Some kind of unity of ideas

ITT we post only sentences that every leftist poster here can agree with, regardless of specific ideology.

I don't think unity for unity's sake is always best, politically, but this is just for fun. Let's see how many we can get.

I'll start: Holla Forums are idiots.

The people should be armed.

anarchists are idiots

I can already see this is going to be Holla Forums's version of "Holla Forums counts to X" threads…

Tankies should kill themselves

Every trot is a kulak and should be gulaged

Play nicely.

All socioeconomic systems are eventually superceeded, and capitalism is no different.

Honestly I'd rather work with with a fascist than a ML

ancap pls go

Ancaps are the scum of the earth.

leftism is good and everyone that follows it are usually nicer people (liberals don't count)

anarchists have some good ideas

marxist leninists have some good ideas

Brown girls are best girls.

A portion of leftists are sectarian.

Dialectical Materialism is correct.

Post leftists are useless beyond perhaps some of their critiques of Marxism and anarchism

I can think of two.

Capitalism is exploitation and should be abolished.

Workers should own the means of production.


fuck you, tankie

Tankies and anarchists are both idiots.

Leftypol is shit.

Marx is worth reading

I have pondered the efficacy of bunkers at length

Both wage-labour and the commodity form should be abolished

Khrushchev was a mistake

Liberals are not Socialists.
AnCap are not real Anarchists, nor Socialists.
Means of Production should belong to the workers.
There is no need to compensate Capitalists for nationalisation of MoP.

That was boring and underwhelming. Who needs this wishy-washy approach?

Should any Capitalist state threaten to use nukes on Socialist state or Socialist-held cities, it is acceptable to threaten it back with complete extermination (i.e. mass-murder) of 0.1% of it's richest population (50-100k wealthiest families in case of US).

And then follow through with the threat, should the nukes be used.

Spiritual babies. All of you. Left vs Right? Only somebody with an IQ below 50 still falls for any of this shit. Stop worshiping dead dudes and their gay books. Those people were more than likely all pieces of shit, and they have been forgotten by everyone but fucking losers for a reason.

You have a choice, move forward or get fucking lost.

Tankies want production for use
Anarchists are against slavery and murder squads

Stop posting

I'm interested to here what you- assuming your flag isn't shitposting - like about anarchism in particular that isnt also applicible to leftism in general.


Anyway, my contribution: Red is the best colour


…are you saying an idea can't be correct?

What do you think "philosophy" means? What do you think dialectical materialism is? Up your game fam.

what do you mean by this?

tbh, I'd work with Holla Forums to the extent of attacking the same enemies. What comes after, we can worry about after. We have one enemy that is truly the only enemy we should worry about for now.
I still agree they're idiots.

this tbh

Yes. Ideas cannot be correct. At most they can be accurate.

Okay, you lost. I disagree.


Green girls best girls.

Nah i prefer to see the clash between the authoritarians and libertarians as a strength of the left


White people should be killed

MRA "redpill" neckbeards are scum of the earth.

This tbh …. I wish tankies and annies could be friends.

That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
What, saying that "1+1=2 in ZFC" isn't Correct, rather it's Accurate? Accurate at describing what? Describing an idea?
We don't even need to go into contrived examples from formal systems. Stuff like "Cogito ergo sum" is necessarily true by virtue of it being stated. Or at least it's non-trivial to argue why it's not necessarily true.

The point isn't that Dialectical Materialism can't be correct because it's an idea. The point is that it's an analytical tool, used to analyze and contextualize class struggle, both as it goes on today and as it has historically.


/freedu/ is the best board on Holla Forums



I'd nut in a YPG qt

Come on fam, I don't care if you say that about normal girls, but don't sexualize fellow leftistscurrently in the struggle.

r/socialism is that way

Ooookay whatever.

Of course it's not fun. Of course it may suck. It's not necessarily an ideologically consistent idea maybe. But if you look at what is most tactically good for us, it is that we try to fight as few enemies at a time, and get help from anyone who is willing.
For now, Holla Forums has the same enemies as us. They want to fight rich jews, we wanna fight the regular rich.
As long as we have the same enemies, there is no point in throwing away a potential ally, because when you're about to lose (and mein gott are we on the losing side), you should take all the help you can get.

It's not as if we don't have many other opportunities, so we should take all the ones we can get. Or what problem do you see in being opportunistic?

Don't lie, wouldn't you fight with them to end the war and then make beautiful babies? Then you and you're family can rebuild the middle east and go on to make the world a better place?

Well I definitely think they're extremely pretty. If I were there fighting with them and after the dust settled had fallen in love with one, I'd definitely marry her, but this is completely irrelevant.

I could probably even pass off as a Kurd

Sure, but "I'd bust a nut in them bitches" sounds vulgar. Say that about some stupid capitalist hoes but not my comrades

Morality is stupid.

the user you're replying to actually means it endearingly

It's chan culture

Oh. WellI guess, I am new to the Chans. Only found out about this place with the Facebook page

Not same fag but I also assumed as such. Note the endearing usage of the term 'qt'

well fugg :DDD

Anyways, let's get back on topic before we further derail thread. I'm gonna try this universal things too…

Power should never be centralized and all national processes should be decentralized with all government decisions done through some kind of consensus

In that case welcome newfriend, hope you enjoy your stay.

socialist realism is reactionary

It's pretty nice here. It's pretty crazy how little of a consensus there is here. I think that's wonderful.

Haha no. The sectarianism is extreme. It's good to have people who disagree with you and keep others learning, but it goes too far.

I suppose. But still it's a refreshing change from the likes of leftist communities on reddit or tumblr

That says a lot about your shit ideology

Its not.


It's better to have criticism than echoes

Welcome to hours of pointless arguments, newfriend :^) Remember not to reply to bait

Incoming tankies

What? Holla Forums doesn't want to do anything, they want to masturbate to white power fantasies and harass online communities. They're voting fucking Donald Trump into government, you really think they actually want to do anything about any "ruling elite"?
"Allying" ourselves with these subhumans just dilates our cause, and makes it much easier to ignore us. They're an insignificant force in the real world, leftist politics are very much not.

Also, we do not have the same enemies. It might be the neo-nazis hate jews, but you know who they hate even more? Regular people who they deem controlled by the jewry, meaning other proles. What Holla Forums is doing is a school example of splitting the working class.

Do you live on imageboards? I don't. I live in a country, with people. I can tell you that the amount of leftists in my country is easily an order of magnitude larger than the amount of neo-nazis. I'd wager that's true of every single western country.

Colluding with Nazis and fascists is worse for the cause of leftism than not doing anything you dolt.

Holy shit it's working?

Nicely done me, of course that should be underlined.

!!XijnrwOqQI should be permabanned.

Hillary should not win

If you don't want Donald Trimp to win then who? In a perfect world it would be Jill Stein but you might as well be throwing your vote away thein

We might not want the standard neoliberal to win (Hillary), but Trump is also your standard neolib. Only difference is that he uses right-populist rhetoric which gets racist whites all hot and bothered. I don't see how one is an improvement over the other.

Also if Stein gets x% of the vote the Greens will get federal funding. If you support them then it's hardly a waste of vote.

Though I should add that if your goal is the abolition of capitalism, then all votes are wasted votes ;)

You know, you could just refrain from supporting any candidate? You don't HAVE to participate in stupid party politics.
Making an outcry about the uselessness of both candidates would be more meaningful and useful to both Holla Forums and Holla Forums causes, yet Holla Forums (and you apparently) - because they don't actually give a fuck and are just in it for the memes - would rather support a meme candidate.
