Nigger wants to scam all whites via "muh slavery"

This fucking nigger wants you to open an account just to give money to niggers as reparations for slavery.

Can you believe this shit?

yahoo .com/news/m/5a90e128-820d-38b9-ba0c-add1bbf71f34/ss_michael-eric-dyson-calls-for.html

"Professor Michael Eric Dyson thinks that white people should have an ‘Individual Reparations Account’ to make donations to black institutions and individuals. The proposal is part of his forthcoming book, “Tears We Cannot Stop: A Sermon to White America.” Dyson, a professor at Georgetown University, made the argument in an interview with Ana Marie Cox in the January 8 edition of the New York Times Magazine. The exchange: At the end of your sermon, you do a “benediction” section, in which you talk about making reparations on the local and individual level: donating to groups like the United Negro College Fund or a scholarship program…"

Other urls found in this thread:

wtf i want to donate now




This is the epitome of gibsmedats, I know I'm preaching to the choir but niggers are fucking rotten

This is the same nigger who gave Spencer a black lashing. He's got a genius idea to fleece money. 10/10 shekels.


Wish in one hand, and shit in the other. Ain't getting anything out of me.


his welfare's not enough

dubs of truth.

I'd make one and just leave it empty. If questioned about it, I'd just say I'm paying what they're worth. Another upperclass nigger, who probably got into college and his job through affirmative blacktion, trying to rile up niggers and shame whites. Doesn't he realize that whites in the real world aren't the jews or leftist, self hating cucks he interacts with at colleges?

Shouldn't the blacks in africa have to set up an account too? I mean they're the ones who sold them in the first place.



Plus it would fuck with the jew run banks backing the scheme.

you have to go back gazi.



These uppity niggers would get lynched the minute after such a stupid fucking policy went into effect.

If they want even more reperations we could pay their shipment to Africa.

If I were forced to pay niggers reparations I would. With high velocity pieces of lead.

What's the exchange rate between dollars and yards of rope?

I'm not sure, but having done some studying into lynching it's not very effective. Better to kill the person then hang them from the tree like a decoration instead of hang them with a noose.


These countries only ban the public sale of slaves, but ownership of a slave is completely legal.
There are 46 million slaves in the world today, a disproportionate number are of European origin.
If Holla Forums wants a fucking cause, here is one.

Once again:

I'd like some proof. I know slaves over all time were disproportionately white, but I very much doubt blacks in africa have a lot of white slaves today, m-e might, but still, need the numbers man.

Sounds reasonable enough. The money goes to sending the poor negroes back to their continent, right?

I would gladly pay reparations if the money was put in a trust that could only be used to establish a homeland for American blacks in Africa. We could buy them some nice beachfront property in Somalia, build them a resort hotel, clear the beach and take some pictures like Sandals does, and convince them it's paradise. We could even set up a buffet with fried chicken, watermelon, mac and cheese, chitlins, and a purple drank fountain. Free sneakers for everyone. Then, once they land in Blackerica, they can never come back. Once they're all gone from the US, no more contributions to the trust, and tough shit for them.

Google it faggot.

During collapse of Yugoslavia and USSR, tons of whites were exported into Arabia as slave labor and sex slaves.

Good gimmick to get himself some attention as his book is released.

It's that, or he's insane.

Maybe get him some followers. Niggers like this can string other monkeys along for DECADES. It's the old, 'poverty pimp' gimmick.

He cares about his meals and suits. Fifty something? He just wants money for himself.

don't want the kikes to jail me, user. some of the things i say here aren't legal in Mutti Merkel's utopia…

When I google this, half the shit that turns up is either kikewashing or unsourced blogposts.

You could have made a difference.
IF you voted for me, you would be living in a harmonious society where everybody apologized for everything. Even the injustices committed by the white people hundred of years ago
But no you elected a mysgognosist racist.
Enjoy it while it lasts.

Madame President.

if morons wanna blow their money on fuzzy feels I won't stop them. Just keep your cotton picking fingers out of my wallet and I'm happy.

Those damn niggers need to get down on their knees to whites and thank them for taking their ancestors out of the hellhole that is Africa so that they could live the life they have today.

They called me a racist until I believed them. Now I think we should send them all back to Africa. I guess they didn't think their cunning plan all the way through, but what can you expect - they're niggers.

Get off of Google immediately.

wtf i love niggers now


My family came here after slavery ended. I don't owe them a mother fuckin' thing.

If a white person is dumb enough to give them money, than that's more of a problem than them demanding it. The only reason this shit is going on is because sub-human Leftist whites pander to them and suppress us.

I have his reparations right here.




Ok, can I deposit Zimbabwe dollars?

Niggers have had literal preaching to the choir (while stealing money from the sick and the old) down to a science since before many of us were born.

I don't believe in a god that's short of cash.

We should encourage him to push further and turn him into a redpill dispenser.

What is welfare?

They'll just keep taking and taking.
Only a full extermination of Niggers will rid us of "White Guilt"

mane, we need more moeny for dem programs.

How much money does the US government give niggers each year via welfare? If we were to calculate how much reparation money was actually "owed" to them, then subtract the total they've received in welfare, I'd bet they owe us money.

Our talent for war was not large enough to stop this.

Maybe we could devise a system where those niggers can pay off their extreme amount of debt by doing menial tasks?
But we'd have to make sure they don't escape commit tax evasion and stuff so we would need some guards

Why not just force the democrats to that since it's the Democrat education system that shoves White guilt down the throats of children?

The problem with that is that it makes sense.

Whites are not Sephardic Jews.

Good luck to him trying to get the kikes to open up their wallets for the trade they dominated.

I hear those Ukrainians are still waiting on the reparations from the chosen.

Where. is. dox?

So if white people who indirectly benefited from black slavery owe black people reparations, then don't black people who all directly benefited from white northerners freeing them owe these people too?

It blows my mind that no one brings up the fact that THE VERY REASON BLACKS ARE FREE IS BECAUSE OF WHITE PEOPLE…. and not one single thank you for not taking slaves as a reward for your victory and thanks for everything we got now"

But it's all good though, the only people who are buying into this are retarded people, and the more blacks keep begging for money and begging for handouts the more its going to turn people off to their cause

Trump and Carson are going to make huge cuts to HUD and force Blacks to sink or swim and a great culling of the Black race will begin as many of them will riot when the gibs me dat and get thrown in jail or starve in the streets. Others will just leave the country.

Also I don't want to live in a Ebola hut in Africa with a burning tire around my neck so thank you. Your racism is a much better alternative