Is Boku no Hero Academia Holla Forums? On one hand, it is anime. On the other hand, it is capeshit...

Is Boku no Hero Academia Holla Forums? On one hand, it is anime. On the other hand, it is capeshit, so I feel like it belongs here.

Yes, but you're a faggot who just killed a thread to ask a dumb question.

y-y-you too

All Boku No Pico discussion must now be kept in this thread.

Capeshit isn't inherently Holla Forums you weeb trash

This is the comics and cartoons board. Saying all capeshit belongs here is like saying anything featuring ninjas or martial artists belongs on /a/. Speaking of which…



Not gonna say all anime sucks, but everything made after the year 2000 does.

Falso, Paranoia Agent is kino.

That's not what those moonrunes say.

Japan has a different cultural identity on what they call superheroes for the most part. MHA quite obviously take inspiration from Western shit, giving us good reason to talk about it in the context of other western capeshit. It also helps that it's just fucking better than basically anything else the west has put out in forever.

I don't have a clear answer for you, OP.

But what I do know is that MHA has a plethora of top-tier waifus.

Every girl is best girl

I don't know if I'd agree it's better but i do enjoy the fact that it isn't a reddit quip-fest or a dark-and-gritty edge-orgy.

Do we get to claim certain anime as ours? Because Cromartie High School gets my vote.

Most anime isnt good either fag, most shit isn't good, but most /a/ content is not good and female protag moeshit.

Still isn't Holla Forums content.

I never said it was, I said MHA in particular was good.

Then bring it up in threads where it's relevant if you want discussion on it. Any threads made specifically for BnHA should be on /a/

I'll answer that question with a question. Is One Punch Man considered Holla Forums material?

Just make a thread on /a/ you fucking autist.

OPM, MHA, and TnB are all Holla Forums material. They're the only shows western enough to warrant their own threads.

On /a/? Buddy, if it ain't moeshit, it wouldn't last a minute on /a/.

There's a thread right now


And about 3 pages of the discussion there are about Recovery Girl using her ability to give an infinite blowjob and the mechanics of how that would work. There's a reason we don't want to discuss it there.

What's wrong with that?

then have something interesting to say

/a/ users are Holla Forums users and Holla Forums users, they suck. Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the only good boards on Holla Forums.

You know OP, you could have put some effort into your thread to discuss how the japanese are having a go at making super hero comics with heavy western inspirations and what they're doing right, and what they're doing wrong and people might have a few things to say about it, but instead you doomed this thread to become a shitshow with your low energy original post.

Where you fucking put in the dryer as a baby?

Cromartie High school is one of the best animes ever made.

I think we should talk about how Dragon Maid is fapbaiting yurishit

Was he autistic?

Do you really need any other info?

Honestly at this point I find Hero Academia more Holla Forums related than anything involving Marvel Comics.

At least with MHA a characters Gender/Race is entirely incidental and they have actual laudable goals in their lives.

give me a break. this topic is relevant on any board.

fucking perfect.

I legit had a giggle

Letting shitty grammer like that slide is the reason why /a/ comes to this board

Oh sweet irony.

It's interesting to see the Nips give capeshit a go. But it's not Holla Forums

Well someone had to considering the west is trying to kill it off for good.

Hopefully if there's a season 2 they wont fuck it up

wtf i love the west now

By that logic I'd be able to make Worm threads. On one hand it, is literature. On the other hand, it is also capeshit, so I too feel like it belongs here. And unlike BHA, it has Kaiju.

I see your point, but Worm is shit.

That and it'll never get adapted for a visual medium, especially when your protagonist has a superpower that'd be ridiculously hard to animate and be prohibitively expensive if you did live-action with CGI. The only way it'd ever see life is if you sent Gen Urobuchi a copy, since this kind of shit is right up his alley.

In which sense you mean?

It sure is refreshing to see a superhero show where the superheroes act like superheroes.

Yez. Read Vigilantes, you faggots.


Which boardb are you from?