I am confused… These people either think that superheroes are SJWs by default or right-wingers?
Superheroes are a right-winged idea... Brought to you by Salon
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The cannibalizing continues, I see.
They aren't wrong. Private citizens enforcing the corrupt status quo through use of brute force is a right wing fantasy.
I honestly had a hard time figuring out what the guy was trying to say without the summary; the whole article is just a mess that's all over the place. It's like he has ADD. He's got his main piece about superhero movies and then launches into tangents shitting on Trump, the Electoral College, or the Wonder Woman movie that isn't feminist enough for him.
w e w l a d
And that's wrong because…
I'm not going to read this autism, but superheroes are inherently right-wing.
Privacy of the self and relying on your own ability to fix the world instead of relying on governments are essential aspects of right-wing philosophies.
This was pushed by a few media outlets a while ago. I think it was The Verge and Cracked publishing it about the same time.
They're definitely right-wing, but there's no reason the left can't enjoy them. They just can't seem to make them with left-wing philosophies that appeal to either side.
Not everyone likes to live with elite boots on their necks.
I bet this nigga hasn't seen Watchmen. Which addresses the exact shit he's moaning about.
There has been also a push by the same sort of people to claim that superheroes are SJWs too, in order to reclaim them from conservatives like this one from ComicBook.Com
The stop being a huge pussy.
For when your victim complex needs a little pick me up.
Please stop posting.
What I did wrong, user?
Why can't they just admit that super-heroes are a genre, and while one hero may be a Marxist, another may be a Fascist. Calling all super-heroes one thing or the other is as dumb as calling all Western movies one thing.
Btw, this brings up a point that I think DC needs to address. Batman should hate niggers. The fact that they gave him a nigger sidekick is ridiculous.
Anyone watched the movie? How bad is it?
You know that isn't enough for them… They glee at the fact Netflix, Star Wars and Disney are their clay now (the same can't be said about the ok sign and milk). They want to reclaim the entire superhero genre and make it all about themselves.
Wasn't Krypton a democracy run by some counsel of scientists?
They tried that with Marvel, and then Marvel comics stopped selling.
That's probably why it blew up.
Thats one cute lizard
That's exactly why it did! They didn't listen to Jor-El's warnings.
I'm not even going to read the thing, but there's some truth to it. A left wing super hero would use pepper spray and a taser, and provide free counseling for all of the criminals he puts behind bars.
Jor-El was the Ron Paul of Kryptonians.
Are people still buttmad because Wonder Woman wasn't woman praising and had barely any (3, very short) commentaries regarding race and sexism?
She ought to go on Point vs. Point
honestly this sounds more like a left-wing thing.
Didn't Jonathan Macintosh write his college thesis on how Batman is a fascist power fantasy, or some shit?
"Fun is a right-wing thing!" - t. modern feminism
So Salon is attacking the movie that even the fags at the ACLU won't shut up about how progressive it is despite this shit being as non-political and braindead as BvS?
I am tempted to post that pic of Antifa's "weapons".
Why do you hate discussion?
The only left wing superhero I can think of is Green Arrow.