hooooh boy
Liberal revolution death tolls: 40,000 people
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The lives of bourgeois capitalist scum are worthless.
That's way too low a number OP.
Communism has killed hundred elventy gorillion trillion billion people, and that was just Stalin.
Who cares about death tolls? It's all relative anyway.
I thought Stalin killing over 9000 gorrillian hundredtillian people and those only counting those killed in our solar system.
That's because communism is more efficient than liberalism. We'll easily hit 6 zorbogillion next time.
Nice sources faggot
I would go and kill humanity to last standing human if that would be required to achieve communism. Death toll does not concern me.
I dunno, i'd play those odds
I wish I could go back in time and actually see
I'm sure stalin killed a fuck ton of innocent people over the years, but the 100 million number has no basis. people who worked with the guy who wrote 'the black book of gommunism' said later he was dishonest and wanted to inflate numbers
Either way, a military dictarship with it's only basis in power being secret police and assasins, killing a lot of people, doesn't make me suddenly uncritical of capitalism and think an alternative system is therefore impossible
false flag or tankie who knows
you mean 94 novemdecillion right?
7 trillion ukrainian farmers were starved to death by stalins order.
Yeah that's bad but do you know what has killed literally billions of people and I don't see anyone complaining?
Like, even one death is a million to many.
What is a communist death?
It's a death nobody would care about if not happened while a communist party was in power.
Not true. Leftist myth.
t. Anarchismo
What are you talking about? Stalin killed the whole of Russia's population with his bare hands..