence that does not relate to the case at hand, like how Trayvon Martin had his bad highschool fights thrown out or Micheal Brown etc?

What matter is what happened at the incident of the shooting.>>9103007

The judge allowed texts from EIGHT MONTHS ago to be used as evidence. It was a kangaroo court.

Maybe if some high power kike lawyer weasels it, if you lie, it shows youre a liar. If you hate jews, its used as character evidence to show bias predisposition.

The judge was in on it, and the jury was pulled from a VERY blue pool. Not to mention that the niggers got away with a LOT of shit in the courtroom. She put some charges on a few to make it appear she was impartial but the real kicker is her allowing phone messages that were 8 months old to be used as evidence.


WHAT? Sauce?

The amount of disgust jews are capable of creating never ceases to amaze me.

It came out a few months back that jews molested both those guys, Hollywood is fully of pedo jews, same with that Lord of the Rings guy who played Frodo.

You can bet your ass Dan Schneider is actually raping little girls and thats not just a meme, this pedo shit is extremely wide scale. Pizzagate is the tip of the ice(((berg)))

This just in, a picture of Lance's Public Defender

before that, he needs to be forced living amongst niggers for at least a month. execution will be a salvation afterwards.


It was actually a woman. Going to prove that female lawyers are a meme.

never send a white man to do a korean's job.

Translation: a diverse jury which probably contains a kike or two, but in case the evidence of their innocence is so overwhelming they have to be acquitted, let's prepare the narrative that it's only because their fellow evil white bigots let them off.

that old meme looks to be holding true.

they'll probably get it resolved on appeal, but in the end this is a huge amount of time and money wasted on feels rather than law.

The fact that this even went to trial is proof it was a kangaroo court.

Think twice about eating any food you're offered, though …

Start all investigations with Angelica (((Huston))) and Jack Nicholson, who invited Roman (((Polanski))) to his mansion in the first place.
(idk if Jack is one of them or not, might just be an insane depraved white dude)
First instance of one of these sex parties being openly admitted. celebitchy.com/397787/anjelica_huston_thought_nothing_of_catching_roman_polanski_his_victim/ archive.is/h3mBY
nypost.com/2009/10/29/inside-story-of-the-night-that-polanski-raped-a-child/ archive.is/BaL1l

And then the smug bastard writes a tell-all about it! (paedophilia naturally exempted)
radaronline.com/exclusives/2013/09/jack-nicholson-hollywood-sex-parties/ archive.is/CHI03

Today a brother has fallen in defense of our way of life. They must pay for the high crimes and treason against our people.


This woman has a goybook, where she shows her colors as a shitlib herself.

This is truth. The whole debacle was a witch hunt, and it now continues.

That was a glorious thread.

He is not fallen yet, for his campaign continues. I call thee to summon the power of kek, for we escalate our war.


Here guys, have some of Lyin' Lou. He found out what the jury thought and then tries to say that making decisions based on emotion is a GOOD thing. Then got this poor fuck banned for his trouble.

I'm shocked the Defense allowed such leeway with the showing of the SM/BPR video; it had little to do with the case, as SM was the main one talking in it.

Also, NIGGER is bad, cappng NIGGERS is worse. Unless you're a NIGGER making a new mix tape (droppng soon).

How can you convict someone that can dance like this? Does this look like he's trying to harm people?

The prosecutor successfully sold the jury on an appeal to emotion. Also



That's right. Time magazine itself came in to editorialize and slander the shit out of him.

Mad/10, but we all knew it was coming.

Holy shit, it's like they didn't even bother with facts at all.

Dox on prosecutor when?


Judith Hawley? She's a dried up old cuntbag. The Public Defender on the other hand is kind of qt, even if she supports rabid commies and retarded dindus. Lance had two public defenders btw. First was Peter Martin, second was Laura Heinrich. I'm not sure if they worked together or if they literally swapped his public defenders on him half way through the trial, which would further fuck him.

pubdef.state.mn.us/staffsearch "search for martin"


Pathetic. So what's the plan to bust them out of prison?


I can't stand half/k/ and tripfags are cancer, but this got me in the feels. He was a good stalker

I knew they were getting fucked over for everything taking this long, but they got attacked by chimps. The chimps admitted it. But I haven't seen that in anything since early coverage. The article in the tweet quotes a nigger about what happened in the trial rather than facts.

But also "Scarsella admitted to shooting the five protesters to a friend, an officer with the Mankato Police Department." Retard.

At this point, it seems to me the more prudent response for Holla Forumsacks and /k/ommandos would be to start investing in low-profile body cams and making every damning interaction public and permanent.
We're basically our only advocates left in this struggle now.

This. Nobody cares about you as much as you. Also, I got confirmation that the public defenders were working together on this. They wanted a win bad, and will appeal to the ends of the earth.

heinnrich is a qt

Someone want to make a primer on this? I'm one of those people who consciously decided to not even carry a phone, wouldn't have the first clue where to start. I do know it's legal in my state though.

Honestly the easiest way is to just have a phone without a sim card in it. Idk if this disables tracking though.

I need the whole song of this video

Yes you can. Its called:


I think there was a thing on >>>/cyber/ leading to something on ricing a Galaxy S2 so that most tracking shit gets removed from it. Outside of that, no sim card and airplane mode are your friends.

It's on jinteki.industries/ down the bottom.

Who's starting the legal defense fund to get Mark O'Mara as Scarsella's attorney for the appeals?

you couldn't give him 8 million shekels to do it. Ruins his brand. When they set up Edgar Steele or he cracked up, that was it.

Good point, I don't think any defense lawyer worth his salt it going to want to touch this.

The public defenders are doing overtime on this one. He's got a whole team of them that really want this win, because with it they can start their own law office.

Despite the lying cunt prosecutor getting lucky, Lance is in good hands still. The fight is far from over.

….pffft, that schysty cunt wouldnt toiuch a "white supremists" case
might as well hire some dindu chaser like (((andrew irlbeck)))