Lets make fun of white male MRA neckbeards
MRA neckbeard thread
this is bait
my fav
Fucking fuck.
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I for one would love to make fun of neckbeards.
Making fun of people doesn't help anything, nor create fruitful conversation. please stop shit posting.
why are you guys so butthurt lol? hit too close to home?
It helps my mood.
Feminists and MRA are both the same cringy idpol. I mean it's kinda funny, but we got more important shit to do.
Polite sage.
Anfem bait gives me a stiffy.
The board was infiltrated by tumblrinas some months back. Now they're all determined to force their plebbit tier cancer on the rest if the board.
Ha, that's pretty gud.
Yeah it does, it's called bullying and it helps people understand how not to act.
most of the people here agree with MRAs on most issues, that's why Holla Forums get's butthurt and starts chimping out whenever someone criticizes one of their beloved MRA youtubers.
Baiting bitch.
Rothbard would be pleased.
Capitalism has a lot to do with the weird sexual relations between men nowadays. It really is a shame that they don't realize this
go away
An interesting thing about MRAs is that they are staunch capitalists, sort of. By this I mean that they tend to support what they view as heroic capitalism, where a glorious business owner bootstraps himself and secures an attractive, chaste wife, while dissmissing aspects of capitalism that they do not like as globalism, crony capitalism, Jewish capitalism, or whatever.
MRAs view sex as a commodity, where women trade sex to men in exchange for social value, or sometimes genetic value depending on who you ask. Ironically, deregulation in sexual norms, along with technological advancements (see: dating apps and so on) allow "Chad" to see increased returns on social/genetic in that he can pick up more women, while average men struggle to compete and end up spending their time complaining about "Leftists" on taiwanese puppet play imageboards.
This, I think, is quite similar to the economic sphere in the first world, where average men struggle to obtain economic security due to deregulation and technological development increasing third-world competition. And yet, they become even MORE capitalist! It would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad.
Vasectomy is the tits though, people shouldn't feel obligated to do it but it's a great procedure. Reversible, safe and quick to heal. Tube tying is extremely more invasive and implants are dangerous bullshit.
Women have the upper hand once they're pregnant, but if you're a man, actually preventing this is gg ez.
kuso sureddo o sageru~
No, not for about half of the men who undergo the procedure.
Good. No looking back, then.
god feminists should fuck off with the anti gun shit
You know, the stereotype is true to the extent that it is because unattractive people are more likely to get shit on. They're the ones who will see bad shit happening to people like them and want to do something about it.
it's kinda cool that downsyndrome proles can be class conscious
Kind of revealing, isn't it? I'm pretty sure they turned "men's rights activist" into a scare word with "MRA" because of how similarly it sounds to "NRA".
I just like how it attempts to shame men for liking certain unmasculine things, having an unattractive body, and not shaving.
I fucking HATE the MRA for the NRA poster
Why is this idpol thread up?
Baby steps, my dude. Gotta get people on track before you hit them with the real shit.
But you are correct. Wasn't there a law in some European country that paternity test were illegal without the mother's consent?
Where the fuck do you think you are?
They're not any different than feminist.
Even Reddit got tired of this maymay.