Uber is introducing robot taxi drivers to save money on workers
Uber is introducing robot taxi drivers to save money on workers
Feels good.
posted the wrong picture but I think it's accurate enough
Looking forward to it.
This is good, automation will cause mass unemployment and lead to fertile breeding grounds for revolution.
What's wrong with automation? You aren't a luddite are you?
I'm sorry but no possible negative social consequence will make the scenario where I go out, shop for hours, buy all my shit and then get driven back home without having to interact with a single person a negative one for me. I'm really looking forward to the complete extinction of the service industry.
Exactly. The more capitalism automates, the more it hastens its own demise.
PUH-LEZE, they are no where near creating self driving cars.
This is just a put on by some Silicon Valley investors trying to trick gullable investors to sink their money in the shitty Uber stock (seriously that fucking app doesn't do anything that a database being fed GPS info can't do) before they dump their stock and buy a private island that completely self sufficient that they'll wait out the revolution on.
are you serious
there are self-driving cars right now
I always held that socialism and ultimately communism is best implemented after automation of basic labor (labor necessary to sustain humankind's basic existence, like planting food, collecting water, managing energy sources, etc). Once this is done, it becomes trivially easy to implement a much more voluntary society. "There will always be a job no one wants to do?" Bullshit - general purpose robotics will solve it.
Uber in general is pretty dope but I would love a decentralized system even more, one that gives back more to the workers. With driverless cars, fares go down and things get better overall.
Plus it lets /r9k/fags be losers and still go in public.
I could make a minor exception to exploitation theory for stuff like Uber and, I assume, AirBnB (the house renting app). In that, the workers control a part of the means of production and the corporation directly benefits them by pointing them to consumers. That's beneficial and the fees to the corporation are more for actually helping than anything else.
It's still rubbish but it's a LOT better than traditional manufacturing.
Spotted the luddite
Where? If you're talking about Telsa then you're completely wrong. It's a very impressive science experiment but it can't drive it self without a human. You gotta be watching the road the whole time and no it's not because of legal restrictions.
A guy just got him self killed in a Tesla because he assumed the same thing. A truck driver said he was watching Harry Potter before he wrecked.
my sides!
no they fucking don't fam.
Uber essentially lets the worker do all the work while still claiming a right to the profits.
Not a luddite. Automation within a capitalist framework is still capitalism.
Uber is essentially modern tenant farming, The car is the tools necessary for the task and the 'uber' software is essentially access to 'land'. which you pay rent for. its less worker-capitalist more tenant-landlord
Google has self-driving cars but I think they are not actually autonomous but depend on Google Maps etc.