westernjournalism .com/man-who-harassed-ivanka-on-plane-now-being-harassed-himself/
Cuck who harassed Ivanka on airplane gets doxed with Anthrax and feces
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Hey rabbi
As juicy as it is, these fags probably faked those threats themselves.
t. morons
False flag. Faggots and Jews love using feces, and these oven logs are both.
Someone should make a macro with, "Hello Fabio, watcha doing?"
Its either completely hilarious or completely fake. Probably fake, but I got a chuckle anyway.
I just think Ivanka is a moron. Tiffany Trump best female Trump
there is dna in shit so it should be easy to test if the kike did it himself or not
Could've just taken some random dog shit and shoved it in there.
Hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
possible but its less likely, people tend not to like picking up others shit and alot dont realize it contains dna
There be DNA in them feces boys! Yeeehaaawww.
The feces letter is a giveaway. Fags and Jews love their shit.
The Zionist kikes do not consider converts Jews, which Is why you need a dna test to live in Israel.
Wouldn't doubt that those are the same feces, that came out of him. When his faggot husband stuck it in his aids infected asshole.
Was going to say the same. They just can't help themselves.
Motherfucker, this cuckold looks like Jared from subway. Feces shit reeks of false flag though.
It was probably matzo and gefilte chunks from his husbands prolapsed dung chute, he mailed himself to scream victim.
fucking lol
I sent hate mail. Why didnt you?
reminder that sending shit through the mail is highly illegal and a criminal investigation could point to the true (((culprit)))
Only if it's your shit, user.
Did he eat it all himself or save some for his husband?
Must have been sent by Ivankas husband because only he would care enough about Ivanka to try to kill someone for her, and as we know Jews are obsessed with fecal matter so he sent the other letter as well.
according to Miles Mathis Ivanna had jew blood in her, so Ivanka might actually pass a test
I wish this were true.
If nobody sends them hate mail, they do it themselves to attract attention. This often ends well.
Why is it always Anthrax? Isn't this specific form of biological warfare the leftist's choice of weapon?
In most cases it's just an inert powder that gets sent, especially if it's a 'hey rabbi'. Everyone just jumps to anthrax because there was a legit anthrax scare some years ago.
Ok question: How the fuck do you even get anthrax.
Lets say for a moment I want to send some shit. Its not like I can just walk down to the hardware store and go "Ok I need some nails, glue gun, hammer, screwdriver….and ill need a bit of anthrax".
Isnt that shit like only produced by engineers at this point and needs to have all sorts of fucking clearance to even see?
10 to 1 these false flag faggots don't know about the Mail Isolation Control and Tracking program that photographs & tracks every single envelope sent through the mail.
No seriously. I looked it up and its like…in the fucking ground. Its not like you can go around and say "oh hey, an anthrax mushroom". Its stupidly hard to even get now so im wondering how random people are getting hold of a cultivated form that is used for a bioweapon. Think about it. Its stupidly hard especially in the USA to even come into contact with anthrax. So how the fuck are people getting it?
Damnit, this is what memes are for, to reduce the requirement for physical violence.
But to the question, I don't think it was ever explained how the anthrax senders back during W's tenure got hold of it.
Any evidence that it's anthrax or is it just "unknown white powder"?
You don't. Most of the "anthrax" scares are just that. Scares. No actual anthrax just crushed up sweettarts or baby powder.
Exactly. They dont even specify exactly how it comes to be. For all we know its a fucking man made weapon itself now. People just say "its the spores man" and everyone knows its white powder. So does that mean its a mushroom grinded up into some bullshit or a liquid boiled down and crushed into the powder? See no one knows shit about this and thats the main thing. It seems like Anthrax is extremely controlled to the point where I suspect you have to have it given to you by "people". 90% of the time its just retarded shit like baking soda or some other white flakey powder in an envelope.
My conclusion is that anyone who screams anthrax first that isnt with a government branch with a god damn biochemist lab next door either is talking out of their ass or knows something.
I see what you're getting at now.
I hadn't considered that angle.
I realize its wikipedia, but it has some nice information.
en. wikipedia.org/wiki/2001_anthrax_attacks
At your local record/CD store of course!
You're probably not in the DoD/pentagon/black-site laboratory.
So guess you'll never know (not on the plainwebs at least)
bring the noise
Covering for you
At first I thought you were joking. "No one is that retarded," I thought, "surely everyone would at least spend 30 seconds searching the internet to read about Bacillus anthracis before posting here."
I was wrong.
There are MUCH MUCH easier bioweapons to make (chemweapons being even easier) and yet the fuckers pick…anthrax? So my question still stands. How the fuck does he know its antrhax, one of the hardest to get ahold of bioweapons. Its up there with The Plague in terms of tangibility. So always ask questions. Me personally, dont know shit about anthrax but every time I try to ask the question of "how could i end up in contact with it or get ahold of it" it screams random chance. You would have to get ahold of an animal or person who died of it and there is so much vaccinations going on that even that in itself is rare. Im constantly asking how and not a single piece on the internet is giving me an answer that makes me say "Oh I see, makes sense". It just begs more questions. So either the person sending this shit is a government employee/CDC employee with clearance to see bioweapon grade anthrax or this shit is retarded.
Sorry honestly didnt know i researched more. Learn something new every day I suppose.
Well, yeah, nobody here is in the DoD/pentagon
It makes sense from their perspective, though.
makes a better bullshit sensationalist headline that
I just can't get over this.
Anthrax is easily traced. Weaponized spores are like fingerprints and only originate from a few government labs. Naturally occurring anthrax can also be located to it's original geographic location, but it's not weaponized and there's no point in mailing it anywhere. The anthrax sent to the Senate Majority Leader, Tom Daschle originated from the US military's lab at Ft. Detrick lol
Homely. She's not conventionally attractive (face 3/10; body 7/10; overall 5/10), but, to her credit, she does look like she could suck-start a Harley.
Let's hope he becomes "an hero" asap.
Now THAT's the right stuff xD.
I kek'd.
Lurk moar, faggot.
I'll be legitimately surprised if this doesn't turn out to be him or his husband's attempt at getting sum of those sweet oppression points.
You steal it from one of the military-labs that has it, user.
If you're serious enough about it. Otherwise it's easier to just get some powder that looks like it and say it's anthrax, the message gets across just as effective.
are we going to start misusing the word "dox" like we did with "cuck"
No evidence that it was Anthrax. Assuming it wasn't a false flag, it could have been fucking baby powder and the professor still would have been screaming "anthrax" over the phone to the police (see: anthrax scare)
Hopefully NYPD does a DNA test on the poo.
Are you sure that's sound logic?
I'd be much more creeped out picking up a bag of my own shit than picking up after my dog.. then again, I've fallen behind on my poop-smeared stationary technique.
The most obvious case of fetal alcohol syndrome i've ever seen lads
The only Trump not dating a jew is Barron.
I'd rather be a pissed a patriot harassing them than a publicity stunt.
That's why Trump divorced her mother.
how about that guy who got a letter with some bagel crumbs in it, thought it was anthrax and had a heart attack and died. lmao, what a way to go
still better than ivanka.
give him time
I chuckled.
Why do you think that Anthrax scare was never solved?
All the guys they accused (never charged anyone), were patsies, one fought back hard (Hatfill) the frame job (did everything right, went to the press, spend his time campaigning very publicly, etc…) and was ultimately paid of to shut it.
The other (Ivins, literally the guy that worked with the FBI and developed the method to ID strains) went crazy (basically realized he was gonna get framed for it, stupidly told his psychiatrist he would rather go down in a blaze of glory), got sent to the asylum and killed himself (lol), but just like the one before there was never any evidence.
I.E. it's not clear what the fuck that antrax thing was about but the aftermath is definitely an alphabet related and the investigation is a cover up.
OP is a cuck.
now then now then
He's not a cuck he's a Jewish homosexual lunatic. And this is obviously a false flag
And why did you put this in pastebin and not archive?
she's smarter than you, fucks more than you and earns more than you in a week then you have ever done in yr entire life. Just saying.
𝓽. 𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓸𝓬𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓼
Jews are evil and insane.
Projecting much you filthy Kike sodomite?
Why are you leaving pictures of her waste, tits and ass out this? In real life men will rate a woman on those before face in the first 3 seconds of contact. She is fit. I would. (she would obviously need to work out for a few weeks beforehand though.) I prefer fitter girls.
But I have a soul and I'm not filling a void in my life with dicks so who gives a shit?
You argue like an autistic Kike woman. GTFO
no, you shut up!
I could tell you a long story about my 1st time, but I don't think you want to hear it mate
It's almost never actually anthrax, and there's more to it than just getting the spores. Actual terrorist organizations and governments have worked out a specific mixture of powdered additives that makes the stuff fly into the air with the slightest breeze or movement imaginable, even within a sealed test tube. The details are, of course, classified.
Possible. There was a serious fuck-up with the samples of that case as well, a contracted lab put the stuff through a fucking autoclave. Before the incident, initial tests from a U.S. Army lab showed that the anthrax in question was professionally made, so high-quality that it spontaneously floated to the top of the sample container and momentarily scared the shit out of the guy studying it, because it appeared to vanish when he looked away for a minute or two.
Ok, I don't want to. But I will tell you my private story you sick bastard.
I'd smile and say 'hi', then coyly smile and ask if she wanted some eggs or anything to drink, maybe a glass of fine wine or real ale. Then I'd impress her by talking about how many dinosaurs I have tamed on my private single player ARK Survival server. I'd then 'accidentally' drop my keys and bend over to pick them up, pausing so that she could get a lingering view of my ample firm buttocks. I'd look back at her and smile shyly slowly standing back up. I'd turn back to her slightly pushing my groin area forward so she could see the bugle growing in my fashionable Levi jeans, then tell her how most my clothes are designer as I think spending the extra money is worth if for the good quality over most supermarket crap, I'd then show her my cheeky but sexy smile. At this point she would probably be in the early stages of falling in love with me.
She would stand up and smile sensually while slowly walking over to me. She's say something like, "I don't know what it is but I'm incredibly attracted to you, maybe it's your sense of fashion or sexy ass or maybe its the way you can pull off wearing a fedora." Then as she slides her hand around my ample waste and tips me slightly back she says, "Whatever it is I think I respect and love you with all my heart". Then she would kiss me firmly on my lips. It is so sexual. I take of my clothes as we slowly undress in the dull light and she gasps as she sees the length and girth of my rock hard penis. I tell her "My virginity is yours to take my beautiful maiden". She breaths heavily then looks deep into my smiling eyes and reaches down to put her trembling hand over my engorged member and I can hold back no more. I spray glob after glob of yellowish, fishy smelling cum all over her hand and say "Sorry, it's no one's fault baby, you are just too beautiful, maybe we can just cuddle instead". I smile earnestly to show that I'm being honest with my intentions. She then puts her dress on, and without looking back, leaves into the night never to be seen again, taking my heart with her.
I've suffered from deep depression since and the medication the doctors give me made me spotty & overweight. I feel less of a man for not consummating our act of love that night and I know deep down I will always love her and would take her back even if she has been with other men, even those men of colour.
Last night, as I often do, I lay naked in bed on a hot muggy evening, intoxicated by the heady scent of my own sweat and as my thoughts wondered back to that fateful evening I touch my penis, imagining my hand his hers, it helps if I wear a thick rubber washing up glove that's been in the fridge, and begin to stroke my somewhat rigid penis until I smile loudly and spill my seed out slowly from the tip of my glans. She was so beautiful that even the minds image of her makes me ejaculate sooner than I would want to, the pleasure lasting mere moments. I get most of the cum wiped off on my sheets knowing my mother will wash them anyway once a month, whether they need washing or not. God I love that woman and cherish her, I often thank the gods (or I would do if I was not an atheist, I don't have time for anything as childish as religion) I have such a loving mother. She has been my rock throughout my life, guiding my every action and decision. She helped me choose which subjects to concentrate on at school, which hobbies were safe for me and what course I should do at college and she even gives me really good advice on girls and lets me know when I've picked a bad one. Due to my bad decision making skills I've brought home enough bad eggs in my time.
Well at least I used to, that was my old life, when I was a player. I used to meet up with the college 'Gentleman's real ale and cigar smoking appreciation club' once a fortnight come hell or high water and we'd peruse the local pubs for good quality, fine hand crafted ales to sup whilst we would discuss our futures and talk about girls, swapping tales of women we had bedded and fights we had been in and won. Some of them even smoked cigars, I didn't, I mean I tried once, but they are too strong and make me cough plus my mother had already warned me about lung cancer. Me and my mates also talked a lot about computer games, and I don't mean no peasant console crap but real PC games. They are just so much better than console crap, higher fidelity graphics that allow me to immerse myself into other worlds where I can really be someone and earn the respect of my peers. I remember I used to play a game called EVE-online, it's very complicated and so it kept the riff-raff and fps boys out by default. In that game there are men, real men that you can have a discussion with about real life affairs and of course real ales lol. I spent many a day in that universe and became a god among men, looked up to an admired by those new to the game. I was of course not a psychopath like some of the players but a kind and gentle captain who would often, at my own expence, give space ships and items to new players of which many would be so grateful they would join my corp for many days. Being a pacifist I kept my affairs in high sec where those thugs 'Goon Swarm', could not get me and was happy to spend my days mining. Became addicted in the end, or at least to an outsider it would look like an addiction, even my psychiatrist agreed with my mother calling it an addiction even when I explained some people actually work more than 14 hours a day and if that's good for them than surely about the same time spent on a hobby is not harmful and I have do something to kill time as I'm struggling to get a job. There's not much available locally apart from menial jobs like stacking shelves in a supermarket, factory work, call center work etc. Can you imagine someone like me, with my skills and qualifications working in places like that. I've got diplomas in various things, I don't like to brag but let's just say I know a thing or two about what a real feminist looks like. And it's not just big tits and blonde hair like you would think.
Anyway I digress, back to me being a player… Or perhaps I should keep my stories of girls private as I do honor all fair maidens dignity and respect their privacy. Maybe if enough people ask I might 'kiss and tell'.
what the Christ
but because you sound intrested I could tell you some more… but we have to keep it secret, just like my anal fun if you know what I mean? wink wink you dirty hog.
Consider suicide. It's for the good of all humanity. Please, just pull the trigger.
that's pretty negative. You need to learn how to calm down and get back on the OP subject.
Go blog somewhere else faggot
Ok, I'm sorry. I will never share again. and I won't finish the story.
sorry worng image i Meant this one
Move on, we have no dog in this fight. Trump have 4 out of 4 adult kids screwing Jews, he is a Zionist shill, why you have to be cucks for him?
I believed in (((Trump))) but the last month he shown he is just the typical cuck Israel cock-sucking crypto Jew.
Dr fag here
might wanna go into audiology or just stick to wiping asses as an MA.
Now this is shilling.
Dude, really WTF? are we going to accept when Trump open his asshole wide to the Israelis?
Go back to cuckchan, this is an anti-Zionists board.
Yea that shit even happened when I was in 5th grade. I know it was right after 9/11 and everyone was jumpy, but even then we were all wondering why someone would send it to a damn middle school, and how someone who would do that would obtain it. Stupid looking back on it. It was a white powder that turned out to be sugar. We still had to go to school, it just got delayed. We were nowhere near any other scares either.
Which is actually evidence it's not Ivins because there is no way he could have done it at his work without anyone else finding out and he didn't even have access to the right equipment, the equipment he did have access wasn't isolated enough to make that kind of stuff.
Nearly all his coworkers (which is their job to make and defend against that shit) defended him saying it's was dubious it was him and impossible he did it in the lab.
All independent studies (even the FBI actual report) basically said there was no evidence against him, worse the evidence that does exist tend to go the opposite way (they deemed it was possibly from multiple sources unlike what the FBI said that it was pretty much homegrown from the one source they had at his lab).
Also they never actually could remake the same type of anthrax (high silicon content, tin content) with the gear Ivins had access to and they never found even trace contamination at his home/properties, etc, etc…
Sending hazardous waste to people is a tactic I've only seen used by SJWs.
They moving over to the alt-right because they think it's their only way to cement their status.
I remember that. Shame you didn't get a day off.
Are fucks trying rub my face in it? Stop posting threads about this race traitor.
You seriously don't know?
At your local FBI office
gee there's a shock
Kike-kun got a literal shitpost delivered to him! Amazing! Lets hope it doesn't just end there. Ku-ku-ku~
Right wingers have notoriously high disgust levels so them using feces seems uncharacteristic.
here ya go
See a doctor immediately.
That's newborn Jamal having a swim in the public pool
C.I.A. Isay no more
Sup Muhammad.
Behold, the ever courageous SJW.