What are some good anarcho primitivist/ lefty/out/ reading?
What are some good anarcho primitivist/ lefty/out/ reading?
Cave paintings
wtf man
Zerzan, Camatte, Unabomber, Pol Pot, I suppose.
Primmies are fucking cancer. They are the absolutely most reactionary ideology, wanting to regress further back than any other reactionary would.
Go read a book and learn what a reactionary really is. It's not just anyone who wants to "regress" or otherwise opposes harmful conceptions of progress. History isn't a fucking line you go back and forth on.
How do prims think they can achieve destroying all aspects of civilization forever?
Fuck right off to your LARPing Wicca covens. I'd rather deal with AnCaps because at least they're amusing
They can't. As long as language exists they will never destroy civilization.
Sage because primitivists are undeserving of a thread.
ayy le mao
Here is the thing about primitivism, it's insane.
Let me illustrate by sharing some of my own life. My father has diabetes type 1 and needs a constant supply of insulin, he would be dead in primitivist society, my sister inherited the same condition and would die to. My grandmother had cancer, but made a full recovery, she would have died in a primitivist society. I myself had a difficult birth, both me and my mother would probably have died if not for modern hospitals.
Now I'm no fan of postmodern consumer culture, but primitivism would be the same as suicide for a large part of the human population, the anarchist part suggests people would transition to this society voluntary, so in practice anarcho primitivism are asking people to kill themselves to end decadence.
It is beyond idiotic to believe primitivism can be anything beyond some recluses and cults who reject modern life. It's an impossible vehicle for significant change on societal level.
You need to use written language for that, which is a developed "technology".
that pic doesn't make anprims look smart, it looks reactionary as fuck.
I'm familiar with all but Camatte. I love Zerzan. Ted is the man. Pol Pot was a god.
didn't rousseau say all there was to say about primitivism? seems like its an ideology that doesn't need to be fleshed out. might as well be just be anti-natalist desu
Primmies pls go.
How can we even go back to primitivism without going full extinctionism? Cities have become our environment now.
Zerzan - Future Primitive
Black and Green Review
This triggers me.
Anprims are deranged, worse than almost any other ideology left or right.
2nd pic is great!
Reading this thread, I didn't know leftypol hated the Amish so much.
Prims want to get rid of langauge tho.
Zerzan is a good lad but im more a fan of Ted, Green anarchy is better than Anarcho-primitivism. Anyway holy shit why does primitivism always give leftypol the biggest triggering possible? What's you guys beef? Do you guys even know shit about ir or are you guys just being purely reactionary when your liberal technofetishism is questioned?
You didn't expect Holla Forums to hate patriarchal religious fundamentalists that pull out teeth instead of giving their children adequate dental care?
Why kind of romanticizing crack are you smoking?
Then I wish them good luck doing that because once you enter language, there is no turning back. Worst thing, if you actually succeed through some black magic, you can expect any to social bond, tribe, family, to disintegrate (although I'm sure they don't really give a shit)
Technogaianism is more applicable than primitivism. Technology should live in harmony with nature and this is doable with the right advances and some luck. Basically you get to connect with nature without making sacrifices to do so.
Primitivism is inherently reactionary and anyone who follows it should drink up
no, their tribesman sacrificed them for using technology
wrote the professor
Why should your father and sister be allowed to live when they can't without disgusting chemical factories that pollute our air, water and land?
Why should they be allowed to die just because of chemical factories etc.
Why is the concept of nature put above the individual?
You trying to trigger me son? You a million years to young to pull that off.
The problem is not if they "deserve" to live or die. Any radical change in society will have some number of casualties. The problem is that they are not in a unique position. A large part of the human race, especially among the elderly, are dependent on modern medicines and technology to live a decent life, how do you convince them and their families to give up their lives so that society can try (and obviously fail) to reintroduce a hunter gatherer lifestyle?
Not strictly anprim but it made me laugh
"I have a right to suck cocks without being called names!"
History might not be a line, but we can divide civilizations into two simple categories: those that will outlive the star under which they were born and those that won't. Primitivists want to make sure humanity remains firmly in the latter category.
Fortunately primitivism isn't a very successful ideology because sharpened flint spears tend to perform poorly against modern weapons.
Here's a thing about imperialism, it's insane.
Let me illustrate by sharing some of my own life. My civilian grandfather was killed by bomb during WWII, he would be alive in primitivist society.
>“You damn fools!” he shouted. “Don’t you see what the captain and the mates are doing? They’re keeping you occupied with your trivial grievances about blankets and wages and the dog being kicked so that you won’t think about what is really wrong with this ship — that it’s getting farther and farther to the north and we’re all going to be drowned. If just a few of you would come to your senses, get together, and charge the poop deck, we could turn this ship around and save ourselves. But all you do is whine about petty little issues like working conditions and crap games and the right to suck cocks.”
The ship represents capitalism and its path to self destruction you idiot. Reforming the system will not save the system of its internal contradictions.
Primitivists shouldn't read anything. Abstract thinking is civ fun stuff, according to father Zerzhan.
Just watch Fight Club, there's all you need to know.
Bump for actual theory thread.
Do you guys like Ted Kaczynski?
Everybody seems to think that their specific ideology is so fucking enlightened.
The best read on anarcho-primitivism: struggle.ws
Green Anarchism (Non-Bookshit kind)> Anarcho-primitivism
Ted the mail man Kaczynski did nothing wrong!
t. Expert on anarcho primitivism and all the works of Zerzan.
All the haters of anarcho-primitivism should read this piece. A real eye-opener.