Actress January Jones: Father Figure Would Be Toxic For My Son


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Of course

Holy fuck, the doublethink.

There's countless studies on the most harmful thing you can do to a child, absent some form of abuse, is to remove the father from the household.

But you can't say that in thin skinned America because somehow it would be taken as an insult by the legion of single mothers.

I have no idea who this cunt is, but with a name like, 'Xander', you can be pretty sure it was a mystery meat who bounced after he hit it.

She's mad at men because all her past boyfriends couldn't stand the look of her deformed titties after a while. It's pretty funny.

What the flying dogfart happened to her face?!
Whatever her makeup artist gets paid, it's not nearly enough.

It's almost like feminism is emasculating.


Why would any self respecting man date her exactly ? She's a single mother and a hooker.

You don't saaaaaay

Want a man
But doesnt like men.

This is very true. Women dont know what it takes to be man so they train their kid to be like their perfect ideal of a man and it always turns the kid into a mess cause women dont know what they want in a man, they only think they know.

Jesus, is this a post-Trump make over? She used to be quite pretty.

We're going to be seeing a lot more of those.

Mr Skin thought THAT was worth committing to server space?

That was exactly the image I had in mind.

Mad Men is the 60s for moderate liberals. Not completely horrible up to Season 4. Lots of softcore porn and one-liners. Seriously though, a woman's opinion means very little, especially some cunt from kikewood.

I watched most of the first season thinking it might get good. It's typical amc soap opera

My father has always said that what women really want in a relationship is a gay roommate who's a master chef and a penis that fits in a nightstand.

my father always said "Goddamn women don't know what they want and they'll nag and bitch until they get it"

Why would you expect TV porn to get better ?


Oh no, anything but a normal upbringing for my children!
What a stupid cunt.

it was new at the time and I had fewer other examples to go off of. And I didn't know about cultural marxism yet.

It's not accident you dingbat.

Sally Draper was the better Draper anyway.
What are the odds her 'Czech' ancestry turned out to be (((Czech)))?

Holy fuck I can't believe I thought she was kinda hot in mad men. Goes to show what a little effort and classing up can do to turn a skank into something kinda hot.
One day, her son will find us. She cannot castrate his mind.

I just hope your kid grows bad enought to murder you, bitch

You're son is going to be treated like a ragdoll in the real world.

Wake up you stupid fuck. Stop living a lie. Your ideal is pure fantasy driven likely by your narcissism spurned on by facebook, etc.

Non anonymous social media is killing the world. It's turning these people into fake abominations.

And then they'll find it's nothing like they expected. They lack real world mentality. They do nothing but dream.
They lack pragmatism.

does she even know the father?

Yeah! Just like all those single black mothers! They churn out the best kids, amirite? :^)


She dated Josh Groban. I doubt she knows much.

He will be easy prey for the child abusers. Will likely come out as some abominable label.


Holla Forums said it first
$5 says son of Actress January Jones becomes a LGBTBBQ


white women are awesome, guise! they totally aren't puppets of the jew, guise!


Maybe she wasn't acting in Mad Men…that's her actual parenting style, minus the common sense spanking, employed with her son.

she's probably been diddled by greasy kikes since she was 5 years old

She's probably one herself. She looks a bit 'off'.

So this is the "Just fuck my shit up" haircut for women.

most likely, still would be diddled


Serves her right for being a shit mother in the future. I wonder if Mara Wilson was too..



Stereotyping what a man would or would not say to their own child is ridiculous. She wouldn't know! She hasn't physically experienced it. Just because she saw actors in films saying ‘don’t cry’ or ‘you throw like a girl' doesn't mean ALL MEN would. Fuck this nobody, she can go and celebrate when her son turns out gay, or even better a psychopath killer that murders her.


Women have no idea of what men like and want.

Also the boy will grow up as a weak, submissive idiot. With "teach him to respect women", she meant to say "be submissive to them"


that cunt cannot comprehend that all leftists are absolute cuckolds, yet wants to raise her son as one

This kid is 11.

She's a fucking cunt.

That fits with the condescending attitude to men.

This is entire thread is what happens when you stop beating your women. Sand Niggers can't be wrong about everything.

Her kid will probably get diddled in Jewish Hollywood and she won't give a fuck.

Fuck you it takes time to learn! Besides 'home economics' exist in school.
This takes time as well! It's called needing lots of time to be on the computer.
Fuck you again cleaning is simple and fun.
What are you implying all women are lizards now? Then why do you want to fuck them?
Wtf are you talking about now? You want women to pretty themselves up instead of being slothly? So what if clothes aren't ironed, fuck that.
Omg serious issues here, no motherly love for the poor boy. Never had a serious relationship? Just wow, you must wonder why there was no love given.
Okay cool, and?
It's called the biology of women, that's what you're trying to distinguish right? Yeah women are more angry, happy, and (((sad)))der than most men.
Okay this might be true, but don't blame women for this, again it's biological and that is indeed a reason why men are in existence.
That sucks and is a boring life to only be able to have sex, I guess they wouldn't really be human anymore, if they weren't useful for anything else, so all men are bestiality lovers?
I wish I could say this wasn't true, but as we said modern women are intellectually bewildered, so maybe the men should help them? (((foot binding))) (((cranial deformation))) (((piercings))) (((corsets)))
Yes, bodies are fucked if you let them run wild. Wait, do you want them to be tidy or not?
Again with the tidy shit, okay excuse the women for broadcasting their current ideals and class with their clothes, do you want to discern women from one another or just having them be the sex-only-fuckable-cattle.
This is a funny activity. Women getting old and covering it up makes them sexier right? It kind of doesn't make sense biologically, really they shouldn't pretend to be able to make babies.
I have empathy for you, no-womanly-love-recieved Varg-Vikernes.
Really it's the liberation for everyone, as everyone becomes a separate entity from their families and spouses. So to take it away would mean worse for the men too, their liberties will be taken, but you might feel like your dick is bigger right?

Never thought there was such a thing as an ugly pair of tits before I caught sight of those.

Wouldn't look out of place in a morgue.

What makes a women fall so low Holla Forums?

Yeah, after the autospy.

Good job there was no opening viewing of her tits.

responses like this

Fuck off sinead

Roasties, out !

Well at least the kids white, I hope she isn't a lesbian.

Only a woman has that sort of illogic.
Something for everyone means nothing for them.

I know this is bait but I still have to ask you to kill yourself.

Dude, no matter how pretty you are, you are NOT going to look great under every angle and lighting, especially not when talking or otherwise moving

She only looks pretty when she has a lot of makeup and hollywood angles.

This is what it would look like if a feminist found this site.




Not having a father prominent in my life combined with being raised by a single mother and an older sister fucked me up something fierce, i'm still trying to fix myself (trying to get in regular contact with my father hasnt helped since he's a pathetic cuck of a man) and its really tough but god damn has it taught me the value of fatherhood. When I have kids they are gonna be sick of me spending so much time with them

She seems like a broken woman raising up a broken child, her lineage ends there.

And that's why women suffrage was one of the worst things we ever allowed. Women's place isn't on the driver's seat, ever.

Describes the dynamic perfectly user. Are all women mentally broken in this exact same way? Also dubs checked.

This is some dedication to bait.
I'll have to give you a 9/10 rating, some of the best attempts I've seen.

The only saving grace to white population loss is that libkikes will soon be bred out of existence and the only whites left will be those who grew up in hardcore right wing households. These faggots don't even know the fire they are about to unleash upon the earth.

Talk about projection and daddy issues.

The best part is she won't even take an emasculated numale cuck as a husband because she's not attracted to them.


This topic still makes me, and possibly other anons, shudder with that pre-programmed feeling of "oy vey shut it down this is wrongthink". But if we replace the connotation-riddled term "beat your wife" with the more apt "physical discipline" the idea becomes more digestible to a reluctant mind.

A family should be the atomic unit of society, and physical discipline should, possibly, be on the table. But there are horror stories of kids getting whooped by their dad and never getting over it (kids kvetching? dad off the rails?), and of course the prevalent accusations of wife beatery among white divorce cases.

Clearly the family unit is under siege. Perhaps forbidding physical discipline decreases the resilience of the family unit.

There should be an unequivocable truth in here somewhere, and hopefully anons can fish it out.

Women should be treated like children under the law.

so, she's a jew cum dumpster.

Most of these modern women sure behave like children. So do numales and neckbeards.

Perpetual adolescence in which the state becomes the father figure and the media becomes the mother figure.

I'm pretty sure she just called all liberal men cucks


It's common knowledge that this bitch is almost impossible to work with and a complete nutjob.

Welcome to women, user.

The problem is daddy. He should have shut this down when she was in diapers. Instead we get treated to pic related.

These women drive a young men into crying.

I can't embed youtube links that jump to a certain point.

Wew lad that's fucking hilarious. I know a chick who confided in our mutual friend that she wants to fuck me, but I voted Trump and am "Republican" Read: Sensible. I always thought it was a meme, but goddamn women really do want a strong conservative man to give them the business.


women using their histrionic logic to battle with their own hormones and DNA, nothing new.

The majority of rapists and AN HEROS are raised for single mothers.

Dammit Carlos

AMC soaps fool a lot of people with their production value. Just because they can hire competent camera men, lighting people and editors. The plots are the same old shit, but they have the production quality of a hollywood movie which is (or was, a few years ago) novel for television.

AMC soaps don't look like the old multi-camera soap operas your grandmother watched, and as a consequence they sucked in a lot of "young hip" people. Even on Holla Forums I often see people speaking positively about shit like Breaking Bad. It's all a bunch of shit, but the production value sucks people in.




spoil that stuff next time user

The "he" in that sentence refers to Zack Galifianakis, who is an adult.



Oh, I see. If the article is titled about a child star talking poorly of someone, you'd think it would mostly focus on his opinion alone.

Any woman with a functioning brain would refuse to do a sex scene with him.

Yeah, he's a fat slob who acts like a child. Which I think makes it funny when he says he'd refuse to do a sex scene with her. 2/10 pointy elbows would not fuck.


Spare the hand, spoil the child; and it would seem the wife too.

he doesn't deserve this

then they could get away with crime more easily and go to juvie instead of prison

I understand, but it's singling out whites when blacks have the higher rate of single mothers.

I'm not so sure. This was the easiest shoop I've ever done. Three minutes and BAM! And that includes the time it took to find the pic of Fraser with his shirt of. I went back in the image's history to show you how frighteningly easy this was. Didn't even need to resize. Like Cinderella's glass slipper, these are the tits that were meant for Brendan Fraser.

Show your tits


you have waay to much time on your hands there user

worse than an e-celeb thread, fucking trash thread

Three. Fucking. Minutes. Easiest work I've ever done.

Shiet, I was mention that she batized her bastard with this name and talking about tits to

How long have you been doing shoops
I will never be good at it

user said as he posted on a french puppetry forum

Since '96.
Fuck me, that's nearly 21 years.
You've made me feel old, user.

For someone who would likely find the idea of being referred to as a bigot, she sure seems to be one.

noun: bigotry; plural noun: bigotries
intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.

That said, it's not shocking that she's saying something retarded; she's known for it. I listen to the Adam Carolla podcast and when they do their news/current events portion of the show, she's come up a few times over the years with stupid stuff. Like many people (specifically women) in Hollywood, she should thank her lucky stars every day that she's decently attractive. If she was some 5/10 looking chick, she'd be working as a waitress at some place making >$30,000 a year - or she'd have been a career college student taking Smash The Patriarchy courses or some shit.

Are you the femanon who got triggered with Holla Forums for believing women can't into politics?

It's not doublethink really. What she wants is the look; the facade. She wants a Seattle hipster type who is essentially an actor; looks like a badass (or her idea of one) but is essentially a woman underneath. It's 2017 and she's rich - she doesn't need a man to go out and kill an animal for food or chop a tree down so they can keep warm at night. Her primal instincts are just still hardwired to be attracted to someone who looks like they can do those things, but she knows that she'll never actually NEED the guy to do those things.

What the fuck is this board

She says this, but she is really participaiting in the white woman sex strike against White Genocide. If she had a husband, who would likely be another white person, then she would be obligated to him.

She IS some 5/10 looking chick. It's obviously only Hollywood's smoke and mirrors at play that allows her to pretend otherwise. She might make it up to 6.5 if she'd just fucking smile like a human being, but a lot of her candids show her scowling and the smile she puts on for the paparazzi is more of a rictus.

TL;DR - "Dick or GTFO!"

Can we make her a Nazi?

What's worse: she having a nigger baby or she having a white baby without a dad?

But, user., if she did smile at somebody then that might lead to attraction then a relationship and then sex. But she is participating in the white women sex strike against White Genocide, and she has stereotyped (correctly) most white men as being sick and self-hating white, anti-white traitors. Why would she risk being with somebody who likely has something against her because of her own race, as self-hating as he is?

Look at the kind of people who have been elevated in white man's society.

"Treason to the White race is Loyalty to Humanity." - Noel Ignatiev, Harvard Professor

That is considered a prestigious university by many white men!

And, not only "many" but a majority. And that's where the sort of stereotype held by this woman come from… That's why they take part in the white women sex strike against White Genocide. #WWSSAWhiteGenocide



use a fucking nigger or at least make the baby nigger

I would be if it wasn't for her culturally appropriating a white woman's beautiful blonde hair.

I'm only responding to you because I've GOT to check those dubtrips.

A thought occurs. Not to derail or anything, but did the Egyptians have a turtle-headed god?

Oh, you guys are going to fucking love this one.

>Among Ptah's many creatures, Shetw (Tortoise, Turtle) was neither especially remarkable nor esteemed. Though excluded from lists of animal offerings to the deities, there are nevertheless great quantities of turtle and tortoise bones associated with archaeology at the great ceremonial complex at Heirakonpolis in Upper Egypt. This may suggests that sacrifices of Chelonians served some ritual or liturgical purpose within the ancient Egyptian ceremonial system.[15]
>As an aquatic animal, the turtle was associated with the Underworld.[16] The turtle was associated with Set, and so with the enemies of Ra who tried to stop the solar barque as it traveled through the underworld. Since the XIXth Dynasty, and particularly in the Late and Greco-Roman periods, turtles were known to have been ritually speared by kings and nobles as evil creatures.

Jeb confirmed for chooser of worst totem.

Women nurture the family. Men drive the nation and economy.

Women cannot handle the exploitation by others with conflicts of interest.
Men cannot stay warm enough to nurture the family. They must remain hard.

kek, well played

Nobody is attrcated by them. Why do you think they "reward" nu-males with soggy sex after they do some hercuean and humilliating task? Its just a service , the only they can provide, in exchange for a job they themselves cant do but even the most weak and retarded nu-males can. See: The video-game industry.

It's interesting to think that we might actually witness conditions deteriorate to the point that women actually advocate for traditionalist mores; giving the lie to their having been 'oppressed' historically, which is one of the more popular leftist slanders of the last century.

Unless, of course, women really are these magical creatures who can raise their offspring alone, without the support of a welfare system and infrastructure invented, and maintained, by men.

I believe that collapse will bring to light many essential facts that are hidden, even to us, at present.

Even here, the full extent of woman's inanity, her shallowness and her perfidy isn't really appreciated: such is man's hopeful idealism and thirst for consolation.

For example, I often read comments that describe woman's lack of sense as being a symptom of the relative intensity and depth of her emotions. I would say that woman's lack of sense, particularly in the political realm, is due to her selfishly solipsistic worldview (which is completely removed from practical realities, which are filthy things for men to deal with): and that her emotions are ostentatious, rather than deep - owing to her incompetence and, thus, her reliance upon the ability to manipulate men.

How often have you known a woman to dwell? How often have you known a woman in apparent distress to reappear unscathed an hour later having received adequate attention? Can any of you failed to have observed how make-believe the extensions of sympathy are from one woman to another?

It is, I'm afraid, all fucking make-believe with women: a tissue of lies designed to net her material possessions, and to support her tremendous narcissism. The exaltation of women in the modern age is simply indicative of how far our race has trudged, in a decadent stupor, from the truth.

Thank you for the good chuckle. I really needed it today.

Sjws think they can do no wrong and they cuck and emasculate their children. We can only hope that their kids get redpilled growing up and don't get stuck with infantile values based around pleasing everyone except themselves. So many of these people really are like grown up children.

Her ideal man doesn't exist because the things that attract her are mutually inclusive with values (i.e political) opposite with hers. If only she asked the right questions.

I hope it's the resolution because top kek.

When I tell my son to stop crying like a girl my wife gives me grief, but fuck that. He's 1, time to man up.


she can suck my cock tho

Give them what they want, special treatment under the law. Specifically all the rights and abilities of children, and all the punishments of adults. Don't like it? then be a good little housewife and you wont have to worry about anything beyond your kids and husband.

You can't even blame them. They're physically incapable of experiencing honor, pathos, duty, etc. Their love is opportunistic, and grounded in the present. They're our burden, as much of a misfortune as that is. All we can do is grin and bear it - like men have always done.

Perhaps objectively you can't blame them. But practically, they must be made to feel even a fragment of the accountability that men put up with throughout their lives in order to shock them out of their post industrial pretensions.

Let them actually feel some of the heat for once in history.


I didn't even know that board existed, but looking at the rest of that thread, it really makes me think of pic related.
It gave a little cancer, I really don't want to look into it any further.

My father's nugget of wisdom was: "Son, I'm gonna tell ya now, women have snakes in their god damned heads. Trying to figure them out is like opening a can of worms and dumping the shit out in your lap. It's ALL fucked up."

What a selfish fucking cunt.

"I wanna get fucked by daddy but I hate daddy"

It's an old board run by Swami, if anyone remembers the first migration. They died out a few months after the third migration or moved on to >>>/cuckquean/ and then men discovered /cuckquean/ and the /fem/bots left to God knows where.

who can really say

Weak men.

The subtle appealing that women are no more than non-artifical wombs is there, but no one will buy that women have no accountability in this.

There's a reason the romans had Pater Famillias after the Rape of Sabines, they understood a thing or two about their "loyalty".

Women are weak and can't handle the stronger trigger pull that revolvers have to compensate for the lack of a safety.

"I wanna be hatefucked by daddy like when I was 7"

this stupid kike whore needs to be raped and killed, preferably by niggers.

my father didn't ever tell me anything about women. But my Mother told me that women were evil and to watch out for women who didn't respect their fathers.

My mother often preached to me about how women were liars and backstabbers. This was mostly after her boss retired (male) and got replaced (female boss)

Capped for posterity and probably future usage.

You'll notice she seems stone faced in most movies and tv shows. I think this is why. Whenever she shows emotion it reveals just how bad her nose really looks.

"Sorry, you're not 7 anymore. It wouldn't be the same."

"No, I'd like you to."

"Oh, I know you would. I'm saying there's no incentive for me. Your dad was a lucky guy."


She looks like my ex tbh except my ex had nicer tits

Goddamn sometimes I wish I could go back in time and beat the shit out of my former bluepill persona.

How far back in time do I need to go?

Toxic masculinity only advanced humanity for thousands of years and is the sole reason for human survival, but hey, this bimbo knows a better way. Go for it, bitch. Your bloodline ends with your future suicidal faggot son.

It's too bad that this ugly whore has reproduced.