On the subject of doxing

If possible I'd like to have a thread where we move away from the whole TRS vs Holla Forums thing, and stop discussing whether doxing is "going too far" and go to the real basics of the Internet.

What I want to know is, you're anonymous on the Internet unless you choose to reveal your identity. You don't have to have a username and you don't have to have an avatar and even if you have either of those, you don't have to use your real name or post your actual face.

I mean, it's the very first thing we all learned about the Internet as kids. Never give your identity out on the Internet. Keep it hidden. The bare basics. The fundamentals. The one thing you absolutely must remember.

So… how in the fucking hell did these people get doxed? If they observed that basic rule of the Internet of KEEP YOUR FUCKING IDENTITY HIDDEN, how on earth can they be doxed? How can it happen?

And if they're so monumentally stupid that they didn't observe that rule, shouldn't we maybe recognize that they shouldn't be on the Internet at all? That they are no better than the cretins who make facebook accounts and other social media cancer?

I don't understand.

pic unrelated

I'll post my comment from the shitstorm

it wasn't exactly hard to find
also /baph/ are really, really good at what they do if you piss them off.
thats a good idea

Identity politics vs pure thought is a battle as old as civilization.

You really need to lurk moar.

Everything this user said, plus an old adage:
TRS needs to learn the lesson and move the fuck on. Don't fuck with /baph/ they are legitimately scary good at this shit. They fought the CIA and won.

I don't see this thread going anywhere but what you've said is pretty much the truth of the matter summed up.
Of course there will always be the newfaggots who come and go as they realize that they're not cut out for anonymous online interation be it the need to signal or muh fee-fees.

When we all started on the internet, that was the rule.
But now, since the FILTHY FUCKING NORMIES infested the internet, that doesn't seem to be taught as a norm anymore.

Well, with all that considered, I have to say I can't really disagree with the doxing of the TRS leaders - it does seem to be pretty much something they were asking for.

The way I see it maybe this will for them be like the child burning his hand on a stove because he didn't care that it was hot - a lesson by experience, that may compel them to be better Internet users in the future.

So perhaps it's a net good.

I just wish it wouldn't have had to come to that.

Nah this is in fact a good thing. By having TRS learn this lesson the hard way, we end up saving a lot of time in spoonfeeding and handholding and slapping these cunts. Let their scars earned here be their teacher

I have mixed feelings now, I'm glad they have been fucked up but now thirds parties are stepping in and making things worse. We are past the let's teach them a lesson phase.

Also in terms of doxing I think doxing common spic would have been better.

Why not both?

Have to agree. I think TRS will actually benefit in the long run and develop better posting habits as a result. Yeah, it sucks now. But time will go by, people will move on, and they will recover and be better than they were before.

I'm convinced this entire TRS bullshit is just them shilling on our board. I can't fathom why anyone would even give a shit otherwise. The problem is the faggots here just eat up the trollbait.
If I were forum owner I'd just start banning any and all TRS threads. I don't know who they are and I don't give a fuck, they aren't getting two seconds of my time. They are obviously creating all of these fucking threads in order to promote whatever bullshit it is they do.
Fucking ban them all, dox them all, I don't give a fuck and I don't understand why we let ANY of this shit on this board AT ALL.

I believe it's an overall good thing they got doxxed. As "leaders" they should be dealing with the challenge of being public figures.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

I dont think any of the third parties besides /baph/ and 4/pol/ are involved. TRS is jewing out and blaming whoever they can for their massive fuckup.

In the beginning that's what I thought but now it's clear some have stepped in, just like in the evalion conflict.

you have to fucking go back

Maybe, but tbh all they're truly doing is stoking the fire that TRS threw napalm on.

It happened, because they aren't serious people. This, baby dips their toe in National Socialism then, finds the water is too hot for them, so they call their brand of whatever 'alt-right'.

ON THEIR SHOW… a month ago, all the main actors said, they had been "anarchists" then "libertarians". Not genuine people. Heck one fucker there married a gook and the other has a dyke for a mother. This isn't 100% Bavarian phenotype ubermensch leading the way. These are uneducated and thus poor, middle class butt fuck Americans. Again, not serious people. Not tech people either.

First time getting attention in their lives. Imagining they have some sort of power and they got a big head. Starting mouthing off to the wrong people, being lazy, feeling invincible when nothing immediately happened. It's basic bitch bullshit. They need to go the fuck away because like leftists, they have no plan for anything. It's all reactionary bullshit and to Jew happenings.

Real fuckers will get you by ip. Viewing an image is enough. They socially the isp then for the billing info. So not telling the 'bueno' man on the internet your name isn't the end all be all of 'cyber' whatever they fuck they told you millenial homos while you were accepting black muslim trannies as your equals in public school.

what evidence do we have that this was /baph/?


not an argument

Lurk moar, you might find the place and see this yourself SS & and Bulbasaur were doxed by /baph/. If you don't know how to find it, you're not from here obviously.

The thread is still up dumbass.

I see the thread, I don't see any evidence that it was done by /baph/ outside of some text claiming it.

You'd think an user would know that anyone can post on chans and not believe everything he reads, but I guess you're not quite smart enough to make that connection.

If you want to live in the delusion that Antifa doxed TRS go ahead.