Is Gumball woke?
Is Gumball woke?
Gumball is pretty woke tbqh
webm that shit reddit
I feel gross after watching this
Why did they put politics shit in a kids show
They stopped making cartoons for kids a while ago, user. The people who support these shows today are millenials over 15. Kids these days just care about games on their iPad and Let's Players on YouTube.
No, you mean those creepy Elsa Spiderman Joker videos. Don't church it up. We all know what's grabbing the 7 and unders.
I'm aware of the Elsa Spiderman shitshows. I was talking more so about the 6-12 crowd.
And babyboomers bitch at us for being raised on TV and video games (which were shit) but at least those had substance and coherence not surreal 4-7 minute snippets of subtle pedophilia and whatever garbage is recommended, they don't even have recess in most primary schools anymore they let the brats do whatever they want in the classroom.
like Spiderman, the animated series or creepy youtube videos made to MKUltra the shit out of your kids?
The latter, obviously
t. tumblr
daddy finger, daddy finger
I wasnt aware they incorporated MLP into their pedo freak show. Not surprised tbh.
I guess we can now go full circle
It's Holla Forums.
When was it not politicized?
please fuck off to Holla Forums you fucking weirdos. Jesus fuck next we'll have Adventure Time being spammed here. Bad enough half of Holla Forums has accepted Holla Forums let's make sure it doesn't get any worse.
In the 90's.
I think I watched this.
At the end they decided he needed to die and sent him to his death.
That's like saying movies have been politicized since the first movie about politics, that was made as a political piece from the get-go not incorporated to something shown everyday after school, whatever the fuck that is is what they show you in 2nd grade history.
I'm an American who likes to use the metric system, bro.
Holy shit, I remember watching this in elementary.
holy SHIT look at the SICK society drumt created were being a person worried about SOCIAL JUSTICE is mocked, are you people INSANE this is literrally what NAZIS did in 1936 OPEN YOURE EYES and FIGHT against this BIGOTRY
Why do I put up with you faggots?
no one cares about your webm autism
Nobody cares about cartoons.
We call it playtime, m8.
Yes we do.
Rick And Morty has unironically become Holla Forums's Jojo so if you care about cartoons this isn't the place to be.
Cry more.
Would Captain Planet and Extreme Ghostbusters count as putting in politics?
They're about three years too late, the public already dislike SJW shit.
Uh, you don't get to bring friends
They're not my friends.
t. nazi.
Dr. Pavel 😷💉, I'm CIA🔫👮🏻. He👱 🚫wasn't🚫alone😭. Uh🤔, you 🙅♂️don't🙅♂️ get to bring 👪friends. 👈They are 🚫not🚫 my friends 👪😤. Don't worry👍, 🚫no 💰charge💸 for them👪. And why❓would I want them🤔👪? 👈They were trying😓 to ✊grab✊ your prize🏆🏅, they 💯work💯 for the mercenary💣🔫, the masked man 😷👺. Bane? 😯😷💣Get them 👪✈️onboard I'll ☎️call it in! The flight🛫 plan📄 I just filed 🗂with the 🏢👮🏻👮🏻agency lists 1️ me 🔫👮🏻, 2️ my men 👮🏻👮🏻👮🏻, 3️Dr. Pavel 😷💉 here but only 1️ of you👪. 🏆First👌 one to talk🗣 gets to 🐕stay on my ✈️aircraft!💺👍Who ❓paid 💸💸you to ✊grab✊Dr Pavel💉😷?? He didn't🚫 fly so good🕊⬇️😣. Who ❓wants to try next🔫🤔🤔? Tell me 🗣 about Bane😷💣! Why ❓does he👱 wear the 😷💣mask👺🤔?? A lotta loyalty🙏 for a hired gun💵💵🔫. Or perhaps he's 🤔wondering🤔 why❓ someone 👤 would shoot💀 a man😱🔫😡, before throwing him💨😮 out of a ✈️plane⬇️? At least you can talk🗣. Who❓ are you? ✋It 🚫doesn't matter🚫 who we are👥, what matters👍 is our plan🎓📑👌. No one cared😞😞 who ❓I 👤was until I put on the 👺👈mask😷💣👌. If I pull that off✊, will you ⚰️die? 💀😭 It would be 💯extremely💯 painful💉😖. You're a 💪big guy💪😫. For you… 🇺🇺🇺🇺 Was❓getting 🚨caught🚨 part of your plan🎓📑? 👌Of course!👌 Dr. Pavel 💉😷refused 🙅our offer 💰💰💣in favour👌 of your's🔫👮🏻, we had to find out👀 what he 💉😷told 🗣you👮🏻. Nothing! 🙅♂️I said 🗣💬nothing🤐🙅♂️. Well congratulations 🍾🎉 you got yourself 👪🚨caught😂😂👌 - now what's ❓the next step 🚶in your 👉master plan🎓📑? Crashing 🛬🔥🔥 this plane ✈️ - WITH NO 🚫SURVIVORS! 😭😭☠️ No! 🚫They expect 1️ of us👪 in the wreckage ✈️🔥🔥 brother👬. Have we started ✅ the 🔥 fire? 🔥The fire 🔥🔥 rises📈🔝! Calm down 🤐👇doctor💉😷, now 🕓is not the time⏰ for fear😱. That comes 😫💦 later🕙 !
>>>Holla Forums
You dirty kike
lol wut
for you
Goes on Holla Forums.
Didn't they turn this into a superhero tv series where the african american kid could zap shit and the cracker traveled through time?
This is an anime board,get the fuck out
What do kids even do nowadays? Curious to see whether society will continue to get worse or maybe there might be some hope.
It depends on the age range. A lot of pre teens are actively shitposting or btfoing faggots on xbawcks live or whatever. Younger kids are just given a telephone and play peppa pig games and shit.
Errmmm….. Yes? I don't know.
Here's politics in kids shows from a good 17 years ago.
I-Is this an example of those "Elsa Spiderman" pajeet-made videos being spammed on yt?
The silent ones with retards dressed up as superheroes are marketed towards kids in non-English speaking countries. Someone who makes them said the most viewers are from India, China and Russia, who wouldn't have as readily access to things like superheroes and Frozen (or just see lots of marketing for Marvel/Disney films, which are the characters you almost always see in these videos).
There's a large population in those shitty countries that just watch anything with western characters and thus the guys making the videos get lots of money.
I don't think it's targeted at westerners, who can see it's strange and just consume something else, but rather third-worlders with barely any access to media that just consume YouTube playlists of this shit on endless loops.
Hopefully those shitty countries have children that are worthless more so than now in the future work force so we can decimate them.
As for the Gumball one, those are by Indians for Indians. They target them to teach them English and make them in Windows Movie Maker, thus the shitty quality.
Nothing sinister per se, but they're definitely strange to us as we're not the demographic and the target audience only watches them as they don't have access to superior entertainment like in first-world/western countries.
What about Captain Planet?
That dining room looks like the one king of the hill 😂
The things I would do with her