There exists a website now! (sort of) Yay!
I want to put definitions of each ideology in the Characters page, so let me know if you guys want to help with that, otherwise I'll just use my best judgement.
There exists a website now! (sort of) Yay!
I want to put definitions of each ideology in the Characters page, so let me know if you guys want to help with that, otherwise I'll just use my best judgement.
Other urls found in this thread:
also I'm streaming here in 30 mins —–→
Nice job catgrill drawgirl-neesan
Where's the "gib money" button?
great stuff keep it up!
I'll get to it! Patreon next month maybe. it's a big commitment so I want to make sure I can commit to an update schedule.
thanks friends :3
What are you planning on drawing?
I mean, great job propaganda commissar!
Now, make a patreon and I'll be giving you 1€ per month.
I'll donate a dollar month
comic #7! from scratch.
Will it have YPJ qts? :#3
Looks pretty need fam.
Its becoming a real webcomic.
it's fucking happening
I'm already in love with this, gomrade. Can't wait to support your patreon
Don't tell me she's supposed to be a ghost now.
I've got some bad news
The micks got to her lads
Pick one
Iz not working
At least we got OC.
That's fucking gay and where is monarchy and Nazi cat?
It seems the stream has failed.
But that's okay.
We still love you :)
I hope she's not sad that this didn't work out.
I for one certainly don't hold it against her.
I`m glad. Waifufagging and making not dank meems but semi-serious cartoons was never good for this place.
Just don't mention this place externally and let the site organically grow.
Come circlejerk in the stream famalans.
How can I give you all my money? If your content remains good, I'll go into prostitution for you.
Thanks for hanging out in the stream with me you guys!! Sorry for all the technical issues at the beginning, my router is also dying (in addition to bad internet) so just ordered a new one.
But it was super fun, I had a blast! (even though I get super nervous…) Will have to do it again sometime! I'll finish #7 and the posters soon and post them here.
did she talk on microphone?
had a fun time hanging out with you tbh
keep being a nervous cutie!
it was cute
Was fun to watch.
It was fun! Bunkerchan is turning one year old soon (9 September), followed by Holla Forums turning two (21 September), and GETchan turning five (6 November). You should make something for them when their birthdays come up.
Holy shit. This is awesome. This has so much memetic potential.
You were great, would love to do it again sometime
get the declasscuckingmemes guy to post this
Don't forget Hipster Welfare is untaxed and I don't want you to get but fucked by the IRS
I thought you were going to draw more brown catgirls? Where are they?
I demand a zizek cat
This. We need to celebrate diversity, else we would be no better than racists on Holla Forums.
Next one is Indian. This is a lot of work guys, they'll come I promise.
Thank you for this user!! Also lmfao, Hipster Welfare. Amazing.
Where is the NSFW version?
at least Holla Forums has something to compete with Holla Forumss webcomic
commander and cute
Ignore the children.
Especially this one.
Go at your own pace.
22 years since Debord killed himself and people are still trying to ignore how correct he was. Amazing.
I couldn't.
The fug you talking about?
What the fuck.
Yes, of course, the true left must subject artistic efforts to rigorous diversity criteria and then denounce the non-conformists. Clearly the absence of an autistic Maoist catgirl is both a sign of racism and an attempt to censor the existence of people outside the ordinary neurodevelopmental spectrum.
Funky drawing drawfam!
good thing Holla Forums made something far better than that last son of the west cancer
Amazing comrade!
New comic! I h-hope you guys like it!
She's pretty cute. I might be in love.
But you don't understand Debord.
Shit, what'd I do wrong? I will fix.
The posters are 10/10 tho
I Love it
You shouldn't namedrop characters that have already appeared in previous comics.
Does this Debord's Spectacle bear any resemblance to the Stirner's Spooks?
It seems a bit more interactive. By the panel #3 we have a full-on shamanism going. Not that it's somehow unusual for humans.
i guess it makes sense if you read it that way
No need to fix it, it's probably just my autism. In the second image it feels like Situcat is claiming that the Spectacle is the illusion and a product of mass-media, which is obviously a very inaccurate simplification, albeit a common one.
Not really, it has more to do with commodity fetishism.
Ah. Status symbols.
Those are some high quality drawings comrade
No I know what you mean, I was honestly struggling with that too, because the spectacle is also more than that, it's also the collective false conciousness of the society, right? I wasn't sure how to explain it in one sentence so I just took the Wiki definition. :/
It's k Neechan
you're new to all this theory
I know! Maybe have a little section below the comic where you put personal comments on the strip itself. Down below you can explain deeper, or put disclaimers and such. I've seen other webcomics do dis.Might help.
It's OK, I won't call the Situationist police on you.
Thanks. It takes me about like 20 minutes to grok each sentence that Debord writes, so that would really be awful if they showed up in person talking to me like that.
Little inaccurate but i fucking love itt draw-san!
You are the best!
Something like this?
I really like this idea, you can look at what linuxfreeordie (the existential comics guy) does on some of his comics, he has a spoiler for people who didn't get the joke since a lot of his jokes rely on recognizing faces and tying those faces to philosophical positions.
That also makes it easier to include (or namedrop) theory, if you can explain in more detail in the description you can get away with being a bit less accessible.
Increasing complexity does hurt memetic ability though.
that's a lot to project from a single reaction image
wonderful work you anonymous hero
Pure Purrfection!
She's not really anonymous anymore.
Thanks for the suggestions comrades! I've added a small paragraph about the theory, for this comic at least.
i want to cuddle with nihilist kitty
Drawfag can I like, translate this webcomic to Indonesian? I've been trying to appeal to Indonesian weebs to turn to leftist activism and this seemed to be a great, simple learning material for them.
Please quit pretending to know what you are talking about.
Careful with those strawcatwomen.
I've said it before but I'll say it again here: they're based off of two right wing girls I went to high school with in my rural conservative town. They were the first thing I thought of when designing them.
Libertarianism and Ancap are hot, and religious right is cute, so idk what the big deal is, especially because anyone on the alt right portraying a radical leftist would probably draw much worse.
Wow, yeah! Of course you can. Do you have an email where I can send you the comics without the words?
What does this mean?
leftcom cat when ree
This is exactly the sort of thing to capture leftypols interest. I can't really come up with something else that would capture leftypols interest more.
Im weirdly turned on by nazicat.
But also by stalincat so that might just say something about me.
I just finished writing my Bachelor's Honors essay doing a situationist reading of Grant Morrison and the history of the comic book industry. This shit is my jam, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
though I'd mimic some of the criticism that's already been made on the Sam Kriss pokemon go article, he seems to think that it's putting us into spectacle when it's really a lateral shift. Pokemon Go is really a better platform for detournement than most elements of spectacle, especially since it gets people congregating and going outside of their normal paths. Kriss complains Pokemon Go controls people's interactions with their surroundings, but they're already controlled, Pokemon Go actually makes you aware of that fact, and expands the usual boundaries the city puts around you. I promised to write a bunker article on it, but I've got distracted, still running my thesis through a second reader.
Post it I want to read it
i need Jamahiriya Cat in my life
Representing Gaddafi and Sakara
maybe wearing a green hijab
also Baathism Cat
while anarcho-hoxhaism might be funny
i'd have appreciated a posadism catgirl in her place
Would still very much appreciate that article when you get the chance!
why'd you have to do this
Here it is, though pastebin's lack of italics makes things hard.
1. It's kinda long at the mo', a lot of historical stuff going on beforehand getting into Morrison himself.
2. Jameson is also an important factor in the paper.
Nearly 12k words long is not just long, it's really long. You need to take a cleaver to that thing and then lock it in a pressure cooker.
They mean that once a character has been introduced that you should avoid using their name much.
You could still put the names of characters appearing at the bottom or in the hover-text.
bump :3
For some reason, I mistook her nose tip for a small mouth. Kinda creepy.
please make a black panther brownfu
Can you put this on the 404 page?
I need more catgirls in my life.
Traditional Marxism is essentially just believing that literally everything Marx said is true and even applies today.
The writefag from the nsfw thread actually made a kind of cute story about the Leninist catgirl and anonymous
If you accept catgrills in text format
i love this panel
me too
i love the idea of professor egoism just popping out of things randomly to instruct her pupils in proper theory
yeah, no thanks
Can someone familiar with Hegel advise me on a concept for Hegelcat? I'm wondering if this would be a cool idea but I'm not sure.
I thought maybe the high school that all the catgirls go to is called Geist High School,and Headmistress Hegel is the school's mysterious and somewhat magical founder. She uses the discourse and interactions that occur between the characters to gain an understanding of the world's collective human consciousness throughout the years. Maybe the school has existed for hundreds of years, and each time an ideology is "born", they end up at Geist High School to interact with other ideologies.
Is this dumb or cringey or am I way overthinking it or in over my head?
good work frienderinocomraderino
read a book. we're not going to spoonfeed you
[spoiler]Ask yui on twitter, avoid that rebel guy tho he faps to loli and shitposts on twitter.
Speaking about the devil
Not expecting to be spoonfed, I've read a few things about him and I have no one else to ask if I've got the right understanding or not. Plus it's more fun to collaborate on these things with others anyway.
speaking about cancer
Hegelian commies aren't really a monolith. We're kind of just outliers. If you mean Hegel as a philosopher, rather than left-wing Young Hegelians, I can explain a bit, but perhaps you could ask Yui on twitter to explain it better.
Hegelians follow something called dialectical idealism, outlined in Science of Logic and Phenomenology of spirit. By certain phenomenological processes, the subject realises that metaphysical ideologies like physicalism, materialism etc are all just flavours of idealism. One finds the absolute by this method of mediation with the universal. This is how one comes to know the thing in itself.
Marxists *claim* to have turned Hegel on his head but they're often talking about dialectical materialism, which is not an invention of Marx but Engels after Marx's death, based on his not understanding Hegel at all. It makes no sense to call something dialectical materialism because as I explained, Hegel claims to reconcile the supposedly opposed ideologies of realism and idealism (why he called his position absolute idealism, and later on ideal-realism)
As for his philosophy of history, I'm too lazy and stupid to explain it all. Self-consciousness blah, universal ethics blah, the individual is driven by history blah. Just talk a lot about history affecting worldview (or the German translation which I forgot to seem pseud Hegelian) and you're golden.
Don't be a dick.
Hegel's philosophy can really be summed up in the sentence "the rational is the real and the real is the rational". I'd just research that phrase a lot. It actually means it becomes the real and becomes the rational tho.
care to explain this in non-autismo terms
I really can't. It's Hegel, dude.
This attitude. This attitude is everything wrong with the left.
Interesting! thank you.
does that make Karl Popper the antithesis of Hegel? I found this which is interesting:
I'd spoon feed you whatever you want, tbh
Not, uhh, trying to be creepy, or anything
I forgot the name of a book that goes through some terrible misconceptions Popper has of Hegel (really, plenty of them. There are a fuckton).
A lot of people accuse Hegel of being a monarchist. But Hegel only said that monarchism was at *some* point the best system. He welcomed the French republican revolution as the next step of history towards a higher state of potential.
please make a Kierkegaard cat
or just a christcom cat, I'm not bothered
just kidding, do what you want
oh, thanks! I'll search for that book, let me know if you remember it.
congrats, you succeeded without trying.
god dude Kierkegaard is so depressing. she'd have to be even more of a downer than Situcat and Nihilism-tan combined. my favorite author is DFW and I can totally see K's influence on him now lol.
Reading this stuff is kind of like watching an old movie you've never seen before but everyone kept making references to in other movies. Then you see it finally and are like OOOoohhh…
Open Society and It's Enemies. Popper is a sort of positivist iirc.
he wrote that book though, is sounds like was saying there is another book where someone critiques Popper's critiques of Hegel.
poverty of historicism then
Hey drawgirl I've been wanting to ask for a while but would you feel something for remaking my "child-alunya piggybacking on stirner" shitty OC?
and he critiques historicism, hegel, and the rest in Open Society
don't make a hegel or popper cat mein gott, situ cat is as obscure as it needs to get and I love her
Kierkegaard is optimistic ultimately though even if he is melancholic as hell. Kierkegaard BTFO's Stirner any day though.
Hegel is so cool though I wanna~~
He's optimistic if you believe in God, right? (I cannot) Idk I feel like I need to double my dosage of prozac every time I read something from him.
then she needs to be like the warlock ex headmistress i swear
It doesn't necessarily mean God. He talks about Socrates' Daemon in Concept of Irony being pretty much the same. It's just subjective ethics and conscience. Infinite subjectivity is truth.
Individual ethics > Universal ethics n shiet.
He's really poetically melancholic. And a communist good boi. He's great in general…also has some healthy additions to psycho-analysis, about becoming one's self, coping mechanisms we use to run from the reality of ourselves, etc.
Literally just fucking kill me, I'm just dead inside, you know? I wish the cancer had gotten me.
Maybe instead of being ironic you should try post-irony twitter twatter prison boy plep.
I'm not being ironic, please fucking end my life.
It's already post-irony
And saying it isnt ironic completes the cycle of post-irony, haha we sure are a goofy bunce.
Please stop, I just want to die. Why won't you believe me? Why would you think I'd be ironic about that?
I understand this pretty well. I'm sorry you didn't get to die as you wished, but I'll selfishly say I'm happy you're alive here today having this conversation and teaching me things.
ahha lit
Tyvm anonfriendcomrade
I too wish you got cancer
I have it user, I just don't seem to be dying from it
A nihilst died before cancer killed him.. Rebel is not dying yet….
Chavez died of cancer…
please tell me they've been blacked
Deus Vult!
Hegel is not a political ideology and his political views (hurr durr Prussian Empire is end of history) are absolute garbage.
The latter two imo. And please don't get your Hegel from the bunkerchan ideologues, they're a bunch of egotistical nerds and probably counter-revolutionary idealists. I'm only half-joking on that latter part.
I've attached a book for you to check out. I'm busy reading Marxist economic theory, but I'll be reading it after my next book. It's a general introduction to philosophy written by a Marxist, a Hungarian called Georges Politzer. Sadly, he was tortured and executed by the Nazis, while his wife was sent to Auschwitz. The only reason we have the book is because his students preserved his notes. It explains materialism, idealism, historical and dialectical materialism – all those things we hear so much about but remain obscure. It's a good starting point.
Anyway, by all accounts Hegel is a difficult and controversial philosopher. For him, I recommend a book that's harder to find: W.T. Stace's The Philosophy of Hegel, which is supposed to provide one of the best comprehensive introductions to his work. I'm lucky enough to have a copy sitting on my shelf. I've found it online but it's in DJVU format. Better than nothing I guess.
A modern introduction is The Accessible Hegel by Michael Allen Fox. You might be able to get that from a library. Please, please, I'm begging you: don't take anyone's word on Hegel – especially someone from an imageboard. My advice is do some reading a leave it for now. No offense, but you're already treading water dealing with the Debord, let alone Hegel. You're in danger of entering Top Gear territory – ambitious but rubbish.
I picture a big fat scruffy looking alley cat that licks his balls in between sentences when giving a lecture.
t. silly boi muppet
this guy knows what's up
Hegel's works are effectively unreadable without proper education. You'd be better off reading interpretations, if you really want to open that can of worms.
Yes. At least, don't trust local anons about things. They are way over their heads as well. Nor me, for that matter. I have only basic understanding of Hegel's original works.
Inverted - would be more proper definition. Hegel essentially built his philosophy on having Absolute on the inside (internal experience), while DiaMat destroys this Absolute and realigns Hegels methods to depend on the outside (external experience).
Thank you for not being biased and lying about things. Oh, wait…
To avoid any doubt, let me quote Marx himself.
Marx, 1873 - preface to second edition of Das Kapital
> My dialectic method is not only different from the Hegelian, but is its direct opposite. To Hegel, the life process of the human brain, i.e., the process of thinking, which, under the name of “the Idea,” he even transforms into an independent subject, is the demiurgos of the real world, and the real world is only the external, phenomenal form of “the Idea.” With me, on the contrary, the ideal is nothing else than the material world reflected by the human mind, and translated into forms of thought.
And which is why he doesn't reconcile anything, but subjugates everything to his idealism.
It makes sense to call something dialectical, if it uses dialectics (methodology developed by Hegel).
It makes sense to call something materialism, if it completely abolishes idealism (the concept of existing outside of real world).
DiaMat combines both. Hence it is dialectical materialism.
And the name was invented by Dietzgen, not Engels.
And where does he call it dialectical materialism? Oh, right. He doesn't. Dialectical materialism != materialistic dialectics, moron.
Oh btw if you want to watch a Situationalist movie you should check this out!
How do you feel about Zizek's work. Does he make real contributions that you find valuable or do you think he's a meme?
I've read the Politzer book and it's mostly trash. It would make Rebel commit suicide, though.
Why is it trash, and if it is trash what do you recommend instead?
It's basically Stalinist propaganda
You'll have to be more specific. What does it argue in regards to Stalin or the USSR?
I watched this.
It's good.
But it's situationist*
I think he's great at what he does. He challenges popular conceptions and forces people to re-evaluate their view on things. He's also a meme, but that's not all it is. Man also gets Kierkegaard pretty well.
Can you at least pretend to make sense? Preferably, by writing coherent sentences? Who is "he"?
Are you claiming that DiaMat has nothing to do with Marx because he never mentions it by that name? Well, then - by that logic neither does Marxism has anything to do with Marx, since (IIRC) he never referred to it by that name. Do you agree with this conclusion?
As for your attempts to prove DiaMat wrong using Hegel's definitions (i.e. within Hegelian discourse) of Marxist terminology, I must point out that this logic would also make Einstein's relativistic mechanics wrong, because it contradicts classical mechanics. Is this conclusion to your liking?
If those conclusions aren't acceptable to you, then don't expect me to accept your (or yui's, or AT's, for that matter) pseudo-intellectual bullshit about DiaMat being flawed Hegelianism, misunderstood by Engels and misused by poor, illiterate Bolsheviks.
Thank you so much!! That dialectics book looks really good for me; spent all day reading/watching intro videos on YT yesterday, I think this will help me a lot where I got confused. Thanks for keeping me grounded, too. I seriously appreciate all the help I get here. Holla Forums gets a lot of shit, but to me most of you are a delight.
WHOAH what if Zizek was the only one who was actually a cat? he would be like Muta from The Cat Returns.
Thanks again, Moustacheposter.
You find kierkegaard depressing? Tries Shopenhauer.
Schopenhauer is not nearly as depressing.
WEW you don't understand linguistic context, nice to know you are illiterate. I'll tone down my verbiage.
No, genius, because it's dissimilar to the dialectical materialism Engels laid out. The point of him not mentioning it by name is a polemical point to try and get you to realise your mistake.
The fuck? I haven't even tried doing that yet. What the fuck are you actually talking about. Einstein's relativistic mechanics is correct because though it contradicts classical mechanics, it has a basis in classical mechanics. It expands upon it. Dialectical materialism is simply nonsense. It's a nothing-method.
They aren't, the premises aren't either. I think you need to take a look at what the fuck you're talking about.
kek that'd be hilarious
I see this shit all the time here, will somebody PLEASE just fucking open a book? At least you started out with saying not to trust you.
This is not an accurate description of idealism in any fucking way. People saying this are either philosophically illiterate, getting their knowledge from imageboards, or being deliberately confusing about idealism.
As this link says, idealism is a ton of things depending on the context, but idealism generally is about placing philosophical importance on thought or on the human experience. Not some spooky dualism magic. It's just straight nonsensical to say anything to the like.
Let me spell this out.
When speaking about idealism in a philosophical context, the idealism you're referring to is most likely a ONTOLOGICAL or EPISTEMOLOGICAL position. NOT a metaphysical one.
If your description of idealism involves the word "exist", you need to fucking reexamine.
Like fucking Jesus you even quoted Marx himself just a couple sentences ago correcting you.
Making it clear that it's a ontological position.
Also, materialism does not follow from Not idealism. There are other positions of ontology, although I won't blame you too much on this since it might just be a comment on the naming process, which I can't speak to.
Stalinposter you make good posts here, I'm actually one of the guys here who likes your presence. But you do say some stupid shit sometimes.
Stirner doesnt actually have mutch in relation with the original Situationalist writing except with Raoul Vaneigem and Max Ernst. Only with post-situationalist lit [spoiler]Wich is mainly post-left
Stop Posting the Stirner Meme[/spoiler]
Sorry to just come up and dump a bunch of books in your lap, but these should be helpful in covering most of the catgirls' ideologies.
Don't get yourself too Schizo Nee-chan! I personally eagerly await the next adventures of Catgirls.
Also writing down a chart of names will help a bit I am sure heh.
Thank you so much man!! Especially for the Revolutionary Self Theory book…. sure could have used this one when trying to make sense of shit 10 months ago, but I am excited about it nonetheless. I think that this is the perfect type of thing to make educational comics/infographics out of, especially for frustrated young people and norms on FB.
Now I've a got a little leftypol library thanks to everyone here. :D
Soon, Comrade Kat!! I seriously can't wait to draw more Catgirl comics but I'm struggling to meet deadlines as it is so I've gotta wait til I have the time. :'(
Don't bother. Afaik none of it is very good for books and longer texts, unless you're actually dyslexic or something the like.
Some of the books might have an audiobook version you can pirate.
Quick update: got an A! Some pretty good words from my advisor as well.
I'm putting together a skeleton on the pokemon Go article, and I've been reading some of Sam Kriss's other stuff, which is frustrating at times, because he's a damn good writer when he's not doing inflammatory click-attractors, but of course that's what helps him make a living.
Trying to suss out what to put in, what to keep, since there are some smaller things with pokemon go like the whole "every mcdonalds is a gym" thing in Japan which are obviously something to be resisted.
fuck off infidel
exac bro
Hey, no problem. I hope you enjoy them. I have to get some cheapo reader when I have some free money so I can start reading them myself. Reading some of this longer stuff on a computer screen is kind of a pain for me.
When I finish the Lenincat story, would you rather it be posted here or in the NSFW thread for consistency's sake?
> Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence or reality as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. Traditionally listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics, ontology often deals with questions concerning what entities exist or may be said to exist and how such entities may be grouped, related within a hierarchy, and subdivided according to similarities and differences.
You really need to explain this one or edit Wiki.
Seems like you're right there.
I'm not exactly well read in those areas of philosophy (the only ones I've actively researched are the analytical ones - which only goes to show that you really should not trust posts on image boards on complicated theory).
My understanding of ontology was that it was about being and perception/reality as related to that which is perceived, which would appear to be not quite correct, or at best an incomplete understanding.
Just FYI, Wikipedia is pretty fucking shit with regards to both philosophy and politics. When it comes to philosophy, use the SEP instead. It's both academically peer reviewed, a respected source and uses proper citations.
SEP on ontology:
So I'll gladly retract that point as completely wrong on my part, since I see the SEP as a much more trustworthy source than my own personal understanding.
However, idealism is still not the metaphysical position that Stalinposter made it out to be in his (albeit simple and short) description of it.
Hegel is, at heart, a soc dem, but unlike most soc dems he has really unique reasons for why he thinks it's the best system we could come up with so far. First, for Hegel freedom is self-determination, and there are various kinds of freedoms.
Hegel thinks the fundamental truth of our relations in modernity is the fact of rights, a relation of mutual recognition and respect of the freedom between individuals. Rights, Hegel thinks, do not come from the state nor nature, but is rather the rational form of freedom for beings like ourselves.
Modernity for Hegel gives us three spheres of freedom: the family, civil society (markets, court system), and the state. The freedom of the family is basically the freedom to engage in private personal relations with other individuals without the state or civil society interfering (no outlawing of homosex or BDSM); the freedom of the market is the freedom to seek satisfaction of desires however you can or want insofar as someone else is willing to offer what you want and neither of you violate anyone else's rights (no selling yourself into slavery tho, that's not possible logically); the freedom of the state is the freedom to engage in self-rule through the government. All of these spheres of freedom for Hegel are free to exist only insofar as they don't overstep their sphere, and because we're not robots these spheres >will< be overstepped and will require corrections from another sphere. Hence the market must be regulated, there must be a social safety net, there must be laws against irrational discrimination, etc. Hard-core Hegelians do not accept communism as a fix because they think communists do not fundamentally understand freedom and will just just extend government into the economic sphere and the family, telling you what to study, where to work, how to work, what desires you are allowed to seek to fulfill (no selling sex m'k?), and sometimes what you are allowed to think and talk about (you racist shit lord) (…historically, not a wrong judgment).
So that's Hegel's politics in super condensed form. As far as philosophy, Hegel's idealism is epistemological idealism. What Idea means for Hegel is strange, it's not thoughts in your head, or in god's mind. The Ideal is a moment of the Absolute, a finite aspect of it. For Hegel the Absolute, the totality of what >is< and what is intelligible, is the most true, most free (self-determined), and the most real. In short, Hegel thinks humans as Spirit are the most real thing we know, more real than matter, etc. This, if you think about it, is not a crazy concept at all. The full reason why is beyond my ability to condense here.
Disregard Marxists on Hegel, and disregard Hegelians on Hegel. As someone else said, only trust the Hegel in your head for the truth of Hegel in reality.
As far as character: Hegel had the equivalent of a southern US accent in German. He also had a stutter. In his lectures he tried to play out the dialectic freshly every time and would start/stop constantly as he was trying to get at what he wanted to say. He liked his beer, but that's all Germans.
You could take those things into consideration as well as how other people perceive Hegel, e.g. a weirdo that may as well be speaking another language yet somehow always is in the know despite you thinking they don't know anything. Like, you could make it like the Charlie brown adult nonsense language, the kids think the adults are just weird and don't get anything, but the adults know, they just figure the kids should learn for themselves (which Hegel did believe, so he didn't really push his philosophy on his students if they didn't get it).
Truth is fringe only for the stupid : ^)
Also, depending on the age, Hegel was pretty radical in his youth. He supported the French Revolution (guillotines and all), and he did a lot to help out students and friends who were far more radical than he was. He also did quite a few dangerous things trying to help said people that could have gotten him killed like sneaking to a jail window at midnight on a boat so he could say hi to a friend.
I want all your Hegel diagrams.
That's a cheeky visualization. I guess it gets the point across, although it's wrong imo. The unity and difference of universality isn't a conceptual illusion akin to an optical illusion in the image. The unity and difference is a real difference, the issue is that the difference is completely internal and automatically generated by itself. Universals, particulars, and individuals always generate their other two aspects to complete the tripartite universal structure. It's really just a triangle.
Okay, but give me your diagrams, tho…
But these aren't copyrighted by A.W.
Thank you, anyway. The first link is pretty.
At the suggestion of a friend this is all I'm putting online since, if I ever finish the series of diagrams, this shit is at least worth a published book.
a published book that you will give away for free, yes?
What do I think I am, some dumb anarkid idealist? My labor has value. These diagrams are coupled with a rather short explanatory commentary of my own, it'll be worthy of desperate student shekels.
You'll have to tell me where I can find it when it's issued.
If you're a cute trap you'll get it for free.
Uh…I'm not sure…..
I wonder what Hegel would've said about traps…going beyond and turning the two sexes into something new…
If you are a cute fat dumb animal you can also get it for free.
If you're a straight womyn you'll have to convince me you're not a succubus after my sorcery secrets. If you're just a dude, well, maybe if you're cool.
Cute traps are the dialectical truth of humanity because reasons
It's ok AW everybody knows about you're bloated sense of self importance.
Nice repeating digits, comrade!