Normies have shit ta-

normies have shit ta-



OP isn't always an unbearable fa-

Everyone has shit taste.

Nu Peaks was worse than season 2

wtf, I hate Twin Peaks now!

Holy shit



Bump for lynch btfo

Give it a rest, OP.

Hey guys is this the candlejack thr

I thought this was the Tavisto

shut up retard
FWWM > all of season 3 > few moments original series >>>>>>>>>> piece of trash original meme garbage series
not even memeing


if you watch that trash and were dissappointed at The Return you need to stay in your GoT threads faggot

Nothing shows how butthurt you are more than making a thread about someone or something supposedly being btfo when almost nobody cares.

Twin peaks was normie back in the day kiddo, you would know if you were alive when it was on that everyone talked about it all the time.
It's the kind of pseudo intellectual post modernist trash normies love because it makes them feel smart and deep

who are you talking to?
kinda like what you're doing now, except you're being weird and cryptic about it

lol fuck off old faggot


I didn't make a thread tho ass babby, are you angry I'm posting at all or something?
Must suck having an ass made of thorns, every time you sit down or go to wipe it must sting like a motherfucker.

cry more you hack
read about the meeting between david and lucas and how david is basically so far up his own ass with pretentious arthouse garbage he couldn't lower himself to even consider directing real kino like star wars.
YOu could pull any random socal'

objectively wrong norm of the north

OP isn't a giant cocksucking fa-