What is Disney even thinking making shit like this?
It is like they try as hard as possible to alienate true fans and want to lose money.

Can't wait till Hollywood goes under.
How the hell could this "bad guy" be scary?
The thing looks like a 12 year old cancer patient.


Even his name sounds fucking silly, and his buttbuddy Kylo is one of the worst villains ever in a major Hollywood film.


Fuck off with your waifuposting, you cumgurgling knobgoblin.

I'd legit get that pingu. Everything else looks shit.

"Hey you are gonna die a horrible early death… now smile for the picture I'll use to virtue signal in my social media!"

Why not get an actual Pingu plushie or whatever instead? Don't give Disney or money - at the very least steal it.

nigger toy looks completely ridiculous.
Snope is dressed like an elf and looks like a weak doddering old man with terminal cancer .
Sjw/tumblr penguin looks like a furby wannabe

lmao, cumskins just have to try and put brother down by implying they are as bad as us. fucking worthless drumpf toy makers

There has to be some kind of reason. Maybe they need to lose so much in the investment before they can release the original triology unedited.

before they are allowed to reboot the original trilogy and lock the OT in the disney vault forever.

god damn how are you so bitter i had to fucking look for these long to find them they werent posted on her shit you elf


So what made you start trying to force that one again?
I haven't seen it posted in months.
Wait, don't tell me, you're a retard that browses this site bareback and you got fucking banned for a few months?

you woodland fucking elf bitch

Wait, but I thought the Not-Empire are White Nazis? Why do they keep putting niggers in their ranks?

I think that would legitimately cause some people to go insane.

What's with women and taking selfies of their food before eating it?

Luke is arab han is black leia is latino tranny obi wan is indian vader is white c3po is white r2 is replaced by bbc-8 rebels are multiculteral but mostly strong wyman. porkins is fat asian puffy cheeks

Not only are the stealing shit from the OT but they're stealing shit from the movies they only just made.

I can see a LOTR remake happening before a OT remake. Whether it is 10 years down the line or 50 years, I can feel it happening. It'll be marketed to a new generation of course but neatly crafted to bring back old fans before discarding them. The OT may soon follow after that. It's far to early for then to legitimatly remake the OT but they will likely try it.

As for the prequels, it doesn't seem likely it will be touched but rather scrubbed out of existance to be replaced by something else.

Unless the jews and communists are removed I never want to see this happen.
Black tranny Frodo Baggins is too much, I don't want to see Aragorn played by "beyonce" or that tennis orc ( pic related).

I think their goal is to remake the OT , judging by their terrible decisions and complete lack of respect for the material or fans my guess is they probably want this happening a year or 2 after the end of the mary sue trilogy. The PT will be remade/ replaced by spin offs which what I would have done except they will replace PT with even worse garbage.
Before this is over expect a disney style animated "kid film" ( ie feminism for toddlers and the mentally ill on tumblr) based on Star wars with singing, "princesses", rainbow colored ponies and that homosexual fish from finding nemo.

But the OT remake already is 1/3 and almost 2/3 ?????????????????

Frodo - Donald Glover
Sam - Daniel Kaluuya
Merry - Ice Cube
Pippin - Kevin Hart
Gandalf - Djimon Hounsou
Bilbo - Martin Freeman
Legolas - Taye Diggs
Aragorn - Jamie Foxx
Boromir - Mahershala Ali
Gimli - Forest Whitaker
Arwen - Bella Thorne
Saruman - Christoph Waltz
Wormtongue - Trevante Rhodes
Theoden - Lawrence Fishbourne
Faramir - John Boyega
Eomer - Anythony Mackie
Galadriel - Emma Watson
Haldir - Ewan Mcgreggor
Elrond - Tyler Perry
Eowyn - Keira Knightley
Lurtz - Idris Elba
Gollum - Maisie Williams
Mouth of Sauron - Daisy Ridley
Treebeard -Whoopi Goldberg
Denethor - Denzel Washington
Tom Bombadil - Chris Tucker

I'm willing to bet Harry Potter will be remade first.
JKR will jump at the chance to diversify HP.


You sayin' we wuz witches 'n shiet?

I for one welcome a non-Emma HP series - hopefully a nigger-free one

There is no chance in hell next Hermione won't be a negress. Emma will apologize for portraying her in ten years.

Not going to happen,especially since HP was adopted by the mental defectives at Tumblr.
The remake will be maximum cultural enrichment/communist shit. Everyone except the ebil people will be some sort of shit skin tranny.

If that happens she needs to "check her privilege" & give back every $chekel she made as a result of Harry Potter.


Most of her money is in some drug money laundering operation in Panama I thought.

Quick reminder that according to Rowling, student sex education usually comes from student petting sessions and circle jerks, especially among Hufflepuffs.

Sorta like the homoerotic ragging sessions that were en vogue at King's College, Cambridge back in the day then?



what delusion is she living in? maybe some of the alpha chads and a decent portion of the schools sluts.
Or is Hogwarts normies only?>>871179

They're making a point. They're communicating to their gobalist masters and foreign ruling classes that they aren't precious about any of the content they produce. They get it. They can compromise on messaging and content in exchange for deal-making.

did you even see TFA? That's exactly what they did already and will continue to do every ~10 years. Honestly, the anthology films are practically the only smart thing Disney has done and it's what Lucas should have done immediately after telling Vader's origin story (or instead of, tbh). The truth is, Star Wars is nothing but the Hero's Journey in space and potentially hundreds of lesser stories that hook into it. There is nowhere else to go with it. That's the nut that Lucas couldn't crack (because he had no template like Joseph Campbell provided him with Episodes IV-V-VI).

What Disney might do, sadly, is attempt a JJ Abramas crypto-reboot on a regular cycle, which means the canon is doomed to absurdity if they go forward in time. Contriving a nigger or muslim as the next hero is relatively easy. Explaining how the Empire is back yet again will be beyond stupid. To be honest, the next trilogy iteration will probably be a distant prequel set so far in the past that they'll be able to do trilogies forever and never worry about overlapping with the events of original 9 films. What they'll call these trilogies is anyone's guess, but it'll be a never-ending cycle of gender-faggot hero's of color vs. cis-het white shitlords and their aprentices.

Slytherin is the best house and well Voldemort did have the strongest magic. All the "good guys" except maybe Dumbledore had entry-tier shit and Harry Potter had too much plot-armor even though he sucked at magic.

Doland Drumpf BTFO

Check out some of the powerpoint presentations from the Sony leaks.

They likely genuinely believe that just including different races in the movie and throwing in stupid characters like that retarded animal thing would help them to appeal to a wider number of demographics. They don't consider that branching out and trying to appeal to every group under the sun can lead to not really appealing to much anyone.

Throw in that a lot of their writers and character designers are retarded liberals that want to put in their marvelous witticisms like proclaiming the empire to be about white supremacy and you have a recipe for disaster as the studios don't consider that all these little people running around working on their movies are sabotaging them with their politics that blinds them from creating entertaining works.

You're a dumbfuck she loved the films and knows they were cast perfectly.

This is fake Holla Forums bait though

you are legitimately retarded and don't know anything.

Snoke in TFA was based on the Lincoln statue.

Now he's based on Trump.

Makes you think?

Why was her name on Panama Papers then?

Is that a fucking black nazi?!



according to leakers and promotional materials (which basically confirm plot spoilers), the sweaty alabama blue gum gaynigger character and the new chinky fireplug sneak in to some imperial something-or-other for some reason. I wouldn't be surprised at all to have Dindu experience racism from imperial shitlords and then have him check their privileges into the nearest trash compactor or creature pit where they get eaten by pic related because pottery

oh yea, then what's this?

copy that

There is no pleasing you.

obviously a proud gentleman of aryan blood

something you made up?

The porgs are cute tho. That's the one thing they nailed. Everything else is trash.

I always feel something off about the porgs. I can see why people say it's cute, because it uses every standard design to appear so, like those big eyes, small and furry body. The more I think about that, I just see that it's so corporately designed to be cute, not out of real creativity. Then the more I look at it with that in mind, I can't help but think it is retarded. That long, droopy mouth of it really drives it home, looks dumb.

…but they don't look like they belong in the Star Wars universe, just like those weird turtle faces aliens in one of the promo pics.

Kylo was seriously the worst. How can you not laugh at his face?

The complete lack of any menace from his character along with his temper tantrums told me everything I needed to know about that movie in the first few minutes. I actually wanted to like it, too.

Its just a marketing tactic, they were created by the toy department to sell shit. If Rey and everything else won't sell, then they will take the Ewok approach and try to sell cute to kids.

I think it will work tbh. Rey will again sell like shit but these things? You don't even need to watch their shitty ESB remake to want one.

How dare you


That's what is happening with Target as well. The investors can't even speak to the CEO because all he'll babble is some nonsense about diversity and equality which is quickly leading to their demise.

Funny thing is, I was walking around a Target the other day and it was all but empty aside from some female employees and very obviously labeled gay employees who get a special rainbow shirt. There were also huge chunks of the store devoid of product which I've noticed at several of their locations.

I would give myself cancer if it meant I could get that close to her

Why does all the merchandise look like VERY cheap Chinese shit?

Because it's very cheap chinese shit that is only intented to fill some shelves so the main sellers, OT based trash, doesn't look out of the place.

Porg Rule 34 when?

Harry Potter was a flat character that had everything handed to him and never earned anything. He only defeated Voldemort because of convenient circumstances and Dumbledore using him like a pawn. He was not a hero he wasn't even a man.
Slytherin is where you make your True friends or however that went….. How is that evil? Apparently this bitch is one of those you can't have best friends bitches.

You give them too much credit yes they will wall paper over everything with "spin offs" however they want to get their hands on the OT to redo them bigger and better + Sjw diversity. The fact they ripped them off and are retconning the back stories of characters and situations ( rogue one) with spinoffs is proof.
They want the original story and characters to play with so they can completely replace the OT series with their own CY SJW version completely. Hell they maybe brazen enough to do a Terminator Genisys style reboot.

When does Larry Potter come out? ( pic related)

Probably after the movie is released or slightly before if there are any jews in the Star-wars cast and crew that can draw.



Darth Vader if he was on tumblr.

and jewish

I think its because they don't want people to think the order/imperials are cool anymore
The propaganda is not subtle in the nu-starwars, the correct side are the rebels/ republic you are supposed to like them their diversity and love the feminist mary sue. The Order is only there to be an impotent punching bag so that none really give a shit about them…
"Oy vey you can't glorify fascism goyium".

and was an inbred jew.

I think this is 100% true. All the empire toys - the new ones - look like shit. It's intentional. They want things to look like they could be aesthetically linked to the Empire but also have them be garbage. All the toys are sold with 'battle damage' or modes where they act like they were shot. (((They))) strongly want kids to play as the niggers and thotts.


Everything in nuSW looks like shit. While I agree that Disney intentionally makes the villains in all their shit look like buffoons to not scare the (man)children, I think the designs just look like ass because Disney chased away all the talent they once had.

Can you imagine the Emperor's throne room scene in ROTJ but with Snoke instead? Think of the ominous music playing while wearing that shit.

It's a bathrobe. All he needs is to ask Luke who he is, and for Vader to find him his medicine.

Finally a SW character I can relate with.

Why does disney hate the elderly?


literally a reddit meme

Hollywood doesn't need talent. Look at all the sequels and franchises produced, they churn shit out and people just eat it up, now they are also pandering to the Chinese market. Why have quality when you have billions of people who pay to consume shit.
Make it stop.
And they get away with it, because everywhere is like this now, we have no competition. We need a new bollywood but less shit.
No escape.
Be honest, when was the last time you were hyped for a film and loved it, not just thought it was ok, loved it. I don't even remember what came out this year or last. Oh hacksaw ridge, it was ok, 7/10.

honestly Lotr was probably the last good film they made despite fucking it up in places.

He legit looks like a hospital patient, I could see him wandering out into the hall dragging his IV behind him wearing that. I suppose it would be a somewhat unique twist on the Dark Lord archetype for him to be seriously ill and confined to his chambers for health reasons, it wouldn't make him much of a direct threat, but you could say that the First Order/Knights of Ren just love and respect him so much they follow whatever he says to the letter even though he can't do shit on his own.
He'll still probably go full Yoda in the third movie and start flipping around with a lightsaber with the force or some shit to fight Rey

I don't touch anything made in the West. Comics, books, movies, cartoons, games, music. I consume none of it because I can feel the slimy stench of the kike pouring out of all of them.

The West is culturally dead, we produce nothing of value and just export pozz to the rest of the world.

how can things keep getting worse

You forgot jews run Hollywood and the US media. So is it really America that dictates anything?

I think I will photoshop an IV and a wheelchair/walker into any pics of find of old Mr Snope from now on.

They're American Jews, user. They don't live in Israel, they were born in America and lived in America their whole lives. Pretty much every kike in America has been here for multiple generations, most of them came over from the Russian Empire in the early-mid 1800s, especially after the Civil War in the 1860s and 1870s.

How long until the porgs have 2 films, an animated series and a comic series?

They don't integrate and are hostile to the host nation they are in. They are not American they are jews.

its disney , its inevitable that they will make an animated cutesy movie for "kids".

They already have children's book coming out soon.

If this book doesn't contain Chewie hunting porgs or going full wookiee rage mode and ripping them apart whilst trying to get over Han's death I will be very disappointed.

Wait, they're birds?


And (((they))) bankrolled the Bolsheviks.

Just shill my shit up

Target used to be the upscale version of Walmart that people used for various random necessities, but it feels like it got replaced by regular grocery stores, costco, and Amazon.

Like you're not going to have a need to get some cords or a video game then decide to go by Target when you could get those items delivered to your home via Amazon.

Plus I've had at least a dozen times now where a relative wanted to try looking for something at Target, scoured the place, and then gave up because what they do have is so worthless.

They're puffins crossed with yip yip aliens


Target's decision to go all in on tranny bathrooms was disastrous, and it showed that modern corporations completely don't value money anymore. They want some intangible currency with faggots and kikes, like getting to Exalted with Steamwheedle in WoW.

I genuinely feel sick.

More like they're out of touch with the every day man and see literal retards sperg out on twitter and think that's what everyone agrees with because nobody is able to drag these faggots through the streets and batter them.


Lick dat white skin homonigger.

Could one of our more demented/exhibitionistic channers please buy one of these and graphically fuck it, and upload the gif?

You'd win the internet, and repay some of the ass-fucking we OG Star Wars fans have taken in recent years.

Goddamnit look at his dopey as shit expression

No he wouldn't, as he would have to give money to the (((mouse))) to do so.

We want the Minions audience.
t. kathleen kennedy

Otherwise known as "I'll prove to all you shitlords you can make the Star Wars franchise unprofitable" and "What happens when you put cunts in charge".

He fucks them and it gets "messy". It's a book to introduce your kids to safe anal sex and what can happen if you don't do it right; Chewie split one in half.

Oh boy.

Why even live?

I didn't believe Holla Forums when they said we lived in Sodom and Gomorrah.

The bubble wrap sounds fun.


Jesus fucking Christ, you word-mincing autist.



People actually study this?



redditors is the answer.

You know, I actually considered it. But Jesus Christ, those are some fucking expensive plush toys.


Tits or grfo

Why Palemoon cant into Youtube dl+mpv? WHY?!?!? Now I will have the remorse of giving a view to this video.

At least there was some originality with the Ewoks.

me too user

Something you shopped because you got btfo with facts

1. Because the UK banks are required by law to publicize your public info and address and publicized her school address when she was at school.
2. Because she did nothing wrong or illegal as a citizen
3. She paid income tax on all that money, the only thing she did was put about 2-4 million in an account and then purchased a home with that money that she had paid tax on.

t. someone who paid attention when it happened

Fund it

Just give the kid a handjob. We can all tell you're dying to. Weird fucking woman.

The jews already have a few of those names will be different some horrible ugly goblin faced jewish woman will be made an elf but you know this monstrosity is in the works complete with rap versions of the hobbit/elf songs they sing in the books.

She is literally doing gods work though.

Age of consent in Europe is between 14 and 18 according to wiki. Soon it will be 0 due to third world rapfugees


That degeneracy peddling bitch has crazy eyes.

How long before this bitch's corpse is found half eaten by her cats in her apt building?

q: how do you know a society is fucked?
a: when its people care more for objects than knowledge, spirituality and experiences.

When Truth, Honor, Reason, and Family/Heritage are cast aside for degenerate hedonism and emotional validation.

you tell me?

don't forget they're also making toys of these ugly pieces of shit

A woman has to be responsible for that its so freaking awful.Its something I'd expect to see on Doctor Who for crying out loud.

It looks so bad I honestly wish I wasn't being dragged to see and pay for it

Pratical effects were a mistake.

Those captain ketchup guys would look cool, but somewhere else, not star wars (which already had its red imperial guards).
At this point it's ripping off itself.


It's over, Star Wars is finished.

They took the original and made them gay.

It's sad but I can't do it

But what other option would a horny kid have? (besides his hand)

You know this is exactly how they get money.
Some people don't have enough balls to say NO!


I didn't shoop shit nigga..

But kids get in trouble for fucking other kids.


What a fag, everyone around me knows I hate it, and they eventually believed me.

Fuck, she reminds me of this therapist I had in rehab. I wanted sex with her bad but I could tell she just looked at me like a piece of shit. But strangely, months later when I was out and living on my own temporarily she called me randomly to check up on how I was.

Oh god I need to have her

Yes you did

She wanted the cock. Missed opportunity.

there is something really gross about exploiting sick children in this way. if you we're going to spend the day with someone who legitimately wants to see you, that's one thing. but this just feels off.

they probably asked for it or she randomly visited the hospital you are a gross person if you think otherwise.

That one kid has a harry potter shirt on he looks excited

nuh uh

I literally can't even with this shit.

I wonder how many versions of this went through focus group A-B testing. It's as if they programmed a robot to make something cute and the robot got confused.

to me it looks like some average lookign woman with a cheeseburger taking pictures with starving kids in africa.

that's the impression that i get.


I wasn't hyped for this going in but I fucking LOVED split.

fuck off back to your shitty apartment druggie

harry potter is popular man im sure she made those kid's week

She look crazy.

That's all these movies are going to be; taking a popular thing and basically doing it again but less popular. They're doing it with all their classic disney animated films too. Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Jungle Book, Beauty and the Beast.

real chutzpa, to be honest… brown-washing and rainbow-coating with all the fervor of a religious zealot. Not only are they making total inferior garbage that is endangering the future of their company, but they're going home to million dollar pads and sleeping like babies knowing they've scored one for (((humanity)))

Look at the bright side, its ventilation grids look like the iron cross (Kennedy really wants the message to be understood by the masses: First Ordah = "literally nazis").

I wonder if General Hux will have more screentime (he's a ginger like you-know-who)

Ron Weasley?


Hmm, this reminds me of something.

thanks doc


Yeah, I noticed that too. Looks almost possessed tbh.

Just because you know something doesn't mean you do it